He claims to be redpilled

>he claims to be redpilled
>he isn't a raw vegan

Stop falling for propaganda and join the ascended masters Yas Forums

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Other urls found in this thread:


>fruits have all da nootrienz
>that's why we look so healtyh and vigorous

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Clearly just anorexic or drug addicts

Wait, you mean that’s caused by a loss of calories not meat deficiency?

No way


A number of species of monkeys are omnivores.

meanwhile, look at the human digestive system.
It is really inefficient at digesting plant matter, and compares rather well to that of cats and dogs. It's almost as if humans are omnivores.

on top of this, most monkeys will eat meat if you give them a chance. Even the "vegetarian" ones.

Love and respect you OP. Keep fighting the good fight. Yas Forums is a hard one. Don’t have the balls to go raw myself but full vegan and 100% organic for now

You have a small intestine meant to digest fats and proteins, with a large intestine meant to digest, ferment, and absorb plants.

You're an omnivore. And meat contains all essential vitamins and nutrients.

The hell is that supposed to prove they eat their own shit too

nice cope

Wrong. We have long digestive tracts to take time processing plants. Meat is digested very fast, which is why carnivores, like dogs for example, have short digestive tracts.

>ascended masters
Did you intend to make a mockery of your own thread, OP?

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It's gross, but eating feces has its benefits. Like regulating bacteria in the gut/brain/oral microbiome

What nutrients does meat have that plants don’t? And don’t start with b12 cause that’s incorrect, it comes from bacteria.

Where to begin.
Well for a start it seems the vegan diet fucks your eyesight.

Beside the point but sure I guess. Don’t know much about shit eating myself leaf

You must have an issue with your reading comprehension.

I'll say this again.

You have a small intestine meant to digest fats and proteins, with a large intestine meant to digest, absorb, ferment plants.

Your digestive tract starts at your mouth, goes through the throat, esophagus, stomach, and colon, and ends at your ass hole.

Thank you fren. Yas Forums's been so propagandized into thinking veganism is NWO when it's really just about soi and fake "food"

They don't want you to actually eat organic fruits and vegetables, they want you to eat the processed soiburger garbage filled with endocrine disrupting chemicals

Not true. God you people regurgitate myth after myth when it comes to this topic.

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> monkeys
> frugivores

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Nature is a wonderful subject to study. I suggest you start today before your burger education causes permanent retardation

While I’m not against eating meat in general, it’s certainly correct that humans are optimized for a plant based diet. It would be healthier and more efficient to make plants our dietary staple and meat the side dish

You said we’re omnivores, that is incorrect.

Humans have shorter tracts than herbivores, but longer than carnivores.

>Meat is digested very fast
Not by humans and not according to dieticians. Didnt you ever hear the phrase "dont eat meat before going to sleep?" Cause it takes hours to process.

>You have a small intestine meant to digest fats and proteins, with a large intestine meant to digest, absorb, ferment plants.
Anyone with basic knowledge in biology is laughing at you right now.

>Protip: the small intestine is bigger than the large intestine, the small intestine is called the gut, the big one is called the colon
>the large intestine is 5 feet long, the small intestine is 20

Now please, learn basic biology before you deem yourself worthy of saying literally anything.

>ascended masters
glow more kike

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i eat whatever i can get my hands on


The fuck do you know leaf. Go ahead and say it if you got anything, let’s hear your retarded rant against vegans

>great ... movement of jaw
>excessive chewing
Great way to wreck your jaw joints
t. wrecked my jaw chewing like (((they))) taught me in kindergarten, get random popping, squeaking, and pain when chewing

Now, who is brave enough to say raw veganism is unhealthy? Or even normal veganism for that matter

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if we can't digest meat then why is the consumption of animal fat and protein so important for muscle growth?

you must be a jealous lanklet with no bulking potential.

>what are parasites

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Looking into it, you’re right, in humans it is digested slower than fruits/vegetables. I’d wager that’s because we’re not supposed to be eating meat, but I’d have to look further into it. This topic was covered in the documentary what the health though, It explains better than me the difference in digestive tracts

You are meant to be able to chew fruits which are soft and tender. Vegetables are second rate and meat is one of the worst, with only grains coming out worse.

