/psg/-PolStrat General

The thread for everything and anything PolStrat related!

>What is PolStrat?
PolStrat is a COMPREHENSIVE plan that is intended to save the west from degeneracy and anything else brought upon our nations.
>Where can I learn more?
We have a youtube channel that outlines the exact details of our plan and the steps we need to accomplish it.

>YT Channel
>Madness in the Western World and an Introduction to a Realistic Solution (Playlist)
>Debunked Alternative Ideas (Playlist)

>Don't see /psg/ in the catalogue? Make one:
>(Be sure to update "latest video" when you do)

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>when you glow

Not everything is a glownigger. We are completely transparent about our policies and motives.

Bigger nigger alpha males dominate beta bitch white boys in any sexual display of dominance. It is always clear that superior mighty ebony members deserve more praise than jealous faggot white beta males. Niggers have more testosterone, and are more suit to breed with women. I, faggot white boy, will forever yearn for bbc in my hungry ass. I, faggot white boy, pledge my soul to serve bbc cum gods for all eternity. Gay for big black nigger dick forever. Gay for big black nigger ding dong for life. As a true faggot beta bitch ass niggerloving inferior white boy, I, faggot white boy, hereby dedicate the hard work of my caucasian ancestors to forever to please the mighty ebony member that is a giant big black cock. It haunts my dreams. I worship niggerdick as my true lord and savior, and would gladly slurp up yum yum nigger cum any time any where from any big black penis. I pledge my beta bitch ass to alpha male African black sacred seed semen that the superior BBC cum daddy muscle black man will ejaculate into my inferior bitch ass. Filling my bum with his liquid love. I shall spasm in absolute faggot ecstasy, as I acquire the closest thing to heaven on earth, a huge black ding dong squirting its warm baby batter deep into my desperate hungry faggot ass. All hail big black cock forever. All hail large African nigger doinkie dongs for all eternity. May my wife sister mother and other white females continue to be dominated by the sheer lust that every member of the white race experiences in the presence of a huge masculine black cock. May my girlfriend and my own asses get fucking wrecked by nigger daddy cum BBC lord. White boys are all secretly super gay for the thought of a thick veiny super long juicy black cock that could give our girlfriends way better orgasms than we could ever imagine with our puny pink teeny weenies. All hail mighty African purple penis power

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Kek. There is literally nothing that can save "the west"

You just can't beat laws of nature no matter how hard you wish it.
Read fate of the empires.

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>Doesn't mention the Jew

Something tells me that the amount of shills I get on this thread every time I post it means it must be a good idea.

my sides, that's beyond pathetic.

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>We have a youtube channel
>that outlines the exact details of our plan

>when you glow

>when you dont watch the video and talk out your ass

no, in this case, it just means you are bad at glowing.. and even on the chan du cuck you are obvious.. which is sad considering you guys are 90% of the traffic via automation.

its behavior i come to expect from leafs desu

Give me a quick rundown

Didn't get it

>he wont watch my fucking youtube video

and now im done giving you replies as well. better luck next time.

>our plan
fuck off

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>save the west
imagine being a foolish unlearned idealogue and believing you can save that which is undergoing its necessary end-stage. good luck accomplishing what no other high civilization in history has ever accomplished under the weight of destructive forces more extreme and rapid than those faced by any other high civilization. here's a plan: save your family, if you can; nothing else can be stopped.

good. fuck off the thread then, shill

No. We arent going to standby and watch the west be destroyed. Its at the very least worth a try.

some good ideas, but lots of 16 yo zoomers too.

We have objectives which we aim to achieve in order. Eventually we plan to create our own cryptocurrency to achieve financial independence, as well as making our own platforms so we cannot be de-platformed.

>we podcast the exact details of our plan and the steps we need to accomplish it.
lmao. that's not how you win against kikes, senpai.

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>Eventually we plan to create our own cryptocurrency to achieve financial independence, as well as making our own platforms so we cannot be de-platformed.

This is a good idea and necessary to avoid censorship.

but it is. With complete transparency its very hard for them to subvert us.

you should not say that your plan is the only alternative tho, it weakens your credibility.

This desu, I don't understand what at this point there is left to save in ''The West''. The 300 past years of Enlightenment cancer? Liberalism? Technological progress is changing our living environment at a lightning speed. Any political movement can only impact on the details, the grand movements are done by technology. The West is naturally going to have a complete changeover as technology changes our world.

It's very hard to imagine an increasingly technological future where humans (including white people) have any role. The only thing left is to take care of ourselves and our families.

Objectives? I'm not a mind reader.

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We have yet to see any other plan that goes as in depth as this one.

I will watch all your videos and maybe write you someday. I'm particularly interested in the leadership selection process. V.S.

>peaceful realistic solution
good luck with that.

The first objective is to inform people who are already aware and concerned about our current situation in the western world that a solution exists, and unite them over the realization of our plan.

The second objective is about the creation of a power structure, and organization for the coordination of our actions. We need to start forming large, organized, like minded communities, starting at connections made over the internet.

Objective three: We must secure our means of communication, bypass restrictions of internet censorship, especially in Europe, to create independent and trustworthy platforms to exchange information.

