Creationist Christcucks BTFO

Frozen bird found in Siberia is 46,000 years old

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Other urls found in this thread:,_panentheist,_or_atheist?ères

How am I btfo. You base your shit off of a book that someone told you was fact. You're not blowing anyone out, you're just as dumb as them, except you spout off shit from a different book.

Yas Forums is so much fun today. Lump this in with the 5 million year old screw and all that.

Im Christian but this is the dumbest thing I've ever read. Evolution is based off evidence that we can piece together
It's not perfect but only a retard denies it

If you don't disregard the old testament (it's irellevant anyways) there is no reason to deny evolution

There is nothing in the New Testament about the creation and the New Testament is all that matters

nice meme flag tranny.

The bible doesnt say anywhere the world is 6000 or whatever a bunch of mormons say it is.

btfo yourself

mike pence isn't a Mormon ya fucking nitwit

pence doesnt believe the earth is 6000 years old. Show flag shill

>OT is irrelevant
Imagine thinking God's word didn't matter. Mainline Christians, everyone.

Very few Christians are "Young Earth Creationists" who exactly are you "BTFOing"
Mike Pence is not a YEC

Don't creationists just say the devil went around burying shit like this just to fuck with us?

The difference is that the "atheist" book, if you can even call it that, is just observations that we've been able to make over the last few centuries. They're claims backed up with evidence. There's no evidence to anything stated in holy texts.

you're both retards worshiping nothing

Now that's good eatin

>Radiocarbon dating revealed the bird lived around 46,000 years ago


>There is nothing in the New Testament about the creation and the New Testament is all that matters
Christ mentions Noah, are we to believe god incarnate was wrong?

God put it there to test our faith lol

creationists say a lot of things, they are not all agreed on what is going on. That's one argument. I think most of them would argue here that the bird is not 46,000 years old, and that the stratum used to date the bird is much more recent, and the methods used to date strata are flawed. That would be their argument.

RIP birb

The devil put the bird there. Just like dinosaur bones.

Christfags on suicide watch.

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Or I guess it was radiocarbon dated, so a creationist would say that Radiocarbon dating is inaccurate and unproven, and that isotopes don't decay at the rate scientists say, or that certain conditions can make radiocarbon isotopes decay differently, or a similar argument.

But it is often inaccurate due to many variables.

yea totally lol!
god and his epic pranks!

>genesis was meant to taken as literal physical truth
why do atheists believe this?

That looks... remarkable similar to a modern day bird. As in... exactly like a modern day bird. Like... nothing whatsoever changed over 46,000 years. Almost as if... 20,000+ generations resulted in zero change.

>The bible doesnt say anywhere the world is 6000 or whatever a bunch of mormons say it is.
yes it does...
if you know how to math it can count it
in my bible there is even a timetable

There was no record of Pontius Pilate either and he was mentioned in the new testament. Then an ancient tablet was found in Israel that mentioned him.


age of earth is unknown, could be thousands or millions of years. animals were created before humans so yes, a bird 46,000 years old (if that dating is even accurate) can make sense.

that picture is also an ordinary bird. if birds 46,000 years ago looks the same as the ones today, that kinda btfo evolutionists.

You fundamentally misunderstand what evolution is, you can literally witness it in action over the course of several generations of dogs being bred for desired characteristics

to be fair, poor catechism (or whatever the protestant equivalent is) often leads to Christians believing that as well.
Genesis is best understood as a myth. The writers and readers of Genesis (which contains at least two narratives which were combined by one or several redactors) thought about the world, and literature, and history, differently than we do. They weren't concerned with whether this really happened, just like greeks were not concerned with whether or not Daphne was really transformed into a laurel tree. It is a story, meant to communicate Man's fall from grace and state of sin.

The scientists themselves say radiocarbon dating is fraudulent.

How many Christians are even creationists? The whole thing was always kike lies by atheists like Dawkins to smear all Christians

>Evolution is based off evidence
Evolution isn't a scientific law and is less a hard science than say, plumbing

They matter but everything was filled with Christ's birth, death and resurrection

All that is relevant to our spiritual beliefs is the word and actions of Christ
What ever you say
I never said the old testament is false I just said it's irellevant

Its basically a history lesson about the people who our Messiah came to condemn
Why learn about the people who killed Jesus? All that matters is his word

BTFOing young earth creationists is like arguing with flat earthers. Very low hanging fruit. Only small protestant sects in Burgerland believe this. No major christian denomination teaches that Earth is 6000 years old.

