@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool:

>TrumpTweet: Thank you NIH! 3/3/20
>Pres Trump/HHSSec Azar/NIAIDDir Fauci arrive @WH 3/3/20
>Pres Trump tours NIH Viral Pathogenesis Lab 3/3/20
>Pres Trump @NIH Roundtable Briefing 3/3/20
>Pres Trump arrives @NIH 3/3/20
>Pres Trump departs WH 3/3/20
>Pres Trump comments before departing WH 3/3/20
>Pres Trump @NACo Legislative Conf 3/3/20
>SoS Pompeo meets w/DRC Pres Tshisekedi 3/3/20
>HUDSec SleepyBen on FBN 3/3/20
>FEDChair Powell News Conf on Econ Policy 3/3/20
>StateDeptSpox Morgan on FoxNews 3/3/20
>Bannon on JohnFredericksShow 3/3/20
>Eric Trump on FoxNews 3/3/20
>Eric Trump on JohnFredericksShow 3/3/20
>ThiccSarah on FoxNews 3/3/20
>TrumpTV Real News Update (Lara) 3/3/20

OP pastebin:

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Other urls found in this thread:


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When you’re a Democrat, they let you do it. You can do anything.

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Imagine thinking I should feel bad for elizabeth warren lmao

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I'm here to steal nominations and sniff kids and I'm all out of Thursday.

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i hope he gets raked over the coals for this one and investigated and baleeted from life.
he won't though

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I am still trying to rap my head around Biden and his supporters. How can millions of people vote for a guy who doesn't know where he is, or who he is with, has false memories, and inappropriately touches people?

This is going to be a fucking landslide.

I am from PA, probably not to best idea to tell working class people to "learn to code". Will lose here worse than Clinton.

when is pence going to announce that his task force is useless? we're dealing with 2 strains of this coronavirus now, so a vaccine is out of the question, even if they could make one soon.

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nooo, my poor little Navajino. Also zhecked

Contraception is treason!
Reduce immigration!
Ban abortion!
Abolish welfare!
God will provide!

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Would blacks not of voted for sanders in a hypothetical election against trump?

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Still looks like a mutt. She's got nice tits, but all that proves to me is how she got into the position she's in.

Will Teflon Biden Teflon in the General as well?

He is doing really well in polls?

just you wait, just you wait...

I don’t feel bad for her at all. But politically she is in a lose/lose/lose poi’s it ion. The way she wins is deciding who is offering more. I’m guessing DNC and Biden have more to offer.


Amen, brother.

Dude is retiring.
Don't give a fuck what he says.

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Is Warren out?


you should prove how dangerous it is by dying from it. you would never hear us argue against it again.

Remember to post links with BB posts, cause if anyone's earned a click it's them.

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> This conservative cutie is challenging AOC in a hotly (so hotly) contested race.

the virgin professional vs the chad infected commander and chief

we passed the point of containment months ago.

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thank you for baking, user. someone will take over.
you go and take rest, lad

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keep your malarkey radars calibrated, bidenbro.

Attached: pepe riding with biden.jpg (1024x638, 81.96K)

>muh checks and balances
>threatening the supreme court
Victory is all that matters.


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where did bloomberg go wrong lads?
did he not eat enough hot dogs?

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she has te flu

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He is polling worse than Hillary nationally at this point. He will do better than Sanders. It’s still an uphill battle for Dems as they need to win all 4 Rust Belt states. Trump just needs one and will be targeting new states for himself and the House.

When Mark Cuban speaks, Texas listens.

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>panic panic panic please panic panic oh God panic why aren't you panicking enough we need panic panic panic
Assuaging fears is what the leader should do.

>muh experts
Didn't even have to read to know it was written by a sawdust-for-brains leftist.

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If Warren drops the race is now
Not Bernie vs Not Biden
We will see which is stronger!


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Isn't doppelganger more appropriate?

