/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #1574

Iran frees 54,000 prisoners to combat spread

8% of the Iranian parliament already infected

Spain refused to test kid, was actually infected

First case in EU offices in Brussels

Fed cuts interest rates, tries to stop market crash

SARS-CoV mechanism for antibody-dependent enhancement

18,300 infected in Iran, scientists estimate

Dogs can carry the virus

South Korea "recovered" case reinfected

Testicular damage

Lockdowns cover 760 million people in China

Infected come out negative 50 to 70% of the time

Indian man tests negative, dies of pneumonia next day

China burning bodies without testing or registration

China province covers up "viral pneumonia" explosion

► Detected: 94,348 ► Died: 3,221

17:39: First 2 cases in Hungary. The patients are two Iranian students who are asymptomatic.
17:20: 2 new cases in Austria.
17:05: 587 new cases and 28 new deaths in Italy.
16:40: 18 new cases in Germany.
16:39: 5 new cases in Los Angeles County, California, United States. A sixth case mentioned in the source was previously reported.
15:50: 3 new cases in the Czech Republic.
15:30: 41 new cases in Spain.
15:15: 3 new cases in New York state, United States. Wife, daughter, and neighbor of the state’s second case.


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Other urls found in this thread:


0 cases here

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What is >our opinion on Dr. John Campbell?

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► China 80,282 (2,981) ► International 14,098 (241): S. Korea 5,621 (35) Iran 2,922 (92) Italy 2,502 (79) D. Princess 706 (6) Japan 319 (6) France 212 (4) Spain 202 (1) USA 132 (9) Hong Kong 103 (2) Australia 50 (2) Thailand 43 (1) Taiwan 42 (1) S. Marino 16 (1) Philippines 3 (1) Germany 282 Singapore 110 Switzerland 93 UK 87 Kuwait 56 Bahrain 52 Malaysia 50 Norway 48 Netherlands 38 Sweden 35 Canada 33 Iraq 32 India 28 Austria 27 UAE 27 Belgium 23 Iceland 20 Vietnam 16 Israel 15 Lebanon 13 Oman 12 Macao 10 Denmark 10 Croatia 9 Greece 9 Algeria 8 Czechia 8 Qatar 8 Ecuador 7 Finland 7 Belarus 6 Mexico 6 Romania 6 Pakistan 5 Portugal 5 Azerbaijan 3 Georgia 3 Russia 3 Brazil 2 Egypt 2 Estonia 2 Indonesia 2 Ireland 2 New Zealand 2 Senegal 2 Hungary Afghanistan 1 Andorra 1 Armenia 1 Cambodia 1 Dom. Rep. 1 Jordan 1 Latvia 1 Lithuania 1 Luxembourg 1 Macedonia 1 Monaco 1 Morocco 1 Nepal 1 Nigeria 1 Saudi Arabia 1 Sri Lanka 1 Tunisia 1 Ukraine 1 Argentina 1 Chile 1 Faeroes 1 Liechtenstein 1 Poland 1

China +131 (+38) S. Korea +435 (+3) Iran +586 (+15) Australia +11 (+1) Japan +26 Germany +20 Spain +37 USA +8 Hong Kong +2 Switzerland +35 UK +36 Bahrain +3 Malaysia +14 Norway +15 Netherlands +15 Sweden +5 Canada +3 India +21 Austria +3 Belgium +8 Iceland +6 S. Marino +6 Israel +3 Greece +2 Czechia +3 Belarus +2 Romania +2 Portugal +1 Faeroes +1 Poland +1

He's a based boomer.

COVID-19 infects the brainstep

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How many fortnites has stuck 3,221 ? 5 week ? 6 week ?

based bong boomer

still havent added the new cases in denmark we are at 15 dr.dk/nyheder/indland/nye-tilfaelde-i-alt-15-danskere-smittet-med-corona

>Iran frees 54,000 prisoners to combat spread
wut...that does the opposite


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How come people here aren't talking more about ?

vitamin c, yay or nay?

