What are you corona faggots going to say now? You said the rally Monday was a dead cat bounce, is this the mythical double cat bounce that only exists in your autistic brains? Should have bought the dip, you ignorant niggers!

Attached: yuge rally.png (820x588, 28.24K)

I don't get it. Probably some type of Jewish market manipulation.

Old white people, in the US, are still dying everyday.
Events all over being canceled.
Travel related industry is crashing.

it's being pumped hard. You don't see gains this big immediately after a multi-thousand point drop naturally

Yep, that fixed all the supply chain problems.

dead cat bounce. big players pumping to exit. a combination of both most likely. 2008 crash was a prolonged event, not a 3 day type thing.

>I don't get it. Probably some type of Jewish market manipulation.
It's a supply chain disruption. It might get bad enough to look like a 'recession'. People are already picking positions on the downturn because no one thinks its long term.

but yesterday you were saying the Fed cutting rates wasn't enough to stop it, maybe you were full of shit then, did you consider that?

>dead cat bounce.
if Monday was the dead cat bounce, then how come there was another rally, you broken brain dead automaton? there is no such thing as a double dead cat bounc

yes, but the situation and optics are going to get (alot) worse before it gets better. deaths in US still arent widespread. people are buying into "containment" propaganda still. this will unfold over months, not days.

>falling for the bull trap

Yea, with the Corona hoax to start.

>monday was the dead cat bounce
of course it wasn't. bounces are not taking place on a DAILY basis. This is a disease, and the situation and sentiment flows over WEEKS/MONTHS. in the US, there is still no widespread testing. Once there is and you find 10000 cases expect it to tank.

totally organic market, bro
you should invest all your "money" in it

>yes, but the situation and optics are going to get (alot) worse before it gets better. deaths in US still arent widespread. people are buying into "containment" propaganda still. this will unfold over months, not days.
everyone that died was in a nursing home, and it will be over by spring, which is almost here

That wasn't me bro
If you're so sure the market's going to rally, then start buying stocks shithead

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>Monday rallied because it was a dead cat bounce
>it rallies again Wednesday
>no Monday wasn't the dead cat bounce, but surely Wednesday was

>If you're so sure the market's going to rally
it already is, look at OP

Wow. There are literally 40 million cases of the flu.

They just have to pump enough to get all the retards like you to think it's a return to normal phase

then go buy stocks

Tell that to last week's 401k you fucking faggot

>line will go up forever

Yas Forums desperately grasps at any straw it can while all credibility rapidly slips through its fingers.

B- but.. muh pol is.. is a-always right..
The world's largest salt mine opens in a few weeks when CNN can no longer fear monger a nothing burger.

I bought the dip and made tons of money today

Soap-Chan is winning

>i caught the falling knife, so I the economy is fine
Keep doing what you're doing, make lots of money


It didn't go down because of corona virus, it went down because Sanders was the apparent nominee, and it is going up again because it is obvious Trump will win re-election.

Buy stock and post pics faggot. If everything is back on course it's still a dip.

nice LARP faggot

Were you not concious during the 2008 crisis? These bounces happen every second day. Greedy kikes can't resist buying up what they think are cheap stocks. They will sell off again tomorrow.

This, faggots need to get their head out of Coronas asshole

tell me the lottery number too god

Sell the dip you oafs

what?? Yes you do. you see them all the fucking time. the market is volatile and will continue to be until this virus situation is sorted.

Depends on how high up said cat falls from. Go ahead, buy in now.

Look fundamentals haven't changed all they have done is pumped more credit into the system. Supply shock still there, people still dying and more schools worldwide are closing indefinitely.

It's Biden you fucking retards, the market was truly scared of a Bernie presidency, Corona was just the cover.

fuck, I was anticipating a lower bottom.

Stocks are up today. All is well. Problems solved.

>this was a special super dead cat bounce that doesn't follow text book definition of a dead cat bounce at all
maybe the real answer is you just don't know what you're talking about?

This has nothing to do with Corona.
Markets rally because commie lost.

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All other posts are fucked brainlet Yas Forums posts.

The fed is using monetary policy. They have the ability to use assets on their balance sheet to stimulate the economy as well as control of the interbank lending rate.

They are buying equities to prop up the market due to a temporal suspension of orderly trade. Over the next few years they’ll sell and return the assets to their balance sheet.

Not Jews.
Not corona virus.
Not Mossad.
Just actual basic monetary stimulus.

