>What do Create Memes, spread Memes, attack the narrative. Join AfD or IB or Einprozent; counter subversion. Get Yas Forums. Spread flyers and stickers. Discuss politics with people; call attention to the Unrecht.
Another man, also at the dinner, was manager of a chemical factory which was going into liquidation. I asked him if he was depressed, and he said "I can never be depressed again. I was captured by the Russians in 1915. I spent 9 months in Turkistan. Then I was sent to Siberia. I made enough money at woodwork to buy four horses and a sledge. I escaped and got to the Polish frontier in the winter of 1916-17, where I was recaptured.
Then I went to Vladivostock, and escaped again when the revolution came. I had to earn my living first under Koltchak, and then under the Bolsheviks; and I didn't get back here till 1920.
After that I can't burst myself over the liquidation of a Chemical factory.
Kekking at Thuringia and monitoring the Corona-crisis making everyone lose their shit. Corona is infecting Berlin now and knowing places that have people living like sardines will make this VERY interesting.
Multi-Cultistan will fucking coof to death... and that's a good thing, kanker kaasneger.
You see, this disease as tragic it could take one of us out of their lives, it festers much better in high density populations. with its absolutely insidious incubation period, it will cause shortages in medication when it IMMEDIATELY breaks out in the midst of thousands that had the chance to infect another thousands.
You can't treat ten people on one pill of peniciline because you have none left due to most of your internal supply-chain being used up and all imports of medical chemicals come from china.
Reminder: liberals, anti-nationalists are always preaching their message in the big cities. this could not only be the big one, but also OUR virus.
Carter Morgan
i'm fucking stoked to see the clusterfuck the 20s are turning out to be
> Pharma sales reps make very good money. These homes usually have an Allgemeinarzt that prescribes for most of the patients. The ones with dementia or psychosis often times get blasted with meds until hell opens up. You get the vacant stares into nothingness or violent screaming.
Letting shitskins into this field is the worst mistake you can make. I heard many stories from my mother of caregivers hitting these people. Their bodies bruise very easily, so even a smack looks like you beat the shit out of them. Not easy to prove who it was. It's not necessarily that they're evil, but working in this field for a while will grind you down. Clean up shit, get hit, get yelled at, entire body hurts. Now you put some low-impulse control nigger in there and people will die.
Aye, but these retirement homes are not going to do that. You'd have to install that yourself as a relative. There's also a lot of stealing happening as well. Not great.
Flanders and Wallonia were already annexed and became official Reichsgau in 1944, same would have happened to the Netherlands would the war have taken a bit longer, because 1. Same language, Dutch is essentially just a German dialect 2. Same genes, culture etc.
De geuzenvendels rukken aan, romdiredom! Na eeuwen zijn zij opgestaan, romdiredom! Zie hun vlaggen vliegen in de wind! Hoor, een nieuwe geuzentijd begint, met slaande trom, met slaande trom ! Romdiredom! Het volk zijn oude kracht hervindt. De geuzenvendels trekken op, romdiredom! Hun vuist is hard en hard hun kop, romdiredom! d'Oude geuzentijd is weer ontwaakt, heeft een eind aan nacht en nood gemaakt, met slaande trom, met slaande trom ! Romdiredom. Het Dietse volk wordt sterk gemaakt. De geuzenvendels leven weer, romdiredom! Zij slaan met gloed de vijand neer, romdiredom! Want der vad'ren bloed brandt in hun ziel, en zij vechten weer als voor Den Briel, met slaande trom, met slaande trom ! Romdiredom! Tot eer van wie voor Dietsland viel!
Wyatt Perry
Yes and not to discredit your mother, but never consider dating a woman working in this field or letting your daughters enter it. This is not a sound environment for women to be in. If you're a higher up guy in this or even a daughter, you can have your pick of this women. Even if you are simply a guy visiting there and that should tell you about these women you need to know.
If you got a pharmacy or medicine background, this stuff seems to be a very good choice for the future, even if it is a public institution. You get to do one or two provisional posts in those and you can claim full salary for them. Some accounting will take you far in this. Like you getting to do the timekeeping and then you're already entitled to on office.
The two women I referred to didn't even flinch about spending the whole pension of their parents on this care. Just to get them of their hands. So I'm consoling myself with the thought of how they'll get their comeuppance when their old in need of care and their children will stuff them in one of those homes. It's nasty, but when you remind them of this, that's really sticking it to them. That's just a great reminder that all the havoc they saw will come upon them too.