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Based boomer

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>70% of infected patients have caught the more aggressive and contagious type
>Knowing that the virus can mutate may make it harder to keep track of or to treat, and raises the prospect that recovered patients could become reinfected
>tiny amount of data – 103 samples – so more research is needed
>split into two noticeably different strains
>70 per cent of patients have caught the L strain, which is more aggressive and faster-spreading than S
> people carry it for longer before ending up in hospital, increasing the risk of them passing it on
>'Human intervention may have placed more severe selective pressure on the L type'
>'These findings strongly support an urgent need for further immediate, comprehensive studies that combine genomic data, epidemiological data, and chart records of the clinical symptoms of patients with Coronachan'
>'Thus, they usually undergo some changes allowing them to adapt and become better able to replicate within, and spread from human to human.
Yas Forums was right again

Attached: let me in.png (800x1148, 634.7K)

hungary got afghanistan of cases AAAAAAAAA

Dieter forte school in düsseldorf, teacher got corona, school doesnt close. Wtf

So if the electricity and internet go out if or when shit hits the fan what will you do?

I have a shit ton of paint and canvas, drawing supplies in general to burn through.

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hasn't he just been spouting the party line for like a week or more?

I'm scared.

I think if he was not afraid of the WHO and youtube he would be doing a better job. He is trying to spread as much good information given the censorship now in place.
So yeah based fucking boomer

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If you have no prison it can't spread in prison

cbc.ca/news/health Canadian briefing at 4pm, 30 mins from now.

Threadly reminder that, in the event of a real pandemic capable of wiping out...oooh, say....1/3rd of humanity, every single government on the planet will lie their asses off to their own citizens about it's severity. Simply because it will be difficult enough to rebuild the world afterwards anyway, so the last thing the survivors need is for the normies to panic and burn down the city centres, raid the shops and warehouses dry and jam up all the roads with abandoned vehicles.
They will let as many people die as necessary to avoid those outcomes.

First confirmed case in Slovenia

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internet is going to go when lockdown occurs

Needs to be updated, Brazil has 4 cases now.

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70% of the world infected with a 3.4% mortality rate is 190 million dead.
Maybe 250 million because the icu beds get full.
India shits that many newborns out every two years.
This is a literal nothingburger. No apocalypse. I am pissed you fags told me this was the big happening.

Checked, have a good death user.

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Are drawfag?

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Nothing will happen

Date Antivirals are Kill

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welp, so much for the 'slov' immunity

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>pandemic is bad enough countries will struggle to maintain the supply chain
>all aid to developing countries will end
>Africa is about to see a biblical tier famine

Pretty sure there's only so much lying you can do to normalfags before they finally wake up. There's no way most of the world won't end up in massive panic, looting, crime etc.

He's slightly above normie-tier Corona-chan news.
Better than Lookner
Not as good as Peak Prosperity/MedCram

They getting those parks ready for body disposal user?

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White people are not immune, it's just that our countries are so full of normies that disregard everything as "nothing burgers", the combined "it's just a flu bro" mentality of so many millions is causing a psychic immunity to shield western nations from the worst effects.

Whites will be alright because they believe they will be, basically. Remember to stay positive in public, to keep this power rolling!


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I’ve got dozens of books I need to get through but am too busy for.

>0 tested here

Nah. They won't do that. They're trying to keep the economy going. Shutting down the net will have the west in an uproar. Not gonna happen.

Italy's only at 2500 how long has it been stuck at 2500 for 4 or 5 days?

Report unusual behavior. Barricade your homes. Avoid all contact with infected individuals. Wait for official instructions.

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Yogi up lil' nigga

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That's genius. Let's abolish prison altogether.

I'm scared too.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa one new case here on my little Town(north Italy) aaaaaaaaaaaaaa but the mayor won't reveal his identity idk if I was on contact with him


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kindle books

Kek. I remember some threads ago there being a German teacher here who was worried of his student having corona from a ski trip in Italy. They should close the school.

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because we dont want a cure , we want death and carnage

This. very clever. nice user.

Senegal has 4 cases

Spanish restaurant bro said he's be gone for 2 weeks, I miss him already.

