Why do women find so many things and behaviors “creepy”? Is there a biological reason for this?

Why do women find so many things and behaviors “creepy”? Is there a biological reason for this?

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they want to be sought after and owned because they find that behaviour inherently male, but they don't want all males to exhibit that behaviour.
(They don't want to admit it either)

"Creepy" is the catch-all for "no, not you"
It's not even universal. Women can easily find some guys hot, and others would find the same guys creepy.

>ew what is he doing, the chads on tv don't do that. I've only ever seen comic relief characters act like that

Women are physically weak and less able to combat or escape from danger so they are more wary.

Creepy = You're not attractive

FPBP, it's the same behavior as an alpha male, it's just coming from an male the female doesn't find attractive.

They don't find so many things and behaviors creepy, they find so many things about you and your behaviors creepy because you lost the looks lottery as a babies lmaoooooo, it's okay though beautiful effeminate boys like me are secretly fucking all your womens despite ya'll hating it


Because they're creepy

It's the same reason men have women they ignore(fat, ugly, etc), and women they watch. They're sorted them into "potential mate" and "not a potential mate" categories.

Women just verbalize it more.

He meant biological women not the trannies you fuck.

Women are all creepy weirdos into BDSM but only with Chad

post hand twink

They don't find anything "creepy" (I'm assuming you're talking about male behaviors).
They find YOU creepy.
If they're attracted to the guy even the most degenerate behavior will be charming

Majority of women are prone to find people on top of hirachical structures attractive. But it has to do wit hhte promotion of hierachical structures through media and sheeple mouth propaganda. There are also women who had sexual contact as children and have a different view on sexuality, allthough society declares thema s mentally ill, i'd actually say its the more natural approach. Make sexual child abuse legal = get nymphomaniac women who have sex for fun = get a bonobo like society where everyone has sex with everyone regardless of age etc. Sex beeing seen as a form of greeting and bonding. Our penises are actually designed for inseminating the same female by multiple people in a short span of time, simply because our dicks can create a vaccuum that sucktions out the sperm of competing males and give advantage to our own semen. We have been biological designed to gangbang females, any conservative monogamous fuck is actually quite unscientific. This approach would get rid of so many rape and child abuse crimes. Not saying it'll get rid fo actual rape, but i tihnk our monogamous understanding of sex is actually quite fucked up.

This, imagine walking around the world where you are physically vulnerable to 75% of everyone. You would develop some weird red flags

they won't call you creepy if they're attracted. i straight up tell girls that i will stalk them.

Sexual selection necessitates that women try to pick a non degenerate member of the tribe to reproduce and raise kids with.
This is made harder in cities with millions of perfect strangers and unknowns. Creepiness refers to the ambiguity of a threat. Basically mixed messages. This person could be okay but then again, maybe not as there's something slightly off about them.
This is why women prefer nice handsome wholesome charming fellows like Ted Bundy (people with anti social personality disorder often excel at masking their pathology with shallow renditions of appropriate behavior and niceties whereas literal autists are typically much nicer humans but totally socially clueless and come across as freaks).
scottbarrykaufman.com ...PDF

If they don't find you attractive then it's "creepy". If you do the same thing and look like Brad Pitt, it's fine

Your first mistake is worrying about what women think of you, when it should be the other way around.

Your link is false but
>This is why women prefer nice handsome wholesome charming fellows like Ted Bundy (people with anti social personality disorder often excel at masking their pathology with shallow renditions of appropriate behavior and niceties whereas literal autists are typically much nicer humans but totally socially clueless and come across as freaks).
This. Modern woman preference (despite looks) is the worst you can think of. Women are sooooo bad at judging men who are interested in them. Literally that bad, they basically judge men exactly as the opposite of their real character

>(despite looks)
I did mean exept looks

because of guys like this

Attached: creepyjoe2.gif (444x250, 3.75M)

alright that pic made me lol hard, where is it from?

notice that no matter who else is on stage or what is going on Joe is always magnetically drawn to the lolis and he can't resist putting his hands on them and his body against them, he's like a homing missile

This. In my experience it's used as a blanket term to describe anything not attractive. The opposite being cute.... If you are doing creeper shit by their definition that means they find you ugly.

