Germany: 262 infected, 0 Deaths, fatality rate 0%

> Germany: 262 infected, 0 Deaths, fatality rate 0%
> US: 149 infected, 11 deaths, fatality rate 7,3%

will this prove that universal healthcare is the superior system?

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Other urls found in this thread:,7.168450225998868&z=12

No, it just proves americans have bad fucking underlying health problems to begin with.

That, or turkish people are simply more resistant.

Plot twist. Wuhan Level 4 Biolab designed to have a higher death rate on non Asians.

You all will repent, either of your own choice, or brought there with your full strength overpowered.

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I'm sure krauts are listing the cause of death as pneumonia completely unrelated to their Corona virus diagnosis.

>That, or turkish people are simply more resistant.


>149 infected, 11 deaths, fatality rate 7,3%

Where's Gary with his updated chart on American infection and death projections when you need him most?

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Theres multiple versions of the virus.

This is by design.

Why do all you dumbasses assume that government numbers are accurate?

It proves that Germany has fewer niggers, spics, and other assorted shitskins in their bureaucracy

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Biden will get the nomination and our hopes of becoming a first world nation will vanish.

>That, or turkish people are simply more resistant.

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Op is a fag, this goes without saying, but what’s the illness rate in turkey now?

Something is obviously weird with the numbers from Washington state.
They probably have a lot more infected than they realize.

>i am retarded

No, just purging the non whites.

Nearly everyone who died here so far was 70+ and in a nursing home.

because germany is in the top 10 corona countries
also 1 corona cases is only 17km away :/,7.168450225998868&z=12

there's two strands

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no volkish healthcare is the superior system.

It wouldn't surprise me. Krauts aren't exactly known for being honest. Remember volkswagon? Or the fact their 1984 style government makes certain authoritarian claims illegal to dispute?
Germany is by far the worst nation in the west. All they do is perpetually try to destroy europe one way or another.

It proves that if you actually test people before they're on death's door you find and isolate more people with the disease.

See also Iran's death rate being stupidly high for the number of officially announced cases.

majority of the US death are old whites from the nursing home in Kirkland

Wait, doesn’t Germany have a more free market health care system than the US did even before the ACA?

>inb4 burger education

We will have the first death soon. It's a 47 years old guy you started to spread the china aids in the stat of NRW.

kek, aussie bantz never fail

Man just wait. Carnival was a couple of days ago. It's going to absolutely explode the next two/three weeks.

It's not just healthcare, it's also those garbage mutt genes.

>americans literally have to die because seeking health treatment will make them and their children poor

kek. not even joking, I've heard countless stories in america about how the parents just have to die instead of using their health care otherwise their kids would've knew deep in debt and would have mo inheritance. all the hollywood movies you see about a family member dying in the hospital and admitting his time is up is just him saying we can't waste money anymore and I can't afford to live, this is a daily occurrence in america

it's mixed. You can choose between a private or a public insurance, but you have to have one.

I booked a ticket with my gf to Rock Am Ring... Is it going to be fucked? Shit....

There are 2 big known and obvious factors at play that are skewing the stats.
* For probably multiple reasons (prioritizing preventing economic panic, not enough reliable tests available yet, no socialized medicine, etc) the US isn't paying $3K to test everybody who is suspected with Corona. They're just testing the worst of the worst cases. Germany and other modern countries like South Korea are testing just about everybody suspected of being sick. This will skew the averages between the US and Germany. Because the US is testing only the very sick basically, the death rate here will appear to be far higher than Germany. The reality probably is that thousands or tens of thousands in the US are already infected, and cross your fingers so far it appears like most people don't even know they're sick or have a normal cold.
* The US got a mass infection in a nursing home. Old people have many health problems, are weak, and and tend to die from these things. This further skewed the stats with a very limited sample size. If a German old folks home got hit with this, they'd die at a similar rate too. Not much you can do for very weak old people in this case.

>wanting to go to shitty public events especially now
You are retarded if you go.

You are still taxed for the public option even if you also pay for the private plan , yes ?

What's the point of private if you're already being taxed on the public? Even if public sucks, all but the richest people would probably say fuck getting a private plan plus the cost of being taxed for the public that you're not using.

what is sample size? you dont have enough data, hence the uncertainty is high

no, you just pay the private insurance then, but only employers/self-employed or people who earn above 60k € can opt into the private insurance.

I had clients who weren't super well off and they would pay an additional €300 per month for the private plan and they made it sound like they are also taxed for the public option. But this kraut says otherwise
Send me a link confirming. Wiki a shit. €300 a month doesn't sound terrible if you're not also having the portion taken due to public option as well.

