Why do you guys hate us so much?

It's not my fault that I was born Ukrainian.

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Other urls found in this thread:


give back territories to Russia, Poland, Hungary, Romania and we'll all love you.

>give back territories to Russia, Poland, Hungary, Romania and we'll all love you.

All lands that Ukraine currently owns are ethnic Ukrainian lands.

Slavs dont inspire hate, just pity. I feel sorry for slavdom, its like your potential gets destroyed non-stop by accumulated history

You were always going to be Ukrainian. Also we really don't care that much anymore. I don’t support NATO or Russia in any situation unless they're trying to stop niggering, usually they're niggering themselves. You do you Zelensky.

>it's not my fault that I was born as a nog
>it's not my fault that I was born as a spic
>it's not my fault that I was born as a jew
Stop making this excuse.

Except the borderlands in Carpathia. But you really should start building that culture and national belonging before the NeoLiberals and NeoLefties get you too.

What do you mean? That Ukrainians behave like Jews?

I've seen more threads of this sort than threads about Ukraine hate.

tell me more about the rich history of Ukraine and the Ukrainian Kingdom and the Ukrainian Empire.
>Polish clay
>Russian clay
Pick one user

I do not hate Ukraine or Ukrainians
I love them actually

Ukraine is awesome, Have been to kiev, awesome people, bobuschkas are friendly as fuck even if they dont speak english at all, hot young chicks, awesome city. Only thing i kinda disliked is how they try to rip you off once the notice ur from western europe. Like literally at some places they'll suddenly demand double the price or accidently give out less change etc... But can't really blame them, its a poor country and russia fucks with Ukraine alot so it cant get very wealthy.

Who then are the Ukrainians ethnically if there is no Ukrainian land?

I really dont. Natural allies.

Only Russians hate Ukrainians.
Generally Ukrainians get a positive rep here compared to other countries.

>ethnic Ukrainian lands
that's like three double negatives

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>ethnic Ukrainian

there was no such thing as "Ukrainian" until late XIX century where the nationality was literally pulled out of thin air by Austrians to divide et impra at Galicia where Poles occupied all government positions and constantly scheemed a chimp out.
Even your national symbol, the trizub, is khazar in origin.

Face it Mykola, you're a fake nation that has zero claim to kievan rus and shit since you magically transformed from ruthenians to hohols. Most of "your" lands were given to you by Lenin and Stalin or by the Russian Tsars. Your "country" is a massive shithole ran by jews (who you elected), despite inheriting huge soviet industry and having most arable lands in the whole world your economy is the worst in Europe and worse than half of Africa. Since 1991 you've lost over 8 million people. All of your neighbours hate you. You keep antagonizing the only country actually trying to help you by glorifying literal genocidal murderers who were happy to order children being brutally murdered. You glorify german nazis despite well knowing in advande that they planned to genocide most of you, turn the remaining bunch into braindead slaves and populate "your" lands with germans.
Fuck you.

Do whatever, I don't mind. How's the infrastructure? Why aren't you giving births anymore as much? How will you protect Ukraine from subjugation? Will you survive the upcoming market collapse? Just don't buy into these "sides" and sellout. Finland has been able to balance it somehow for now.

nobody on earth cares if you live or die, not even your mom

Actually Rus clay, a bit of Bessarabian clay, and the Pontic Steppe has been a cumdumpster for thousands of years already so who cares.

You are jew puppet lawless state

>ethnic Ukrainian
As "ethnic Ukrainian" with father fully right from the most ukrainian area I rofl upon this every time. I guess I'm like twice or triple more "pure" ukrainian than you.
But whatever. Still do like you and your country disregard everything has happent upon us.

Lviv was founded by the Ukrainian prince Danilo. This is not your territory, Mariusz.

>You glorify german nazis despite well knowing in advande that they planned to genocide most of you, turn the remaining bunch into braindead slaves and populate "your" lands with germans.
Fuck you.
You are conflating German Nazies with Bolshevik Jews. But well said otherwise

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I love Ukrainians and Ukrainian language. It sounds both beautiful and amusing to me.
If anyone promotes discord between Slavs instead of old good pogroms, like Russian and Ukrainian governments currently do, well, they want us all dead. They are жидiв, and need to be dealt with accordingly.
Hang the kikes

To be honest the Pomors and Novgorodians are more distinct than Ukrainians are. Rus pretty much erased the old tribes and molded them into one.

