Why are cuckservatives so afraid of porn?

Why are cuckservatives so afraid of porn?

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No one's afraid of porn it just has no benefits and is proven to be a negative

Porn should be treated like cocaine

>takes away from womans pussy monopoly
>much cleaner than real roasties because no chance to get herpes, other stds or babys
>not degenerate like hookup culture
>can be obtained for FREE
>makes men spend much less on roasties
>even guys who cant get laid can see naked 10/10s

yep Porn is based (and harmless)

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Because its destroying the young minds of their people

>Porn should be treated like cocaine
cause the war on drugs worked so well, and something that has no known health effects is so similar to a hard drug, just admit you're a nanny stater, faggot
also Gab is a bunch of censorious faggots as bad as Twitter, no one takes them seriously anymore

are you mad you're not raping them instead, ahmed?

t. mad woman

(((they))) push for a porn ban because that would give (((them))) more censorship laws.
imagine internet where you need to log in with your government issued ID to do anything.

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>if you are against something, thay means you have a phobia

Kill yourself.

It does none of that shit retard, porn is the most influential it's ever been and women have more control over the dating market than ever. i swear every other german poster is a kike rat

Nah, he is right. Christians are the problem, not porn.

>It does none of that
yes it does all of the things I listed
>and women have more control over the dating market
they lose a huge share of the betabucks to porn, instead jumping through hoops for a 3/10 a man can just tip a 10/10 on the internet or just jerk off for FREE.
most cunts below 8/10 go empty handed.

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Cuckservatives are hypocrites. The homophobic ones suck dick on a regular basis.

>Brings up Christians
>cause the war on drugs worked
I meant rehabilitation, porn really fucks up your brain if used in excess

>No one's afraid of porn
>They just want to ban it or censor it

>No one's afraid of porn
>Treating it like drugs

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>posted this copypasta over 6 million times in past five days
check archives

>is proven to be a negative
By whom? Conservative YouTubers and fake studies?

Modern christians and porn are both problems, you're just a retard trying to stir up shit though fuck off faggot

No they don't they're all getting fucking wealthy with chatterbate and whoring out on social media, meanwhile as porn has been more accessible than ever the dating market is the worst it's ever been and has done nothing for men other than a quick high to get fake satisfaction while being absolute losers. Then kike shills like you go to Yas Forums and unironically defend these jewish owned companies who promote this degeneracy. If you cant wank it with just your imagination you're brain has been fucked from the porn jew

>Because its destroying the young minds of their people
>Source: My ass

>also Gab is a bunch of censorious faggots as bad as Twitter
No, they're worse. At least twitter allows porn.

porn sites already have age restrictions, what a fucking retard

I didn't used any -phobia word, retard

>>takes away from womans pussy monopoly
You know what else does that? Not being a fucking coomer who devotes 90% of his mental processing to the thought of blasting his next rope

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Prohibitionists are always projectors.
I can't stop smoking so government should ban smoking.
I can't stop jacking so government should ban porn.
I can't stop drinking so government should ban alcohol.
I really want to drive cross the country and shoot up a bunch of Republicans playing baseball so government should ban guns.

where? I don't need to log in to pornhub to start watching anything

"But still underage users can have easy, instant access of them!" is one of their arguments.

>uses cuckservative incorrectly
>defends kike owned social media and porn
We got a live glow nigger here

>I cant stop killing people so the government should ban murder
See how low IQ you make yourself look? A nation has the right to convene as a people and decide what is morally just and what is kike propaganda defiling their virtues. Granted porn is just a piece of it. Calling everything a projection is typical kike deflection too

And then their parents should fucking watch them for the sake of god

I don't know why are you so afraid of stopping money from going to kikes to humiliate white people?

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Implying anybody is going to want to stop cooming

Boycott Israel

What a surprise, the people defending porn are unironically from reditt and arent afraid to flaunt it

The ones who permit themselves or their kids to rot deserve to rot. They are not worth saving.

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I'm not from reddit, retard

>"Reeeeeeee! Everyone that defends porn is a leftist redditor!"

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Art of the deal.

Step 1: post cunny
Step 2: janny seething
Step 3: janny settles for cope after I change IP

Not fear, disdain. It's anti human. It's jew controlled. It's used to damage the mental and developmental health of young white men. It's no longer enough to love good, we must hate evil with equal measure.

