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How is it different from the flue?

Far higher death rate

Progression of Mask Usage via Western Media:

>China makes masks mandatory
>Masks Help reduce risk of infection.
>n95 masks particularly good at reducing risk
>Get your masks now before there is a shortage.
>Don't buy all the masks.
>Medical Professionals are seeing a shortage of masks.
>Stop buying masks, medical professionals need them.
>Masks don't stop public spread.
>Masks don't reduce your risk of infection
>Masks INCREASE your risk of infection
**(You are here)**
>We are going to confiscate masks
**(You are here if you're French)**
>You took all the masks and now medical professionals are dying!
>Stop wearing the fucking masks you fucking plebs!
>The Elite don't have any masks to wear! You fucking peasants took them all!
>Wearing a mask in public is a fucking criminal offense.
>If you're seen with a mask you'll be shot on sight.

(Masks reduce the risk of becoming infected with a virus. Even a bandana around your face helps against infection.)


(Evidence that YOU ARE HERE) abc7news.com/health/face-mask-may-increase-risk-of-getting-coronavirus-us-surgeon-general-says/5980157/

(Masks mandatory in China) xinhuanet.com/english/2020-02/08/c_138766346.htm

(Macron seizing medical masks... that aren't necessary and even increase risk of infection... apparently)

Do not listen to the Nigger Surgeon General. Do not listen to normies. Wear.

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I live in Tacoma. I'll be in Seattle on Monday for a meeting. Nice knowing you anons.

it's over user

why is it all in seattle?

It's not.

Ethnicity? Health conditions? Age?

That article doesnt mean anything if it's a dead 80yr old chink who had 50 pre existing conditions!

do not stop buying the masks!!!!

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Huge chink smuggling organization through the docks here. Local govt doesn't care and likely gets kickbacks for it. They turn a blind eye to the massive drug smuggling that comes with it. Chinese fentany, ecstacy, heroin, etc, all flood through Seattle's docks.
Beacon Hill has safe houses gor all the chinks, and networks to distribute them to sanctuary cities throughout the USA.

It's all community spread now. I just flew through SeaTac two weeks ago hopefully it wasn't there yet. Seattle is fucked.

but it is

The flue usually has a lever that you slide or pull which opens up the chimney so the smoke can escape.

>It's all community spread now
This is PC talk for Epidemic. Get real, get prepped

prove it

post in-store prices leaf

>shittle getting annihilated by a virus
I have no problem with this

Because we have massive orgies in Seattle like every Friday night and after the seahawks win

We don't even know the death rate yet.

Because my faith is strong.

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It's 3.7 percent as opposed to the flue .2 percent

It's already over in China though. Everything is back to normal, right guys?

This, SF is the same.

How come we never hear about these people's health? What conditions do they have? How do they take care of themselves?


That flue right over my head.


Wtf, a chimney just flue over my house

Which one?

Trust the regime.

Also this is a weapon
It’s got the markers kids

Yeah, but more than 3.7% of people are out of shape and ready to die. So it’s good numbers, right?

3.4 percent*
My bad


>it's already over

Corona probably is, super-mega-your-lungs-are-now-bat-soup disease is just beginning tho

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I knew it wasn’t as bad as you were saying. We’re all safe.

Chang here. It is nearly over in China only because cunts there are literally banned from leaving their home for like several weeks. America can't copy this.

Prepare all the food and drink and masks immediately faggot. I have warned you.

There is now way of knowing the death rate, brainlet. Stop spreading (((misinformation))) and propaganda.

Far smaller dataset to break down the numbers, compared to the flu. We simply don't really know, but likely highly-limited to pre-existing conditions and the elderly.

California Reports First Coronavirus Death


Not if you're one of them, and not if our economy is run by them. Think silicon valley, China sweat shops, everything that runs our economy is made of elderly, or fat, or immunocompromised incels.

the rates are higher unless you are writing off elderly people because they don't matter

CDC has said from the start that buying masks is not recommended because of retards like you.

It's probably in a lot of other places but it hit an elder care facility there so that's where the first deaths are being reported.

I have already prepared all things, including several N95 masks. Feel good man.

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Can it depopulate Los Angels already?!

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it can't even keep up with traffic accidents. it's less deadly than driving.

0.1% vs 3.4% seems like it's a bit different. Like 34 times different.

Sending my thoughts and prayers

shitattle is an open air aids druggie hellhole. i bet it isnt even the chink virus, just another dead druggie.

also remember that china forced mask usage, welded peoples doors closed to force quarantines, did a military blockade of city with shoot to kill orders, shut down internet and phones, rounded up sick and put them into concentration camps, and burned infected people alive along with the bodies immediately with no funeral 24/7

so basically its going to spread way worse in the west because we arent communist dictatorships

Plus a 20% hospitalization rate.

If we run out of room in our hospitals we could see that number jump to 20%+

We don't have nearly enough ventilators to take this on.

The very first thing I saw on my first trip to Seattle was a bum that had 100% entirely shit his pants. Fresh off the ferry, welcome to Seattle. Watch your step.

This. Half of what you said is bullshit but basically this,

People must be aware the situation here may be much worse than their image

What race are they?

Even peanuts kill more people in america, cmon!

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Very true

race doesn't matter. Italians are dropping like flies. If they are white then you are also in danger.

It just kills male, smokers, age 70-80+

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>people will literally die because of excessive hoarding/anarchocapitalism like this

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10? i bet more people choked to death on hotdogs yesterday

But that’s what I’m saying. Most of the country is fat, or old, or whatever else that’s bad, but it’s only killing 3.7% or 3.4% or whatever it is.


Wasn't there a "mysterious vaper lung disease" just recently?

This ideology is wrong. You don't know what happens to the survivors right? The damage to your lung is inevitable. The nothingberger will kill you cunt.

Please fully prepare for this.

t. Chang who knows what happened in China

wasnt that from the fake chinese thc carts? A lot of people got collapsed lungs from that.

yeah, counterfeit THC carts. suspected cut with Vitamin E acetate. fuck china.

Some survivors in China are reported severe damage in their lung, which means they may never do heavy physical labour or sports again.

uvc light to disinfect your "disposable" masks

the retarded kid with brain malfunction still on pol with his anti smoking plebbiness.
smoke a cock you nigger.

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sauce me some journal I want to read it.

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Field hospitals like there were with Spanish Flu. That will naturally mean efficiency problems, however.

Masks can keep 100% functional for only hours (N95 etc). uvc light can't help.

The key is to avoid crowds.

>3.7% or 3.4% or whatever it is.
How do you know this? What is your source?

The flu eventually gets killed by your body and doesn't eat your nuts.
