Will Warren drop out? And if she does, will Bernie have a bigger chance of winning?

Will Warren drop out? And if she does, will Bernie have a bigger chance of winning?

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>Will Warren drop out?
I hope so

>And if she does, will Bernie have a bigger chance of winning?
Yes, but it will probably be too little, too late

Don't wait til November to face the facts, Trump was reelected last night. There's no more variables left in this election.

Seriously, fuck off with your stupidity. Do you really think people will vote for Trump again?

Also, don't go off-topic. We are talking about primaries not presidency.

Settle down, Greta. Answer to your question is Warren will not suspend her campaign as long as the DNC keeps footing the bill and getting her front and center. She is the ace in the hole the need to keep Bernie from claiming the nomination. And it makes her look viable as a VP choice.


>will Bernie have a bigger chance of winning?
But that's exactly why she's still there, Bernie light, to help biden win. Probably promised her a head of department title

Do you not think she genuinely want Bernie to win? She will probably be able to get VP by Bernie because it seems like he has no issues with her.

FACT: Warren will win at the Convention

- Bernie's health is his greatest obstacle, his red-face and heavy breathing are intensifying, he could have another heart attack any day

- Biden could easily be indicted, along with son Hunter... the Durham report could be damning, could even lead to other special prosecutors being named look into the Bidens

Warren is staying in until the end, Warren will win in Milwaukee..

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Hes down by 60 delegates give him a break Jesus pseudo-Spain

yall think they ever fucked?

Yes eventually she will drop out
Yes she will help Bernie by doing so, but it's already ogre regardless

But you are making it sound like she has something against Bernard, I have not seen such signs in her behaviour.

Cope bernie bro.

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>Do you really think people will vote for Trump again?

This is very interesting. She seems to be genuinely wanting the presidency and want a real change, so she might going for that... even though the chance of such events happening is around 15% or less.

It aint over.

Although the Dems are fucking Bernie in the ass (again)

Considering we've accomplished more since 2016 than any decade prior, yeah. Please be sure to wear a trip so I can hydrate with your tears.

It's over.

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>side with establishment, I get more shekels and a juicy position
>side with commie, get jackshit
Pocahontas is an opportunist.

No and no. Trump 2020.

I'm telling you nigger it ain't over. If Biden wins Lord and Savior Trump will serve another term.

She could stay in the race to try and get as much money as she can and maybe even the DNC asked her to stay so it won't be a on v one debate with biden/bernie.

The entire DNC political machine has coalesced around Biden. Bernie is going to lose worse than he did in 2016. He barely got half the vote in his home state of Vermont this year when in 2016 he got 86% of the vote.

Biden will lose against Trump screenshot this shit nigger.

And Bernie won't even get the opportunity to go against Trump.

Bernie has already given the VP slot to Tulsi you cuck.

ofc he will lose against Trump
he is so old he looses against a staircase

Bernie isn't getting the turnout he claims he can, this will doom him. America won't vote for a far-left candidate unless it's in the middle of a economic downturn and even then it's a 50/50 on whether you get FDR or Reagan

Way more will vote Trump than last time
You’re in a bubble of denial if you can’t see that

Uh... yeah.

Bernie has lost momentum, his pace has slowed.

You could say he's gassed.

Warren hates Bernie and will do anything to make him lose. Don't know why but that's how it is.

Sigh. If only. Whoever the VP pick is will definitely be prez, Biden will he declared unfit due to dementia in the first 6 months

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Why? They are progressive and believe in socialism…..unless they have to give up something themselfs.

Helmut Kohl once said, its easier to lead a dog round a hot dog stand then a socialist round a bag of money.

She probably won't drop out and is she does she will endorse Biden.

Of course there are a few variables, including but not limited to...

>how long the impact of the coronavirus lasts
>If Trump will be blamed for said impact by moderates
>Depending on the outcome in mind, if moderates are afraid of further negatively impacting the economy by switching presidents (incumbent advantage if yes, no if no)
>How the debates go
>How well Trump is able to bait the media on reporting Joe's gaffes and dementia-characteristic behavior.

Biden basically needs to shut the fuck up outside of the most controlled of circumstances and for the debates, which he needs to attend. Biden has trouble shutting the fuck up and feels the need to talk even if he's going to put his foot in his mouth, which he does regularly. If the media wants to rig the narrative they need to collectively agree to ignore when Trump points out Biden's gaffes, even if they think they might be smart e.g. Trump slightly exaggerates the mistake and then they broadcast the mistake nationwide to "prove Trump wrong." All that does is get the gaffe clip out on the airwaves and will net hurt Biden.

That having been said the first to report first to profit nature of the news means that it's extremely difficult for them to do so, which is a major advantage for Trump.

She probably blames him for her not gaining momentum as the "Progressive" candidate.

However, that's not why she's still running. The DNC and/or Biden has cut a deal with her to keep running until Biden has it clinched. She will or expects to receive some sort of support or position e.g. cabinet to compensate her if Biden is elected, and that's why she's still running.

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I'm not as enthusiastic as the other anons answering, I'd say the odds of Trump's reelection are about 50/50.at the moment. Trump now has the advantage of incumbency, he's no longer the dark horse candidate. He's polling as well as he ever has, and if Biden gets the nomination, as seems inevitable, that's going to suppress the progressive turnout. We'll see how effective the mantra "vote blue no matter who" turned out to be. And then there's the all important matter of filling Ruth Bader Ginsberg's place on the bench when it goes vacant, that'll drive turnout.

On the other hand, he's given the Dems a lot of material for attack ads, and his performance has been disappointing compared to the promises he made to his base. The way his justice department handled Epstein, for example. There are many reasons disillusioned Trump voters from 2016 may choose to sit this one out, and not many reasons for new Trump voters to come onboard.

