The normies are waking up

Stop larping online, be like Chen and post only what you see, Go to a few local stores now, just take some photos of the water and toilet paper, people are waking up, I hear talk of recession and the virus in public, pics are from Toronto, if you are a torontobro you'll probably start seeing alot of activities from regular and private ambulance services, post the luxury soup as proof

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I go to the grocery store everyday and there's nothing unusual. No empty shelves, no excessive traffic, no masks

4, luxury soups as proof

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nice timestamps, faggot

There's still product in those shelves, call me when they're COMPLETELY wiped out

Go more south in the GTA and it fets worse. No masks nor hand sanitizer/isopropyl.

>blurring out the in-store prices

Cultural marxist demoralization thread saged.

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No masks on shelves or faces?

>grocery store
That's a pharmacy you larping cuck. Chrawnno needs to be nuked

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There's no masks in the fucking province bud
fuck off you'll just call them shopped that's not the point of this thread, post irl shit

In my city of 110k, shelves look like they always do. There is an active case 4 hours away

No masks on faces, plenty on shelves

Bonus schizo points if you can tell me what this spinny radar bit is on these Toronto government vans, I saw 2 on Queen Street, more at hospitals

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you're just mad because you were expecting positive attention but everyone's telling you to fuck off. Now fuck off ya goof

Fuck off city fag. My grocery store is doing just fine.

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>luxury soups
Only in Canada does this idea even exist.

Those can be had in the US for .99 when on sale

>living in the GTA


Glowniggers deployed

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>the GTA
Why is it called that? Because of the crime?

>2 day old pic
People move fast man, my walmart was exactly like OPs today

because niggers

Greater Toronto Area

that picture

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It means Greater Toronto Area

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I see. Thanks.

>"luxury" soups

so this is what life in canada is like

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You forgot bleach, which we are mostly out of.

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For fuck's sake, please stop posting GTA shoppers drug mart Campbell's chunky soup as if it's the price everywhere... It's always like $2 or less at no frills.

>luxury soup
Does it give you luxurious poop?

Joe's inconspicuous van service.

No frills is a soup kitchen for homeless

how's your insulin supply burger? I can sell you some for a price

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Sometimes the society we live in is indeed very real and people should wake up to that fact.

Can't even drink some bleach in peace these days.

>people should wake up
starting with the gamers

are you from Mississauga or something

Why the fuck are people buying more toilet paper than food. Normies confound me.

That's not wakeing up, it's just a sign of being in a much deeper sleep.

I was just there today. Nothings changed. Nice try faggot.

I don't get it. It's a ministry vehicle.

No you weren't, and that pic is old. Go take new pic

Yeah I'm going to go back to the store I was just at to prove you wrong. Go suck a dick and stop fear mongering faggot.

You won't do it you pussy

It's because you didn't go, no mutt goes to a store twice in 2 days unlesss it's a mcdonald's

What is being circled? I don't get it. Explain what is cia about this?

It's groceryfag. Ignore this attention whore

>luxury soups
Are you dirt poor.

I'm not a diabetic.

What? You've never had to dispose of a body (in minecraft)?

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It looks like the orange light comes off to reveal a rotating camera. Maybe. Kinda hard to tell if those are even the same van in all 3 pics.

Ok that was hard to spot but yeah the black thing has changed angles. It could be an extractor fan but it is very blocky so probably a camera. Crazy shit.

canada is collapsing

"Luxury soup" you poor stupid leaf

His wording was hilarious but is that not the best canned soup you can get?

Ministry vehicles are set up with all kinds of gear. They are literally government vehicles.
This isn't like a 'flowers' van or anything. Everyone knows that's the feds.
If they don't they're too stupid to help.

>waking uo

You mean they are panicked by constant msm shilling as usual.
Since when does it count aws "waking up" when you do as your local tabloid sells?

Fun fact: the last few days newspapers at my cigarette store were completely sold out , from normally only selling one or two papers to boomers daily. Why would the (((media))) want to spread panic? Its a mytsery...


In Dallas, all of the gloves, isopropil alcohol, and masks are sold out

Post the in-store prices! No lose leaders either.

That's an air vent

What about toilet paper?

They weren’t sold out user. People need toilet paper.

Cant believe you idiots can be shilled by toilet paper its an inside joke here. I bet we can cause panic by posting empty shelves of toilet paper lol you all are sheep

Why is your luxury soup so God damn expensive? It's $2.67 at the local Shopper's, bud.

None of these retards leave their basement. Their parents shop for them.

>The normies are waking up
>The normies are waking up
>The normies are waking up
>The normies are waking up
>The normies are waking up

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I went shopping yesterday and there were no shortages got myself some shitpaper

Post the in-census demographics mutt

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this. OP didn't post anything that wasnt too blurry too see, OP is a government goon

Haha checked

How is stocking up gonna help you not get sick moron? Might want to buy a shotgun too if you're already preparing for the apoacalypse