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I'll paint a great portait for you guys if it does and we all make it
One of the many

playing vidya, making my longbow, brewing mead, solitaire and boardgames if electricity dies. finally probably looting lolis if i get too bored

that is really nice mat.. *SNEEZE*

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just eat natural stuff that contains it. Don't eat extra pills, burgers love to do this and kill themselves on overdosing


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We also see in videos from China that people are having seizures.


can someone do a Yas Forums-style drawing of all the memes, namefags, and characters we've had?

I'd like to have it for the end to remember these last days before the fall. you will be legendary.

Literal nothing burger.

Hang in there bro.

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>95608 infected
>3252 dead
stop shilling this stupid bullshit already, this faggot little virus won't cause a pandemic

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nay, you piss out the vitamins you dont need

This is the most horrifying and logical/reasonable explanation of how the virus, obviously manmade, attacks cells.
Timestamped, PLEASE LISTEN.
Few minutes length.


>Peak Prosperity/MedCram
I hate when he tries to be funny

Soon they will be too sick to riot.
And anyone not sick is deffo not going to want to get together in large groups.
The police and military will sort looters out.

it's just a flu bro

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That's an awful way to die. Fuck.

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Anyone have the paper that specifically stated Corona-chan could hide from detection in the cerbralspinal fluid and later reinfect a victim?

>Event 201 was a 3.5-hour pandemic tabletop exercise that simulated a series of dramatic, scenario-based facilitated discussions, confronting difficult, true-to-life dilemmas associated with response to a hypothetical, but scientifically plausible, pandemic.
Sponsored by the Gates foundation and held in October
Based Aussie user watched the videos and made notes. Pic related
>tfw when you realise this is the playbook for the current outbreak

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I'm still mad that Sayaka was cucked, especially that later Papika was revealed to be as old as Cocona's mom.

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Dont forget to check out /CCG/
China and South Korea are treating infected patients with high doses of Vitamin C and D and SK is also giving their doctors 200k IU of Vitamin D. Both reporting success.

>full of links
>research results
>500+ studies

ignore shills.

Attached: 1568254265580.webm (720x1280, 3M)

BASED the good doctor!

I have this on hand I did for a guy on Yas Forums during secret santa, last supper but with some of the old memes. I can fo a little something but not all of them.

Attached: Shitpost Supper.jpg (4536x2048, 1.11M)

Washington state started testing yesterday.
We're now at 10 deaths and 39 confirmed cases.
200 more tests went out today, so those numbers will jump soon.

Attached: wa.png (1280x762, 140.36K)

Yeah, he really likes his nicknames (a la "Death Princess"), but at least he doesn't appear to be bought by anybody

>Anyone have the paper that specifically stated Corona-chan could hide from detection in the cerbralspinal fluid and later reinfect a victim?
This please

Were the la cases community spread or travelers?

Victoria, Australia.
10 cases so far.
Melbourne, Australia.
Was told last night by 2 Melbourne people. Local supermarket COMPLETELY sold out of toilet paper, flour, pasta, rice.

Can you fags read this and realize it’s a nothing burger.

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lets get this show on the road...

we are so fucked m8

Guys, I have a very active family with my eldest just starting to be successful at his job, kid doing great at school, and a new business.

Is this thing as absolutely fucking lethal as it seems? Destroying the brainstorm so you don't breathe? Weeks after infection?

Once we hit the panic button all our progress in life is wiped. I have to make this decision for my family.

Is this thing truly 100% lethal? Do we hide?

Reminder that coronavirus genome was given by Israel to the chinks
>inb4 source

What's the full list?
>Hazmat suit meme
>Li Wenliang and based Chen
>Virgin happeningfag ()
>John Campbell
>Chinese doctor with the gun

needs phil swift with flex tape

Because it’s bullshit meant to placate the market and masses.

>Live near LA
I have a shit ton of books. I'll be happy being quarantined as long as I have water and electricity. No electricity will suck. No water as well, I'm fucked.

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Tera Online, Elin race.

They fought like hell today during the presser to avoid the perception they were community spread.
Definitely means they were community spread

dont forget your paracetamol lads, it'll help knock down your fever

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Was just on a conference call. I'm a med device rep in the southeastern usa. 2/6 were actively sick. 3/6 had recently been sick. One guy covers a hospital in atlanta and he says everyone is sick, rep in miami concurred. This is already here. We will find out how bad this is going to be in the coming days. I've been low key slacking this week to avoid contact with people.