I think the way coronavirus is handled is going to wind up being a big factor, in two ways. One is the optics of the response, and how it reflects on his competence as a leader, the other is simply that his most reliable voting bloc, baby boomers, are going to be the most vulnerable to infection. Texas and Georgia, for example, are burgeoning purple states that are being kept red by the votes of old white people. If enough of them die of the plague, then they won't be able to give him the final push he needs for reelection. Since as we know, dead people only vote Democrat.

she's an operative for biden. getting far left votes that otherwise will go to the socialist rat

He's not coming back simp

Now I have this feeling that Warren rather take chances and go for Bernie for an exchange for VP and Bernie wouldn't mind. I think she might do that because she believes Bernie will do much better and he is so close to her ideologically.

That is the thing. Biden is weak and pretty dumb to be honest. He might just do something really dumb and lose lots of votes. Perhaps he will get sick as well, he does not look okay if you ask lots of people.

I really don't believe she likes Biden's agenda. Biden wants the good old democracy pre-Trump era meanwhile she and Bernie want a very progressive and new democratic era for the US.

Look at her history and say she isn't self-interested. She lied to get a job at Harvard by claiming to be Native American. She plagiarized recipes to make a cookbook.

If she was a true believer like Bernie she would have dropped out already and endorsed him, and sure as shit wouldn't have made up the line about him saying America isn't ready for a female president. Instead she's cockblocking him by staying in, which makes no sense unless she's getting paid off politically, which she is.

As long as they don't change the rules AGAIN, she's on the debate stage again. Beware the Ides of March, Joe.

I wonder what toll the next months of campaigning are gone take on his old carcass.
He already could not member who his wife was.
It is very possible he is going to collapse during a rally on stage.

And this is why the democrats will lose. Biden joined the race with the message that he will beat Trump, but he has not elaborated on how he actually plans to do this. That's not really an inspiring message for people who demand change. Bernie adresses the same people that Trump adresses, the people who are fed up with the system not working for them. It's a big mistake from the democrats to work against him again.

It seems like Warren and Bernie have the closest ideologies so her staying in and hurting Bernie's chances show what kind of person she is.

She will suspend her campaign and give her delegates to Biden at the convention. This is what everyone else is doing. Yes this is actually how it works. It’s like ranked voting but even worse. Even if Bernie gets more delegates than Biden by the convention, all the “dropped out” candidates who are actually suspended will allow their delegates to vote for Biden, destroying sanders completely.

I think she truly thought she had a chance at winning, and that is what kept her in the race.

About the lying and stuff... well everyone wants to win, right? Only Bernand is truly honest.

She might still drop out and endorse Bernand if she truly believes in her ideas which are similar.

I feel bad for the people of Milwaukee. That city is fucked during the convention. I'm betting there will be riots.

Other world leaders should start kissing Trumps ass. No way he can loose from these two clowns, Sanders or Biden
The only thing that can stop Trump now is a meltdown of the stock market like we almost had last week.
But if nothing crazy happens its going to be Trump.

>But if nothing crazy happens its going to be Trump.

That just means something crazy’s going to happen

If she wanted him to have any shot of winning, she needed to drop before Tuesday, and she knew it. Her polling numbers weren't consistent with her having any chance of winning whatsoever, and being in the running meant costing Bernie tons of delegates in a number of states he really needed to carry to have a shot at the majority.

Remember, 49.9% and Bernie still goes to a contested convention, where they give it to Biden anyway. Bernie is also about to get his ass beat in the south, where Biden massively outperforms him, and by the time we go back to the northern states Biden will have so much momentum that the sheep that like to vote for "winners" will finish the job.

She knew all of this. Hell, if she was a true believer she would have looked at her numbers weeks ago and dropped to give Bernie the best chance possible. But heading into Super Tuesday her numbers were so shit she knew she could never get plurality, let alone majority, so the only reason to stay in is to keep Bernie's numbers down further. She got paid off. If BIden wins expect her to be cabinet if not VP pick. If he loses and she isn't VP pick, then we'll never have firm proof, but hey.

Where is General Custer when we need him?

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I do not think that is possible, looking at an article from WP:


But correct me if I am wrong.

Yes but it'd go from a 5% shot to a 10% shot.

Haha this so much. I can't help laughing everytime a "progressive" like the idiots on TYT still try to act nice towards her, because they think she's really similar to Bernie,will drop out, and endorse Bernie.

No. She's a turncoat. People don't go from being bigtime Reagan supporters to far lefttists.

-She should've dropped out after New Hampshire, but has stayed in because the DNC wants her in just to hurt Bernie

-Now that she is looking like an idiot for not dropping out, she might finnally do it if she can't drag it out for 1 more state

-However she will not endorse Bernie, just like in 2016. Most likely she will not endorse anyone and use the excuse that she wants the voters to decide. However if Biden waves a juicy enough job infront of her, she will have no problem coming out and endorsing Joe.

She will use the excuse "we need someone who can beat Donald Trump" as the excuse for not endorsing Bernie. So

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Warren will get out when the DNC tells her to.
Bernie NEVER had a chance. The DNC would never allow it and when it had even a small chance of happening, they put a swift end to it.
Having everyone else drop out and endorse Joe was just easier than Bernie being found dead from "natural causes."

Yes it's already over. Trump is a 2 termer, period.

Not totally with you on her knowing she would do this badly. She might have thought she was actually doing great and maybe her hype got her to make those choices.

No, but honestly... it all depends of what she is actually thinking and if she wants offer herself for the greater good which is Bernie (she might get VP).