>open eyes
>see this
Wat do
Open eyes
Other urls found in this thread:
Cry tears of joy
Tell them "My childs worthless video game playing father left, we have no social safety net and you people are seemingly fine with tearing our society apart, shame on all of you. My child is half black and you have no idea the terror I live every day"
Go to work and do my job.
Regret it right now or I'll call STASI
Probably try and start a revolution since I hate nazism.
Throw up several celebratory hieeeellls
Fuuuuckkk nigggggers
thank the lord for hearing my prayers
Tell them about nazbol
tears of joy
Gas myself in joy.
ask for an application
>Actually fell for my tripfag meme
>Using second most obvious flag
P.s. You do know the peace sign is an ancient aryan symbol that represents death and the national socialists put on their death certificates, right?
a wat do thread. grow up you fucking missgerburt
my first thought exactly
>>Actually fell for my tripfag meme
So I should remove it??
>>Using second most obvious flag
I didn't want to use the nazi flag.
>P.s. You do know the peace sign is an ancient aryan symbol that represents death and the national socialists put on their death certificates, right?
No, I did not, and I'll pick something else then.
Weep tears of joy
enlist immediately in the Atommutten
Did I just wake up?
what a fucking fag you are, holy shit
>*Cry tears of goy
>so should i remove it?
>i didn't want to use (memeflag here)
stop using memeflags
>i'll have to pick something else hten
pick yourself in the brain
Okidoki, I removed it.
>stop using memeflags
>pick yourself in the brain
You can pick yourself in the brain.
i bet you're a poo
But I need to hide my gold first, then I'll save the 11 million.
>should I remove it
I was making a joke that your posts are so obvious you may as well use a trip, they're so people can confirm that they are a poster
The death symbol is an upside down version of the one for life, you'll see them posted here sometimes
>Wat do
Join them.
She's a Swedish femanon who couldn't handle being noticed all the time
So she thinks she's invisible with a memeflag
>My child is half black
Your child is a nigger. Just. Like. YOU. Race traitor.
Enlist in the Fourth Reich military.
>actually replying to bait
The state of memeflags
Built for BBC
Volunteer as a nuclear physicist as i'm fairly sure i can construct a working atomic bomb just from all the PBS physics i've watched.
>pbs physics I've watched
Top kek
mutt's law
get ready to freeze to death in russia
>Wat do
Hale Hortler
For fucks sake would you please kill yourself
Apply to the SS of course
>I'm home
Man I love big black fuckin dicks
Kys kike
tears of happiness
Kek didn't even notice my nmbers, CHECK'EM
I can help you save the 18 million!
and give me some gold for it.
Go to the concentration camps and enjoy the brothels and cinema
we lost again, didn't we?
You always lose
Send in the Lancasters
and yet your current situation is almost just as bad as ours, funny, isn't it?
Infiltrate and subvert
Fellas we all lost, including Germany. All the west is in the same shit canoe up shit creek without a paddle.
Dare I say it? Based leaf
based burger for once
You are an accursed people, both in this world and in the realm beyond.
apply for a job in the camps where there definitely won't be any gas chambers
This, enough of the d&c we need to stand as one together if we wish to survive
what a fegit
Join antifa because then there'd be legit Nazis to deal with and not trash cans to turn over.
the d&c comes from jews and colored people.
Also idiotic leftists and trannies, though most of them are jews
idiotic leftists and trannies are a by-product of all the jews jewing us, it literally boils down to those fucking hooknose kikes.
>>open eyes
>>see this
>Wat do
Roger that
mixes race
now singel mom hahahah
Oh, well I didn't understand it before, thx for explaining it I guess.
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