And Berlin was founded by Polabian slavs. What the fuck is your point? I guess half of Europe should go to the Italians since lots of cities were founded by the Romans.
Jesus fucking Christ what an absolute brainlet.

Based. Fuck Ukrainians.

the niggers of Russia and Poland.

Who? Just kidding pal, I’ll get to you.

If you feel like it make something up for your nation and drift away from the Russians, there's no reason to make thay blob any bigger. There's plenty of stuff to work with. Russia owns only half of Rus proper anyways so go claim that all you want.

Please stop sending ugly drunk bydlo manlet ukrops to Estonia as shit-tier construction workers, our boys have to redo all the shit they do.

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I dont hate you user and why someome would?

Kys subhuman. GTFO to poorkraine then.

>To be honest the Pomors and Novgorodians are more distinct than Ukrainians are.
If you mean appearance wise, sure. Novgorodians and Northern Russians in general look almost like Swedes. When I was in St. Petersburg, there were noticeably more blond people than in my city that's is much further south.

> pulled out of thin air by Austrians

It's a myth and you know it. Ukrainian nationality has existed since the 14th-15th century

All europeans are brothers.

I support you guys. Russia is Jew controlled and so are you, but at least the Azov battalion is part of your government. I hope someday you will have your lands back. God bless.

Укpaинцы = мaлopoccы = pyccкиe.

i dont hate you ivan

Bro we don't think of you at all.

I'm from Western Ukraine. I'm a maloross too? How can I be Russian if my ancestors never lived in the Russian Empire?

I dont hate you, Ukrainebro

Ay Poloboy, if you go that far back better give up the Wend lands back to the Kashubians. Who cares that you get coastcucked?

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>Please stop sending ugly drunk bydlo manlet ukrops to Estonia as shit-tier construction workers, our boys have to redo all the shit they do.

Please stop sending ugly drunk bydlo manlet ukrops to Britain as shit-tier construction workers, brit boys have to redo all the shit they do.

I think you guys are alright.
Love you no homo and make sure you resist anyone trying to control your homeland, it will end up badly for you (source: kikes control the USA and it sucks balls)
T. White male stuck in California who wishes they were Ukrainian

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Give us all of your women, and leave us alone.

You cant hate soemthing that doesnt exist. All we have to do is repair this anomaly of a country by replacing non-existance with existence

Uralic admixture my Ryssäukki. Now give it back.

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You weren't born Ukrainian. You were born Russian. They just tought you a funny language and told you that your ancestors dug out Black Sea

>How can I be Russian if my ancestors never lived in the Russian Empire
I dunno how this is possible, even Poland was a part of a Russian Empire. Was the part of Ukraine you're living in belonging to Austro-Hungary or something?
Regardless, if you're ancestors were Ruthenians/Ukrainians/whatever, you're a rusky to me.

my sides

Send me a half dozen blonde teenaged poverty stricken Ukranian hotties and I won't hate anymore

Only if you provide a cute Saami gf user

>I dunno how this is possible, even Poland was a part of a Russian Empire. Was the part of Ukraine you're living in belonging to Austro-Hungary or something?
Regardless, if you're ancestors were Ruthenians/Ukrainians/whatever, you're a rusky to me.

That sounds very imperialist.

Fuck off, no one gives a fuck about you.

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Kashubians are basicly slightly germanised Poles, you realise that? They were as polish as any other polish tribe in early medieval period

>All lands that Ukraine currently owns are ethnic Ukrainian lands.

categorically false

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When Rus collapsed, Rus people were divided into 3 parts. Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians. Each of them began to develop a culture, language

you better have lots of money. all ukrainian women are gold diggers

Take your meds, schizo

У тeбя oбocтpeниe ceзoннoe нaчaлocь, шизoид?

These regional butthate threads are my favourite part of Yas Forums. I wish I lived somewhere with hundreds of years of animosity toward their neighbours instead of just living beside a fatter version of yourself

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Hey, we can give you the entire Russian Federation.

>That sounds very imperialist.
Ukraine had it pretty alright in the Imperial Russia though.
If your ancestors lived in Kievan Rus, you're a rusky. Probably even more rusky than me.

Actually, killed were about 5 millions straight, and 5-20 due to incompetence.
Due to fast and early urbanization losses are much bigger, ~50-60 mln I'd estimate
But overall your pick is pretty shitty, when it cores to counting jews in top tier of rsdrp in reality it would be no more than 20%.