Meat will clog the intestines, producing foul gas. Why is it foul? Because it is sitting in your gut, being fermented by your bacteria. The additional hydrochloric acid produced to dissolve the tissue, flesh (you are also made of tissue and flesh) will also acidify the colon, which naturally should be a bit alkaline. When the colon becomes acidic it creates mucous to protect it's lining, and parasites begin to thrive in this medium.

The double whammy is when you combine meats, starches, and sugars, which creates fermentation.

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Um... Cooking isn't sinful nor healthier. And neither is getting products from animals, and in some cases eating meat because if were really respecting animal life here: a cow that kills it's own deserves death. Plenty of animals do cannibalism. PLENTY even herbivores. And lots more do rape and incest. Does that mean we should kill them too? Maybe not but still. They aren't perfect. Far less perfect then man. If we're really at this point... But really they just seems there's nothing in there. It just seems they have no soul or self awareness. I like how animals look and taste... But them as people... Not so much.

>Survival without animal proteins: impossible

you got em there friend

The myth of protein being needed to build muscle is ridiculous. Contrary to popular belief your body is fully capable of synthesizing most amino acids by itself. And the few that it cant are produced by your gut bacteria.

Don't believe me? Put a man who is fasting on steroids and watch his muscles grow.

Wrong, humans have long intestines. Frugivores.

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Meat contains all essential vitamins and nutrients that are bio available. You must eat larger quantities of plants and legumes because the plant form must be converted which are done so with diminishing returns. Hence larger quantities.

Plus, plants contain antinutrients and phytic acids which actually leech you of nutrients. A balanced approach to diet requires mostly meat with vegetables. Fruit are to be taken in moderation. Use the liver as a guideline, you can only store about 70g of fructose within a 12 to 20 hour period.

The diabetes and obesity problem is a symptom of gluttony and trash quality food. You need fats and proteins, both of which you get from animals who naturally live off the earth eating plants, herbs, roots, etc. So you absorb those nutrients as well, which the animal has made bioavailable to you. Another crime that modernity causes is the waste of organ meats. These are what would supply you with more vitamins, minerals, and nutrients than any plant can give you.

The only reason why you would eat plants is for the antioxidant properties, and the prebiotic fiber which your gut bacteria would convert to butyrate, a precursor to betahydroxy-byuterate which are ketones.

>if we can't digest meat then why is the consumption of animal fat and protein so important for muscle growth?
That’s clearly a myth you heard or something you made up. Plant protein is more than enough for you to build muscle. Look at rhinos, hippos, gorillas, oxen, cows, horses, etc.

And I’m not huge but I’m in decent shape. Not fat like most of my countrymen

I'm not here to argue from an empathetic point of view for animals. I'm here to argue from a nutritional point of view, which has the added benefit of not harming animals.

Raw veganism, or raw foodism if you like is the only diet proven to reverse cancer development and heal virtually all types of diseases.

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This chart was made by either a dumbass or a meatcuck shill

Good info, thanks

Ok and? Vote for Bernie Sanders and everything will be ok.

I fail to see where we disagree.

Cooked food has lower life force than raw food.

>Look at rhinos, hippos, gorillas, oxen, cows, horses, etc.
Nice strawman.

>The chimpanzee is an omnivorous frugivore. It prefers fruit above all other food items but also eats leaves and leaf buds, seeds, blossoms, stems, pith, bark and resin. ... However, in all cases, the majority of their diet consists of fruits, leaves, roots, and other plant matter.
Whoops, there goes your theory. We're -omnivorous- frugivores.

if mastication were so important for humans, we would have a rotary mandible. We do not. We are omnivores, as we do not have even half the digestive length of fully animals like say... sheep and horses.

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>Plus, plants contain antinutrients and phytic acids which actually leech you of nutrients.
The biology brainlet returns. Here to teach you wise wisdom from Aajonus Vonderplanitz, who ate a balanced diet, and Con-Artist Sv3rige, who eats raw meat and has been hospitalized multiple times for it.

