*kills your political movement*

*kills your political movement*
*redpills an entire voting block of young white people*
nuthin personnel, crackah!

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Niggers have the heart on the right place. Shame rap-culture destroyed them.

These are great desu.

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Niggers hate commies. That's why Koby had a helicopter in the first place

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Black culture was destroyed in the 60s. Rap is merely a byproduct of that destruction

Call me stupid but what help do blacks get in healthcare?

das rite

They just don't pay, putting the cost of their care on the hospital

They're also stupid as fuck.

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>Don't have to pay for College
>Literally get 10k every year because of Financial aid
>Get free food
>get free books
Lmao, I always laugh at the whites who had to pay over 100k for fucking school. I don't pay a god damn dime and I go to an Stanford.

>Black culture

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I fucking love this timeline.

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Das right! Keep voting Dem wyboi!

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Blacks live in abject poverty while subsisting on food stamps with their 5 kids. The concept of "bad credit" doesn't matter to them, they will refuse to pay any bills that they don't have to legally pay.

They also have no real property or income to file a lawsuit to get, so anyone who is owed money from them is shit out of luck.

Bernie's whole message is about gibs for ALL
>Healthcare for ALL
>Housing for ALL
>College for ALL
When niggers hear that it means that Bernie isn't specifically pandering to their immediate racial interest. The dem establishment will go to black churches and promise race-based handouts to blacks including welfare and preferential job placement in the party apparatus and bureaucracy. The universalist message doesn't work on such a ruthlessly tribal people

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I miss italian spiderman

>tee hee me put blue beanie on funny meme man haha you look silly
>tee hee me put red hat on funny meme man haha you look silly
get new material you absolute faggots

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The black *sub culture* can only exist within a white culture and propped by white-paid social programs.
Also, it's main problem is the iq and negritude of its agents.

Poor enough people qualify for state medical coverage. In my state anyway.

they are all covered by Medicaid

I thought I wanted to see the chaos and the downfall of America through communism, but niggers destroying the hopes and dreams of Bernie bros (most likely for good) is somehow even better.

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memes aside, does it really matter that Biden had 60% of 10% of the votes? did blacks really decide the outcome here?

You cannot win as a Democrat without the black vote.

Nothing about that post is wrong.

>black people
I know that's not what you meant. Say it. I dare you to say it.

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Now they get it.

On a national level it really fucking matters because blacks vote as one block for the Democrats with about 90% of their total votes. If they split their voting between both parties like whites do, they would become politically irrelevant... that's why Dems NEED blacks to always vote Dem.

lmfao the Biden memes be hittin tho

They will go so far as to vote against the interests of other black people if it means they get to keep what little they have managed to obtain. It's why they insult their children when little Keandrea decides he wants to pursue higher education. They rail against the status quo but ultimately it's all they know.

That post seems a little bit racist.

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It's Reddit so I'm sure it's gone already.

Blacks get hud housing, medicaid, and food stamps. The reason white lefitsts bitch about all these "debts" is because hospitals overcharge them to make up for the losses that nonwhites put on them for not paying their medical bills. Blacks being given practically free loans in the 90s is what led to the 2008 financial crisis and since they couldn't pay up now young white millies are having to deal with shitty interest rates as well as property values. Black men get their education from either the trades or prison since they offer those programs. Black women go to college but because they are minority they have an easier time getting free rides that are again subsidized by white voters. Leftists just want the free shit blacks already get.

This would be delicious if it wasn't so tragic.

Fuugggg. I like you, frog.

They dont pay their bills so it's free and all their women get free healthcare through the state

I’ve been looking for you, Matumba.

The original is a better meme

Do you have any new wisdom to share about the white devil

If you’re a true soldier against ZOG you should be doing the same thing

Ain't got no monee for dem crackaz.

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das rite

so good

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Based neet apathetic destroyer of zog

What % of the DNC’s total voters are black?

oh so good

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Its bizarre how much they love old white ass joe biden but man I'm glad

This cured my racism. Niggers appear to be smarter than most white leftists!

such entertainment seeing liberals and minorities tear each other apart.

he dat obama guy

There has been no culture after the tv

anyone has the one with the black boomer voting biden?

blacks are straight up mocking bernie fags on twitter
its just so fucking good.

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So why do we hate niggers again? They're clearly smarter than your average white liberal bernie bot.


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>Niggers have the heart on the right place.
Their brains sure aren't. But yeah, OP is right, niggers already get everything free so they have no reason to vote for the kike.

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Guaranteeing Trump's next four years isn't them being smart, it's playing into the bullshit of their own identity politics for voting for Biden, for the only reason he's 'dat obama guy'. It's purely self destructive entertainment at this point at their and the DNCs expense.