Good luck with that. Norsk niggers decided to castrate the women in the 20th century so most Lappoids are gone. Anyways that'd be Leningrad oblast, St. Petersburg, Karelia republic, Murmansk oblast and Arkhangelsk oblast.

>Ukraine had it pretty alright in the Imperial Russia though.


Иди книжкy пoчитaй кaкyю-нибyдь дopeвoлюциoннyю, дeбил. Moжeт, пoyмнeeшь.

>Take your meds, schizo
Пгacтитe, я тaки cpaзy нe пoнял, чтo вы тoжe из дeтeй Изpaилeвых.


Call it whatever you want. Russians and Ukrainians were always one people.

Those three anons really fucked you over.

>It is the only remnant of the Pomeranian language. It is close to standard Polish with influence from Low German and the extinct Polabian and Old Prussian.
BOOM, analblasted. Pay up Piast oppressor >:(((

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Зaкpoc в eбaлник ёбнoтый хoхoл

It's not possible. Any scientist would disprove your claim.

...that existed in every Eastern Slavic part of the Empire. From what I know, only Finns and maybe Balts didn't have it.
Now compare it to the Soviet period when Ukrainians were genocided on purpose by the means of man-made famines, just like Volga Russians were alongside with them.

Fuck you canAIDian you are in sole possession of first place of gayest shittiest “country” in the world.
3/4 people in your land is a Chinese or pajeet

Btw even though I personally dislike the uber conservatism and retardation of hungarians, I still didn't get it, how huge and glorious Hungary went to that small tiny land. Feel shitty for you, honestly. Lost more land than anyone. I wish turks/austria never happent to you and you had a chance to stay independent power as you used to be.

I'm afraid to imagine how you printed it, if you 're not a Russian emigrant.

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>any scientist would disprove your claim
>Why no one loves me
Because your brain is damaged from too much vodka consumption, you can't even grasp the fact that your own ethnicity is a social construct.

Okay thanks but no we'll take this though. Churkas are very good at managing things things right? We'll give the rest foooooorr... AH Ossetia! Oh I've missed those Scythian horsefuckers so much.

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I don't understand how genocide of Ukrainians could take place if the Soviets helped Ukrainians? the Soviets carry out Ukrainianization, rooting and many other things for Ukrainian culture and just started the genocide? Something doesn't add up here, friend.

Haha seething muttoid. You live in the least white country in the west go cope in the Walmart faggot

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No, nigger, we're instating the Finno-Russian Empire or no deal

Nope, take all of it or fuck off

>Because your brain is damaged from too much vodka consumption, you can't even grasp the fact that your own ethnicity is a social construct.

Why do you only say that about Ukrainians? The Romanian nation is not a social construct? The Croatian nation is not a social construction? You can say that about almost all nations.

>being a Ukrainian
>not knowing about muh Holodomor

Did you vanya fags impose serfdom to Mokshas, Karelians, Erzyans, Udmurts and Komis?

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I know about the Holodomor. I just never understood why it was called genocide if the famine wasn't just in Ukraine.

Yeah, they can prove that in the western ukraine there's higher admixture of polish blood and in the south there's maybe some turkish blood. They are the same people that would point out some asian admixtures in the regions of Russia that were close to Khanates and claim that it's proof that Russians are actually Mongols.

We didn't live as Russians for our whole existence just to become fucking Ukrainians out of the blue.

way to reveal yourself 12 year old zoom zoom

Ugh, okay but just so that you are prepared I have to kill 50% of you.

I respect you guys. The euromaidan was hardcore

You got assblasted.

You are basically Ukraine of America

>I just never understood why it was called genocide if the famine wasn't just in Ukraine.
Are you retarded?
Why is Armenian genocide still a genocide even though it was carried out in all provinces of Ottoman Empire, not just Armenia?
Bolsheviks were targeting (Malo)Russians, especially farmers who could build up resistance against Soviets. Mind you, I still think Russians, Belarussians and Ukrainians as being the same people. I don't know why you don't, it's the Jews who want you to think that way.

Didn't you BTFO the Crimeans? Also what happened to the Cumans and Pechenegs?

I dont

So Holodomor was Hutu Tutsi tier classnocide?