I think the cdc is lying. There is community spread and there has been for weeks.

Should up the score which is good. Hopefully Seattle is locked down soon. That'll induce national panic.

You will not want to spend your time doing „recreational crap“. You will be occupied with surviving. Practice your skill at fire drilling, read books about edible plants, learn how to collect and purify water, learn medical procedures, build weapons, ... fuck wasting precious time painting a flower bouquet, reading some idiotic book or watching hours of downloaded movies.

game is TERA

Anybody have the mass grave vid from iran or whatever?

>Look at me, I live here, I have this and I do this
>Look at me
>Look at me
>Look at me
Fuck off back to reddlt cunt.

>Papika was revealed to be as old as Cocona's mom.
but age gap is my fetish user

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Attached: iran mass graves.webm (352x352, 1.58M)

Good shit. Maybe la will be second after Seattle for the lockdown.

The famine is already there with locusts and all that.

Not old enough user
I have books on that kind of thing, I was also a egale scout, I'm good.

Best place to see real time new cases?

>>tfw when you realise this is the playbook for the current outbreak

That was my notes, Based Ireland user compiled it. Yes, youre dead right. It is indeed the playbook. They describe a Coronavirus that can only be barely treated by HIV medication...they knew.
The Epilogue still keeps me up at night.

Remember that roastie Tucker parrot(?) who was trying to queen it over the thread until her pics were found?

Attached: 1583112758216.webm (626x340, 1.18M)

I saved this when the death total was 60, but it was probably taken days or a week before that.

Attached: iran footage when deaths are supposedly under 60.webm (200x360, 2.41M)

Tfw there is absolutely no chance my hometown gets infected. Virus is pretty much contained in Finland and one suspected local case was confirmed to be negative last week.

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Someone was diagnosed with corona chan at my work this morning, in Parramatta, Sydney, australia. Everyone has been sent home. Who knows how many wagies they spread it too. And lets see if they report it on MSM

hey man we're all losing people we love and accomplishments we're proud of.
if you were successful before corona, chances are you will be after.
best luck my dude.

>Date Antivirals are Kill
Oh damn imagine all of the STD infections that will result from the supply chain disruptions


It's honestly hard to tell. I'm not suggesting anything. I can give you hope. It may mutate into a less harmful strain and inoculate populations. That's the best we can hope for. Good luck friend


well yes, but, if the problem was, that it did spread in the confinement of prison like on the death princess, then releasing them will just spread it all over the country

No not that one, the other one... Dare I say it? Is it not heresy? Alright user, I'll risk it. The word is... C-C-CURE.


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Heard there is a suspected case in Johnson City, TN-a child in the hospital there. If I am remembering correctly, there was a couple from there who returned after being on the death princess.

i like it, user.

I'll be fine with that once they unlock unlimited paid sick days from my company. Pretty sure that's where this will go once LAUSD closes schools down

>look a whole TWO cases that got better
1/10 made me reply

Thank you frens

Overdosing on vit c isn't lethal. You just get the shits. Maybe kidney stones. You won't get enough vit C from food to counteract covid.

You forgot „disregard official instructions, act as if it‘s at least 10x worse than they want you to believe“.

I doubt that, if this virus was so damaging to the nervous tissue to the point of causing breathing problems, we would probably see a lot of neurological problems in people surviving the covid-19.

Hi everyone, just want to aware you on this reddit thread. It will answer all your fears and questions. It is an open and honest discussion, come visit us and ask away. Please no vulgar comments. Thanks, see you there!


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Did you all wash your hands today??

allowing people to communicate on a broad basis is the last thing they want when trying to control the narrative from a police state

5g, lolihunters/coomers, svenanon, nigger, attention whore austrian girl, AAAAAAA, doomer, guzzolene/mad max, gas masks and prepping are some memes and individuals

>Who knows how many wagies they spread it too.
Likewise nobody knows what those wagies are doing right now or where they are.
Here it comes.

Ty user

any word on tennessee?

