
Anyone here currently suffering from the COVID-19 infection?
I can't find any videos online of people outside of Iran and China saying anything of the sort, and I trust neither of those.
Please post pics and timestamp of anything relevant to demonstrating your infection if you have it.

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why is she wearing a jew star

actual answers please

Money attracting amulet

i wanna get a huge jew star and put it around my dick while I fuck her in the ass

>i wanna get a huge jew star and put it around my dick while I fuck her in the ass while eating bacon


I'm sick with all the symptoms but I event been tested.

>while she cooks me bacon

I’m not infected but I’ve been hooking up with a nurse that works in the hospital that the infected person from Texas is in. I look forward to posting on here about it if I ever get it

I will add that me and a couple of friends have had a cough for about a month but no corona virus symptoms

naw dawg, but i stay out the city doe.

Go make out with a bunch of refugees.

its just the bi-annual flu scare. u should be used to them now. swine flu, bird flu, ebolachan. go get your kikecine like a good goy.
corona is a synonym for plain old flu

Probably the same reason westerners get stupid moon rune tattoos or have Buddha statues.
They think it is exotic and looks cool.


That's anecdotal at best, I'm asking for videos of people coughing blood, spasming out or otherwise from anywhere that isn't Iran or China.
Shit seems off like this is not a real virus, only a distraction.

They are going under cover.

My brother is one of the currently 5 infected in Portugal. He had a business meeting in italy on the 27th of february. He's stable and the prognostic is positive

Chinks are retarded

Not infected, but I suspect my immediate coworker is.. He worked from home for some days as he had a cold, and now he says he is going to get checked out as he is having some "bad" chest pains. He is young and healthy, no reason for him to be having chest pains from the common cold.. what do you guys think?

loads of people here had something like it late last year into early this year.
started with a very sore throat and went on from there.

How bad is it? I've never had anything worse than the cold. What can I expect user?

I have flue-like symptoms, I'm in NY...no way to know if it's covid

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>Anyone here currently suffering from the COVID-19 infection?

I upgraded to COVID-9000...

I don't know. I'm in the middle of San Gabriel valley in Los Angeles. Its chink capital USA. what I can't figure out is, why didn't it start here? There's definitely people from Wuhan here. All of my neighbors are Chinese.

I was more scared all of January then I am this month. I can't figure it out to be honest

I already had this shit after Christmas. It’s literally nothing

yeah, its basically like a cold with a headache. dont be old or a baby and you're fine.

Its all a huge scam by the soap and mask idustries. Coronavirus isnt a real thing

The power of tolerance and not being prejudiced towards chinks must have worked

What state are you in?

>swine flu, bird flu, ebolachan

Were any of those anywhere near as widespread, contagious, or lethal as COVID19?

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I was prejudiced. I even have a business and when we went into Chink homes I wore masks. I said it was normal haha

Yes but what are the sympthoms? Diarrhea, fever, tumors, speaking chinese? Throw us a bone here.

If you get reinfected, be sure to post a thread reporting it. Also, according to a new theory, the keto diet could eliminate your chance of reinfection as it lies dormant in gut bacteria associated with vegetable-based diets until reinfection. Just tryna help you out, user.

I'm pretty certain I have it but they won't test it because the government only tests people that have travelled in the past 14 days or been in close contact with someone that has travelled.

But you vow that this is a big thing, and you've no evidence other than numbers saying this is real.
This is like some platos allegory of the cave type shit it seems.

None of those were as bad in their first 2 months, faggot.

Yes, I'd like to hear some first-hand testimony from people who have had it

The whole ‘flu’ that went around the UK and Ireland two months ago was Corona, but the simps in charge don’t want to tell us that

You weren’t alive during the flu’s first few months lad

I've had a mild pneumonia.
>high fever
>feel like shit all the time
>breathing hurts
>dry deep cough that won't go away
I was in a military hospital for a few days and on home leave for 10 days

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>We don't have a problem if we don't confirm it via testing

The Scandinavian way

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Weird how Yas Forums doesn't have mountains of videos of people dying or of vlogs of people that are sick, or anything.
I'm no rube, but I think we've been played.