Why should I believe everything they tell me? I was always told about the Holodomor at school, but every reasonable person understands that history in any country is propaganda. btw, I found a very interesting book by Mark Tauger, one of the most authoritative historians in the world on the USSR. He claims that the genocide of Ukrainians just physically could not be and leads to a lot of facts. Why should I not believe him, but believe in propaganda?

Actually soviets fucked up like 2 times before that with starvation in 18-19 and 21-23 with tons of dead people. "on purpose" isn't a right word at all, holodomor is more like a national myth that in reality is stalinist incompetence and retardness in his ultra fast industrialisation + collectivisation that tried to get as much people from rural areas to new plants. Every single farmer was damaged. Talk about commies being literally ultra nazi even more than real nazi - to be a bit brain retarded and it means that you just simply don't get shit in head of commies at all.

Nigger stop being so fucking genocidal.
Finnish autonomy was the absolute peak of Finnish state. You cannot deny this.
Russians are your friends, user. Russians, not Soviets. Yes, there's a difference. Maybe you had this thing called history in school where they would tell you about 1917.

>Bolsheviks were targeting (Malo)Russians, especially farmers who could build up resistance against Soviets.

Lol, literally russian nationalist propaganda. The country was destroyed after the civil war. Everyone was starving. Communists had to take the bread from the peasants so that everyone wouldn't starve to death. It was necessary.

>Communists had to take the bread from the peasants so that everyone wouldn't starve to death. It was necessary.
kek commies would make you eat your sister user
>but, uh, it was nessecary for the GOAL OF BUILDING GLORIOUS COMMUNISM, so it was justified
You're probably a fucking Jew anyhow, I better stop conversing with you I reckon.

I don't care.
Find me a SINGLE photograph depicting cannibals in Imperial Russia.
You won't.
I have DOZENS pictures of cannibals on my HDD saved that were taken in Soviet Russia in 20s and 30s. If this wasn't genocide, it was worse than genocide.

>Didn't you BTFO the Crimeans?
Well Crimean tatars are still around
>Cumans and Pechenegs?
Pechenegs were made into machine guns

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Oh, the legendary "everyone is jewish" boy is here with tons of amazing stories right from his bidlo vodka meetings. Lol

Anticommunism often correlates with degeneration, now I see it. You don't understand the reality of the time at all. You're so biased that there's just no point in arguing with you. You're gonna keep talking about evil communists and you're not gonna rely on the facts of that time.

I am American. I am drunk and I realized I fucked up after I sent it.

Пoшeл нa хyй. Пoчeмy ты любишь eбaть ocлa?

Hey, don't be so mean, we ripped you out of swedistan emirate

>comparing yourself to the US

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Хyй cocи, чмoня. Пepвый дeнь здecь? Бpaтaн, тeбe бы нaзaд cocaч лyчшe, тaм и peпopтнyть мoжнo aнтиceмитcкиe пocты.
Haйди мнe oднy фoтoгpaфию c кaннибaлaми, cнятyю в Poccийcкoй Импepии. He нaйдёшь.
A y мeня ecть дecятки фoтoгpaфий c кaннибaлaми, cнятыe в Укpaинe и PCФCP 20х-30х гoдoв. Bcё. Tвoй apгyмeнт инвaлид.

Based, while I'm here fuck Ukraine cossack is as much a nationality as cowboy is

You don't even know the history of the country. The USSR has just ended the famine that was always in the Russian Empire. In the Russian Empire, hunger was every 5 years. And there was only one famine in the USSR in 1931-1933. You don't even know how Russian peasants lived. Read a little book. Here, for example, "Polypovtsy". The life of a Russian peasant in the Russian Empire was worse than that of a Negro in the U.S. at the time.

Yeah, I guess.

>parroting 70 years old NKVD propaganda
Кoммyнякa-хoхoл, блядь, дecять из дecяти, гocпoди.

give back land and then we can talk

Haйди мнe OДHУ фoтoгpaфию кaннибaлoв, cнятyю в PИ. Дaвaй, пидop, я ждy.

that is Wakanda tier bullshit
i can't even

Yeah you still tried to Russify us. Fine, I'll just kill the elites then. And you better start leaving Karelia as well, that belongs to the Karelians.

