People unironicly dont think he is part of the establishment

How can you be this retarded? Explain yourselves.

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They're fucking stupid don't expect a good explanation

You retards thought trump wasn’t when he spent his whole life buddy buddy with everyone they call the establishment. You can’t judge their retardation

"establishment" just spent the last 4 years trying to get rid of him. but yeah, he's just a part of it. fucking idiot

>being this fucking gullible

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>thought trump wasn’t

Trump, had a real job.

> whataboutism

Whataboutism, also known as whataboutery, is a variant of the tu quoque logical fallacy that attempts to discredit an opponent's position by charging them with hypocrisy without directly refuting or disproving their argument. It is particularly associated with Soviet and Russian propaganda.

how is he not? he was an independent for most of his career and voted against wars and social security reform when all the dems voted for them

how many years has he been a career politician for?

>wants money out of politics
>to tax the rich
>to end wars
>end for profit prison system
how much more anti-establishment could you get? actively campaigning to tear down the system?

I think he was a porn novelist in his mother's basement before he started promising people bullshit for donations.

>how is he not?
Se pic.

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are his fanfics available for reading? are they chris chan or jahans tier degenerate?

Can't really argue against the establishment if you actively assist it and can't prove anyone else being it.

But removing Assad would be great because pol would be internally triggered

compared to how many invasions supported by the other candidates? stop concern trolling

>gives donations to hillary clinton in 2016
>backs hillary clinton
>backs DNC again 4 years later in 2020


And to clarify you are strictly pro-establishment correct? How the fuck did you end up on Yas Forums?

so when trump backs a candidate or donates to them it's proof he's a pro-establishment candidate?

so you believe that the establishment, the DNC, and corporate media was working in coordination with Bernie? Are you the same guy who thinks FOX news in unbiased?

>concern trolling
Bro you were the one pretending that (((Sanders))) was different then any of the other shit in Washingtong
I am just pointing out that you're fucking wrong.
If that makes you salty maybe you shouldnt have put your heart and sole behind a sellout cucked kike piece of shit whos been in washington for 50 fucking years.
>Trigger Yas Forums by supporting zionism
The Bernie Cuck reveals is true form.
I dont support anyone in the election
Because i understand the ((((Democratic system))) to be a fucking sham
I just enjoy shitting people who are dumb as i was in 2016
Dumb enough to believe the ((((System))) will EVER produce anything BUT dog shit Zionist Corporate Jew Bitches.

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Hillary bought him a house and they still think he is a good guy fighting for them.
he is fighting you for (((them)))

They did try to get rid of him, retard.
His party fucking despises him.
He had to give in to some of their demands since America isn't a fucking dictatorship.

I don’t know maybe because they have done everything they possibly can to stop him twice already?

Trump coopted the GOP. The GOP is partially serving his interests now.
He is changing the meaning of "establishment" for the right wing.

It's plain as day that he never really was working against them. He always refused to talk about hillary's corruption... the emails... anything she did wrong. He never brought up anything bad about her. He always said she was his friend. Compare that to how trump treated his rivals in the GOP, how he treated and still treats the media.

he basically made a deal with hillary in 2017 to setup his 2020 election. checkmate bigots I wonder who the cuck is now Yas Forums

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>Dumb enough to believe

Spoken like a real sheltered do-nothing. One day something bad will happen to you or your family and you'll wonder why.

I think he's earnest. Doesn't matter if he is or isn't an establishment Dem, he's a big time pawn.

because it wasn't a movement to address hillary's skeletons or perceived dramas in Washington DC. it was a movement to benefit the working the class and the average person. Now we just have two wealthy well connected kleptocrats who are competing to work for KSA and Israel. congrats man youre so smart.

He endorsed hillary clinton.

Yes, goyim, keep voting for the good jew

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Yes Bernie is totally helping the working class by instituting nordic tier taxation in order to fund the decadent lifestyles of unemployed academians.

>something bad will happen to you or your family and you'll wonder why.
You mean like me watching the candidate i put my heart and soul into get cucked on a nation stage?
I learned from it
Now you should.
Bernie will cuck to the DNC
And endorse whatever establishment bullshit they force down your throat
And its about time you realize that literally fucking everyone the elietes allow you to chose for president will be inevitably a fucking hack.

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>thinking everything is some highly orchestrated show to mislead the masses
dumbass. the government is far more incompetent than you think

He's actually about to release an as that shows him hanging out with Obama and Obama saying nice things about him.

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Trump never lied on this like Bernie does

>Bernie 2016: I'm going to fight the establishment, by running as an establishment party candidate
>+Gets cheated by establishment party+
>Bernie 2016: Should I stand up for myself? Nah, I'll just endorse the people that cheated me repeatedly and I never defended myself over any of their underhanded dealings.
>Bernie 2020: I'm going to repeat all of my prior mistakes and run a second time through the party that has cheated me repeatedly. What could go wrong!
Please explain why he didn't bother running under another party or as an independent. After the 2016 cycle he had offers from 2 other parties to run under their primaries.

Explain how he is.
Look at Trump's cabinet and appointees and tell me one (1) person who isn't a member of the establishment.