This thread is reddit tier

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>Im Christian
>old testament (it's irellevant anyways)

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I clearly went on to say it's not perfect
It's a theory that holds quite a bit of weight due to observations and study of fossils

It has a lot of holes, no doubt but its a lot more valid than the old testament creation story being taking as fact

>When asked by Chris Matthews in 2009 if he believed in evolution, Pence said "I believe with all my heart that God created the heavens and the earth, the seas and all that is in them. How he did that, I'll ask him about some day."[262][358] In a 2002 statement on the floor of the House of Representatives (reported in the Congressional Record), Pence told his colleagues "... I also believe that someday scientists will come to see that only the theory of intelligent design provides even a remotely rational explanation for the known universe."[387][388]

shut the fuck up you dumb hicks

>trust me bro

The history of Jews doesn't matter one bit

All that matters is the teaching of Christ

>You fundamentally misunderstand what evolution is
>dude you can breed dogs
wait until you see plants they grow from dirt

Maybe the bird is fake

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>They're claims backed up with evidence
Based on a logically faulty model. There's no reason to accept science as the basis for your worldview, since it would be entirely nonsensical. Read on: naive empiricism and hume's guillotine.
>There's no evidence to anything stated in holy texts.
Correction, no ultimate scientific evidence. There's plenty of evidence, that people, nations, civs and nature works as revealed.

Genesis is a very important story and there is a lot of truth to he found within it, it’s really frustrating seeing both atheists and christians fighting about whether or not it literally happened, because both of them are completely missing the point. The fact is that it doesn’t even matter if Jesus himself was the literal son of god, because his selfless actions and unshakable love for all of us are what make him the son of God

If there are frozen birds down in the ice, could there be frozen dinosaurs? Under antarctica for example


>Muh children' s stories

well, I don't agree with your second part there lol

Antarctica was a jungle at the time of the dinosaurs lad. We've found some relatively intact mammoths and shit though

Think of all the undisturbed fossils and stuff down there

I’m not even Christian so that’s to be expected lol

Literally nothing to do with Pence and YEC

Anyway time is elastic, it only appears as a stable parameter on our human scale, but it's a illusion.

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that's not remotely YEC. In fact, he explicitly suggests belief in evolution guided by God


How does finding a roughly 46,000 year old bird disprove creation? You're fucking retarded.

So? The bible doesn't say the world is 6000 years old, it says mankind is.
>the New Testament is all that matters
The new testament explicitly says the old testament mattes. Christ himself says it, multiple times. READ THE BIBLE.

yec is the only type. you either believe it was created 6 thousand years ago or you are deviating from the bible

that would make the bird 40,000 years older than the universe.

>Not understanding how radiocarbon dating works
>Believing the experts when they tell him the age of something
Oof that's a big yikes dawg

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explain aborigines then

It wasn’t eaten by a chinese.

We have remains of modern humans from 300k years ago.

This entire thread is full of retards, myself included

No it doesn't. How long was the first age of creation? How long was the second age? How long was the third age? You have no idea, you are just a retard who blindly ignores that the word yom means age or era, not just day. So you pretend God created everything in 6 days, rather than 6 ages as the bible says.

They also found a frozen Wolly Mammoth in Siberia that had food in it's mouth. Wtf caused these heckin' good critters to suddenly freeze to death?

11 And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech.

2 And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there.

3 And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them thoroughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for morter.

4 And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.

5 And the Lord came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded.

6 And the Lord said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.

7 Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech.

8 So the Lord scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city.

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You've smoked enough dope for today Pierre

Explain what exactly? Their smell? That's just BO and beer.
No we don't. We have remains that kikes call "modern humans". They also pretend niggers are modern humans. Get real.

I don't think they'd hold up to the pressure of up to 2km of ice. The Russians fucked up drilling lake Vostok when they poured a bunch of diesel down the hole. That's probably where any prehistoric life may be, underground lakes in Antarctica.

How did birds evolve from dinosaurs if all dinosaurs were wiped out by a meteor?

