Experts: 70% of World Population will catch this virus with 3% death rate

Experts: 70% of World Population will catch this virus with 3% death rate.

That’s 190,000,000 deaths globally
(Equivalent of 58% of US Population)

Trump/Pence: “Here’s 2500 test kits now let us pray.”

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I hope youre the first to die you fucking kike


Why is he a kike?

australia jr. thinking anyone cares about them always makes me chuckle

Missed trips. You're a failure and proven untrue.

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The mortality rate is inflated due to local ADE effects in China and the spread of the virus to nursing homes.

>say something negative about Trump

“Oh no a kike!”

>let us pray.”
didn't say he wasn't praying for mass death did he? check mate, loser.

shut the fuck up roastie, your country is even less liked

we'll still have 7 billion left.

Yeah i wish but no it's not gonna happen.. OP is a huge faggot

190 million world wide? That’s it?
India produces that many babies every two years wtf. I thought this was a big happening. This is literally a nothingburger burger if only 190 million die.

If the US is only 1.5% the world population why arent we called minorities?

We like Canada. Australians not so much

made you post twice in the same thread, youre shitty at this. hope Soros doesnt fire you

Switzerland is made up of Jews and cowards so i'm not surprised

Prayers are all you got, pal.
It can't be stopped. It does not respond to quarantines or dumb-ass face-masks.
It has already spread beyond international borders.
And if summer does not mitigate it, it will be a WHOLE lot worse than the rosy picture you paint.

The governments of the west are, for the most part, doing nothing about this virus...why?...because there is utterly nothing they can do.

China went nuts on this virus, and all it did was massive economic damage. Nothing they did worked, and the virus is still spreading. And like the west, they are lying about how fast and far it's spreading, and what the real death toll is.

You want a panic, I know. You want an economic collapse in the west, like we saw in China, I know.
Trump isn't giving it to you, this bothers you.

But Trump is not god, and no government is god, NOTHING AND NO ONE ON EARTH CAN SAVE YOU FROM THIS PLAGUE.
So we don't need a premature economic collapse on top of it, although such a collapse is also probably inevitable.

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all this main stream garbage is so cringe, mostly because they think they're so god damn underground resistance about it. but they're just retards and corporations who use those retards to buy their idiotic magazines.
>hur dur muh atlantic
>muh economist
>muh new yorker
get fucking bent you hipster faggot losers. these people are worse than yuppies.

You're not morally obliged to side with Trump.

This is no nothing-burger user. If you're even somewhat active in society someone you know will succumb to Corona.

if borders had been closed, the fucking democrats would have moaned to the sky. maybe if you commie faggots weren't sucking so much chink cock we wouldn't have this problem. go fuck yourself op i hope you infect your entire family so your defective genes wont survive.

3% mortality rate , damn what a TRAGEDY

>$3,200 for the test goy
>what do you mean you can’t afford it the stock market is at all time highs. Just sell som XOM or MSFT! You’ll have to go into debt.
>ok user, if you’re negative the vaccine is $15,000 and if you’re positive treatment will be $1,500,000.
>hospitals are private companies user, that’s the price. Pull up your boot straps and work for the vaccine/treatment.

If you let the political narrative your brain is running interfere with your ability to assess the danger of the coronavirus you are a fucking retard that deserves to catch it and die. I see both sides doing this, more liberals desu, and its pathetic.

So? I want you to die.

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Youre not morally obliged to be a faggot yet here you are

The test kits are capable of doing 1.5 million tests total

190 million globally is a nothingburger burger. India spits that many out every two years.

What kind of mods we need to make that 3% turn to 30%?

feels good being a neet

The smoking and drinking mod.

Russia is already doing this.

>Here’s 2500 test kits
Knowing you specifically have it really doesn't provide much except an understanding of your odds. And those really could just be gleaned from your age and the severity of the symptoms anyways.
The kerfuffle over testing is pretty nonsensical.

what about long term health? does corona totally die out or does it have longterm issues even in cured patients

Shut the fuck up and get back in your box you sheep shagger

You can get reinfected.

experts say it makes you crave blood and be over-sensitive to daylight

Ooooh muh apocalypse. panic faggot

Seriously though 190 million is a nothing burger.

the death rate is much higher than 3%, especially when reinfections come into play.

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190 million dead is barely a start. We need a mutation for the worse ASAP or this is just masturbation.