Yet you don't discuss the bigger picture. What you're doing is ignoring history. Psst, it repeats itself.

Fuck off with your Wall Street BS MIGA shill.

you mean the history of Trump's roaring economy?

>noooooo, not my fake dead catttterinooooo!!!!!!!

fed is literally printing more money, retard. Economic reality of no supply can only be ignored for so long.

Honest question for happoners:

Why would the market crash when the I'll and dead haven't reached critical mass in western countries?

Grocery stores have 300% profit increase
Normies are prepfags now buying everything off
Hygenie products and safety equipment companies are BOOMING the prices have doubled...

>muh computer graphs
Economy being good or bad don't matter to the wagies anyway. If you're boomer sitting on a overvalued real estate maybe.

so the Corona Virus was a nothing burger since the Fed could easily wipe out its effects on the economy? lol

What is a ton of money to you?

If it got triggered by a nothing burger than it's a shit.

>The fed is using monetary policy
>Not Jews

>Fed could easily wipe out its effects on the economy?
The stock market isn't the economy. Inflated asset prices has nothing to do with the fact you're going to not be able to buy toilet paper in a month.

why they call dead cat bounce

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In the long run, this might all be a major economic boon if enough Americans realize that its in our interest to make our important drugs and technology here and to stop relying so heavily on China for virtually everything. We don't want to be shit out of luck if another plague hits the world.
But in the short run, it's possible Corona might cause some economic downturn. Businesses and factories are going to run out of parts and supplies. It's going to cause some economic turmoil if not resolved quickly.
Personally, I think killing 2 birds with one stone is the best solution.
Mostly decouple from China, build up US manufacturing base more especially for high-tech stuff, and prioritize sweatshops and cheap labor to Latin America to reduce immigration pressure from there. Why do we want to give a Communist regime the economic support needed to make the weapons to kill us?

What are they going to do with the equities how long they can hold the bags?

market makers are just wiping out short positions

wait until tomorrow

the only thing ahead is extreme volatility

good opportunity to make cash if you know what you are doing


>Just wait until tomorrow
>Just wait until tomorrow
>Just wait until tomorrow
>Just wait until tomorrow

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Most stuff comes from China and the factory’s are closed ,the effects of this are going to become clear soon and have far reaching consequences

They are reopening soon.
There was plenty of oversupply anyway.

It will help TEMPORARILY retard, this coronavirus is going to go on too long to not have an impact

>text book dead cat bounce
Have a look at the DOW in 2008

Attached: 2008 crash.png (2378x1260, 271.85K)

That crash was to make people panic. Some dudes made mad dosh this last month.

Name one essential item you need that comes from China that you would notice if the factories were shut off for.
I'll wait.

Since we have no rational market anymore, this small rally is about the biden win. Investors ignore the fact that FED did an emergency cut or CV is around the corner.

Wtf u talking about? Historically such impulses are always bought back to same degree to fill delta inefficiencies
Stop larping as a trader, its hilarious to read this , fucking leafs



based killing floor player

Bear trap from china cracking the whip.

After it raises a little more the plutocrats will cash out and it'll spike down again.

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I hold gold, gold miners and 30y Bundesanleihen. I can only win.

This happens every other time the vix spikes up
stay poor

>the market isn't falling in line with my nihilist panic fag narrative
>it's irrational, goys!

>Up down up down
>Record losses! We're all gonna die!
>Record gains! Happeningfags btfo!
>Next day it goes down. See we told you we're fucked!
>Next day it goes back up. See we told you you're retarded!
I really do hope the coronavirus is way worse than what they're saying. We're all retarded and all deserve to die.

I anticipated the jew moves and made 346,000 dollars just today from this scam pump. I'm not complaining

>muh cnn
You are full of shit, magakike. No news outlet was talking about nCoV for weeks despite its rapid spread throughout China. They eventually, but reluctantly, picked up the story as it was impossible to ignore and yet even now they are heavily downplaying the reality.


The central banks are doing a stimulus to keep everything a float. Its logical they would do this the banks have been talking about it for awhile now and I guess they finally pulled the trigger on that plan. It's only temporary the market will crash hard our economy has had the markets pumped since September due to a financial crisis. Buy the dip when it crashes and burns hard. We're all gonna make it now thanks to corona chan. I'm holding for dear life and putting cash into my portfolio because when it comes back it will come back hard.

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