>Unironically not knowing how radiocarbon dating process works


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i'm not reading this antiquated bullshit

they were chased away from they're original grazing grounds by hunter gatherer's and fled north where they all eventually starved

Lmao this is a top tier shit post

>Asks a question
>Gets provided the answer
>Being this much of a brainlet

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The devil planted that retard

That isn't an answer you colossal retard.

>Doesn't understand what the meaning of an answer is
>Checks flag

Lmao of fucking course

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Science says time is relative, you dumbasses. It's retarded to argue over time because it's not a consent.
For all we know, a year today could have taken a day 200 million years ago

Imagine the soup you could make with that thing

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you cant be christian and an evolutionist
you are just retarded I think...
also its not even scientific... not 1-5 researchers or biologist believe in evolution... it is clearly ass backwards, and anyone who has studied either it or heredity knows its all bullshit secular kaballah

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I am the one he asked the question you stupid nigger. Your quote has nothing to do with abbos, at all, in any way. It is about the dispersal of mankind.

Everyone who denies evolution should be tortured and have their eyes gouged out, forced to wander in the desert begging for God before dying like the imbeciles they are.

I'M the one who misunderstands evolution? First of all, you just imposed the requirement of an intelligent force behind genetic change. Second of all, at no point of breeding dogs could you successfully ADD DATA to the genetic code. You can can move it around and even turn certain genes off and on but you can't add to it and that is 100% necessary to prove the most basic tenets of evolution.

>Science says
yup... you are fooking dumb buddy
can you even define "science"?

>So? The bible doesn't say the world is 6000 years old, it says mankind is.
>Adam is created on day 6
>bible says mankind is 6000 years old
>world is 6000 years and 6 days old
>it's not 6000 years old
>it's 6000 years and 6 days old
>atheists btfo

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just go back plebbit

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And I interjected to answer because you're a dumb nigger.
>Tower of Babel which is literally the derivative of where and how all the races were rooted from
Get wrecked leaf LOL

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Define the word "day", retard. And take note of the fact that the word "day" is used before the thing by which we measure a 24-hour day was even created.

user you do realise its possible to believe in both evolution and god, right?

inb4: it was put there by SATAN to test your faith!

wow, who knew that the ((desert manual)) is wrong

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everybody ITT is fucking retarded

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Yes trust us goy we found this dinosaur bone.

no its not lol
>user you know its possible to read books and not sound like a retarded 60 yr old lady trying to keep the peace at easter dinner

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n no no. close but not cigar.
The Devil put the bible over some shitholes and you ate it up

evolution is retarded

How am I BTFO from this? Do you have your head so far up your own ass that you think evolution has a monopoly on things staying relatively preserved when frozen? That's just science, physics, and biology you dumdum.
Holy fuck you fedoras are getting dumber and dumber because of your rejection of God. Wew.

That isn't evolution. You could selectively breed the new melon back to the other one. That is not genetically additive spontaneous adaptation.

>Genesis 1:5 God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day.
Read your own desert manual retard.

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you just contradicted yourself retard.

Do you realize that verse you just quoted uses the word "day" in two different ways, retard? It LITERALLY just defined the word "day" as a word to describe light itself.

creationism was made in Judaism ya fucking moron

>desert manual
>desert manual
I cant wait till God wipes you amalek fucks out

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>accusing someone of contradicting themselves without explaining how means you instawin

>That isn't evolution. You could selectively breed the new melon back to the other one. That is not genetically additive spontaneous adaptation.

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>>Adam is created on day 6
No. Adam is created on yom 6. Yom can mean day, but it also means an age, or an era. You have to choose to believe the word is used in the way that makes the least possible sense in order to come to your idiotic fedora conclusions.
>go back to plebbit
Says the fedoranigger.
Abbos are not mankind you stupid nigger. They are beasts. Tower of Babel is what created the nations of the earth. Not what created gorillas or abbos or niggers or chimps.
>And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day.
That's not what it says. It says "There was dark, there was light - the first age".

noted. you don't understand your own argument

>Unironically believing neoplatonic philosophy gnosticism which modern science theory is derived from

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Creation does not contradict evolution. And evolution does not explain the complexity but also similarity of life.

The 6000 year figure relies on taking the various genealogies as exhaustive. It was common practice in the ancient near East to list only notable people in a genealogy if someone was trying to drive at some point.