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the second strain is tearing italy and iran to shreds. /cvg/ knew about the possibily of mutation weeks ago.

Alexandra Olivia Corbett

Fellow turbofaggot is the only appropriate term.


fucking piece of shit schmuck schumer threatening supreme court justices. if trump said this, the media would go ape shit, like they usually do.

reminder that it was schmucky chuck who said on national TV after trump was elected that "trump had better be careful, the intel community has six ways from sunday to get back at you"

>He is polling worse than Hillary nationally at this point.
I guess so.
Oddly consistent against Trump though, not sure why even.

>trump's the worst president ever and a racist lying orange buffoon
>we can't beat him though, only bernie has a chance!

Attached: hmmmcat.jpg (640x480, 28.93K)

He got on the debate stage.
He needed to be prepared and he got on the debate stage.
Dude is too arrogant to prepare though. The first impression of him as a person and not a series of ads killed him


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He didn't spend enough.

Them sandniggers running fucking wild, buddy. Fucking wild.

A toast to Biden-senpai

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Wasn't he seething over Trump in 2016?

Imagine thinking anyone cares what happens to Italy or iran.
Fuck off.

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Please don't post for a while and just read the threads. It's not necessary for you to post at all.

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i don't think its under control

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Did you know Schumer called the SEC to stop them from investigating Bernie Madoff?

>Footage emerges claiming to show coronavirus body bags lined up in Iranian hospital - as country's first vice president 'is infected', illness affects 8% of MPs and 54,000 prisoners are released in bid to stop disease spreading
more proof that this virus is destroying iran. the rest of the world will be like this in a month or two.

Literally everyone that says this isn't American.
Warren is the closest thing to an American on the opposition side.

big feet

Good thing you're paid to post, not think.

One thing to note is Trump’s national polling is also quite consistent between 44-48.
State polling is more important though. The race will tighten closer to Nov.

It absolutely isn’t.

Alright, this is the weirdest thing I've ever seen posted here.

>Literally everyone that says this isn't American.\
show flag

They just didn't want the public to see Trump grabbing Corona-chan by the pussy.

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maybe he thought people would be more honest if they weren't acting for the cameras

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>who cares if Italy is a possible indicator of how we’re gonna be looking like soon?

Nothing will ever happen to him. Not even a cautious scolding. He can do anything he wants and you'll have to deal with it.

Observe additionally.

bernie bros are fighting with blacks now proving how racist they are. it's glorious


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>Warren is the closest thing to an American on the opposition side

No candidate on the left espouses anything real Americans want.

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Nipples should have been lightened but otherwise 100% would breed.

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Word? We are going to look like an african nation? K.

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Can't wait to see him lose it again when Trump wins again.

>bernie bros are fighting with blacks
What's funny about this is these are the people that come out to vote in the smallest numbers.

The wouldn't have turned out for Bernie. But now the Hispanics might not turn out for Biden.

The spirit of the nigget cat lives in all of us.

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It’s amazing how we went straight from the Obama economy to the Biden economy. Really makes you think

happens to numales a lot

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Why do people insist on posting this sandnigger?
Genetically, you clown fuck, everyone else isn't even on the spectrum.

Italy has less of a black population than we do. Cope, mutt.

There's a strange feeling I get whenever I see bernouts start to get mad at blacks and start to reason why they didn't vote for the old commie.

Usually stuff like intelligence gets quietly brought up, and its like watching a chimpanzee stacking boxes to get closer to that banana on the ceiling.

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^ If anyone else wants it before they notice

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Imagine thinking I care about percentages. Faggot


That nigger kike Whoomp there it is Goldberg said Jill Biden should be surgeon general. Niggers don't know that all PhD's are technically Doctors only their only skill is pumping tuition money into leftist brainwashing institutes.

They have less blacks both percentage wise and number wise.
Amerinigger throwing stones from a glass house. Cope.