Yas Forums is both right and wrong, whilst some behaviours are seen most favourably by "attractive" men there is definitive behaviour that is creepy regardless of if the person doing it is hot. believe it or not there is a lot of social cues involved in human interactions and the way you respond can come off as creepy or not. the only difference is that if your attractive you might get away with it more often which is what Yas Forums sees. This doesn't make the behaviour sought after by women at all btw.

This. There is nothing else to it.

an example of this, a guy waits for a girl after class a few times even though the girl clearly and visibly does not want this to happen. The trick here is the distinction between want to happen and not, chasing after a girl post rejection is seen as desperate and In the way I described certainly creepy. Now the double standard exists because she is more inclined to not have experiences like this with an attractive man, but the discretion is completely different. Waiting after class for a girl that's given 100% positive signals and enjoys your company is not the same as waiting after class for someone who visibly does not want you to and has rejected previous advances.

This (I hate to use the term) incel mindset is stupid because its not only a conflation of different actions but also shows zero understanding of social dynamics, who would've thought that on Yas Forums of all places

>beautiful effeminate boys like me are secretly fucking all your womens
Getting pegged doesn't count

If the guy is handsome it stops being 'creepy'

if the guy is handsome she will put up with him being creepy more then if they weren't. its still a bad thing

Yeah, it's this, thread can end. Notice if you call a girl a creep or creepy, your brain finds something strange with it. That's the conditioning.

you are unattractive to them
stop being unattractive

Their perspective is to meet the status quo. In their mind, whatever that is, is what they deem "normal". Anything that varies from what their "ideals" are is considered repulsive.
Fuck 'em, she is just a dumb uneducated bitch if she says this shit.

"Creepy" means "showing way too much interest".
Try softening your escalation by including shows of disinterest. (But continue escalating).
I know it doesn't make logical sense but it does make emotional sense.

Women instinctively avoid inbreeding and their sanity revolves around respecting their instincts to do so.
If you want 'genetic purity' and are attracted to a woman she will sense it and you'll creep her out.

showing too much interest shows at some level desperation/want which lowers your sexual market value.

A show of disinterest tells a woman that you don't need her which signals greater value and continuing escalation increases familiarity with the girl. So its easy to progress in the interaction.

Sure it doesn't make sense when you say it like that but it makes total sense when you break down the interaction into the component parts.

I agree with you.
Guys, that girls see as creepy are often not very attractive people who always chase girls way above their league, despite them showing no interest. Also they often they have some weird character traits.
I am not saying dont chase after woman, after all who cares if some girl thinks you are creepy. But a ugly guy who is very social wont be called creepy ever, if he doesnt do things like that.

How to be creepy:
Approach a girl
Be awkward

How not to be creepy:
Approach a girl
Be awkward
Have lots of money
Approach a girl
Be awkward
Be fit
Approach a girl
Make her laugh
have confidence

If you're not creepy and she's still not interested, just smile and walk away. Chat up a girl you're not interested in while the first girl can see you and she will either be interested or she's not there to hook up.

it's only creepy if you're ugly

This sounds like a pretty shitty game

They find so many things creepy, but miss the fucking creepy fucking psychopath and she ends up decapitated? why?

Evolution has never selected for female mental rationality and never will. Simple as.

They were told to do it through example of their role models and commercially fed programming cues. Social engineering. Image related.

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How the fuck has nobody noticed this?

everybody notices it. nobody cares. because americans are stupid, ugly, cretinous niggers. he's gonna be our new president. fuck americans

they have, just noone was talking about it until this election cycle

Creepy = ugly face

user, I......

Simple as

They want to make you feel miserable. Women get a good feeling when they make people feel bad.

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Creepy literally just means ugly. A handsome guy can be creepy as fuck but he'll never get called a creeper; instead his behavior will be seen as "mysterious"

Being creepy is a good thing. Women should fear you.


How does one escalate things then? What does that even mean? In currently talking to a cute Asian girl and clearly she's interested, but in afraid she night lose interest in me if I show I am clearly interested in her. We text each other good morning and what not, I literally wait for her to get up though she doesn't know. So how does one escalate things while not seeming overly interested?

Haha women get beat and killed easily because they're weak

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Everything is creepy if a non-Chad does it

Ask her out on a date you faggot.

Women are by far more cringey. Just laugh at their stupid shit, make them feel like they are the moment, next thing u know you're all up in her.

>Feminist say this while bashing men who don’t find them attractive
The roasties and their three eggs days are ticking

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