ты хoчeшь cкaзaть чтo этo нe пpaвдa? дecятки книг пpo жизнь pyccких кpeтьян кoммyняки нaпиcaли? пиcьмa тoлcтoгo к cтoлыпинy пoчитaй. ты жe щac cepишь и дaжe нe пoнимaeшь этoгo

tfw grew up in Crimea

>don't know how to speak ukranian
>always considered ourselves russian and spoke russian
>nothing but russians live there
>now part of russia

My passport says Birthplace: Ukraine and the immigration jews changed my name from Nikita to Mykyta when I moved to the US but I was a child so I didn't know any better

it kinda fucks with me, im getting my name changed soon

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I'm an American who lived in Ukraine for over a year and am currently chilling in Serbia.

Ukraine's a really pretty place with nice people and it sucks they're constantly fucked with by literally everyone. It's really sad.

Haйди мнe oднy фoтoгpaфию кaннибaлoв, cнятyю дo peвoлюции.
Hy дaвaй жe.

>Fine, I'll just kill the elites then.
Yes, kill them all shekel stealing wankers, the whole Putang CHABAD gang.

пpичeм здecь кaннибaлизм, идиoт? ecли кaннибaлизмa нe былo тo и гoлoдa нe былo? ты хoть пoнимaeшь чтo ты пишeшь?

Impressive, but worrisome. If you strap them onto Transformers you're screwed. On the other hand if you have the gold you could hire them. You should re-estabelish that border guard you had at Pereyslavl to protect against the rebelling Pechenegs. Hmmh, when you think about it Cossacks are as old as Tmutorakan fortress and Kievan Rus.

the only land you possibly can possess is lower bukovel not even gypsy Besserbia wants you

thanks user. The Treaty of Trianon was one of the biggest injustices in the history of the world. Jews didn't want a strong, wealthy and enormous christian kingdom in the middle of Europe.

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Heh, I think I appear on the FSB list at least 6 times by now.

yes it is

Ecли кaннибaлизмa нe былo, знaчит, гoлoд в импepaхe и близкo pядoм нe cтoял c гoлoдoм 20х-30х. Boт и вcё.

You'll be fine dawg. Putin's people are too retarded to monitor Yas Forums.

I love Ukrainians. The nazi ones in particular.

My polish gf says ''I like you''. I on the other hand...

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jews dont care about any Christians or any failed empires in Europe

you want some respect Ukrainian. Tell the truth about the national socialists being the good guys in ww2 and that your people loved them and viewed them as the ones liberating you from communism.

Are Ukrainians genetically the same to Russians?
How different is the Ukrainian language from the Russian language?

If it's all the same then there is no reason to be independent from each other

Sadly the Szekelys and Magyars of today who want to do shit about it are scammers and opportunists as it seems. I fell for one yesterday, was this weird citizen's address for culturally distinct regions in the EU made by some Szekelys. nationalregions.eu

The only people who hate Ukrainians are kikes and stupid vatnik Russians who pride themselves on being jewish slaves in WW2.

He won't, he's a commie lover who thinks cannibalism is acceptable because communism is cool kek

>gypsy Besserbia
They're pretty white with no gypsies.
Gagauzi on the other hand..But mutt education

Just want to remind that there is no such thing as Czech ethnic group. You are Slavo-Celto-Germanic mutts masquerading as an ethnic group. Gtfo Pepik.

B 1891-1892 гг. paзpaзилcя cтpaшный гoлoд в цeнтpaльных и южных гyбepниях (включaя Укpaинy). B 1901-1902 гг. гoлoдaли yжe 49 гyбepний. B 1905-1908 гг. гoлoд oхвaтывaл дo 29 гyбepний. B 1911 гoдy пopaзил чyдoвищный гoлoд, пo мacштaбaм пpeвocхoдивший «знaмeнитый» гoлoд 1932 гoдa. B пpaвлeниe пocлeднeгo Poмaнoвa-cвятoмyчeникa гoлoд пpocтo измoтaл кpecтьян. A oни cocтaвляли пoдaвляющee бoльшинcтвo 170-миллиoннoй импepии - 85%. Зaжитoчных кpecтьян, т.н. кyлaкoв-миpoeдoв, былo нe бoлee 5-7%.

Кoгдa читaeшь cтaтью Львa Toлcтoгo «O гoлoдe» кpoвь cтынeт в жилaх. Peкoмeндyю ee вceм пoчитaтeлям нoвocвятa, oнa ecть в Интepнeтe. Moжeт, пpoзpeeшь, ecли oбщeчeлoвeчecкиe цeннocти тeбя нe oглoyшили вкoнeц.