>I'm a Christian
>Evolution is based off evidence
>Disregard the OT (It's irellevant anyways)

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I have seen this one quite a bit. But just because it is repeated a lot doesn't validate it.

First of all, the Hebrew word for "day" is "יום" ("yom"), and it means 24 hours.

When used in the plural form, "יומים" ("yomim") and follwed by a qualifier, it can mean a very long time, as in "And all the ((days)) that {Adam lived} were nine hundred and thirty years; and he died." (Genesis 5:5).

In this case, the (( segment )) is yomim and the { segment } is the qualifier.In some cases there may not be an explicit qualifier, but it is implied, such as "in those days".

But when used in the singular form with no qualifier, yom means 24 hours.

Modern apologists who want to make the Genesis narrative relevant to the modern world ignore that this attempt to make yom into an "epoch" is a modern invention, since the classical commentators had no problem with yom being a single day of 24 hours.

As for how you can have a first day without a sun, well, two points about that.

First, Genesis never says "first day" but "one day" or "day of one". And second the sun was not the source of a day, but was simply an expression of it.

>Shit posting from tel Aviv
>Not knowing Haifa and tel Aviv are slated to get nuked
Oof big yikes dawg.

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Exactly. The same exact thing is done in the genealogy of Jesus in Matthew.

>Everyone who denies evolution should be tortured and have their eyes gouged out, blah, blah, blah...
Natural selection is not in question. Farmers have known about breeding for specific characteristics for thousands of years.

The only part of "evolutionary" theory that is in question, vis-a-vis what is taught in schools, is the idea that life spontaneously erupted from inorganic material, and did so in such an instantaneously complex way as to be capable of reproduction and natural selection immediately.

This part seems improbable (very), and remains unproven to this day. Even Darwin did not assume this.

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so you are a so called jew?
blacks are a part of mankind, you are basically paraphrasing the rambam you evil kike

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my argument is this:
genetic selection exists and can be shown by purposeful selecting towards a specific trait.
Genetic selection in nature is based upon survival of the fittest.

What's your argument?

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>Unironcally not knowing the curse of Ham
Oof that's a wrap folks.

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>But when used in the singular form with no qualifier, yom means 24 hours.

Nope. It literally means either a 24-hour day OR "light" OR "an age". Reddit spacing and typing a lot doesn't make you right.

science is a word that means, human wisdom.
burgers should really be wiped out

2 Timothy 3:16
“All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:”

Matthew 5:18
18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.

I assumed you're smart enough to infer the meaning. I was apparently wrong.
>No. Adam is created on yom 6. Yom can mean day, but it also means an age, or an era.
>When the word “day” (yom) is used with a number, such as day one, day two, etc., it always refers to a literal, 24 hour type day. This is true 100% of the time. This holds true all 359 times that “day” is used with an ordinal modifier (number) outside of Genesis chapter 1.
>That's not what it says. It says "There was dark, there was light - the first age".
It's copy paste KJV. I don't know what version of desert manual you think is correct.
>Fudging numbers to fit your narrative.
I've never seen that tactics being used by creationists before...

>observations that we've been able to make over the last few centuries. They're claims backed up with evidence.
the thing about that is that previous generations had their "scientific" books which told them things that we today would consider "scientifically wrong". Things such as the distance of the sun from the earth. 500 years ago the "scientists" believed it was 3 million miles away, then they changed it to 8 million, than 13 million, and so on. Science is merely the whole collection of the culmination of group-think, which is the easiest form of thinking that can be subverted and manipulated (it is).

meme flag
pleddit like reply
fuck off

further noted. you don't understand evolution OR genetics

You are not describing evolution. You are describing adaptation.

That's a perfectly timed gif

>so you are a so called jew?
WTF are you babbling about?
>blacks are a part of mankind,
No they are not. Everyone for all of human history has known they are not, up until modern kike subversion. Even now, DNA shows indisputably that they are not. Niggers are further removed from humans than coyotes are from wolves.
>unironically repeating kike nonsense
There is no curse of Ham it was a curse on Canaan. And it did not turn him into a nigger. You really think someone just got turned into a nigger and nobody ever thought to mention it?

Yeah, I was alive 46 thousand years ago. I remember this bird. It's name was reginald. Story checks out.

