Terminal Cancer Patient Roastie Leaves Husband to Fuck Almost 200 Men


>So she left her husband — and catapulted herself into the dating scene, a series of adventures and misadventures that she shares with her best friend on the show. Like a “Sex and the City” brunch with chemo instead of Cosmos, the pair candidly gab about Molly’s conquests: the Ryan Reynolds lookalike who’s into masochism, the at-home massage with an accidental happy ending, an awkward car romp with a guy who couldn’t contain — or maintain — his enthusiasm, and the mortician she made out with while he was in full clown makeup. In one episode, the pair tries to count the number of suitors in Molly’s phone. They quit at 183.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>inb4 cancer in remission


"Sex IN the City"
nevar forget.
Oh and I hope the roastie dies for her whoredom.
oh. Well I she won't be going to Heaven anyway.

Klingon nose

she deserves the cancer

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Articles like this make me want to kill myself for all kinds of reasons

>Girl, this might be our best excuse yet
>Son of a bitch, I'm in


she is cancer

Yes yes she does

The absolute state of women. This is what they all truly desire. To manipulate SIMPS and be passed around by countless men to get their satanic fix of attention.

Honestly, this is fine to me.
If he had cancer and she ditched him it would be worse.
He dodged a bullet, moves on with his life to get a woman he can settle with, and she dies fucking random dudes.
Really a win win.

>Terminal Cancer Patient Roastie Leaves Husband to Fuck Almost 200 Men
most cancer patients are not that interested in sex because they're sick. so good for her, I guess.

Wait till those Men find out that cancer can actually be TRANSMITTED to another person

Thank the LORD for country life.

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She was probably like this before the cancer diagnosis. The diagnosis was just an excuse to coming out of the slut closet.

the entirety of women's personalities can be distilled down to guzzling cum, shocker. such a big brained move, roastie. terminal cancer? "better leave my loving husband and get shlonged hundreds of time before I die." Because that's what really matters in life. How many cocks you can take. Anybody who doesn't look at women as adult children at this point is blind.

Clearly brain cancer

yea I was just thinking this, there is a reason why doctors have a higher rate of cancer, etc.
We really don't understand the epidemiology of cancer but many tumors just happen to be filled with "harmless" viruses like CMV, Epstein-Barr, etc.

>candidly gab about Molly’s conquests

A woman calling the men she fucks "conquests" is like a man leaving his front door open and calling everyone who walks in and takes his property a "customer."



Thanks americans for actually brainwashing roasties into this. Hope all your wives have a long list of "conquests" and constantly brag to you about it. Maybe add a few "conquests" during your marriage.

That actually sounds great, just don't be the simp

>top kek



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I’m glad she’s probably going to die soon

They look demonic.

makes me wonder if its a scam... the cytokines even without chemo often make people so miserable they don't want to do anything but sleep, they don't even want to eat or drink water. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sickness_behavior
yes she graduated from whore to media whore
who knows if the cancer is even real or if its benign or whatnot because most people near death don't think about sex, maybe unless they're virgins.

I forgot to ask my question. Which one of these two is the cancer patient anyways? Going just by looks makes it impossible to tell.

Hey if she makes some cash off the podcast to leave her husband, this plays like a roastie version of Breaking Bad.

Well it really shows the priorities of woman...and it always revolve around their piss. Sad...
My nigga Julius Evola e Otto Weininger were right all the way.

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Not even. At least whores get paid

which one has cancer?

Imagine your biggest regret in life being that you didn’t jump on every available dick you came across. What an empty soulless piece of shit.

>wh*toid women
>not even once

germans love to blame everyone but themselves

its media dehumanizing and embarrassing the subject, so we can say it isn't the brown person. that is haram.
of course its the blonde its been this way since 1945.

Lmao a funny leaf

So, how do I get on board this train?

She got cancer but stink like a pisces

I wonder what her last thought will be? Instead of having a loving husband by her side as she slips away, she will only have memories of the faceless men who used her as a hole.
Fascinating nonetheless

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And now she will die alone.

How vapid.


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The true nature of women unmasked, when faced with certain death she wants to make sure she does everything so she won’t miss out. This “everything” is her hedonistic lifestyle she had to curtail when married. She has the world she’s always wanted, one without repercussions

>ride cock carousel
>finally 'settle' for some betaprovider, time for the kids and picket fence
>simp so happy
>get cancer
>time cock carousel 2.0

just goes to prove that w*men don't care about anyone or anything but themselves

I pray to God her cancer gets cured and she lives a long, long life.

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>american podcast
>uses american peak degeneracy show quotes as motivations

yeah i can see how i have to blame myself for this. thanks tyrone sanchez for opening my eyes.

She should be left to die as the whore she is by everyone around her

I mean fuck it, if you have 3 months to live do it doing whatever you want. I really don't see the problem here.

Women are whores? Obviously, do we need 10 threads an hour about this?

Humans are whores, just women have the market cornered, they control the market. Fuck it, work out and try to get laid once a month and live your life. Maybe you'll get lucky and find a whore worth dating.

I can't tell which one has the cancer

When we learned my fiancee' had cancer we made most of the time we had left, we didn't know how long, it was only 6 months. We lived a lot of time in that short amount, if she would've done this it would've killed me.

The only thing women can come to care about more than themselves are their kids, if they have them, and even that's a bit of a coin toss.

women just want attention. they're like 6 year olds saying "me! me! look at me!" they've found no way to validate their existence or prove their worth. so without letting people fuck their slopholes, they cannot get the attention validating their existence. deep down they know their only value is their pussy. that's it. hedonistic sex with multiple people is just a way to get that quit dopamine inducing attention fix. men are able to do things like build western civilization, so they have more ambitious outlets to get that feeling. women are shit, historically have always been shit, and will continue to be shit in the future. the only difference was in the past we had societal controls in place to keep them from indulging their hedonism. we got rid of those, women are out of control.

lmao this

>"Right before I got diagnosed, I was kind of looking to recharge our sex life . . . and then cancer showed up.”

Maybe God is real...

I have coronavirus
should I do the same?

well said

what if she just made this shit all up? they already have the podcast for sluts with call her daddy. but the podcast for sluts with an interesting twist like terminal cancer (aka the breaking bad effect) heh, i wonder who is behind something like that

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Women are fucking gross man, hahahahahaha

I bet her cuck ex-husband will be there.

We get it, you read Fight Club.

the kids are merely an extension of their selves, and sometimes even less - props to promote their lives and lifestyles.

don't ever be tricked by w*men

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Jesus is never coming back, is he? It was all a lie. The world will wither away into Satanism forever until we all die off.

It's an increasingly weighted coin.

dude they're doing this "culture" piece as a hit on both Americans and blondes... it should be very obvious.
They'd never write this about the brown woman in the photo, only the blonde.
I am J2 haplogroup so I can say this, my ancestors look like pic related

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Normally, I wouldn’t wish cancer on anyone. But, in this case, I’ll make an exception

well as long as she's happy, this doesnt really sound like happiness though.

Ummm not quite user.