Okay pastaniggers I want straight answers here

Why are nearly all of the new infections across the world linked to people coming back from Northern Italy?

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This is what iam using.

>Is this thing truly 100% lethal? Do we hide?

No, it doesnt affect the young. Hide? If you have the ability or you think it's time. Stay Safe Brother

well nobody has mentioned the 5 new cases in Algeria for example

I guess saunas and snow are the true enemy of Coronavirus. Think i'll move over there shortly.


Attached: yuri's revenge.jpg (299x168, 10.57K)

>FACT: Some bullshit
guy, probably chinese.

would be much obliged user

go away

>Please no vulgar comments.
Nigger faggots get fucked.

Obvious honeypot is obvious

VP Mike Pence is coming to WA tomorrow, so it could happen soon.

Nice bait

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Press F to pay respects to Ebola Chan for now. Roll for Corona Chan and Ebola Chan to get together.

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Have you actually seen ANY of them? Maybe they can‘t speak anymore or are completely retarded and that‘s why they don‘t get interviewed.


Didn't he say he was a nurse?


What does it mean when I am sitting and can always feel my heart beat in my cheat? My blood pressure is normal, but why can I ALWAYS feel it? What the fuck is causing this?
This was never always the case

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Nice quads of death. May we coof in peace.

See post a few above yours

Nah, different territory. Sorry user.

Don't forget the legendary Gary, he has been here since day one of CVG.

Any person with half a brain should expect any action in public to be recorded, even a shithole like Russia is full of cameras literally everywhere.
If he had 3 working neurons he would have just coughed in his hands and touched stuff casually. If you want to feel like a bootleg Yagami Light you can put some toilet paper with snot in your pockets and use it to "charge" your hands. There's so many ways one could go about it without raising suspicion (particularly during this time when the virus is still considered a nothingburger by many) that anyone who gets jailed for this has only his own foolishness to blame


Saved, stay safe mate.


Save the speedway!

My hands are drier than the vagina of the last girl you tried to get horny. I probably should get some hand cream if i keep washing and disinfecting my hands at that rate.

>First case in EU offices in Brussels
best news of the day.

The virus itself isn't that 'dangerous', the societal collapse is the one you must watch out for. Do you live in Urban area? If so, get out, move to rural area, wait for all of this to blow out.


that's beautiful drawfag

Dont forget to check out /CCG/
China and South Korea are treating infected patients with high doses of Vitamin C and D and SK is also giving their doctors 200k IU of Vitamin D. Both reporting success.

>full of links
>research results
>500+ studies

ignore shills.

Attached: 1568254231484.webm (720x1280, 2.94M)

That's the fire rising brother

That would be existential dread

This is about brain stem but bear in mind it looks at sars not n-wars as no n -sars pathology has been released yet
Pic has lots of links

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Attached: screenshot-www.dailyfreeman.com-2020.03.04-14_44_30.png (911x1272, 99.35K)

>Focus on mitigation


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Nigger faggot.

best projection in the most possible outcome kind of way. ty

He has a PhD iirc

Goddamn I wish valve still made games
>muh alyx game tho

You are being autistic and thinking about it
Now i am thinking about it too
Fucking infectious autism you should be quarantined

I have night vision, a lot of guns and gear with nothing better to do. what do you think?

Attached: nvg 2.jpg (960x649, 63.14K)

no its not the end of the world despite many poltards in here hoping so, because there is nothing happening in their life that only a major habbening they're waiting for everyday, glued to their computer screens like flies on the dump they just took in their backyard can make them happy and hopeful that everything around them goes down while they proudly say to their neighbours 'I told you so'

I had work off today, took advantage of no one being in stores on a weekend and bought some supplies. I encourage u fags to do the same.

The virus itself isn't the main concern it's the panic and instability it will cause. Hell alot of us will probably get infected but end up fine.

He started that way but as time goes on he is becoming increasingly redpilled on the WHO and governments

nice bait


Yas Forums autists are, and have been 10 steps ahead of any 'experts'...

