Attack the root, no exceptions

A reminder that Europe will not be able to save itself nor advance unless it gets rid of judaism and it's tools for slavery in ALL their forms. One can't remove communism, liberalism and post-enlightenment quasi-judeo mysticsism, and then say that the job is done. One of the first tools jews used to enslave Europe was Christianity, the first version of judaism intended for goyim to instill slave-morality within them (communism/capitalism just completes the job and turns them into slaves). If you are a christian, you are either a kike or a useful idiot for kikes.
And if you are a nationalist, but somehow still a christian, then you have to ask yourself: do I owe my alligience to my fólk (nationalist), or do I owe my alligience to a god that is not of my people and tells you to spread his word to the entire world (globalism). There is no inbetween, for there will always be a bias to one side or the other. If you say that you owe your alligience first and foremost to your people, then why are you sticking to a figure invented by people who today seek to destroy your people? And if you choose god over your people, then how can you say that you are a nationalist, when you choose a religion based on jewish mysticism over your own people?
And no, atheism is not the answer. People need a framework for which they can base their ethics on (traditions promoted through epics, festivals and songs, passed on throughout generations).

Attack the tools of judaism in all it’s forms.

Vin sínum
skal maðr vinr vera,
þeim ok þess vin;
en óvinar síns
skyli engi maðr
vinar vinr vera.

Heil vor fólk, veri þér heill.

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I'm Odinist that's why I sound like a libertarian american that doesn't know how to spell

>People need a framework for which they can base their ethics on
Like a guy who got killed for pointing out jewish corruption, literally sacrificing his life to wake people up?

Indeed, that is correct.

Varg pls upload new videos

based and LARPpilled

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Shut up kike

Paganism a la Varg is the most pathetic cringe the white nationalist movement has ever come up with. It is the epitome of blind, unproductive rage. They exaggerate to no end the failures of Christianity and the subversion of the Church by atheistic materialists, but conveniently ignore that most modern pagans are Liberal faggots. It is fitting then, that you screech incessantly about the coin clutches and never, not once, do you ever ponder that White people are culpable for their own downfall. "A country gets the Jews it deserves", etc. No no, not that. It's someone else's fault.

That's silly Abraham, Moses and Jesus were all white Europeans.
The Greeks and Romans were all degenerate homosexuals.
My tribe are the Jews, not Greeks or Romans. Jews are the foundation of Western Civilization and that's why we cut off our dick skin to prove it.

>"And no, atheism is not the answer"
>"we need traditions, epics, festivals and songs"
>>implying an atheist cant take part in this
you fedorafagans truly are irredeemably fucking retarded, and youre literally just atheists yourself.
not even remotely religious

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Hopefully we can kill the Jews.

We need another solution. A Final Solution.

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Based broder.

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>"shut up kike"
>has the flag of Israel
Þegiðu gyðingur

t. Collin Lachlansson

>fucking pagans and their larping

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> traditions promoted through epics, festivals and songs
will be reinterpreted to mean whatever the ruling class wants them to mean. The Bible is also reinterpreted to mean what the ruling class wants it to mean, grace is made to mean some kind of magic.
All you can trust is philosophy, and the New Testament is a philosophical work, expounding a philosophy of resistance against this satanic ruling class.

>"but conveniently ignore that most modern pagans are Liberal faggots."
Not a pagan, because I don, I follow the myths and folk religion of my fólk. But it is true that most modern official pagans are degenerates.
>"never, not once, do you ever ponder that White people are culpable for their own downfall"
Oh there were plenty of whites that betrayed their people, plenty. And you can thank the Romans for inviting the kikes to Europe. But the majority of the people of Europe did not want christianity, and were forced into it by the pain of death.

You have no connection to your ancestors anymore so how can you understand the European spirit? And instead of atleast trying to reconnect to your roots, you cling to the jewish ideals that destroyed your ancestors. Viðursstikilegur aumingi.

Indeed, someone who does not literally "belive" that the epics and songs happened literally, nor were they intended to be interpreted that way. These stories however described trancindental forces that are appart of us and the world around us, something that you can never escape but can instead adopt to. Not beliving in them would make reenacting the tales through festivals reduntant. If you however do belive in them, then you will end up with a higher understanding of yourself and your purpose.
And atheists can attend christian activities as well, and you would bring the same arguments as I did to justify how that makes your cult is justifyed. The difference is, I follow the myths and tales of my people, while you follow myths from people that wish to destroy you.

Too bad Odinism is yet another jewish LARP based on the Canaanite kike bullshit.