Mild fever and cough currently. I cannot be in contact with him in any way

He’s sitting at home sipping whiskey while you wagecucks do his work for him

Our way right now is actually that they claim to have it under control but only inform travellers that they should be tested.
The latest
So apparently these people just teleported from the plane to their home, and no other people were they have been might be infected.

I just traveled threw South Korea Saturday.
I went to Thailand idk if I have been Infected but I just started to have a runny nose and now a cough. If I have a fever I will be going in to get tested.
>pic related it was me on Thursday

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this is literally all it is.
Day 1 you have a light cough that comes from deep in your lungs.
Day 2 sucks, light fever, headache, cough intensifies.
Day 3 cough subsides, fever gone, headache still there.
Day 4 cough almost all gone, headache lingers.
Day 5 you're in the clear

You look like a hapa. What race are you? It could save your life

For me it started as pain in my chest. Then I got bad stomach cramps until I had to go shit.
I shat for almost 2 minutes straight, it just poured out of me. Liquid shit.
Then the fever came and a painful dry cough, while feeling like I had heart burn.

Yesterday was the day I had a really high fever. Today I have just felt odd, dizzy and ditzy, and warm but with no fever. Coughing up more phlegm right now and stil some chest pains.
They say it will last for 6-7 days if there are no pneumonia compilations.

In my 36 years I have never had a fever like this. Usually I start aching and it gradually builds up. This came with no body aches, it was just BOOOM high fever and chest pains.

You can extrapolate such bellicose, jingoistic hypotheses into libidinous ventures which involve sucking on Asian girls' feet.

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Yeah I'm the first diagnosis in my town and I'm already feeling better. It really isn't a big deal dude.

>Liberal get intimidated by me using bigger words to succinctly state my mind
Lol, cuck.

Sounds like Influenza A which is about a billion times worse than corona. I had that shit when I was 24 and god damn was it awful.

I hate the way that the extra eye skin makes them look retarded

I'm Hungarian and German

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That comes with body aches tho. I've had that before, and this doesn't feel like a normal influenza. Could be however, we won't know since I can't get tested.

You’re probably safe then. As long as there’s no Chinese/Italian genes in you

Could we have a closer look at your eyes? My retinal scan... I mean you have nice eyes, "user".

You. Are. Schizo. I love you though. Fag.

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I certainly hope so. I live in MN everybody had the sniffles when I got back to the states. If I get any more symptoms I'll definitely make a thread.

yeah that shit is not trustworthy at all. what the fuck is going on? Do they sign declarations of silence?

you don't catch it and get sick right away. it has a period where you will be completely fine. that is the incubation period, where you are more likely to spread it around.

You're retarded user. there's no racial or ethnic safety from this virus.

Swine flu-just a slightly more dangerous flu strain
Bird flu-way more dangerous than regular flu but no human to human transmission
Ebola-lethal within 3 days of infection, bodily fluid transmission so its really hard spread
ncov19-long incubation and asymptomatic carriers make it incredibly contagious but not especially deadly to healthy individuals... as far as we know so far

That's as close as your going to get fren

They're slender, feminine, and not riddled with tattoos. They're top-tier in this modern age of the roasty.


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Yeah but I was out there for about 2 weeks. 3 days after I got back......

You see where I'm coming from, and nobody seems to be able to produce anything better than
>My cousin just (story) and I might be infected too!
I'm amazed there's ZERO videos of people dropping dead outside of China with the sudden organ failure seizures.

I love this comic's accuracy.

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Thanks. So COVID19 is an Influenza (flu)? Did the other prominent viruses spread as far and wide as COVID19?

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Ailzee is great.

Not influenza, but the same family of virus that causes the common cold. Influenza is a different family of virus.


>feeling tightness my chest and sort of like light tickling
>when breathing feel like I don’t have enough oxygen
>got bad stomach cramps until I had to go and take a shit
>went for a shit and it just poured out of me like a fire hose
>suspect I had a mild fewer but it literally went away in like 30 minutes
>feeling fine since then apart for shortness of breath and constant yawning
Tho I still have no coof, nor runny or congested nose or any other symptoms of pneumonia/lack of oxygen in a body and when taking a deep breath, I actually get this satisfaction of having a “full” breath Also can hold air in my lungs without a problem too.