Now, as for what you're saying about
>phytic acid
You fail to account for the fact that there is MILLIONS of different species of plants. The majority of which will not harm you when ingested. You know what will?


All of which have been purposely pushed by the kike food establishment to poison you. But because these foods are bad for you, that means all plants are chock full of antinutrients? Please.

Keep eating your uric acid (piss) burgers.

Muscles are primarily water. Meat just clogs the lymphatic system and they get "swole"n. Organs are compromised.

Veganism is a meme. Especially when you're told not to eat meat.

In truth, you need b vitamins. You don't get enough from just gut bacteria.

ITT: people who know jack shit about nutrition

Cool story bro. U jelly?

The only argument I've actually seen is that we can't manufacture vitamin B12 so we need supplements.

>wait a minute
>wait a minute
You mean... Gut bacteria synthesize B12? You mean they feed on plant matter? You mean our gut absorbs vitamin?

>Meat clogs the lymphatic system
I lament the fact that you're allowed to vote.

Why is it so hard for these idiots to realize the top animal on the foodchain is going to be an opportunistic eater. Protein has incredible benefits for brain development, its basically crucial. This is a fundamental objective truth. Once we became adept hunters meat became a staple for obvious reasons. It's insane.
Boo hoo animals eat animals. The kike agricultural monopolies make miserable choices that create a horrible quality of life, even for animals born to be eaten. Contracts with small farmers force them to mistreat their animals as well. If you have an issue with animal abuse, then do something about animal abuse. Vegan/vegetarianism is denial of facts for feelings. It doesn't help animals. It hurts the environment. It's bad for your health or at the very least requires a complex balancing act just to remain neutral. And I guarantee further study would show the lack of animal specific proteins has an affect on brain health.

Mastication is the first stage of digestion in humans. It's where carbs are broken down into sugars and absorbed. Humans are frugivores and this is designed so that the sugars in the fruit and the vital minerals when eaten are absorbed closely to the brain and sent to the rest of the nervous system. Humans are not meant meant to eat cellulose heavy foods like grass and that kind of plant matter like herbivores.

if you want to detoxify your body just use zeolite. veganism is braindead

nah, just vegans

We are frugivores by nature. Chimps are also frugivores by nature. But due to deforestation and lacking of food they scrounge for food in any way they can.

We are now in a stage where man has abundant access to the food he needs. Meat, while providing nutrition in the short term is damaging in the long term. But when the calories are needed, they are needed. Would you resort to cannibalism instead of starving?


and frugivores are ...a type of omnivore. AKA meat is on the menu, and you would be retarded not to eat any.

>Due to deforestation and lacking of food they scrounge for food in any way they can.
Citation needed.

You don't make enough. You get plenty from animal proteins. Quit being retarded.

You probably think that glucose is essential as well. It's literally the only macronutrient that your body makes abundantly.

But you know what? Go ahead and ch your low fat no meat diet. It's a guilty pleasure of mine to know that in a few years time you'll experience arthritis like mad, possibly even increase risk in heart disease, diabetes, and bone fractures.

Mastication is very important. That's why you're told to chew your food good because the enzymes in your mouth begin the digestion process. Studies have also shown masticating juicers increase vitamin bio availability due to this process.

Leaf you are just spewing mainstream talking points, might as well be citing a textbook. This is the same mainstream controlled by the 1 trillion dollar a year meat industry. Meat heavily lacks the nutrients you refer to, even more so when they’re gmo fed, pumped full of chemicals/medications/antibiotics, etc. they do not make your vitamins and minerals more bioavailable, you’d be better off eating the plants directly to get their maximum benefit, and they are loaded with tons of toxic shit like heme iron and carcinogens.

Diabetes doesn’t come from sugar, that’s more horseshit propaganda intended to keep your eye off the real cause of diabetes, stroke, heart disease, and many types of cancer: meat, milk, and eggs. Excess sugar is stored in your liver as glycogen. Fat from animal products is often times literal trans fat, a banned substance in California when used in synthetic forms like hydrogenated oils. The fat from animal products prevents your body from taking sugar out of your blood and gives you diabetes. It lines your arteries with cholesterol and gives you heart disease. It fucks with the blood vessels in your brain causing stroke. It pumps you full of carcinogens and gives you multiple types of cancer.