No shit fuckhead, if you read the the analysis you can see how "scientists" are automatically skewed in favor of whatever is in their atheistic world view so much so they deliberately suppress shit.

>further noted. you don't understand evolution OR genetics
>You are not describing evolution. You are describing adaptation.

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Word: יום
Representation: YUM
Transliteration: Yom
Noun: "day", "period"
Strong Concordance: H3117


This word appears more than 2000 times. Its first appearance is in Genesis 1:5 where we read "And the Elohim called to the light "DAY!"."

This style of naming is repeated later, when, in Genesis 1:8, where we read "And the-Elohim called-out to the firmament (rakia) "HEAVENS!" (shamayim)".

This renaming does not eliminate the prior name, and in fact the prior name will still be referenced from time to time. Rather, the new name is an expression of the previous name. Heavens cannot exist without a firmament, and, according to Scripture, day cannot exist without light. There is a dependency that continues.

In the case of "day" is the new name to mark the passage of time - day and night. When the blanket of darkness lays upon to upper waters, we have night. When the tangible darkness is rolled back and is replaced by light, it is day..

Remember, these terms, day and night, are used when there are no suns or stars, and it was believed that the source of light and darkness was God ("I form the light and manifest the darkness..." - Isaiah 45:7)

Also, the term "day" is not necessarily a 24-hour period. It can refer to someone's lifetime, or reign. It is a complicated issue.

guess so, since you cant seem to spot you're own shortcomings.

>It's copy paste KJV
>I don't know what version of desert manual you think is correct.
The middle east wasn't a desert when the OT was written you braindead nigger. I think the actual real thing is correct, not a deliberate mistranslation of a medieval kike fabrication.

Adam was created DURING yom 6. Don't care about or any other website run by literal readers of Genesis.

Evolution is everything except proven retard.

Not an argument slavshit
You just got wrecked LMAO

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genetic selection=/=evolution
genetic addition = evolution
my argument is heredity is a lie, mutations cant enter the germ line, and spinoza was a faggot

calm down. its just a bit of satirical fun, you christfags are very easy to rile up.

That's exactly what I've been saying.


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>Heavens cannot exist without a firmament
Heavens is the firmament, they are two names for the same thing. Just as He called the light day, He called the firmament heavens.

Why would I listen to a nigger?

>genetic selection=/=evolution
>genetic addition = evolution

source for this
and legit one

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what does that have to do with plotius?

Mental defectives like yourself just prove that math is hard, for niggers.
Your perspective is stunted, and you can't into geologic time.

literally darwin?
have you ever read a book on evolution or you just learn from your gr 6 teacher and the tv?

>frozen bird thousands of years old
>this is proof

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Because theories such as big bang and evolution were developed using neoplatonic principles as well as a modified version of Malaysian pantheism by Jesuits.

Are you tying to argue that time is a constant? You're going to lose if you are.

So much butthurt.

>time is magic

>if you know niggers are niggers you're a jew!1111
Gas yourself faggot.
Maybe you need to find a new website.


>Typical slavshit has no argument and gets btfo
>Absolutely decimated down to a literal"no u"

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Read a book you sound retarded,_panentheist,_or_atheist?
pantheism is secular kabballah and has nothing to do with what you think it is.
time is constant, and relativity is a cope that has stalled research

If a point needs to be argued, if there is any desire for it to be proven right, it is guaranteed to be wrong. A million words will never match up to a single real physical event.

Wow, copied your opinion straight from an IASIP bit. And from fucking Mac of all people.
I've actually seen fossil records and understand the science behind carbon dating. Your move.

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>same thing
>just like light and day
Word: אור
Representation: AUR
Transliteration: Or
Noun: "light", "illumination", "object of light"
Strong Concordance: H216 (and others)


This word appears nearly 200 times. Sometimes it is prefixed with "ה" ("the") and sometimes not, which is more of a stylistic choice than a modifier of the meaning. Sometimes it refers to an object made of light, sometimes to objects of light that do not illuminate, and sometimes to illumination, which is the reason why the Strong Concordance has so many different numbers for this simple word.