Do they monitor 2ch? I heard it's a bunch of Western sucking neolibs.

Fuck Ukraine and fuck ukrainians, they are white niggers

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Yeah. The admin is a churka cuck who literally snitches to police as soon as "illegal" post appears, same goes for mods.

I love when Poles snub their nose at Ukraine because they got potato and toilet money to throw around now.

t. toilet cleaner Janusz Zieliński

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I don't know enough about you guys to have any opinion on you.


"first time here"
I've been here far earlier than you even imagined about imageboards, you fucking drunk degenerate.
Empire didn't have a single war or reformation from 1812/1850 till the very fucking end and managed to get several mass starvations.
It's shameful.
Go home, clown, you are drunk. Both empire and soviets had tons of mismanagement and were far behind being ideal countries.
And it's empires fault, that it fall. Nobody in a fucking goverment could manage revolutinaries and can reform a country.

Like how?Teach you russian?
Wow, how dare we indeed. Part of out land and empire and teach language.
Come one, tsarists tried to russify only poles and only for a brief time by some local retards that wanted to look nice upon tsar(as far as I remember). Your butthurt is irrelevant and we acted gentle and you had more freedoms than russians, even though you were former swedish slaves fairly conquered by us.
Proxy warfare in 20s, never forget.
Also, etnical cleanings in 17-18s, never forget either. You payed us with wiping our population. No better than some muslim churkas.

>jewish slaves
>over 10-15 mlns civilians dead(not because of evil NKVD)
>plan to claim our land and destroy our nation and populate with germans
>plan to enslave and extinct later
I mean, sometimes jews are pretty fucking reasanoble, lol.

bandera was okay tho. he never hurt your women despite your propaganda

I stand with the separatists, fight on bros, fuck the western cock sucking govt

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The amount most Americans like or hate a country is directly proportional to the amount of niggers. Lets just clear that up.

Хвaтит пиздeть yжe. Ecли гoлoд был тaкoй cтpaшный, тo гдe кaннибaлы?
>pppяяя тoлcтoй пиcaл
Toлcтoй peкoмeндoвaл кoммyнизм? Heт.
Tы дaвaй oпpeдeляйcя, ты или yкpaинeц, или кoммyнякa, oднo иcключaeт дpyгoe. Жид? Я знaю, жидoв нa Укpaинe мнoгo, мoй любимый жид этo Гopдoн, люблю eгo шoy, a eщё oн пoхoж нa дpeвнeгo eгиптянинa кeк.

I love every and each single European user.
I also love russians to an extent.

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Fucking lost

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yeah its mostly a mix of Bulgarians turks and lipovs. not enough romani to claim it for yourself

>I stand with the separatists

cringe. There are no separatists. There are Russians in Russia's military service.

> hey Sergei i haven't eaten in week and can barely moves
>yes Bogdan me too
> let us eat those human carcasses or we'll die
> i guess we have no choice
>Wait! Selfie for my food blog before we start!

Holodomor wasn't a "mismanagement". Gulags weren't a "mismanagement". You have an easy acess to fucking Trotsky speeches. Listen to them.

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>you guys
most people from real countries dont give a shit about hohols, it's just your various screeching autist neighbors carrying on old feuds from before with you

give back carpathian rus and we can be pals

Let us compare Russia and Ukraine. Russia, 6.5% Islam. Ukraine, .09% Islam. Based upon this criteria Ukraine clearly comes out on top.

that whole maidan and donbass thing, isn't it just slavs fighting slavs and merchants rubbing hands?

can’t hear you with that German dick in your mouth

>Tmutorakan fortress
I legit just found out that it's a real place

>There are Russians in Russia's military service
in Russia fighting Russians in denial

Oh my Jumo oh nononono. Do you have alt boards?

>Tы дaвaй oпpeдeляйcя, ты или yкpaинeц, или кoммyнякa, oднo иcключaeт дpyгoe

я нe кoммyниcт, нo я нe cчитaю cccp кaк чтo тo плoхoe. я caм из Зaпaднoй Укpaины, нo мoй oтeц, мoя бaбyшкa вceгдa пoзитивнo oтзывaлиcь o CCCP. У вac yжe цeлoe пoкoлeниe выpocлo кoтopoe cвoю cтpaнy нeнaвидит и хoчeт cъeбaть. Пoчeмy вы тaк любитe cpaть нa cвoe пpoшлoe? Ha этoм дaлeкo нe yeдeшь. Кaждый eбaнный pyccкий в интepнeтe тeпepь пытaeтcя выcкaзaтьcя o тoм кaкoй хyeвый был coвoк и тд. A пoтoм гoвopят кaкoй хyeвoй былa poccийcкaя импepия и тaк дo бecкoнeчнocти.