Obviously an outbreak in a place full of already deead boomers is gonna have a higher fatality rate than an outbreak among a group of middleaged karnevalparty enthusiasts

Top kek

Plans like that aren't feasible if you can just opt out of it. Young healthy people would never get it any only old and sick people would use it while not putting in enough go cover the program. Individual mandates are absolutely necessary for socialized medicine. It's why removing it here basically killed the ACA. Insurance operates on the idea that most people paying in will never even use it.

that's why I was surprised that you would not be taxed. Wikipedia is not clear on this and my coworkers made it sound like they were taxed for it anyways. But maybe not since you can almost never go to the public plan if you are on the private plan.

we had infected people in the carneval 2 weeks ago :/
also teacher and people working in a kindergarten a doctor was working an had corona (he just didnt know it)
they want to open a school again that had a corona cases

germany dose not make as many test as you thing

ughh what a way to cuck an op

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>Send me a link confirming. Wiki a shit. €300 a month doesn't sound terrible if you're not also having the portion taken due to public option as well.

to confirm what? Read it up yourself:

and 300€ for a health insurace only with deductibles and when you are still young.


>what is medicaid/medicare?
>kids would somehow go into debt because of parents' healthcare
Are you retarded or something? Besides, anyone worth anything already has health insurance from their employer. Only useless poorfags with no skills don't have insurance, and no one wants to pay to keep worthless strangers alive. How's your communist healthcare going? That's right, no one can get anything done without waiting for months or years and many die beforehand. Sounds so much better for the worthless poor people.

Says it's compulsory for anyone under about 60k Euros. Median income in Germany is 30k Euros. So a majority of the country is on the compulsory plan. Otherwise it doesn't sound different from insurance in America provided through an employer. They pay a chunk and you pay the rest. Only difference is the cost at the physician. But that's because we're subsidizing the medical rnd for the world. Pay dembts!

No, it proves we have more niggers and spics than you do.

Several of the US deaths weren't even being treated for the virus, it was only discovered after death they were infected, even though they were in a nursing home where they were supposedly being monitored. That's how absolutely shit our healthcare is.

Aus bringing the heat

Universal healthcare is clearly superior I simply refuse to pay for niggers and spics

Or it proves America needs to get in Germany's level and start lying more.

It proves whites have a naturally better immunity.

no...US was just lying about the numbers by not they tested the harshest cases and get these numbers. in reality there must be 1000s or 10000s of infected running around in the US



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testing protocol plays a big part in stats

U.S. is mainly only testing the ICU-stage patients, with the exception of states testing for a few diagnosed cases to gain emergency funding.

I don't have any idea what Germany is doing or not doing, so I can't compare.

Actually, we are known for beimg stupidly honest. Compare to Amerimutts who are known for just being stupid.

What a cope, you fags are basically dipping your feet into health care but barely get any coverage for what you pay. The amount of exclusions with your healthcare is laughable.

> How's your communist healthcare going?

I'm still alive as opposed to millions that die in america cause they were to poor by the decade. I can still live and do something nice like carpentry and cut my fingers off and not have to worry about being billed to put my fingers on. I don't have to panic buy and stockpile like a schizophrenic knowing that I can't afford to get sick, because I have healthcare.. the list goes on. Your country is doomed.

The US had only tested around 500 people. Washington likely has infection levels like Italy and we've just not noticed it yet as the CDC is completely incompetent. There are no forced quarantines or checkpoints or masks or anything, the government is just letting it happen.

In Norway, only people that have travelled or been in direct contact with someone that has travelled are being tested.

The public health care is good for emergencies and all the well known conditions but if you have something out of the ordinary it's fucking terrible.

It's the same for Germany. You don't get tested unless you had contact with someone who tested positive.
I actually am sick right know with a cough and a fever. They told me no test since I didn't meet anyone infected.I
There are so much more infected here rn.


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No, if proves that the virus is contagious and old people are frail. All the deaths have been in the same nursing home

just look at russia 3 cases of cause :D india, brazil
they all try to do what iran did no cases no numbers until it to late

there are many nation that dont test or dont give numbers because it will bomb there economy

i say we are over 110.000 now

Not lying, we just weren't testing at all unless someone had the severe symptoms.

The reason so many americans are dying is mostly pre-existing conditions.
Literally one third of their country constists of lard asses and many of them have diabetes.


Basically this, US economy > public health when it comes to dealing with this virus. This is why Kudlow and Mnuchin are on the task force, you think they give a fuck about us?? LOL.

If we tested as aggressively our death rate would be down, however it would probably be higher than China's considering how many obese fatties and old people we have.

What about this:

We have a lot of fatasses in our country

Notice how deathly silent the pearl-clutching mass media are over the ethnicity of the victims? They only ever do that when they are trying to conceal non-whites. Just as AIDS is a 85%+ black guy disease but god forbid anyone learn this, corona-chan fucks the shit out of Chinese ethnics and other jungle monkey asians. Basically, more old chinks returned from new lunar year to America than Germany and then promptly drop dead.

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