Game. Fucking. Over.
It's over for Joe
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That debate is definitely gonna be kino.
Bloomberg isn't leaving. Superdelegates are expensive, but Bloombergshecklestien has the coin, goys.
He has been working for a contested convention this entire time.
He dropped out this morning
Ah jeez Bernie just repeats the same 7 well rehearsed lines. He’s literally got fuck all idea how to implement them in practise.
1. Elect Bernie.
2. ???
3. Profit.
Biden's record sucks, Bernie can easily destroy him on the record. But people think a socialist can't win and you can't overcome that.
that sounds like this:
1. Elect Yang.
2. ???
3. Profit.
actually, every leftist platform seems to be about robbing white taxpayers and giving minorities "free" shit
>Biden be ridin'
>Bernie be busted
All Biden has to do is call Bernie out on Bernie malarkey numbers.
To any Biden staffers reading this, ASK BERNIE ABOUT THE 60 TRILLION, pass it on!
>Bernie can easily destroy him on the record
Bernie's record is a nightmare and he has a whole graveyard full of skeletons in his closet. He's never been properly challenged on these things yet - but if he makes it far enough he will be and he'll get annihilated.
He has a plan to give free shit to people who pay 0 in taxes. He has been really clear about that. He also wants to seize our property because criminals use guns. Pretty clear about that too.
They are all arguing about how hard they want to fuck the dwindling middle class to give to freeloaders.
Imagine what Bloomberg could've done with that $500 million instead of spending it all on TV ads. What an absolute fucking waste.
Nah. Arizona will go Biden, becasue young people won't vote, and boomers will vote for Biden, unless Joe molest a girl and calls her a nigger in live stage. And even that would give him 49% of Arizona's votes.
The dindu tribe just fucking loves Joe Biden.
How do you debate against weaponized dementia you loathsome commie fuck?
It was probably deductible and he gets a tax return on it.
Biden is unexpectedly recieving the best memes a guy could want. All he has to do is go on stage and ramble incoherently for 2 hrs and he will win. He will get exposure and come off as "cool" because it's less about his message and more about his image. He is the B side trump, and its awesome to watch
Is there any pic of Bernie where he doesnt look like a revolting kike stereotype?
Fucking finally I was getting so sick of the paid Bloomberg shills on here
hes an old billionaire and 10 times richer than drumpf, he literally can do whatever the fuck he wants, he wont be able to take his billions in the grave anyway, its literally nothing to him
Bernie is just as bad when it comes to debating, he just repeats the same talking points, muh healthcare, muh billionaires and thats it, hes absolute dogshit when it comes to actual debating, it doesnt matter who they will both get rolled by trump in a debate anyway.
The media will throw a bunch of softballs at Joe which he will knock out of the park and bring down the hammer hard on Bernie for his commie comments. B
The debate will be a disastrous failure for Bernie.
more like ridden with biden amirite?
Lol Warren will still be there as Biden’s tool
>Bernie tears into Biden
>gives free ammo to Trump
He won't. He will cuck out and hand it to Biden. In exchange, he will get $ and a sports car or two.
If we are lucky, Corona or heart attack will finish him before November.
Debate is off. No point.
Cap this.
no refunds!
>listen fat
I am feeling tired and sweaty. Off to the rally I go
yang gang shills are kill
bloomberg shills are kill
Wonder if Obama already has the angry black mob ready to bern the town down for Joe.
Biden is gonna be memed into the general just cause he is too fucking hilarious. He has no chance of winning the general but my god its gonna be a shit show of epic proportions
hasn't Joe already won at this point?
Bernie can still win, here's how!
Yo Bennie
You're probably right. What does Biden gain from having this debate? He might do it out of a sense of obligation but I bet his advisors are telling him not to.
It's like 2016 again
Honestly a part of me really want to see a Biden VS Trump debate.
Huge retarded child VS braindead senile old man.
who will watch these two senile idiots arguing about the temperature?
Isn't Tulsi back on debates because she won some delegates? She will for sure go scorch earth on Biden too.
Warren is still will be there, so she will get some as well.
Its gonna be fucking awesome
>They are all arguing about how hard they want to fuck the dwindling middle class to give to freeloaders.