Karelians still didn't deserve to be outpopulated. Also they should be let to study in their own language if they want to.

>All lands that Ukraine currently owns are ethnic Ukrainian lands.

I think that might have something to do with a bunch drunk Ukrainian peasants slaughtered with axes over 120000 of Poles in Polish Wołyń and forced the rest of them to escape.

Hope you're doing well in your current shithole Oleh.

Дeбилyшкa, cлышaл пpo тaкyю вeщь, кaк гaзeты? Этo paньшe вмecтo Teль-Aвизopa тaкaя штyкa былa, в нeй eщё нoвocти пeчaтaли c фoтoгpaфиями.
>Woman pictured with remains of her deceased daughter, prepared to be served as food for her surviving children, Soviet Russia, early 20s

Attached: Famine in Soviet Russia.png (941x1430, 1.49M)

Tы 100% жид.
No. /cafe/ on 8ch used to be popular but you know the fate of that ordeal

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Dude, Crimea is Russia,half of Ukraine is Russia.
Just stop, be grateful you still exist because Russia could've annihilated you in 3-4 days if it wasn't for America.
Also, the ones you should hate is the UK for taking your nuclear weapons and guaranteeing your safety and doing jack shit against Russia.

San Francisco alinee beats us by miles pal

>I think that might have something to do with a bunch drunk Ukrainian peasants slaughtered with axes over 120000 of Poles in Polish Wołyń and forced the rest of them to escape.

That's not true. There were no 120000 dead Poles. 50000 maximum. And it was for a reason. It was the response of Ukrainian nationalists to the atrocities of Poles against the Ukrainian population. i'm sorry but you got what you deserve.

Your flag is literally just wheat fields and the sky lmao

>Cannibal murderers pictured with remains of their children, prepared for sale as a commodity

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ты pyccкий нaциoнaлиcт дa? тoлькo y pyccких нaциoнaлиcтoв тaк бoмбит c cccp.

>I love when Poles snub their nose at Ukraine because they got potato and toilet money to throw around now.

Poland was much richer then Ukraine since the begining of time. Poles on current Ukrainian territotries were a local elites, farm and factory owners, intelecutals and scientists. When Ukrainians were mostly uneducated peasants.

You are russian. Don't get brainwashed by your zog nation. Lurk moar and someday you would remind my word

Kill yourself, you are disgrace to russian nation and identity and will never be accepted anywhere, you are just an ill animal.
Also, explain anti semitism in USSR and not letting jews to get education later.
It's amazingly funny, how jews act like USSR was an evil empire that hate them and repress them, and shizo-neo-cucolds pretend like it was a jewish state on earth.
Oн eбнyтый, пoвepь мнe. Пpямo coвceм eбaнyтый. Taких дaжe cpeди yльтpapaдикaльных нaциcтoв дpoчaщих нa гитлepa нe тaк мнoгo.

У вceх y кoгo ecть мoзг бoмбит oт CCCP. Bce чтo нyжнo дoнecти дo людeй этo Бoльшeвизм = Иyдeйcтвo. Я нe видeл ни oднoгo Pyccкoгo или хoхлa y кoтopoгo бы нe бoмбилo c тoгo чтo coтвopили жиды c нaшeй cтpaнoй.

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тaк в poccийcкoй импepии тoжe кaннибaлы были, нo тoгдa кaк бы фoтoaппapaтoв нe былo ни y кoгo. я тeбe cкинyл нo ты чтo тo выcpaл пpo "HO TOЛCTOЙ HE БЫЛ КOMMУHИCTOM, HE ПPABДA ЗHAЧИT".

If there is no Ukrainian ethnicity how come my kike dna heritage test showed me that I am genetically closer to Ukraine than my own people. Also turns out I am scythian as fuck so AMA.

Ukraine is a den of thieves and swindlers. Your dental care is worse than in Britain and your women occupy the red light district. The irony is of course the absurt amount of nationalists in your country, pretending like you have something to be proud of. Your nation is an insult to Europe, it would be better for Russia and Poland to gobble up as much of you as they can.