Time for some real prep question: what use for fap instead of toilet paper? The shelves with TP are getting lighter and lighter

Fitness, hiking, biking, gardening, playing guitar, yoyo and other wacky hobbies

They're only testing people who has been in Iran and northern Italy, so no one else can be positive

heart palpitations caused by anxiety. i've dealt with it for decades.

Bout god damn time

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It means your fucking terrfied you pussy
Anons of Yas Forums thought so aswell. I have more meme work I did for them somewhere
Hunt racoons, make a hat

I don't want a cure. I want society to fall so I can live out my post-apocalyptic fantasy

>the best ways to prevent coronavirus are washing hands and staying in isolation when experiencing flu-like symptoms
>one Ballad patient is in quarantine, while a coronavirus test is being performed by the health department. Test results are expected in 24-48 hours.
>Ballad officials said they have adequate quarantine space and supplies in the event of a surge of coronavirus cases, though they added the risk is still very low
>If there is a high volume of coronavirus cases, in our region, Ballad will designate facilities specifically for treatment for those in quarantine. Officials would not name which facilities would be used

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cvg waiter

>hasnt got a cum rag

You won't survive

Fucking finally
Also checked


Next is serbia digits say

We are verified specialists.

use my blow torch on something, haven't decided what yet

>The virus itself isn't the main concern it's the panic and instability it will cause. Hell alot of us will probably get infected but end up fine.
it could get crazy very quickly where ever you are, where there's a cluster of cases in a small area that is when it's about to pop for the community - you can feel the sense of fear is rising


*Coof* You can- *Coof* can't leave the EU we were in this for a thou *Coof* thousand years.

A fucking woman you coombrain

Just got a text from a friend, supposedly there's a case at the Grey Nuns hospital here in Edmonton.

Someone screencap this and we'll check the delta when it finally makes the news.


what this
>seen in Colorado
>some kind of emergency response vehicle
>sign says stay 90 ft away
>weird antennas all over it
glowy mobile unit? some kind of radio wave blaster? five gee?

Attached: Screenshot_20200304-143722_YouTube.jpg (1977x944, 570.15K)

Serbien muss sterbien!

HOW THE HELL DO WE GET RID OF IT user? Constant heart palpitations aren't normal? What the fuck even is a palpitation? Are we going to die from this shit? No matter what time it is, I can feel my heart beat! Even when super calm!

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>using cum rags

He's not a medical doctor but an academic doctor.

unbelievable, where are Serbian cases why are they covering it up REEEEEEEE

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how are you all going to celebrate 100'000'000 cases?

Ignore the vitamin cult

>Italy's mortally rate is around 28

Something isn't adding up here

Dr John Daily Update scary edition.
This guy is a legit medical professional.


It's a pandemic. Sooner or later there will be a retard that will bring it to your country. It was ogre the moment chinks from Wuhan spread out all oevr the world. None of the third world shitholes are containing this.

where you at user
nashville here

cough cough

Vučko doesn't care. He just doesn't care


That's fear.

>Wacky hobbies

Does whacking off count?

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Someone at zerohedge thinks this is all a giant conspiracy for global control

Learn about localization. You need to mentally train yourself to take control of your body or you're not gonna make it

Intrusive thoughts. You've become aware of something you just need to forget again. Like when you become aware of your own breathing, and then you can't stop controlling it manually. Another issue is, if you become anxious, your heart rate will then increase and make the problem harder to ignore.

Just try to distract yourself as best you can.

We're at the point where there are so many cases in so many countries I can't even keep track anymore.

Please visit us on the reddit thread previously posted. We are verified specialists. He is not.

In our case we can flee to rural area and farm cassava and banana, but outside the tropics people will have to deal with winter...

Maybe some non-military radioactive device?

Shhh user, we don't use the P-word anymore.

Attached: WHY CONTAIN I.jpg (590x680, 38K)

I bought another 3M half-mask and extra filters with the intent of trading for food when shit gets chaotic. I will just ask potential buyers to send me a picture of their food first and reverse search to make sure it wasn't pulled off google. How many calories do you think I can get off a desperate normalfag?

btw nobody is prepping in the maritimes, only unusual sight was that the hand sanitizer shelf was empty. Fucked region.