Kinda not wrong, signalling they won't let Bernie get the nomination.

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chunk yogurt is my favorite dem lolcow

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based retard zoomers

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And yet they're more African than we are.
Strange right?
Fuck off, faggot

The niggers have already named a park after Corona-Chan! Godspeed Corona Chan!

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How will you cope with President Biden?

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I don't think Trump will be able to overcome all the rust belt boomers voting for Biden thinking it'll make everyone "decent" again and make all the ebil nazis and scary socialists go away

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why would he endorse trump? last election he said he'd rather be broke than a trump presidency


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The election will be decided in PA, WI, MI, VA, NC and FL. I think right now Biden has the advantage in PA, VA and FL, but he could easily screw that up by adopting the wrong stances on trade and guns. He had Beto O'Rourke on stage the other night and said he wanted to put him in charge of gun control, so that alone could tank his campaign. Basically he looks competitive against Trump today but he has a lot of room to collapse whereas Trump has proved to be teflon.

Your responses is like an animal sensing danger. The beast knows something is wrong, but doesn’t have the cognitive function to realize what The danger is and why it should worry, so it lashes out.

But do you, keep believing trump is on top of this(he isn’t)

Ridiculous. How would Biden win the rust belt when Hillary couldnt?

>virus mutates at least once in 3 months
>extreme lowball estimates say a vaccine will be ready in 18 months
it's not going to work, is it? we're going to have 7+ strains of this thing by that point. we're all fucked.

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Fucking savage from the Bee

it's the economy, stupid

Couldn't care less if he is.
You don't really understand the way the world works.

There’s an entire neighborhood in queens named Corona. Full of spics.

>whereas Trump has proved to be teflon
no he isn't, 2018 was a slaughter that ushered the Blue Wave

>the _________ challenge
how to get people to do anything

trump may grab women by the pussy. but biden is on camera every other day burying his nose into some child.

rust belt folk get subconsciously disgusted by biden.

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note to all newfriends getting into arguments with people about European races, before you get into a 10 post exchange ask for a timestamped photo of a pork product

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fuck off to your own thread schizo. this is PRESIDENT TRUMP general...fuck off

You need to up your meds then. Put those blackpills down.

remember that challenge where niggers were lighting each other on fire?

The only ones slaughtered were the 40 neocon nevertrampers that retired in the house.

Florida and NC aren't in play for Biden. PA and Mi aren't likely to support him either.

>Dems barely took the house
>Reps kept and made gains in the senate
>Blue wave

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>an inefficient response to an epidemic is GOOD for trump, don’t you see?
Convincing argument.

too late, boomer have been spooked by Q nonsense and all this satanic pedo bullshit

boomers are the ones coming out for Trump during this primary


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I cant wait to go back to Ukraine...

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Because Hilary is a completely unlikeable human being while boomers and gen xers can probably relate to and pity the hapless old man demonstrability losing his mind right in front of them

i was talking about trump's vaccine.

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No, but it needs to be memed back into existance.

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fuck off schizo. you spend all day here, everyday talking about off topic bullshit. got to /cvg/ where you schizos belong

>D-Dead C-Cat Bounce!

didn't biden want to end fracking?

Again, you don't understand how the world works.
We don't have an epidemic

hes off-topic, theres a fix for that...

No shit. The Dems are losing the white working class that populate states like PA and Michigan. Biden is toast.

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Yes, which is hilarious considering his son received about 17,000 years worth of rig salary from a fossil fuel concern.

fuck off to /bant/ if you can't handle the biggest happening in over 100 years.

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Yeah right. We all know the biggest reason is "he was Obama's VP."

I think NC could be in play because of his black turnout, but it would also require him to have stronger white turnout than Hillary which remains to be seen. Same logic with FL since it's generally very close and he could have an advantage with certain moderate white voting blocs.
Trump wasn't on the ballot in 2018. So far nothing has damaged his approval or reelection odds, not even impeachment.