Sugar is not a mineral, it's literally acid

>only south south indians
>keyword is "may"
>"significant", no concrete numbers
And yet all you vegan cultists are forced to take a handfull of supplements to go with your "healthy" diet, or face irreparable organ damage.

Faggot. I've just read real life stories of other sjws trying to go vegan and nearly died, twice after two years. In most cases the doc said its not physically possible for them. Most people can't be vegan, most men however can and they'll be fine.

This is retarded

Do humans eat more meats than we probably should

>yes absolutely.

Are humans, “not supposed” to eat meat?


We are omnivores, our success and tech has allowed for us to eat meat far more than would be available to us in a state of nature but we are NOT herbivores

You're a retard. Enjoy your malnutrition

>You get plenty from animal proteins.
You do realize animals only have B12 because they're injected with it, right?

Unless you want to eat sardines all day

Humans are above animals. All creatures on this planet except humans eat their food raw. What sounds more desirable? Chasing an animal down with your bare hands and ripping it apart to eat it? Or finding juicy and vibrant fruit to pick off a tree and eat? Fruit is the only food on this planet aside from herbs that humans would eat in its raw form. The bible says God gave us fruits and herbs for food. It's all clearly there when you look at the facts.

mastication is not nearly as important as it is for actual herbivores. How fucking dense are you? the amount of mastication omnivores do is practically irrelevant in comparison to cattle, as they are chewing 100% of the time.

Ok, now I know you're trolling. You had us good for a while there.

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>It's bad for your health or at the very least requires a complex balancing act just to remain neutral

Is that so?

Fruits, veggies, and nuts reducing risk of cancer:
"Women who eat a high amount of fruits and vegetables each day may have a lower risk of breast cancer, especially of aggressive tumors, than those who eat fewer fruits and vegetables, according to a new study."
"Plant-based nutrition has been shown to protect against the 15 leading causes of death in the world, including many cancers, and may offer benefits as a disease modifying tool to improve the management and treatment of these conditions."
"Although the dose-response meta-analysis for colerectal cancer showed a statistically significant decreased risk with increased consumption of non-starchy vegetables, a non-liner relationship was apparent, which showed a significant increased risk at intakes of 100 grams or less per day when compared with an intake of 200 grams per day."

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Don't worry, as usual OP is a raging faggot who for some reason associates the lbgt flag with veganism and also got all his discord cronies in here to shill with him.

You know jack shit about biology.

Diabetes is insulin resistance. Your retarded argument is that fat causes diabetes, when it is the only macronutrient that does not require insulin. Sugar causes diabetes. Faggot.

Literally just gtfo you zoomer. Go back to your burger education.

Oh yes and the antinutrients. Look more into that yourself, it’s a non-existent problem with no proof to support anything. Likely more propaganda from the animal product industry, who fund the vast majority of studies, highlight skewed data to support their products, or trash the study if it makes them look bad. They have the money for funding studies, the doctors who try to expose the truth about animal products are shined, have their medical licenses revoked, etc. that’s why the doctor, at least here in burger land and probably many other countries, always asks “have you been drinking your milk?” “Eating yogurt? Mmm probiotics” and public schools have the (tax payer funded, yes believe it or not) got milk posters and fresh milk for the normies to gobble up.

>Vegantards don't realize that primates eat insects

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Con-Artist Sv3rige, fake raw carnivore, hospitalized twice for his bullshit diet, thinks cancer is good for you, has willingly consumed human flesh

hehehe heee heheh

I don't give a fuck about what the bible says.

That's not true though. People have almost fucking died trying to be vegan. Certain people can do it, others can't. It's in the genes which is not something you can supplement! Stop being a divided by zero brainlet and look this shit up properly god dammit.

Nice try at dismissing the argument.

is that the neo nazi vegan