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>wasting all those vitamins and protein
you never had a chance

knoxville. i'm a college student so there's a chance they close it down and I bug out to rural northeast TN in the next few months.

user I've had this before this covid-19 was a thing

>It is an open and honest discussion,
>no vulgar comments
Yeah nah get fucked you're joyless

>not just slurping your own juices
Why are men so retarded?

My stupid fucking mother decided to get Breaking Benjamin tickets to go to the show in Tennessee. We she comes back I'm going to make her stay in the shed for two weeks.

Nebeski Narod is immune.

Attached: Serboid.jpg (356x360, 33.1K)

You're the piece of shit that has the run on every fucking Coronavirus subreddit except maybe one or 2. You're an obvious fucking CCP shill and not only that but you are an absolute piece of shit dictator who shuts down ANY and ALL conversation you don't like.

You're literally one of the most hated mods on Reddit today. You groom your cult of personality to call people who are prepared and well informed "doomers".
You're a waste of air, I hope you get corona bombed.

No he cares too much because his voter base is comprised of fucking BOOMERS and he's not telling them because they won't go out to vote

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>replying to your own posts

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Everything is a conspiracy for those MAGAtards, except actual Russian conspiracies. The site is run by a filthy slav.

I've read the content of your comments here for weeks already, dumb fuckers

It's just a whole bunch of epidemics across a whole bunch of countries. Totally not the same thing

Sounds good, doesnt work.
internet is a basic need nowadays.
teenage girls will lose their shit.
Not gonna happen unless severe societal collapse

anxiety then

Good for them. They have suffered enough.

By coofing all over pennies and leaving them outside synagogues.

I hope you have a gun otherwise you will just get robbed




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reminder to wear masks ONLY if you are already sick :^)

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Armed to the teeth m8

As far as I know there aren't any cases here

Will never go out where I live; solar panels farm and local battery support grid was setup in the area for this very reason. (small community that's isolated); has main power.

I've spent 2/3rds of my life on the computer for 90% of the day. It would probably force me to step out of my bubble existence I have created for myself.

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Ducking Chinese in OZ are buying and hoarding in organized gangs. They hit supermarkets upon opening.

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So the weapon was designed in such a way that the initial cases wouldn't be a huge deal, allowing it to slip into a population for a while, then it would mutate (presumably virologists know what sets of pairs are more likely to mutate than others) into a faster spreading and more deadly form.

So those are two stages of this thing.

Eczema user, there's a product called Egyptian Magic (I know it's a stupid name) that works really well too. Just fyi in case you start to react to vaseline.

No, really, jokes aside, what is the word around serbia? Are they trying to cover up confirmed cases or what?

Just fap into your own mouth or your buddies, then have them fap into yours. It's not gay if it's for survival (like when you're caught in a storm/blizzard so you naked cuddle with your bro for warmth).

damn right.

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Stick them to the sidewalk with your own shit. Increases contact time

so it's fucking normal? Because I literally am going batshit insane over always feeling my heart rate. My blood pressure cuff says it's normal, it even has a mode to detect weird heart rates and it never activates that mode...but seriously, I ask everyone in real life and nobody says they can feel it and SOME even have to look for their beat.
It's driving me mad. Makes me feel like I am going to die from some heart attack

The snowball is rolling downhill guys..

>A cruise ship voyage that set sail from San Francisco is being turned around after a cluster of coronavirus cases discovered in Northern California were determined to be connected to a contaminated ship, the cruise line said
>previous passenger who was exposed to the virus on a Grand Princess cruise ship has died.
>The patient traveled from Feb. 11-21 on a Grand Princess cruise ship from San Francisco to Mexico and was likely exposed to the virus while onboard
>A cruise ship that left San Francisco and was expected to arrive in Mexico on Thursday is being diverted back. The ship is supposed to arrive on Thursday afternoon

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is there a cvg games one of these?

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as much as i know getting out of town is safer, i can't miss the opportunity to see shit get real first hand. i can't imagine leaving my home.
i'll fight off the hoards as long as i can

I think Ireland has 6 cases now? Update this in next thread

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How the fuck do I make sense out of all this information?
>virus can't survive outside the body
>but don't touch anything the infected touched

>use masks to avoid infection
>but they only work for the infected to make them not spread the virus

>virus is airborne
>it isn't

Fucking noodle niggers are like locusts.

