Everyone forgot about the vaping illness

>everyone forgot about the vaping illness

What happened? Is no one getting sick anymore or something?

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if they don't have extract (ie wax sugar) they don't have a real cart from the store. spread this info and niggers will cry kek

From what I understand basically a lot of retarded zoomers are buying discount black market vape carts because they are unemployed. In my state some kid got chemical burns in his lungs because he bought some shit that was made in Nepal

(((they))) got their laws passed, so not need to keep killing people with tainted carts.

vape fags are losers anyways so who cares

the main problem with vaping is that the vapourized propilene glicol kills bacteria, this could be sound good, but in long term is bad, because the lungs have diverse good bacteria microbiota just like the guts.

It was an early deliver system for the CoronaVirus. No need to add it to the juice anymore.

There was no "vaping illness" so to speak
Its just an exact repeat of what happened when e-cigs first hit the market, with absolutely no regulation every Tom dick and harry thought they were gonna be backyard chemists and corner the market on the perfect most profitable juice and ended up making these god awful concoctions that just straight up killed anyone that smoked them, eventually the market corrected the research was funded and a handful of good quality products that are easily replicated came to market so now 99% of vape juice sold in america is safe to vape
Then along come THC carts, and the cycle repeats, this time with the government stepping in to muck the whole process up

this. bunch of tainted juice on the streets, people get hurt, tobacco kikes got their laws passed, no need to taint juice anymore

Some basic laws for safety should be passed. And they probably already have. I think it's dumb to try to stop all vaping. I was out with a friend a while ago, and we stopped at a vape shop so he could pick up some juice.
>friend: I just used up this candy flavored juice but am tired of it. What others do you have?
>employee: Gummy bear is very popular.
>friend: That sounds good. I'll take that.
>employee: Okay. Is your tank plastic or glass?
>friend: Glass. Why?
>employee: Oh, you're good then. For some reason, this flavor dissolves the plastic tanks
>friend: Nope, mind is glass. I should be good!
So my idiot friend bought a bottle of something to inhale into his lungs that the employee told him would dissolve plastic. My friend just isn't a very bright guy, but I do like him and would like it if he wouldn't die. So, a law to keep something like THAT off the market would be nice. General vaping, though? No, I don't see a reason.

That dumb bitch was using an unregulated thc vape and didn't want to receive worse consequences so she blamed her illness on nicotine vapes. Sage

This. Niggers and kids buying cheap shit and then inhaling dangerous chems. Most of these were because they were sold fake thc pods.
You can make your own juice with quality chems, YT is full of instructions. It's important to buy the chems from trustworthy places.

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The think of the children crowd got their ban in, and it was just crappy Chinese juice anyway, so no one cares any more.

I think general product liability suits should be enough. There's only so much you can do to stop people from being stupid. Eg tide pod challenge.

Started right when (((they))) wanted to ban vaping, ended right when (((they))) got their laws passed. So blatant. Can't believe how gullible the public is.

>hey guys lets suck weird vapor chemicals into our lungs all day erry day, hey at least were not really smoking amirite? what could possibly go wrong? don't we look so cool???

fucking morons

She was vaping thc cartridges with vit e oil or whatever black market trash they put in them.
nic vaping from reputable vendor or diy is fine.

>What happened?

- Tobacco industry got threatened by much cheaper alternative to cigarettes.
- Tobacco industry put poisoned vape cartridge on the market
- Couple of kids died, big scare
- Vaping banned, tobacco industry can continue killing millions of people a year.

>unregulated thc
The carts were 'unregulated' for a decade on the black market, none of this shit ever happened.

u mad

Guess it was time for a little 'crisis'.

Shut the fuck up liberal retard. Drugs are bad and your country's history is one of weak men getting defeated by everyone, the english, the french, the germans, everyone. You are a pathetic and worthless druggie.

some mexican jews put vitamin E into the weed ecig cartridges they were selling on darkweb, then they got caught

The only actual problem I see vaping pose that smoking does not is people who vape seem to be constantly sucking on the thing. So whatever damage nicotine does to the body, well, it's gonna be in spades for a vaper.

The only vaping you should do

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mm does anybody have the info of which temperature the propylene glycol kills bacteria?

Because it was weed vapes and the two guys from Wisconsin, i believe, were caught who were putting a lot cyanide in the mixture.

