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It's just jews talking down the market so they can short while all the sheep panic sell, then pick up some sticks guaranteed to go up.

Just wait for it.

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Trump's been complaining about rates for months.

Corona virus...
Wins him the trade war.
Corrects the stock market while he takes no blame.
Get him .5% or more off the rates.
Kills Iranian leaders.

What luck!

>im retarded and thinking elections and puppets are real

I basically just said that it's all entirely theater.

Why weren’t you guys here yesterday? Oh right it crashed. Keep dreaming it will hit 30k lmao

it's just the beginning. The virus still hasn't reached western shools, offices and factory halls yet.

treasuries are crashing
is this the top for treasuries? I think so.
my bank stock is finally going up thank the gods.

Just bought some long dated puts (70-160 days) on the S&P. It's going to 200 or less. Might as well 100x your money on the way down. The corona panic hasn't even begun.

I told you fucking idiots to buy and you laughed at me.

A downturn to some is a sale to others.


If it goes back up it means everything we know about economics is wrong. I actually hope it does because it would truly be the black swan for a recession that will make the great depression look like a fucking cake walk.

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didnt come off that way. who gives a fuck about the show anyway? it wont help you predict the market when it counts.

didn't the fed cut rates to zero and pump $100b into this shit today?

Double Dead Cat Bounce

Looks like the Fed pulled down your panties and dilated your fucking wounds you trannies

The cat is dead and it's going to bounce.

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bots will spam until the very last bit is sent over these rancid tubes we are stuck in wont they.

fuck this

Buy what? Big companies barely moved today. Costco stock will go down as soon as normies start getting their credit card bills for this shopping spree lol. Also it's time to pay taxes.

thats' fine, wouldn't what I said in my last post effect the markets positively though?

They sure did

Source? If I listened to you faggots screaming "Just short the market all the way down," I would be fucking broke. Really, how much money have you lost? Fucking fake ass shills make me sick


Well it means Corona is a nothingburger for sure.

Source? Lived through 2 market crashes already. This must be your first. The panic hasn't begun, you'd understand if you were going to be able to understand.

The sheer power of Trump overcame this virus bullshit

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I wouldn't even bother investing right now. The market is so manipulated even tier 1 fund managers are having a hard time explaining what the fuck is going on with any certainty.

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you are probably right but I think 160 is too long. My guess is we get volatility for the next two months and then it goes away with spring weather

oh wait you said the S&P would be under 200 LMFAO you're insane

You have no idea

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How much further we can fall.

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>dead cat bounce

Didnt that already happen on Monday? It's not supposed to go back up on two days in that sort of situation is it?

Good goy consoom and then consoom some more

SPY, that's how you buy options against the S&P. It is currently @ 300

After the pandemic hits, we will short jews as a commodity, jews are natural golems, they make the best servants but have no hearts to rule

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If it looks like Bernie will win the nomination, then you can short with impunity.

uuh pretty obvious. biden doing well = market goes up.

the market knows bernie sanders could beat trump.

The market having record setting rallies is a sure sign that the market is about to crash and burn like Bernie Sanders presidential campaign.

The stable and strong American economy is malarkey.

Where do you think all the new debt being created by the Fed at 1% is going? Do you think they’re lending it to you? Lol

>lived through 2

The 2008 recession and the 2001 recession? Wow, much old.

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Is this bait? The market rebounded because Comrade Marketkiller's dreams have been crushed. Biden is irrelevant.

Now that consensus has been reached and it's 99% chance that the next president will be Trump or Joe Biden, both strong traditional leaders who are not commies, i expect a 32k dow very very soon.

I love Trump. I've been on the Trump train since the first debate. But if, God forbid, something happens to him, my second choice is Joe Biden by a mile.

America is in good hands now. We can't let filthy commies get their hands on the malarkey codes.

ok Morpheus

Wait till the shortages hit...

Pay more attention to Biden's running mate than Biden himself if you actually think he has a chance to win. At the rate he's going I really dont see Biden still being mentally well enough to serve out a full term. If he picks some far left commie shitter to try and appeal to a wider lefty voting base things could still end up fucked. Not that I expect Biden to win anyway but eh.

>reacting to noise

It goes down, it goes up, it goes down. It's getting predictable. Fuck the market and people who follow it this closely every day.

His attorneys are this very instant building a constitutional justification and defense of nominee Joe selecting Barack Obama as his runningmate.

Did you watch that one video where Biden was saying that America becoming less white is a good thing?

Nice engineering. What kind of battery?


Want to mention how stupid Metokur has been about this. Yet again he turns out to be a time-waster who uses every attempt to deweaponize autism.


Just locked in 3.00% 30 year refi anons !
Do it now !

Lool good one. As if all the Jews in his cabinet aren't from Israel which sells nuclear and tech secrets to Russia and China.

It's not as if both sides of the political spectrum were used in Facebook propaganda from the Wagner group.
It's not as if Aleksandr Dugin works with both Antifa and Alt Right movements and has called for the splitting and takeover of America. Matthew Heimbach, Richard Spencer, Altright.com Daniel Friberg, David Duke?????? All shills.
It's not as if Russia is working with Israel like when they gave Iranian codes to Israel as WikiLeaks corroborates.
It's not as if David Ben Gurion declared "I am a Bolshevik" according to the JTA.
It's not as if Trump is a ZioRussian shill bought and paid for as he's in Jewish banksters pockets. Nooooooo.

>everyone fighting for your side is a shill.
ok cucked leaf

Shows how fake and gay the whole thing is, considering we are facing what looks like at least a few months of disruption to business in general how could sentiment truly be better than yesterday.

Yep. Biden is a top ZOG bot just like all of them including Trump.

Lol as if the left isn't the exact same. Jews in the leftist media demonize Trump. Jews in Trump's cabinet act as if their being attacked. Political radicalism and destabilization process begins. This Coronacrash should make for some fireworks while Russia holds OPEC and the energy market hostage.

I think what he is saying now that bernie is crushed, the markets can breathe a sigh of relief because itll be business as usual. As someone who wanted bernie in 2016, now that I have over 6 figures in the market, I'm glad he lost. Selfish, I know, but he would fuck up the market for 8 years. Trump or biden means even after all the corona shit itll be fine long term. Smooth sailing boys.

I tried to tell you guys ...