>he's not telling them because they won't go out to vote

shieeeet. Godspeed, brother. Hope she doesn't hit you hard.

What is cov-2 ??
Thats what the teachr has in düsseldorf.

My neighborhood borders the urban area where all the nigs and spics live. I assume I'll be on chimpout defense until they eventually learn I have no problem killing animals who attack myself and my people. After my borders are secured I suppose I'll be reading and discussing philosophy with my friends who are all kings.

response to

Cum rag gets crusty and starts smelling really nasty after 2 to 3 months of use depending on how often you jerk off and where you keep it. Better to just let it out in the toilet/shower or inside empty packages/cans/bags of other stuff that you would throw away anyways.

I got like zero physical books or manga. Fug. I still want to learn Japanese so maybe that can occupy my time.

Just play the Division

Verified Specialists. We are fucking Autistic. More brainpower here than some wanky little collection of booksmart idiots.
Yas Forums have been ten steps ahead.
you're going to kill those reddit users. Which might not be a bad things. Now, fuck off.

Remember the real reason for preparations. China put down half of their population in quarantine a few months ago and it still hasn't truly lifted yet.

While being in a quarantine zone might suck in the US, it wouldn't sick as hard as in China. In the US, a quarantine zone may include handing out bottled water and a few food supplies. This will still feel miniscule.

...this just made me very nervous...
We haven't seen them yet? Maybe if you survive you become full potato. (Unlikely - but intresting)

We probably have it. Who knows. Elections are coming up. The sheep needs to go out and vote. Can't do that if they think corona is here.

I Have a self Sustaining Solar Setup with a fairly decent industrial battery and a back up Generator, but then I'm a crazy person. Who can't live without his Vidya gems.

Otherwise I have a library of books in my house, cos I collect them for fun.

i understand there hasn't been any testing here, and the tornado gave timely cover for delaying the inevitable.
got word they were covering for lots of cases at vandy.

survival of the Yas Forumstest

spaghetti niggers infecting every corner of the world

Exercise common sense.
Learn to identify what they say to quell panic vs what legitimate good advice is.

I think I got it. People here don't even care if they are put in quarantine and just use it to skip work, but go to parties, gyms, stores etc.

based justaflu guys letting others panic buy first

It can survive for up to 9 days outside the body

SARS-CoV-2 is the name of the virus
COVID-19 is the disease

How come only a few areas seem to be getting royally fucked? Seattle, N. Italy, Wuhan. Why hasn't this shit spread in massive numbers to all of China?

Something fucky is going on here.

>>virus can't survive outside the body
>>but don't touch anything the infected touched
viruses can't survive for a long periods of time outside the body unless perfect conditions are satisfied

>use masks to avoid infection
>but they only work for the infected to make them not spread the virus

better masks (respirators) allow you to have some protection - notice that doctors have a primitive surgical mask on top of a respirator

>virus is airborne
>it isn't
this one is tricky, but it seems you can consider it being airborne if it can travel quite far in microdroplets

Yo Oz,
How is summer? Hot, right? Fires and shit.
So this thing doesn't slow down when its hot aint it? We are sooo fucked!!


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Start one.
Res evil,

Cruise liners should be temporarily require corona checks, they need to certain the ships don't become plague ships.

Likely multiple stages/strains. Its been shown that kids are infected but show incredibly mild or no symptoms. The younger you are the longer the incubation period. Kids are basically super spreaders that nobody can see. If it continues mutating I expect it to kill younger and younger generations. Mind you this is complete speculation on my part so take it with a grain of salt. Just what Im noticing. A lot of the leaked videos show young(relative to boomers) people collapsing. Just have to wait and see what happens.

The virus can survive outside the body - for 4 weeks in ideal (unlikely) conditions.
Masks do work.
It is airborne.

These docs are total doomers. Some of them expect mass quarantines in the U.S.
Based doctors

I believe this shit was even in Dallas in December since I had a pnemonia that confused doctors and lasted until middle Febuary