Fippy bippy. People will see what they like, like the ptgtards who insist Trump is still Campaign Trump

>"establishment" just spent the last 4 years trying to get rid of him.
>pulls out of Iran deal
>GOP senate keeps him in even after it turns out he used executive powers to conduct espionage on political opponents
>sucks saudi arabia dick
>vows to keep israel alive and safe
>tax cuts go towards the 1%
>does jewish bidding every chance he gets
trump is 1000% part of the establishment, just not the corporate media establishment but thats only because of appearences

because 3rd party is a pipe dream at least for the next century or so

>Trump never lied on this like
his entire 2015-2016 campaign was about going against the GOP establishment and then he immediately puts in neo-cons and corporate conservatives into cabinet positions

I got a tax cut and I'm not even median wage

>because it wasn't a movement to address hillary's skeletons or perceived dramas in Washington DC
>because it wasn't a movement to address the problems with the establishment
Got it, thanks

yea and your boss and your boss' boss got a even better tax cut than you

That's all bullshit man.

If he was actually anti establishment he'd care about fucking up the establishment.

he's not. socialism is despised by the establishment

>100 milkin from the government tit
>falls in line when ordered to like a cuck
>not establishment

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only in your daydreams. its obvious working families would benefit from his policies. Now its just a windfall for corporate america and a jet stream of bullshit from Fox NBC, ABC, MSNBC how when the shareholders benefit uhhh you do.

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no one is impassioned by victimhood except MAGA dipshits and harry potter fans.

Watch youth turnout in the 2020 blowout. This will be the end of the Dem party and you will just have bleak authoritarian kleptocrats lording over you for the rest of your life.

You must be joking. The entire foundation of bernie's platform is to get free shit for victims

As opposed to what? Communist jews with no accomplishments?

He spent his whole life fighting civil rights and never took corporate bribe money. w/e tho, keep your chains

OK sure, abandon people rendered inert by the professional managerial class and vote to send American jobs overseas to low wage countries. suffering some illness? Too bad should have contributed more to your HSA during your healthy years.

If i agree with you i end up being in line with every diehard neoliberal Hillary supporter.

So? I got mine. Bernie would institute nordic style taxation, which would enornously increase my tax burden. Fuck that.

literally the most motivated coalition of young people who advocate for Big Tent politics. The dirtbag left welcomes you. Instead you just wanna pretend Don Jr is a cool powerful man and call different jewish bankers "Daddy af"

The job market is fucked because of high immigration, retard
>suffering some illness? Too bad should have contributed more to your HSA during your healthy years.
Yeah, you probably should have






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Trump's a pussy, but that's infinitely better than a thieving jewish socialist.

You might actually get something for your tax dollars under bernie. instead you'll take a $700 check for an increasingly militarized survelliance state. ggs

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>Communist jews with no accomplishments
>minimum wage is now raising to $15 dollars an hour because of the massive push he's made for it
>M4A is now a prominent talking point in the mainstream
>pushed a bill to help the VA with McCain
>helped instate the first cancer registry
>helped with Dodd-Frank bill
he has accomplishments people just dont pay attention

>So? I got mine.
thats the kind of attitude that will leave our country in ruins

i know you're shitposting but he's only down by like 50 delegates, one state is all it takes

Trump literally rewrote the tax code to help his buddies and spends 10s of millions of tax payers money in his own properties. Hes fucking related to the KUSHERS through marriage. DO you know who the kushners are? Trump and Bibi and boys too. You have got to try to be that delusional.

the job market is fucked because the upper class turned it into a serivce economy. Border jumpers are just a lazy scape goat.

So you are a hillary supporter. damn. in 2020?

you forgot ecological death.

>The job market is fucked because of high immigration
its a mix of labor exploitation through immigration law exploits but also an effort to automate away jobs while also ensuring that good jobs are behind a "paywall" through expensive degrees

It's the libshits who want to take my guns away. And no, bernie will offer me fuck all. My healthcare's already covered and I don't have college debt.

No, nigger. Suicidal altruism is what will destroy the west.
I didn't say border jumpers, although they contribute. It's mostly legal immigration that's to blame. Hillary can suck my taint.

>in congress for 30 years
>member of senate democratic caucus
>voted/supported democratic legislation
>placed 2nd in the 2016 democratic presidential nomination

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Everyone in politics is part of the establishment you mong. Trump is not.

your paying the most you can under a mixed healthcare system. Even conservative think tanks agree M4A is the cheaper option. I guess you just like paying your co-pay? Kinda retarded, maybe you should be less worried about your guns getting taken away and pay more attention to you wallet.

>has 3, fucking 3 homes, including a lakeside property
>carreer politician
>income of a million 200k dollars per year
> flies on private jets like an oligarch
Hello fellow working class people

>help the VA
AH HAHAHAHAHA the VA is a fucking shitshow you brainwashed retard

I mean, every corporate asshole in America and even the DNC themselves hate the guy and they’re pretty much at the center of the establishment. To me that’s a pretty good sign that he may not be with them entirely.

Funded by Sheldon Adelson and mentored by Roy Cohn. Totally not establishment cronies

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>Even conservative tanks agree
IE, kikes. American medical care is super expensive because of civil liability. Universal medicare won't fix that. Killing lawyers might.


if you have a household with two working adults for 40 years, you should have assists and be financially secure. My parents are working class and have >$1MM in assets if you include their house. You chose to be stupid and pretend that people with a >$1MM net wroth and billionaires 10x over are the same thing.

What does that have to do with Trump not being part of the establishment?