Yes, its infuriating seeing bernouts desperately trying to elect Bernie so they can give more free stuff to brown people. Not even for their own families. They're suicidal and they don't even know it.
>muh debates
Bernie bros are still this delusional. This is gonna be gud. Bloomberg now supports Biden and will drop so many negative ads on Bernie, nothing he says will matter. Plus, the mainstream media will always praise Joe Biden, no matter if he does poorly or not.
You still have Warren & Tulsi,.so it won't be a 1-on-1. Warren hates Bernie & Tulsi wants to be his VP, so it should be interesting. And, oh so much fun.
Lol You dumb fuck he already dropped out and endorsed Biden.
The final black pill for Bernies, I wonder where they'll go.
>Reddit screengrab
>1 post by this ID
You guys are fucking too easy
Gotta love America. Has to be the hardest country in the world to kick the door open and start spewing communist shit. The establishment should set Sanders up and arrest him as a cherry on top of the cake.
Bernie could easily reformat his ideas in a capitalist context but won't because the CIA won't allow him
Bernie is a fucking beta male, he refused to shit down Hillary's throat in 2016 during the debates.
Just compare his debates 1v1 vs hillary and compare those to Trump vs Hillary. Trump pulled zero punches and evoked the fucking Bill Clinton rape victims on stage.
You have to be a stone cold killer to deal with these establishment snakes, bernie doesn't have it in him.
Bernie NEEDS to dress like a little girl, Biden will become mad with lust and make incoherent rapist ramblings, people will always side with little girls so he will win by default.
>here’s how Bernie can still win!!!
Biden said guns killed 150,000,000 Americans in 13 years. Biden publicly made out with his granddaughter. Multiple times. Biden has publicly molested other little girls multiple times. Biden has gone on literally dozens of incoherent dementia ramblings. And Bernie will still lose to him because Obama told shitskins to vote for him
>the BernieZone
You mean their empty bank accounts
Biden will win Georgia and Pennsylvania
Florida too
AIPAC already chose Biden to receive the DNC nomination. That decision was made months ago.
Mueller time!
Trumps done for sure this time
>Imagine what Bloomberg could've done with that $500 million instead of spending it all on TV ads. What an absolute fucking waste.
He will make that back from stock market manipulation in a week or less.
1. Voted for the war in Iraq, which was based on WMD lies.
2. Voted for NAFTA, sending 1 million of our manufacturing jobs to Mexico.
3. Voted to make student loans non-dischargable in bankruptcy.
>Free shit, price controls, wage floors, open borders, debt cancellation, etc
I think he would need more than a reformat....
Bernie's idea of a debate is promising an unimaginable utopia and using faux reports that slightly support his claim. He is no master debater that these peasents worship him to be
Biden will be another Hillary situation.
Bernie will be another Jeremy Corbyn situation.
This news basically confirms Trump's second term.
1: Says white people don't know what its like to be poor.
2: Supports open borders and mass immigration of people to compete with the working class..
3: Puts literally everyone on the planet ahead of the people that are actually voting for him.
Cornpop thought he could bully the kids. Hey listen, Jack, the only dick I’m going to suck is yours.
Women can get naked and flash you their pussy.
Listen up folks, I’m fighting raging hard for women’s rights.
God damn-it it’s my time to talk.
Looks like I’m out of time.
I’m Joe, and I’m running for Mayor of Korea.
>end coal and fracking
Not winning Pennsylvania
Never mind. I’m retarded. I was thinking about the general for some reason.
>black people watch the debates
>he thinks debates matter
he also criticized integration in the 90s and defends the 1994 crime bill as well as went against gay marriage up until 2014 when it was decided a constitutional right
warren will be the crazy lady that yells at all the baseball games while everyone desperately tries to ignore shes there
black folk ain't gonna watch no boring ass debate nigga
kek. yeah sure just like when he dropped the hammer on hillary
I swear people forget that Bernie was against Hillary and he could've attacked her on several issues from CLINTON THE RAPIST, to idk Benghazi or maybe her servers? Or let me think, how about the child trafficking.
Face it, this guy is just a simp.
Biden said the same thing about poor people
>War in Iraq BAD
I can't wait you fucking cucks to finally die off. The war should have happened regardless of nukes or not. War is good.