The first place that is appears (Genesis 1:3 - ".And the Elohim said, 'there will be light, and light was.'" It should be noted that the light mentioned in the first chapter of Genesis (Genesis-), has more physical qualities than the light mentioned in the rest of The Five Books. For example, in Genesis 1:4, this tangible darkness becomes mixed with light, and the Elohim needed to make a separation between the light and darkness to be used for other things. This visual is an impossibility in a reality where darkness is but an absence of light and is not in competition with it.

The description in Genesis-1 is not of light as we understand it, but a supernatural form with physical properties. It can be formed to create a sun and a moon and the stars. And Isaiah 45:7 declares that God manifests darkness, but forms the light - a raw material for the creation story.

Of course, after the creation story is complete, the expression of "light" merely is an illumination. But one needs to keep in mind that the illumination is not from the Sun, but from the light that God forms above the firmament. The sun is simply the ruler of the light, made of light, but is not the light

When you catch corona virus, I hope you wonder why your fake god didn't do anything to prevent it.

cope more kike, go pray to rabbi moses hess for the return of your temple

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wait til you see what we found in antarctica

>Still doesn't realize who trained Newton and Galileo
LMAO k faggot give me the rundown the the big bang.

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See: Sharks and alligators

Ok, cool.
Now breed a dog with wings and a scorpion's tail.

Creationists dont argue that evolution doesnt exist (or at least, the smart ones dont).

They argue that macro-evolution, the kind that would lead a bacterium to evolve into a giraffe, is complete horseshit, because it is.

Darwinian evolution posits that fish eventually became mammals. From there, mammals eventually reentered the ocean and became whales. Do you have any idea how many adaptations whales have that allow them to live an oceanic life, and how many of those would have to have evolved at the exact same time, for a whale to survive?

It's like trying to turn your car into a submarine. Youd have to gut the whole damn thing and start anew, and if you missed one "fix," you drown the first time you try to sail it.

That's what macro-evolution says happened, and there isnt enough time in existence for it to have happened randomly.

Call me when you find the first mammal precursor to a whale. Darwinists have been looking for a giraffe precursor for hundreds of years. It's time to throw in the towel on that one, boys.

>oy vey you can't recognize the objective fact that niggers are not human!
>I am calling the ADL if you don't stop posting these hate facts at once!

We were naturally neanderthals, just super primitive beings that stood on 2 legs with more bare skin than hair. Then aliens (angels) began integrating and birthed the first 2 hybrids, adam and eve. These hybrids were humans, and the angels (aliens) would be worshipped by them.

Deuteronomy 17:3
"and contrary to my command has worshiped other gods, bowing down to them or to the sun or the moon or the stars in the sky"

Isaiah 13:5
"They come from faraway lands, from the ends of the heavens"

Isaiah 60:8
"Who are these that fly along like clouds, like doves to their nests?"

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>The history of Jews doesn't matter one bit
>reddit space
>All that matters is the teaching of Christ
So all the teachings of the Christ from the Old Testament are irreverent.

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>time is constant
What measurement of time is constant? A year? The time it takes the earth to travel around the sun? You know the earths orbit varies, right?
How do you know carbon decays at a constant rate? How long have you been monitor carbon decay to know that its rate of decay doesn't speed up or slow down?
>stalled research
yep, you are a retarded dumbass.

He said mankind.
Not slightly more evolved apes.

>denying your own sources
>christianity is what I say it is
Typical christcuck.
>look at this article I found on the internet
Post an actual paper.
>other 10% is God working in mysterious ways

I know all about the lumieresères
if you asked me questions instead of calling me names you might learn something
whats your hang up with the big bang?
yes, it was made by jesuits, and yes it is from the new theology clique, but its not even that problematic, nor is it pantheistic, because go exists outside creation and isnt in fact part of the explosion.
if you are linking it to darwin you are right, but not in the right way.
the big bang links to darwin not through spinoza, but newton
much more intresting idea then i thought at first tho, props

Only fringe protestants think the world is 6000 years old.
Though it is true history began 6500 years ago, as previous history got lost in the last great flood.
Also, cataclysms are a regular ocurrence that happen every 5000-10000 years and the next one is about to happen as soon as the magnetic north pole touches the line of equator. This is mentioned on science books in the 60s.

Creationists believe in birds, bro.

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>Not knowing the paper is linked in the fucking article
>Being not only retarded but lazy
Lmao typical slavshit

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