
>Coronavirus: Cases in UK jump to 87

>The head of the European Commission has sent a strong message of support to Greece in its attempts to stop migrants crossing its border from Turkey.

>Greek coast guards fire into sea near migrant boat

>Turkey says millions of migrants may head to EU

>Michael Bloomberg ends US presidential campaign

>Biden seals comeback with string of victories

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Other urls found in this thread:

greatest pm we never had :(
rip oswald
we guard the flame now

So many people quitting Home Office but nobody is leaking the russia or the grooming gang reports.

what the fuck is this.... its terrible

actually, when looking back at stuff like that it's easy to see how the left started it's downward spiral

well that wasn't even respectfully shite

I should and I wil
Warrior King; Shakespeare did him wrong; thanks for the post lad

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>Coronavirus: Men wanted over racist Oxford Street attack on student

>Greece said this week the migrants were being "manipulated as pawns" by Turkey in an attempt to exert diplomatic pressure. It increased security measures and halted for a month all asylum claims from migrants who had entered Greece illegally.

Looks like a couple muzzmutts and some whites. Fucking fathers need their shit kicked in, at the same time, atleast there will be some young lads in the country who will grow up not wanting anything to do with these mongs

Are air rifles any good at all? What damage can they do?

>the migrants were being "manipulated as pawns" by Turkey in an attempt to exert diplomatic pressure.

Yeah... the migrants are basically in on it though.

>What damage can they do?

What, like the ones used at airsoft? They shoot little plastic pellets m8... you could do more damage with a bow and arrow

The Greece guys who attacked the german """reporter""" are based.

They're inbreds, what do you expect? Of course those retards have to vent their tard rage out on someone.

Jesus, we're fucked

Socially an awful lot when no-one talks to you anymore.

You can still own proper legal guns, even a rimfire semi auto is better than nothing

bump? ^___^

Lads should I go see an escort or should I wait for this virus thing to blow over. Don't wanna be risking corona on top of herpes

get a gf, not an escort

Tfw no gf

"self isolation" lmao we are fucked


Looks like pakis desu

If you’ve got money to spare you can buy firearms made before 1890 legally. Can’t use modern munitions though.

You can get ones that shoot metal pellets, but to similar avail most likely

this whole thing about tommy robinson is so clearly fake holy shit.

what a fucking retard

Not the nine o'clock news
It was a rushed together rehash of All Out Superpower Confrontation
Usually their lefty dross was better executed


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Here you go lads, 31 pages of corrupt police all backed up by open source. The amount of nonces in the police.
4chins wont let me post the link

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Robinson recorded his daughter describing the assault and viewers can see the girl confirmed the man intentionally squeezed her buttocks and that it was not an accidental incident.

When Tommy confronted the man, he admitted to “accidentally” touching her bum and attempted to flee.

Robinson restrained him and the man received a bloody nose while struggling with Tommy and trying to escape.

“Now, I’m well within my rights as a father to prevent this man, who’s touching up young children in a swimming pool, from leaving, getting away and possibly touching up other children,” he explained.

After notifying security at the pool to call the police, it took three hours for them to arrive.

When they got on the scene, officers questioned Robinson’s daughter and wife while the suspect waited with his two male friends.

“He’s there with two other middle-aged men, no women, no kids, in a children’s swimming pool,” Tommy noted.

Next, police isolated Robinson and informed him he’d be arrested to “prevent any further injuries” to the man who just assaulted his daughter.

“Is he being arrested?” Tommy asked in response to the news.

“Right at this very moment, no,” an officer replied.

An infuriated Robinson asked, “So, you’re nicking me and you’re not nicking him?”

While police claimed they were “investigating” the allegation against the suspected child-molester, Tommy explained he could be deleting pedophilic images from his phone since he wasn’t arrested.

Officers then started to grab at Robinson’s arms to cuff him and he shouted, “Get your fucking hands off me.”

As the police placed handcuffs on him, Tommy called them “assholes” and said, “Someone sexually assaults a little girl and you fucking nick their dad?”

>This doesn't sound like something that would happen
Ok Chaim

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Lisas dad is a Marxist

Finish first

>Greek coast guards fire into sea near migrant boat
>muh la huakba!

I just realised, why the fuck haven't we heard anything from Bulgaria

Dunno what’s worse. Paki cops or female cops.

>Rowan Atkinson
I hate that unfunny kike

its almost done

>Playback on other websites have been disabled by the video owner

what languages do you speak other than english lads? what do you do with the language?

Why don't elderly white pensioners pay more tax to help the next generation (pic related) have a better life?

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Will be splitting this shit thread when the other one archives

The free bus pass meme needs to die as well.


Good question actually

Loool seetheking has done an irreversible number on you, now YOU are the seethemong

>2007 77%
>2015 69%
if linear
>2020 64%
>2025 59%
>2030 54%
>2035 49%

>what languages do you speak other than english lads?
australian, american, new zealandish, canadian, scotch, geordie, scouse
>what do you do with the language?
bantz n that

>australian, american, new zealandish, canadian
so spanish and chinese? not bad

smelly prawns = bad breadbin


ngl, the establishment really go after this guy it's almost like they are trying too hard, as though they want to create a dissident right wing hero to attract all the angry ethnically aware white people when in fact this guy is just a civnat if a nationalist at all. really makes you think; it'a all a bit over the top and obvious

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everything feels so empty ever since this pandemic started. there is no light at the end of this tunnel.

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Get a break barrel and put an ox spring or newer type in with a few 2ps in the end.

You will have a FAC level air rifle and will take rabbits at 100 yards. I do this with my PCP anyway but I have played with my regulator to get it there.

Reminder that even if the local population is only 17% white british, they still aren't a minority.

Attached: MinorityNewhan.png (1228x1244, 143.1K)

Use it to your advantage lad. Ignore social stigmas, get wasted, wolf whistle at bonnie lasses.


>Ashitha Nagesh
There's a few good acronyms in there somewhere.

>Seperating Indian shitskins so they don't show a bigger portion than Brits
36% shitskin
More than double the white Brit population

>Let's go see if Christmas dinner is ready yet!
It's night-time you fucking muppet.

>17% isn't a minority
Fuck's sake. I bet she's one of those mongs that are so desperate to 'own' the racists and right wingers that she'll write stuff like this and then feel smug because she's 'debunked' their ideas.

Yet they uses labels like POC - as opposed to a person without colour? Fucking hypocrites.

Pretty bang on tbqh
>White liberals are the most materialistic and atheistic demographic in history, yet on Hitler as a postmodern incarnation of Satan, they shelve all skepticism and critical thinking and become devout believers in a metaphysical absolute.

I fucking can't stand sandniggers...

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>African + Caribbean + Other Black == 20%
Outnumbered by niggers as well

I know Eddie pretends to pull fat birds so people don't bully him for being a virgin but never provides substantial proof and Pube coerces crackheads into having sex with him; but has anyone here ever had healthy and relatively normal sex?

>leftists are brainlets who are bringing about their own destruction through ideological stupidly

We know

Lads, found a video of one of them migrants drowning. Go leave some friendly messages.

>ideological stupidly