Sodemieter zelf een eind op, volksverrader. De Nederlandse SS was voor aansluiting van Nederland in het Groot-Duitse Rijk.
Dylan Morris
In Holland steht aus Klinkerstein, ein kleines, feines Haus Am Fenster steht ein Meisje, es ist die blonde Rie Das kleine feine Häuschen, mit Rie, dem blonden Meisje Im Blumenkranze kennt meine ganze, die ganze Landserkompanie!
No, you're right. Women are attracted to nursing and elderly care because of their biological inclinations, but as a man, you have to avoid these types or keep them away from the field. It's not worth the cost.
Putting your relatives into this system is nothing but cruel. The women you refer to are just extraordinarily ignorant. My mother has said many times she'd rather be dead than to get stuffed into one of these homes. It's not a life you want to live. Broke my heart when the some residents would beg to be taken home, crying profusely. Children generally rarely ever visit, so you know there's some level of guilt not to be confronted with what they've done.
Het heeft geen zin, Westland behoort tot het Groot-Duitse Rijk net zoals Ostmark, Zwitserland, enz. De taal en cultuur zijn hetzelfde. Ons bloed is hetzelfde "Ben ik van Duitsen Bloed". Ik spreek Nederlands omdat het voor mij niet lastig was om het te leren, omdat het een Duitse dialect is. Ik spreek ook Plattdeutsch.
Hier wird gar nichts annektiert. Wir bieten den Niederländern einen Platz im Reich, so sieht's aus. Mir fällt nicht ein einziger Grund ein, warum man die Kaasköpfe zu irgendwas nötigen sollte. Ansonsten rate ich dringend De Ruyter nachzuschlagen und herauszufinden, was passiert, wenn man mit denen versucht zu ficken.
>Niederländisch (oft auch als niederländische Sprache bezeichnet) gehört zu den germanischen Sprachen und stellt einen niederdeutschen Dialekt dar, der sich nach dem Austritt der Niederlanden aus dem Heiligen Römischen Reich Deutscher Nation unabhängig von der deutschen Hochsprache entwickelt und verselbstständigt hat.
Das Niederländische hat sich aus der niederfränkischen Mundart entwickelt. Grammatikalisch ist Niederländisch dem Deutschen daher sehr ähnlich; ein Großteil der Niederländer ist der hochdeutschen Sprache mächtig. Das offizielle Niederländisch unterliegt durch die Vormachtstellung der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika im westlichen Raum zunehmend der sprachlichen Amerikanisierung.
Omdat wij geen Duitsers zijn. Nederland assimileren in een Duits rijk is een daad van globalisme die uiteidelijk de Nederlandse identiteit zal uitroeien
>wat is hoog/laagduits Jaja de echte benaming van 'Nederlands'
Cameron Young
I have to say the same. All dutch people i came across are extremely lovely. I actually see your language as a mutation of firisan/flat-german. the way it is spoken, the way it is written resembles it a lot. You are german brothers in my book.
Luke Gonzalez
jij praat waarschijnlik beter plattdeutsch als ik hoor. godverdomme.
je kunt het heus wel lezen, zo moeilijk is het niet, tenzij je een of andere tokkie met een taalgebrek bent, dan begrijp ik het wel. Leer eens Duits zou ik zeggen.
Jayden Reyes
Your welcome, yeah I didn't think it would be. There were a disturbing amount of pakis, niggers and wogs there but there were still plenty of groups of tall nordics walking around. Just goes to show that despite the contamination of the country by the third world that it still manages to be an overwhelmingly eugenically successful nation. Very nice architecture and everyone was very civillized, mannerful and helpful. Truely an exemplary people.
Bayern heeft ook zijn eigen identiteit, taal en cultuur kun je zeggen. Ostmark ook . Toch behoren ze tot het Groot-Duitse Rijk, en hetzelfde zou zijn gebeurd met Nederland net zoals met Vlaanderen en Wallonië
Julian Ramirez
This is the longest thread without many burgers. only one.
Daniel Watson
and thats a good thing
Charles Ross
2. anschluss :)
Kayden Howard
>pic Pirate?Is it you?
Cameron Foster
Wat wordt er gedaan met de Slavische kwestie? Het is crimineel hoeveel Germaanse grond gestolen is.