>this manlet cope

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With Biden being a shoe-in right now, is there even a chance for Trump to lose?
I really cant think of a single strength he has other than democrat rigging the votes that has a honest chance of beating Trump at all in just about every state except California.

Imagine thinking a virus that doesn't have a high infection rate and doesn't have a high mortality rate without a litany of comorbidities is the biggest happening in a century.
What a moron

God. It's pure gold. While not as good as their 2016 meltdown, it's still very nice. Anyone who believes the DNCC won't steal this from Bernie and give it to Sanders or someone else is mentally retarded

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6 more months of
>actually, it's TRUMP who had shady dealings in ukraine!

"Lad" if I can hesitantly call you that, it's not a happening until people start wild riots cause of it.

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Is Stefan a manlet?

The way he flies away so slowly is incredible.
It's like straight outta the winners ceremony of Kunio Cross-Country.

Dumb happooner

biden: nostalgia and niggers

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Or at least until people get themselves infected on purpose to make youtube videos.

Overconfidence would be the only thing that could make Trump lose. He might not need to try as hard as in 2016 but he still needs to hit Slow Joe at every opportunity.

So Trump is trying to kill us with vaccines now? Vaccines are an attack on us. Trump is literally promoting vaccination. He's trying to sterilize and euthanize the white race.

No. He will win all his 2016 states +3. Trump's win in the rustbelt was diluted because Johnson got 150k+ votes in all of those states.

There is no path to 270 for Biden.

oh god that nutter is still around?

someone explain it pls

He's right.
It's like fats, you see fat people and you see old people, but you never see fat old people. Same for the very tall.

Well Hillary was a woman, and 53% of voters are women, and Hillary lost. Biden has Blacks, and only 13% of voters are black so... not good for Biden. However, the country is very divided and dark skinned, so the result will not be much better than 2016.

Biden is about to be fucked over by the bernouts, Trump literally convinced them to destroy the DNC for him. They'll shill Biden to death with Burisma shit for him, killing his candidacy and Bernie will be the commie in Trump's helicopter. If it wasn't before, it's definitely completely over now.

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Based on what, your fee-fees? We’re currently in an epidemic with the potential for it to become a pandemic.


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>Warren drops out and becomes Biden's VP
>Biden gets a good chunk of Berniebro votes
>Bernie endorses Biden
>Coronavirus causes a recession just before the elections
You should be worried. They have a plan.

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too soon to make such conclusions. the only country so far that is actually affected in a major way, china, has fudged their data so much as to be unreliable.

Attached: viral_content.png (485x309, 50.43K)

>vote against your interests
>have a luke warm I.Q.
NIGGERS choose both.

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Trump's campaign infrastructure this time is massive and professional. Last time, it was shoe-string in a lot of ways.

>that Sandnigger Droop Eye™
they just cannot escape it!

I knew he was gonna die but somehow was not expecting the manhole to explode

sewer methane + fire = chinese space program

Texas is blue , mark my words

he raped her so hard it gave her brain damage

>9 deaths in the us

The regular-assed flu has killed 127 in my state
alone this year.

also: >Worrying about instead of wishing for death

Trump better fucking win again

Attached: butwhatwashistaxpolicy.png (700x400, 115.73K)

>democrat rigging the votes
This and any serious decline in the economy are Trump's biggest risks. Republicans had better get good at ballot harvesting because that's how they are rigging it in California and I'm sure other states as well.

You won’t see the article when Trump is right and a vaccine is available in a few weeks

What's worse is Cenk damn near sunk Christy in Cali too.

Exponential growth. Those 9 deaths will balloon. Italy had like 5 deaths two weeks ago.


if there is one state that will definitely will be Blue, then it's PA

Corn Pop will mesmerize all those boomer cucks and niggers

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nigs voting for themselves shouldn't surprise anyone

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>blue Texas meme

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