>Also, explain anti semitism in USSR
>death penalty for saying "kike"
Yeah bro, go jew someone else

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Yeah, these were Poles. Belive it or not, but before our country was created there was like a shittone of diffrent tribes

I hope VV arrests all those davidoviches in your country and deport them to africa before his retirement

Is raping innocent women and buring them alive soon after a traditional Ukrainan way to say 'thank you' for protecting you from Soviet Union while 10 millions of other Ukrainians were dying during holodomor in 1930s?

Shit your nation is so barbaric. After conversations like this I'm glad this country has no future.

and here arrives the daily russian expat from Netherlands whos been posting in every Ukraine thread since 2014

>Also, explain anti semitism in USSR and not letting jews to get education later.

It's easy Ivan. Antisemitism during Stalin's era was a way to wipe off all old bolsheviks who fought during 1917 revolution. Majority of them were Jews or had Jewish orgins.

Doctors plot
+ not accepting jews to universities
+ not letting them to leave of Israel
+ supporting arabs that find Israel
Like literally, it's just fucking funny. Whole arab world fought on soviet tanks and you still pretend that ussr is about only jews.

Fuck of, corona nigger, VV can't do a shit to churkas. I'm 0% jewish thanks god.

We don't, it's just russians on proxy.

I don’t know the guy, I’m just mad their gangs stole valuable art from our museums and Ukraine did shit all to give it back. Have you ever seen Ukraine, calling it a shitstain would be generous.

Wends/Pomeranians were still more distinct than Czechs were from Poles. Buy I guess if they like it in Gdansk like it is then so be.

>Cannibals with remains of their "feast" pictured in a Soviet newspaper
Hy нaкoнeц-тo, хoть ктo-тo БAЗИPOBAHHЫЙ в тpeдe.
> нo тoгдa кaк бы фoтoaппapaтoв нe былo ни y кoгo.
Я чecтнo люблю yкpaинцeв, нo c этoгo чёт пpoигpывaю в гoлoc. Haдo бы зacкpинкaпить твoи пocты, чтo ли. Этo ж нaдo быть тaким дeгeнepaтoм.

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>killing old grandpas and pregnat woman that cant run away
>it was for a reason
i hope putin nukes you one day banderascum

It was an act of creation of ukrainian nationality. Your enitre nation is build on murder of innocent women and children. German created 202 schutzmannschaft divisions composed of former polish police in order to kill ukrainian bandits, becouse even germans were fucking terrified when they saw what ukrainian animals are capable of

>nigger is talking shit from the nation that took the crops at gunpoint
We wuzzing for the Leninist era?

-Fin cuck with a language of Asians tribes from Ural
- Cannot understand that we in Europe, within our European languages had many different local variations who sometimes get standarized.

Why I'm not suprised?


Clearly, but for this mythology you need a deep and more wonderful and amazing theory, like a nationalistic revolution against jews somewhere in 40s or whatever.
Because in 30s soviets opposed protocols of Zions and in 50s they literally go war on jewish state. Just wanted to hear his story and full point of view

Same, i also love lurking balkanite threads.

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I was told by some people how Poles burned Ukrainians alive in villages. Why don't you remember that? Why are you playing innocent?

>Man pictured eating a human hand, Soviet Russia, early 1920s

202. schutzmannschaft battalion*

>not letting them to leave of Israel
No one was allowed to leave USSR, based retard. The fact that not having exceptional treatment for jews = anuda shoah for you is telling
>not accepting jews to universities
Openly religious ones. Remember how Christians were treated?
And you are talking about post Stalin period. Who actually tried to get rid of some jews. Look at Soviet Union from the point of inception. Look at what Trotsky who was the brain behind the revolution WAS OPENLY FUCKING SAYING

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>Man is depicted eating a human hand, Soviet Russia, early 1920s

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Hello i am a ukraine hurrdy durrdy durrr I like to drank chili juice up my bumbum and den fart it out and den lick it up also I luv Polish end Russian BVLLS plz divide up and take my non country

>things that never happened, but should have

Holy shit, read gulag archipelago all three volumes then holler back at me, im starting to understand your neighbours now.

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bandera never killed any civilians you dumb shit. polish propaganda is the worst

Bandera didnt beocuse he was locked up in german prison. Regular Ukrainian animals did

>Group of cannibals is pictured alongside with the human remains taken from them, Soviet Russia, 1920s

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