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Porn must be banned because muh jews muh cumbrain but an object that was designed to shoot and kill people in the head must be sold to everyone

Leftists are egomaniacal debauched hedonists who will stop at nothing to self serve...hence masturbate to child porn

Not all porn is made by Jews, retard.

God fuck off hans, go wank to some gay porn faggot

>"If you fap to adult women, it means that you also fap to child porn!"
Why cuckservatives love that non-argument?

Yes to defeat the Jews that would enslave them, refugee monkey

That’s not what that post says, weirdo

>I'm not from reddit, retard
You deny the fact that kikes aren't behind the porn industry in order to humiliate whites even though they say it themselves.
You're worse than reddit, you're a traitor to your people.

Name one porn company not owned by kikes.

Hentai companies

1) Amateur porn also exists
2) Porn drawings exist (the ones that UN tries desperately to ban in Japan)
3) Porn isn't made to USA and UK only

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No one gives a shit.
No ones going to march for banning porn
No ones going to march for making it legal

Well hentai comes from japan so it's not any better

Why are memeflaggots so afraid of showing their real flags?

cause the bible, hell and shit

>Immediately has to go to drawings because real porn is all kike owned.
Also, I guaranty all of the platforms you use to watch it on are kike owned.

Not really. Just cause some famous preacher did it doesn't mean most of us like faggots.

Look up the names behind porn like Al Goldstein.

The third positionist solution would be to take away women's rights.

Prostitution is already illegal in many states in USA. Soooooo...

No but most owners are faggot.

Wait so child trannies don't exist?

Didn't say ban, brainlet. Alcohol, cigarettes, gambling, ect. All vices have constraints. Porn deserves the same.

> Not all "____"

Fucking coombrains deserve to follow their autoerotic asphyxiation fetish to it's climax. Neither of you addresses any reasons given. If you aren't paid shills, you're doing this for free. It makes me sad for you.

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They own porn, you retarded fag

>conservatives are the cucks
>don't like fapping to women fucking other men
How do you logically connect these two?

Amateur is what happens when you watch too much porn and get way too into it.

Drawings don't count.

Its the Jews. Show flag.

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>Amateur is what happens when you watch too much porn and get way too into it
Or because most "professional" porn isn't my thing

>Drawings don't count
Why not? Because it's against your narrative about all porn being made by Jews?

>shit pasta

even knowing the dangers of porn and the effects of being a coomer, its hard to stop completely
any advice ?

A manual hobby like woodworking and spend more time reading.

is this a boi?

>porn is harmless

T coomer

>you're just a retard trying to stir up shit though fuck off faggot
What, are you new to Yas Forums crybaby?

That's like saying why are liberals afraid of free thought.... wait not it's not because liberals ARE afraid of free thought. That's like saying why are liberals afraid of self reliance.... wait they are afraid of that too. Well fuck it, conservatives aren't afraid of porn. Its degenerate. Just like being a fat fuck and stuffing face, or gambling, or being an alcoholic

triggered cuck
>No they don't
yes they do, majority of woman goes empty handed. no betabucks for them.
>Not being a fucking coomer who devotes 90% of his mental processing to the thought of blasting his next rope
then you gonna be too horny and eventually you will step into the roastie trap and pay child support for the next 20 years.
t. projecting homo
>They own porn
they dont own it.
how can they own something that technically EVERYONE could produce?
they cant.
there is no proof that it is harmful.

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Goddamn, what a fucking retard you are.



so what?
You can dramatically reduce its impact on society.
The plan is not to get rid of it entirely, but to restrict it as much as possible.

show puss

Sauce my german sir.

This. They say porn is anti human when in reality it is human in it's most primitive form. Some how making porn with your wife, gf, or some whore is jew mind tricks.. these people are scared to touch the dick or they are ashamed of it. The blacked threads really have destroyed their brains

KEK jumps to the one industry ran by asians.

Feel like you skipped a couple companies rabbi

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More likely to follow the herd with a namefag system and reputation monitor. After all do you know where you fucking are nigger?

That's you. You are the one jerking off to women you attracted to fucking other men, all porn is cuckoldry.

>they cant.
And yet they do.

Everyone can make a movie but kikes own the media industry.