5th of March (Tomorrow)

So what exactly is supposed to happen? Apparently the world ends but how exactly?

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Other urls found in this thread:


I hope you faggots put a bullet through your skulls so we don't have to deal with /x/-grade garbage anymore.

Rob Reiner has been saving up his farts and will release it in one big blast destroying the ozone layer forever.

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Dragon Dildos

my bet is on pole shift

Could've been a metaphor for paradigm shift.
>World [as we know it] ends

>Apparently the world ends but how exactly?
Not with a whimper, with a bang.

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I poo poo pee pee

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seattle here, qrd on this?

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What’s it this time? It’s just the flu bro

A 5g-fueled corona virus pole paradigm shift administered via dragon dildo into the ozone layer.

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Some user predicted March 5th as the end of the world and had a metric fuck-ton of consecutive 4s in his response and thus it became sperg-prophecy.

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my bet on market crash

Castlevania season 3. I enjoyed the first 2 seasons relatively not pozzed up.

Nothing happens faggot.

>It's my birthday tomorrow.

Thanks Yas Forums.


ok i'll report in tmrw if anything happens

Quarantaines in all major western cities. This will signal the beginning of the end. In the end only less than a million people will survive.
digits will confirm

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The Modern World dies tomorrow
Everyone, every major country starts to take corona seriously. Someone famous dies. Calling it now. Someone famous dies suddenly of coronavirus, and as a result they have to admit that it's a pandemic, activating those bonds, bankrupting rich dudes, and initiating the economic crash. Pure chaos after that who the fuck even knows.

That’ll teach those dirty smokers

Now I feel better.

The government claims they might even forcefully quarantine people but I don't see how that's going to work, I should imagine chimps will use the opportunity to commit more crime.

Dark gets his chapter 7

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>nonAmerican poster

Uh oh

Im from the future. Its already the 5th of March. Nothing happened. Nothing EVER happens

I have a round of 18 holes tomorrow, so hopefully nothing.


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Prophetic. Digits confirm Yas Forums schizos go in to final stages of doomsday mental breakdown. Preppers annihilated in mass food fight over embarrassment related to prepping. Cans of beans turned to projectile weapons. Surface to Air sardine tins lobbed across the skies of America.
Preppers implode under pressures of social ostracization.

Will a dingo eat this faggot's baby?

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I had a good run.

Well the Seattle 11/3/19 got coronachan delivered. A massive jump in corona infections would fit the timeline and cause normies end of the world feels.


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Tomorrow is a flux-day meaning it will be about reversing or amplifying the phenomena that have been happening

Basically there's 50% chance something will happen and shit will become worse by hundred fold

and 50% nothing will happen but everything bad that's been happening will start to fix itself

btw im a noob at magic so don't take whatever i write as infallible most of the time i have no idea what im doing or why it works or not

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Oh, shit! That graph! We're fucking doomed!

Magic is the art of illusion, just like most of the happening shit on here and in the media.

Saint Piran's day

Ionizing radiation kills all viruses known to man, and ruined all electronic devices! Degeneracy has been stopped in its tracks because no one is able to consume media!

yea i think its all about illusion too but im too low IQ to really grasp the inner workings mostly surface level

i don't really read or have anyone to teach me i just make it up as i go and it works or not

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Would this flux reversal explain the random explosive booms happening around the US with literally no explanation, flash, dust or anything? Had one happen right near me the other night that literally shook my house and scared the shit out of my wife. Since then military helicopters have been surveying the mountain range behind my home every few days.


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lol, even if something happens, of course it'll be idiot leftists burning down their own enclaves. commies are so fucking stupid, failures until the end.

>random explosive booms happening around the US
It could be just sonic booms from military planes


>Since then military helicopters have been surveying the mountain range behind my home every few days.
Probably the military doing training or exercises from a nearby base. Those explosions could either be sonic booms or you live right next to an area.

or it could be just energy released into this from another dimension

The nearest military base is about an hour away from me. Also no sound of a plane before the boom. Shit was wacky

I hope so. I have to go back to work tomorrow because I'm out of sick days and I've been sick with some kind of rank flu (could be Corona for all I know).

I have my floating holiday for Presidents’ Day. Too bad we’re all gonna die because some dumb Jew nigger said the world ends. Guess we had a good run

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After the recent campaign interruptions for the sanders campaign with the naked girl jumping on stage and the vegans at Biden’s rally that his wife stopped from getting on stage.

I wouldn’t be surprised if someone assassinated Biden or Bernie just like they killed RFK during the primary.

Then the 3/11 will be a completely quarantine and shut down of Seattle as a major outbreak happens.

Fippy bippy

pls be true.

Kek wills it

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where you at? Lots of people sick around you?