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Spring cleaning

I read an article the other day about how most if not all reinfections were from mistaking a low viral count and lack of symptoms for being cured or on the upswing. Either way, China deserves the ultimate microwaved rice experience for bringing this large of a pestilence into the world.

Every virus rewrites your dna. Like chicken pox to shingles the new crown virus desease will probably leave the "recovered" with some form of aids like immune disorder. Id expect its true kill rate to hit %50 with a bit of time to mature. Its only just begun, hands and feet inside the cart at all times please.

It’s not a nothingburger but it’s also not muh apocalyptic world ender. It’s a medium rare somethingburger. Spanish Flu tier. It’s true that the elderly are most susceptible. Many will die, yes, but we’ll get through this. A lot depends on how it goes when temps rise above 60.

Don’t be a faggot and listen to the panic mongering retards on this board who want the world to end because they hate themselves and everyone else and their pathetic neet excuses for lives. They’re a bunch of sick turds who have been praying for a happening for years, just to make them feel better about their shitty wastes of existence.

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My friend wanted to get that gaming bed. I told him it came with a corona chink.

A virus needs to circulate to “survive.” It isn’t in a virus’s “interest” to kill off all its possible hosts. What the good doctor means is that it will likely spread throughout the human population and — after a fairly destructive peak — recede into a more mild viral infection that’s endemic to the population much like chickenpox, flu, etc.

You retard.

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>underwater by 2020
>chocolate bad for you. Oh wait chocolate good?
>diversity is our strength
>Trump has 2% chance of winning
>cut your dick off. You are now a woman
>there is only one race the human race

it's already pretty good at spreading. the virus has a 24+ day asymptomatic incubation period where the host is highly contagious (low estimates put the r0 at 8). 100% lethality thanks to the fact that you can't become immune to it and because reinfection is always worse.

You’re a faggot. You are morally obliged to choose the one that is not for diluting the whites in America. And you know damn well that more test kits will not stop the spread of the virus. It is in Gods hands

It fucks your lungs and causes brain damage

God that is such a trash publication. All they do is design propaganda covers. Trump was on top of this day fucking ONE wanting to issue travel bans, and the entirety of the media raised their howling faces in one great unified "REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE."

it also makes you sterile and destroys your kidneys.

>3% death rate
You dumb niggers keep pushing this number forgetting that most people get infected without even realizing they are. They'll think they have a cold or the regular flu and chill out for a week before making a full recovery. Mortality rates are based on REPORTED infection rates which means somebody needs to
>Go to a hospital
>Complain of illness
>Be prescribed something to bring their fever down and sent home
>Come back after not recovering
>Be diagnosed with Corona
Willing to bet the infection number is much higher than the reported number which brings mortality down really low. But with that said, millions die every year from diseases and you never care. Rhino, influenza, malaria, and pneumonia all say hi.

3% is prior to health infrastructure being overwhelemed and collapsing. There aren't enough ventilators so the CFR will skyrocket if we reach the inflection point (god willing).


>Experts: 70% of World Population will catch this virus with 3% death rate.
Wow thats a big ass hospital you have over there WHO

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What a bunch of lazy piece of shit kikes to steal this, a genuine political commentary, and hallow it out just to shit on trump. I fucking hope these faggots get the rope.

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This post won't age well. A virus which has killed less people in 4 months then the normal flu. Let alone car accidents. Get out of here CIA

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And realistically they'll be an elderly person. If my 70 year old uncle dies that's unfortunate, but it's not exactly a huge or unexpected tragedy. He's only got about a decade left anyways. It honestly seems like the only people panicking about this are the elderly who think they're going to live forever and can't confront the fact that yes, 70 isn't the new 40, 70 is the old 70 and you're going to die soon.

190 million relies on adquate healthcare being provided to everyone

then you have to factor in economic disruptions and an overwhelmed healthcare system
what if china stops delivering antibiotics?

It's going to mutate inside a dog I had a vision it will kill 98%of the population. I'm psychic btw

It won't be nearly that high. The virus will mutate to become less deadly (because less deadly strains are more likely to propagate) as more and more people get the disease.

I'm serious in my vision I was with a woman in a supermarket and I was angry that the dog killed humanity and the she told me it's not the dogs fault. I wanted to kill her but we where the only people left in that city