Fourth Objective is about creating our own economy, with our own international internet trade market, with our own currency, means of production, logistics and international business cooperation. This new economic block will be designed to function in symbiosis with the currently existing world model, and our alternative economic block will also be designed to survive the collapse of the current world economy.

Our fifth Objective is about increasing our range of influence and growing our numbers or possibly but less likely; wake up the unaware masses, and organize sane like minded people on a local level, in the real world, forming organized communities of people with mutual values and awareness about the cruel reality of our world system

The sixth and final objective aims to secure our survival, and a way to reach power in our western countries, here in this current world system, or after it collapses.

As said in an earlier post, we aim to accomplish these in order.

Our leadership selection is based off of who demonstrates the most effort and dedication in our work team.

sounds like you already have your personal army.

Yes. We aren't accelerationists/wignats.

Not necessarily, but we do have a work team that has specific tasks like graphic design, script preparation, etc.

are you catboy fans or are you separate from Nick the spic and the boiz?

We are completely separate from them.

>Our leadership selection is based off of who demonstrates the most effort and dedication in our work team.

This is good but not enough. Spiritual trials must be designed to select only individuals who will put the people and not themselves in the first place. Without this "filter" you will be inffected by the enemy sooner or later.

well, at least you have that going for you.

no offense, but I wouldn't ever want to join a propaganda team that has to advertise on Yas Forums whilst detailing its master plans to the fucking mainstream media scraping the place and the niggers.


That is where our transparency of our goals comes in. If someone is acting subversive or out of selfish interest, it is very easy to identify.

are you putting women back in the kitchen?

apologies for the typo, my keyboard does not work properly since some days.

Okay, this is starting to sound like something.

I would be particularly interested in the alt-marketplace of goods and services. I'd prefer to buy potatoes from a guy that I know is /ourguy/, without /ourguy/ losing business due to selling to people who are not mainstream-approved. How would such a mechanism in practice be laid out, I'm sure someone would figure it out. Doesn't feel impossible.

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>it is very easy to identify

I would not be so confident about that.

I actually learned about this movement from Yas Forums. Yeah, there are alot of shills here but there are aware people here who want to do something about it.

this is nothing more than a tryhard datacollection larp for the users of Yas Forums

again, when you glow.

We should be redpilling Bernouts right now, while they are vulnerable. Spread pic related to them on twitter and plebbit. They are on the brink of going full 1488 (the White berniebros anyway) and all they need is a push

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>but there are aware people here who want to do something about it.

oh? retards you mean? lol.

yea, cause i dont want to do shit. in fact, i wish people would stop treating this place like /r/thedonald for once and get back to highIQ posting.

have fun saving the west that is 90% fucktarded and dumbdown and hates it when you broach any subject that isn't niggerdom.

good luck with that (larp), friend.

Yes and no. While we do support traditional family structure and gender roles, we dont believe stripping them of their right to vote is going to accomplish much. Check out our latest video.

This thread being filled with shills and counter-signalers peaks my interests.

Calling everything ''glownigger'' without reasonable suspicion is a demoralization tool. So long you're not doing anything illegal, there's no fear of who you are dealing with. Literally everyone you interact could be a glow in the dark and as long as you don't break the law, there's no harm they can cause. There is nothing illegal in working together with like-minded people towards peaceful ends.

silliness. how do you think weve ended up where we are? jews alone? no.

>highIQ posting
Yes, because that is exactly what youve been doing here, shill. You dont even get a (You).

Yes. We are not wignats and do not advocate for violence or any illegal activity.

ok, lets entertain the notion it isn't a glownigger.

thats even worse IMO, considering how fucking low IQ it is to get on Yas Forums and ask for recruits for your shitty tree-house propaganda squad that lacks a basic understanding of how the world works as is, nevermind how it "should" be.

meh, done here. one of the more entertaining glownigger threads ive seen in a while, someone give this man a raise for the effort. thumbsup, still bad.

You have yet to provide a legitimate rebuttal to our plan, shill.

the more you use the word "shill" the less people will take you seriously.

True, but it is obvious the Luxembourg poster was one. I dont just go around calling random people shills.

So long legality and plan-transparency is the foundation, I fail to see anything bad with this.

Very high IQ posts you've done for 45 minutes now ITT. Wouldn't it be ironic if (You) were the real glownigger here? Why else would you counter-signal and seethe this fucking hard when someone tries to do anything?

Don't try to work together peacefully with like minded people goy, am I right? I'm only bumping this thread because of you.

It doesn't matter if they are or not. I would recommend not using it as that well has been poisoned for years. just answer their questions if you must and then ignore them.

I gotta go. I'll make another thread later on today or tomorrow.

>>What is PolStrat?
>PolStrat is a COMPREHENSIVE plan that is intended to save the west from degeneracy and anything else brought upon our nations.
Ah, I thought we were making a videogame.

Just so you know, at least you got one new person to hear about this.

I say this because it often feels as if everything we say and try goes unheard as we can't really see if anyone with ears is listening.

Fucking newfags...... Lurk more asshat.

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I'll bump because of your post.

Counter-signalers and de-moralizers are probably usually just misguided, but your work is still toxic.