Well then it either means a dimension is bleeding into this one locally(where you live) or someone tried to teleport there and it failed resulting in a explosion(implosion if observed from the outside)

I wouldn't about it but there is small chance you could be blown up or have the place you live at be moved somewhere else in an instant which may or may not be a hazardous place or in outer space somewhere

Literally shaking right now

*I wouldn't worry about it

Simulation stops

>So what exactly is supposed to happen?
beware the ides of March, either dead Caesar or dead conspirators against Caesar

>The government claims they might even forcefully quarantine people but I don't see how that's going to work,
put all the violent muslims in a big cage and don't feed them, then put UK law abiding citizens into the cage to be murdered until you run out

maybe the prison guards will gamble on it

Ok fucking checkd

Oh you'll see Yas Forums.

t. The literal anti-christ

Based as fuck. Billions of maggot infested corpses lining the street sounds so much better than going to work tomorrow.

But the Ides is the 15th

>that graph
a fellow man of the true science, i see

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That's not magic,that's a Z pinch.

It's over

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normally the occult happenings made by the elites are on the 11. just like 3/11 years ago

market crash

Ah fuck

What's the blue car? A California? Obviously the other two are a Huracan and an Aventador SV.

World is kill

Is when Oz gets their first city-wide quarantine / lockdown and when the OZ government starts confiscating what legal firearms the law abiding citizens still have--leaving firearms only in the hands of the Somalian nigger gangs and the military.

Hide them if you have them.

Attached: Wuflu Australia ready for quarantine melbourne.png (1080x1920, 422.94K)

15 minus 10

not sure yet

The Earth Sphere alliance will never stand for the traitors known as OZ.

World die

Brah take control, be the leader--your stupid ass wife is--stupid.

Conversely tell her you are NOT going and if she wants to cancel the wedding (probably a good idea because you just KNOW some boomer relative is going to come who just got off a cruise ship)...then fuck her.

But for effect, sit her down, make her SIT with you and watch the Last Messages jewtube channel from part 1 all the way through. If that fucking doesn't wake the selfish bitch up show her the big blue and tell her--you are not going to filty dom rep. PERIOD> Haiti is infested and Dom Rep has cases--it is flat out stupid to get on a fucking plane to anywhere right now.

Brain dead bitch you intend on marrying? One who refuses to listen to solid science, information AND her husband? Brah--ditch her as you will be dodging a bullet.

Attached: Easy big blue wuflu truth write up now with sauce.png (3200x2100, 814.93K)

Checked and keked

in Europe

simultaneous brain meltdown of millions of bernie bros crashes the simulation

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e.t.'s candle?

I like this.

The pope is gonna die of covid-19

Actually will be you who an heroes when you realise the faggots aren't going anywhere and only gonna spread

Someone post the fucking screenshot of the march 5th prediction you faggots

and then post the other 999 failed predictions

It's already the 5th fuckhead. Nothing happened. Stop living in the past and catch up.

Son of a bitch

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Checked. Poo poo pee pee politics is the way.

But more likely, nothing

Here you go Hans

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this world was created for you. Tomorrow is the day you die


thanks but there was another with an actual explanation

My Birthday (yay)

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Grattis user :)

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Not 36? Faggot.

Mass quarantines and total anarchy.

Well there's 3 hours left till the 5th where I am.
Also I'm smoking weed, which is not the drug you want in you when SHTF.
Nah, you want liquor or cocaine in you when SHTF.

The Pope is dead

You mean like pic related? (fuck only one pic at a time)--there are multiple cases of Wuflu and Dengue at the same time.
>She went to a concert yesterday.
t. when you have to ask

Doubles says the horde gets in to Europe

It’s my birthday next Thursday. Happy early birthday, March bro.

You’ve got enough time to pick it up user. Go out with a bang

Jesus coming back soon. Hope y’all ready.

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happening cancelled if checkable

Digits confirm Jews are behind it all

And checked. Thanks fag.

pack it up lads. nothing to see.

Wasn't the original screenshot March 4th? I feel like you faggots cant keep shit straight these days

Happening not cancel if diggits confirmed.

>>"Don't worry user Jesus is at the wheel!"
Apparently they have adopted Pence's strategy--

Attached: jesus take the wheel.jpg (672x352, 49.06K)

checked n kek'd

Lmao how much you willing to bet retardo?

rekt n kek'd

IT gerade better when You Release 7 is 4 Just Turnerd on its head

>less than a million
Those are good digits but they’re not that good.

lovely Pie Feen.

>I feel like you faggots cant keep shit straight these days
the screenshot is in this thread

Corna virus mutation and depopulation begins on March 5th in Seattle. Say good-bye to civilization and humanity!

>>random explosive booms happening around the US
That is strange cause I just jumped up to look at the window after this gigantic explosive sound.
t. live in ruralish burb where nothing ever happens and even the niggers behave.

Closest military bases are 1 hour north by car and 1 1.2 hours south by car. No planes in air..base up north is full of experimental craft etc. So they mostly fly at night to fuck with the normies. cause UFOs.