*because I don't adopt a derogative word to describe myself

>implying larping isnt a jewish tool to subvert and destroy what remains of the traditional countryside spirit

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at least those lads aren't out in the cold

If the stories were structured is such a way that they can't be interpreted, that would indeed be true. But, to anyone who understands the language, they can only be interpreted in one way to be consistant.
And how can the same logic not apply to christianity, when for centuries it was upheld by interpretations of the preists who used the doctrain for their own gain? The philosophy of christian doctrain is no better than of the old stories, because alot of christian philosophy was adopted from old myths that had been known for thousands of years before in Europe. You can argue that the old stories where philisophical in nature as well. In fact, that would be the truth, for they are metaphysical descriptions of the world. What the epics, traditions, songs and festivals lack however, is the judeo mysticsism that is included in Christianity, that man is something above the world instead being apart of it. And it also lacks the christian laws that are presented in the new testament, for instance that man should submit to authority for it is sent to you by god. Instead, the have guidelines on how to be a honorable man, and that men who can't restrain themselves are degenerates to be removed.

A man of god needs laws and shame thrust opon them to be good, a honorable man restrains himself.

This man is a hack, nobody takes this "club" really seriously. They are traitors and don't follow Icelandic myths and epics at all. The people who follow the myths don't join a clown club to practice them.

Based and Might Is Right pilled

Dang these christcucks just cant cope

>But it is true that most modern official pagans are degenerates.
they have to be, real paganism is illegal

>christian philosophy was adopted from old myths that had been known for thousands of years before in Europe
Christianity takes Greek philosophy and poses the question: what if God came to Earth and walked amongst some people?
And what if those people had a religion that had specific laws and specific animal sacrifices to perform when those laws were broken?
Those people would come up with traditions to make the laws of no effect, and teach each other for doctrine their own laws that replace His laws, and then when God comes to them, they would conspire to kill Him.
In the book Acts of the Apostles,> 27And when they had brought them, they set them before the council: and the high priest asked them, 28Saying, Did not we straitly command you that ye should not teach in this name? and, behold, ye have filled Jerusalem with your doctrine, and intend to bring this man's blood upon us. 29Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.
You also want to obey God rather than men.

And those lads definitely won't be cold later that night if you know what I mean

Might is Right is not the way of the European man. It's Honor is Right.

Deyr fé
deyja frændr,
deyr sjalfr it sama,
en ordstírr
deyr aldregi,
hveim er sér goðan getr.

Deyr fé,
deyja frædr,
deyr sjalfr it sama,
ek veit einn,
at aldreigi deyr:
dómur um dauðan hvern.

> 19 But Peter and John answered and said unto them, Whether it be right in the sight of God to hearken unto you more than unto God, judge ye.

>Christianity takes Greek philosophy
no it doesnt
> and poses the question: what if God came to Earth and walked amongst some people?
and their answer is that he would make bread rain, walk on water for no fucking reason, not write anything and die crying for his mom?

at least they were imaginative

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the fact of the matter is, it's illegal to not be a transhumanist, but, as is the usual case,
* the high priests and aristocrats are cynical and commit heinous sins, look at Joe Biden
* to be a lower priest, you must follow the line enthusiastically, look at the average bluecheck
* peasants are allowed to get away with vulgar blasphemy as long as they're somewhat furtive about it
* most slaves embrace the ruling religion because that's what their masters demand
* some slaves have a bad attitude but are ignored
Christianity isn't supposed to have cynical high priests. If you have high priests and seminaries and the idea that you need to do works to maintain your salvation, you're not Christian.

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You are basing your argument on a fals dichotomy, that people practiced animal sacrifices for everythin including the law. There was no such thing, animal sacrifice was practiced in spring festivals. It was a simbolic act of trading gifts between someone you trust, in this case the spirits that brought good summer.

Veiztu, ef þú vin átt,
þann er þú vel trúir,
ok vill þú af hánum gott geta,
geði skaltu við þann blanda
ok gjöfum skipta,
fara at finna oft.

And they were also apart of the reenactment of the epics, the whole point of the festivals (and most often, the sacrifices were not animals but personal objects/belongins and effigies).

the answer is that He would preach, the high priests would get angry at him muscling in on their gig, and conspire to have him killed. Then His disciples would go around preaching His message.
Of course, it could only have happened in the Roman Empire, because if King Herod had been in control, Caiaphas would have suppressed Christianity completely.