Where are the anti black reddit posts?

This thread is ace, these cucks actually have a stake in this jewish Circus.

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thank you user

this gets me every time still. has South Park ever done anything trashing the Bernie bros and other socialist liberal type crying faggots?


>Guaranteeing Trump's next four years isn't them being smart
Why not?


Because it's not their actual intention. They want Biden. They're not going to get Biden. Either way it makes no difference imo. Trumps a kike shill.



seethe lefty

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>naw whitey you ain't getting dem gibz we need dat monee fo dem programz

>In the end, it was Bernie who gave leftist whites racial consciousness and helped them discover that every other race acts in its own self interest

It just hit me that Bernie is an atheist. It would be very hard for black churches to vote for him.



>free stuff.meme
they're giving all your money to jews, but you don't think that's free stuff. You wanna spend your taxdollars in ways that benefit ordinary (not jewish) citizens, and they cry FREE STUFF!!! EATING YOUR PETS!!! SOCIALISMS!!!!

the money they give to niggers is small change and exists to distract you from the jew picking your pocket. You focus on pennies while they steal everything else.

He's also a dirty Jew. Ain't no southern niggas down wit dat.


lol they did. They did indeed

The problem was segregation wasn't actually separate but equal. We fucked up in the south and made peaceful ethnic separation look bad.

Boomers is offensive to you, so instead we'll just call you
>The Hillary Clinton generation


This meme would be hugely confusing and demoralizing to NPCs if it could be deracialized somehow.

>we don't win unless blacks enthusiastically support our candidate
>blacks just aren't motivated by free college and healthcare, for some reason
>not sure why, that's just what it is

I promise the bernouts are going to become genuine NazBols or National socialists out of pure anger against minorities

Point to something you own.
Remember this.
>Your owning that item is contrary to your maximum health.
Yes, even if you pointed to a health related item, chances are you don't use it the way a doctor would tell you, and certainly not the way a doctor would tell you in a rationed socialist "system."

Everything you do in life, from eating popcorn at the movie, to walking across the room to throw something away,
>Impacts Health.
If it Impacts Health, then when Your Health becomes Government Business, your popcorn at the movie is on the chopping block.

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Legitimately retarded

Black voters are old.
Latino voters are mostly young college females.
Most young blacks would support Bernie but they didn't bother voting.

Or more commonly

>”nigga that shit BEEN free”
>”fuck is you talm bout”


>blacks are the dumb ones

kek. God I hope this red suppository works.

White people wanted free shit and they said “ooooh you thought you could bitch, get yo ass back to work”

>Holy shit, ethnocentrism is great!!
Bout time, the superior ideology is white niggerism. Truly for a people of kangz.

All the rape murder and crime, don't be a cuck because there cool sometimes, there a pure fucking cancer the rest of it.

It's Brittney, bitch!

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Shit... I'm a Berniebro and I didn't even know it. :(

There all kike shills Brainlet.

Like Quinn who began gamergate. Thank god for leftist retards showing the left how dumb they are.

>the party of black folk
>literally bribed with poverty wages to vote for literally any agenda the Jewish corporate elite choose

so fucking stupid it's really funny. Please god let the niggers redpill the rest of the whites in this country

Yeah, because they are niggers and they nigger everything.
But asking for a reason to not welcome an invasive species is already putting the debate in dishonest terms.

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There simply too stupid, and will forget.

>pool is closed
takes me back

>Hey Bernie

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especially after he says shit like "poor kids are just as smart as white kids"

A toothpaste flaggot sympathizing for niggers, what’dya know.
Go back to watching BLACKED

They get need based Medicaid which pays for 100% of their medical bulls. It's very easy to get, I even got put on the program when I showed up to a state operated hospital and told them I made zero dollars per month, they put my right on the program, didn't even need a social security card or birth certificate, just a driver's license. If I didn't have a driver's license they probably had a way to get me on it anyway. Hardworking white people not only foot the bill for this with half of their money going to taxes to pay for these parasite, but they keep voting for it anyway instead of standing up to this rotten system. They kind of get what they deserve, the few good ones get screwed.

>South Park ever done anything trashing the Bernie bros and other socialist liberal type crying faggots?
PC babies

>Can I count on your financial support?
Holy fuck is that actually real? If it is, how can anyone possibly think throwing money at him will make him win? Are people really that stupid? A Jew begging for other peoples money while having 3 houses and an Audi R8, this has to be satire?

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20% of blacks are smarter than 50% of whites. The other 80% aren't. You don't judge a group by its outliers.


the joke is you get education and healthcare in prison you


is this how hitler got into power?


Nothing dishonest about it, niggers are a cancer, we can't maintain a fuctioning society with them in it, because there simply to destructive.


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