Is this the motherfucking absolute state of the UK right now? Hows your Brexit going?
Tommy Robinson's Daughter Groped, Police Arrest Tommy Robinson
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Why doesn't he just leave Britain? People would love him over here
Because cowards run
his name is Stephen Christopher (((Yaxley-Lennon))), Tommy Robinson is a fake name
quit talking about this jew manlet fag.
When uk turns into a caliphate, at least the jews will get slaughtered. Serves them right for helping to bring all this multicultural dystopia into reality.
This is interesting, source?
Is there any point in trying to save England when everyone there is either cucked or nonwhite?
Robinson recorded his daughter describing the assault and viewers can see the girl confirmed the man intentionally squeezed her buttocks and that it was not an accidental incident.
When Tommy confronted the man, he admitted to “accidentally” touching her bum and attempted to flee.
Robinson restrained him and the man received a bloody nose while struggling with Tommy and trying to escape.
“Now, I’m well within my rights as a father to prevent this man, who’s touching up young children in a swimming pool, from leaving, getting away and possibly touching up other children,” he explained.
>Luv me swim
>Luv daughter
>Ate nonces
>Simple as
>This is interesting, source?
Its true its a fake name. I don't disregard him though.
We sure like people who love kikes, right about that. Would fit right in with neocons.
Don't give a fuck. Guy is jew shill piece of shit. He gets out of prison and massive amounts of small donations from other brit bongs and what does he do? He makes a documentary about how a french kike is being oppressed by muslims. Not about his people and their stories, no some fucking KIKE!
Tommy should be put to death and his bloodline needs to be extinguished. The little people need to find a different representative and not from a kike EDL group.
why does Yas Forums hate tommy?
i know he apparently said he's a zionist,
but the kikes are filling our countries with shitskins so that they will rape our daughters and destroy our countries.
so if tommy is exposing that, isn't he working against the kikes interests?
I don't have a source to back up that posters claim but I have heard from several different places that Tommy Robinson is not his real name. Though guy looks anglo so I doubt he is Jewish. Doesn't really matter guy might as well be a kike because he is a total crypto kike without question.
>didn't have a 'defend my daughter from being Rotherhamed' loisence
Exactly, he'd get a job at fox immediately
that's how ((they)) poison the well. Yas Forums falls for it every single time.
he was groping his daughter and that's why he got arrested. simple.
his dauthers gonna get raped and the police will do nothing to stop it.
i wonder why he didn't just beat the guy up instead of calling the cops. he knows they're corrupt...
Now you will understand.
He’s a faggot little jewsucker anyway. Who cares.
Fuck off Tommy, you jewsucking nonce. Go and suck more mutilated jew dick, manlet.
Tommy talked himself into that arrest. The muslim rape gang deny any wrong doong so police have to respect them, Tommy admitted to restraining the muslim rapist fron leaving, muslim rapists claimed he was hit. Tommy admitted to hate crime assault, essentially.
Masonic justice doing its thing
Because he's there to demoralize people, nothing more. His last name isn't really (((Robinson))). It's all a part of the larger plan to break the spirit of the British.
he's a neocon jew
why would i care about him?
I've heard of this type of shit before. DON'T TAKE YOUR CHILDREN TO SWIMMING POOLS! They're everywhere touching and raping kids
wtf is he fighting for anyway?
the ungreatful country that locks him up and people arent helping him!
Id say fuck that country and move.
I suddenly don't feel sorry for him anymore.
Hot take, you cocksucking mutt.
>i don't have sauce but trust me dude it's the truth
how about you go fuck yourself shitskin?
whats the problem here? Did the man not have his butt squeezing license for minors?
Tommy let his anger get the better of him. He should have recorded the altercation. A confession and proof all he did was bar him exit from the pool area.
Just because your ancestors ran instead of making your homeland greta again.
Absolute state of Bongistan.
>Historical sexual offenses
What odd wording.
the soil is responsible for who you are. to depart it is the act of a pioneer. to abandon it while being invaded by foreigners is the act of a sub-human.
Idc if he is jewish, this is fucked up. Multiculturalism must come to an end to protect our daughters.
Read it in context of entertainment press for pedos around the country.
maybe his jewish handlers avi yemeni and the other jew who lives in israel can help him.
People have migrated to different lands since humanity started, British people didn't just spawn from the fucking dirt. Goddamn autist
You've made your bed, Tommy, now lie in it.
Cowards always run, smart people make decisions.
This is a great moment to redpill normies guys, seriously spread this video to every alt news and mainstream news we can. Let's get on it.
>Live to fight another day?
Oh god I’m fuckin dying here
Its a cost benefit analysis. If his instinct was run, then he is a coward, but after analyzing the situation he determines he can’t win and must save his family first, leaving is the right thing to do.
why is he not telling is those pervs were fucking shitskins. I guess this is the reason why the police being so gentle with them
He mentions it once half way it was an “asian”
"asian" mans name hahaha get that pedo.
England people act really fucking stupid am I the only one who notices this?
>Hows your Brexit going?
This is happening in Germany and the rest of Europe; the difference is, you don't have anyone exposing it like Robinson. I believe "sexual emergency" originates with a case in your once great country, where Muslims raped a boy or girl in a swimming pool, and were allowed to walk free.
Safe to say this is WHY that side of the world IS a SHITHOLE?
yeah I heard that, but why is acting like pussy and not pointing this out streight forward?
>Dem fackin mooslums init m8
>Dem mooslums toutched me dauguh
>Den oi went done pust is face didn oi
>Den da police came arrested me FOW NO REASON
They come in two main flavors, naïve useful idiots, or so cynical they are apathetic.
All the ones who are cynical and motivated to fix things left, and the few that remain go through hell.
I love these TR threads, it always brings out the the allahniggers hiding behind VPN meme flags!
If he mentions it too much they’ll easily claim it was racially motivated assault