>the answer is that He would preach, the high priests would get angry at him muscling in on their gig, and conspire to have him killed.
I give exactly 0 shit about bronze age kikes and their shenanigans

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> feminizing and corrupting the elite
by 200 AD, long before Constantine, the Romans passed an age of consent law that prostitutes had to be 12 years old because of the level of child prostitution that was going on. Tranny Emperor Elagabalus was installed in 218.
But yes, the false Christianity of the archbishops who say you can lose your salvation if you don't do everything they say instead of reading the Bible and doing what the Bible says, that is a mechanism of social control.

you should, because the descendants of the people who crucified Christ are still conspiring against Christianity

I like Greek mythology

The Romans were absolute degenerates near the end of their Empire. Funny, they had the same problems as we do today, except they did everything to themselves and didn't need the kikes to destroy themselves for the most part. If it weren't for the Romans and their arrogance, we wouldn't have kikes in Europe, and they would have stayed in their shithole desert and live like the muslims.

>a mechanism of social control.
yes exactly thats what christianity is glad you finally understand

>you should
no I shouldnt

you are INSANE
you care about jews from 2000 years ago, you think you are a jew from 2000 years ago because you read a story that had jews in it set 2000 years ago, and you associate other modern day groups with those in that story

you are completely fucking insane

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>universalist religion = globalism
When will this meme die

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>The Romans were absolute degenerates near the end of their Empire.
aka when they became christian? weird how there is a 1 to 1 corrolation between decadence and christianity

>Might is rightpilled
>When your pagancuck religion got shitcanned by Christianity

The cognitive dissonance runs deep

I reported the video that got your Youtube channel taken down.

reminder that no matter how right you may be, unless you offer a system that people prefer over the system that kikes offer, you will get nowhere.

you're not fighting just the kikes and their golems, you're fighting the degeneracy within their golems. degeneracy itself; kikes just proffer it. good luck.

>universalist religion = globalism

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> you think you are a jew from 2000 years ago
no, I'm an American. No one from England, Ireland, or Germany is mentioned in the Bible.

Non sequitur, as the pic demonstrates

Every person of every nation should practice good dentistry. Am I no longer a nationalist?

welcoming everyone in your country as long as they are part of your cult, denying the existence of race and saying everyone is equal does not equate to advocating dentistry christkike

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Indeed, but one must keep in mind what caused them to become christian. Their arrogance had run amuck, and they tried to conquer all of Europe and North Africa, and so they adopted a proto globalist midset and in turn mixed. Their easy life then made them degenerate, for they lost all the connection they had with their own ancestry. That made way for them to become christians, and as such, jewry came into power in Europe.

Correct. That's why we're reviving Christianity. Between the time of Constantine and the time of Luther, Westerners considered Muslim culture to be licentious and sodomitical. Now Muslims consider us to be licentious and sodomitical.
I'm not blaming Luther for Protestantism. Luther was right. The Catholic Church was corrupt, claiming that salvation can be lost and has to be worked for, as a transparent means of social control, and denying priests the right to marry despite Paul asserting that he had the right to marry and setting marriage as a requirement for bishops.

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completely false, this is the history christian rewrote

the corrupt degenerate elites were the first christians and the one pushing christianity on the non degenerates

>theory discarded by literally everyone in the field is true because muh black and white photograph
So this is the power of christcuckery on Yas Forums, huh?

Bugge even bent the knee to the chad swede and apologized multiple times publicly.
>Bugge stated: "As I have read my heart has warmed more and more. ...Forgive these words from a man who before such a magnificent and in many respects remarkable work is well aware that he is nothing but a philologist."
>"Against this last theory, the Swedish savant, Dr. Viktor Rydberg, of Gotenburg, has written a brilliant paper in the two first numbers of Nordisk Tidskrift for 1881. It is not too much to say, that a more crushing and masterly reply was never penned.
>"At a time, when one was firmly convinced that the Old Norse myths were a late product, Rydberg's voice resounds. At that time, he swam against the stream, but he clearly expressed that which has become an ever stronger certainty today: a large part of the myths of the Germanic tradition —and that is to say basically the Old Norse tradition—must be set back in a time when the undivided Proto-Indo-European people themselves created the vessel of their worldview in myths." - Jan de Vries

>welcoming everyone in your country as long as they are part of your cult
Christians have no history of inviting foreigners to take over their countries, but transhumanists do.

>Christians have no history of inviting foreigners to take over their countries
that is 100% of christianity s spread

lying christyid

>thinking that Snorri is the only source of myths
How thick can one be? It's but a fraction of a greater whole, and what he offered was perhaps the worst collection, because they were nothing that wasn't written before in a more accurate way.

the way it happened was the ruling class started importing foreign goods and labor to drive out the Roman middle class so they could then use the daughters of the Roman middle class as whores.
The level of fornication got the the point that they imposed an age of consent of 12, and with fornication came sodomy, and a tranny emperor.

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Pagans are the biggest leftist racecucks on the planet. Racist right-wing pagans are a tiny minority.