It had nothing to do with the tobacco products. That was all smoke and mirrors for corporate vape tobacco companies to impose heavy regulations only they could follow and cut out smaller rivals.

>Drugs are bad
Not all drugs are bad for you. You fell for the bullshit that the governments around the world have been spoon-feeding you. I'm going to assume you think alcohol isn't a drug?

Chinks cant sell bad ingredients because of the virus

Wtf is that thing?

You know user, a thought came to me the other day. The vape illness was sourced to cheap Chinese knockoff chemicals that were used by less reputable dealers. Were vapers lab rats for coronavirus?

For weed.

The Corona virus is going to wipe all this degenerate glycol huffing faggots, Corona fill your lungs with liquids, glycol turns back to liquid form in the lungs, it's going to get good

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>kids buy black market weed oil vapes
>product not good quality
>kid get breathing and lung problem
>lie to hospital that normal vape was cause
>this because insurance wont cover illegal weed vapes
>media: vaping kills

I think this is what happened

I walking 4 kilometers to get my vaping juice today
I wouldn't walk that far for a dumb roastie

this should be the only safe vaper, witout coil usonicig.com/technology/

Whats even funnier is how hard they still try and spin the story. One kid that got sick "totally swore he was getting the legal products from dispensaries," except he was fucking 17 which means he was definitely getting it from a 3rd party

The Almighty Mighty

Vaping could potentially save millions of lives. People who hate vaping are luddites.

works at a lower temperature than normal e-cigarettes.
i dont think it kills bacteria

hahah all you health nut fags gonna be upset as we smoke while you die from covid19.
>>shove your health up your ass

imagine smoking nicotine in any form

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Congrats. Corona virus and vaping are connected. It's too late for vaping degenerates.

It’s not a disease, unless you count cheap chinese knockoff wares as an infection. In that case, we’re all fucking dead.

What happened to the burning Amazon?
What happened to burning Ausfailia?

does anybody knows some american brand similar to usonicig, i dont want to buy anything chinks, fuggs

The ONE country that somehow made Haiti worse. Who the fuck would consume anything from that shithole? That retard deserves it.

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It was vaporized Vitamin E. Some retards tried making "energy vapes" or some shit.

>the vaping illness
Try Tainted Chinese Goods at the behest of tobacco lobbies.

>were caught who were putting a lot cyanide
It's been discovered that if the antifungal 'Eagle 20', if not washed off, will be extracted and condensed in THC oil. When exposed to high temps(vaping hot) it converts to cyanide.

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It's "you can't have what I can't have even if I fucked myself over by being irresponsible" part deux. This mentality is why we can't have nice things.

You're an idiot user, Phillip Morris owns Juul. Big tobacco owns vape.

Some sellers sell nitric acid to you Americans to huff up.
Inshallah faggots.

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MD who rotated through units that were seeing it. There were a few things that caused it:

1) Contaminated batches - extraction techniques were being half-assed. This left pesticides in the extract. The pesticides when burned would produce toxic chemicals.

2) Bootleg cartridges being cut with vitamin E acetate - similar to above. People cutting cartridges with it because it mimics the color. Causes lipopneumonia

3) Do it yourself vape kits - laymen aren't chemists and made bad product

When the issues occurred they really clamped down on 1 and 2. 3 dried up out of fear in the market.

Fucking moron, they took out all the small vape makers. Now only big boys like PM have the cash to just though all hoops to get product to shelves.

Moron, they already HAD the product on the shelves. Why in the hell would Big Tobacco want to put in regulation to ban flavors of their own products from sales?

i don't speak shitskin retard mouth noises. anyone care to translate?

Do you understand how competition works?

It was probably fake like the Jesse smolette (sp?) trump hanging thing a roo

Yes, and gutting your own product to spite smaller companies is fucking retarded.
>hey lets burn a gigantic hole in our pocketbook to stick it to those small businesses
That's some schizo level paranoia user.

I'm sure inhaling vaporized imidacloprid isn't healthy either.

imagine smoking in any form

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It wasn't tobacco vaping, it was weed, weed cut with cheap shit.

I wish vaping didn't get taken over by Zoomer liberals. That's why Yas Forums hates it and why people think you're a teenage if you're vaping.

Smoking was a trad tradition and I thought vaping could continue the tradition without having to catch cancer, but it's been hijacked.