Brit/pol/ No BONK Edition

>Police officer charged over off-duty sex assault claims

>Inside filthy pub kitchen where mouldy roast dinner, rotting rhubarb crumble & E.coli were found by horrified inspectors

>Baby fighting for life and toddler brother dead in stabbing horror

>Trans man who doesn’t want to be ‘mother’ on baby’s birth certificate set for appeal

>Wheelie bin torched in Edlington,wheelie-bin-torched-in-edlington_35380.htm

>Arsonists set fire to industrial bin behind pub

>Teenage girl suffers serious burns after friends set fire to wheelie bins in Durham

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Other urls found in this thread:

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First for narrowboat navy

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Can’t wait to form a band of narrowboat pirates

damp gypos

no canal is safe for passage

legendary moments

never understood why they aren't used to traffic drugs? Literally perfect bases for distribution and couldn't be easier to get rid of stashes fast either.

What would you lads do on mine craft if you caught the coronavirus?

I’d hypothetically hit up some pvp mosques and synagogues in a mine craft recreation of central London.

That Bristol user in here? I haven't lived there for about 5 years. The city is beautiful but full of chunks, wogs and lefty cunts. What areas are still safe from the globohomo menace?


probally nothing becuase id be in no condition to larp as brenton tarrent when coughing my lungs out

>What areas are still safe from the globohomo menace?

South of the river is ok
I gotta get out of here though, property has become way too dear

Rest for a week or so until I got better

gotta be skilled to drive that thing yeah?

>ask if a girl is single
>told shes a lezzer
Fucks sake. She doesnt look the part.


this is what happens when you let niggers in your restaurant

t. Famous last words

the best thing you could do is exercise and keep shifting the mucous out, if you lie down it would build up and your lung tissue will start to rot.

Not really. Goes slow enough it's hard to really fuck up. Old senile cunts rent them for holidays with no experience and manage well enough.

>tfw I’m having a little drink to cope with the fact I dumped my gf for cheating on me
Well. Nothing wrong with drinking alone every once in a while right?

pretty much this

if you're interested on what they're like

>once in a while

m8 you need to start using proper fucking links

>Coronavirus: Three cases confirmed in Scotland

>Wildlife 'needs 5% of Welsh Government budget'

>Votes at 16: Young people 'confused' by Welsh politics, research suggests

>The head of the European Commission has sent a strong message of support to Greece in its attempts to stop migrants crossing its border from Turkey.

>Greek coast guards fire into sea near migrant boat

>Turkey says millions of migrants may head to EU

>Biden seals comeback with string of victories

It’s fhr first time I’ve done this in years lad

Can I squeeze it's head to death?

Fuck me lads, feel like pure shit just want to be a narrowboat pirate and or drug smuggler.

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wish i could say that

Based and drinkalonepilled

well you're already a loser so may as well look the part.

>2,000 cruise passengers are ordered back on board their ship off of Greece and told not to leave after it is revealed former passenger has coronavirus

How often do you do it lad?

Did the best thing lad, chin up, hope you find someone decent.

How to solve the coronavirus problem

>put a bullet in every confirmed case and susiected case
>dump bodies in volcano

Problem solved!

What kind of dopey cunt would get on a cruise ship?

Thanks man, I appreciate it. I walked in on her with some fat bastard balls deep in her. She smacked me so I punted her. The guy did a runner while this happened.

>every once in a while
all the time

seethemong seething. Why don't you fuck off, you're not liked you little spastic.

china put 1 billion people under quarantine and they started cremating suspected cases a while ago. didn't even slow the virus down.

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Eurovision is the purest form of so-bad-it's-good kino

It's like an abstract theoretical form that's so perfect that it should only be able to exist in the mind, but it's actually physically real. Plato was right.

Checked and alcoholpilled.

Canceranon here
Can't wait to get Corona to end this all quicker than the chemo is

I mean from the get go before as many are infected as they are now.
Kill the lot, no person no problem

why doesn't Turkey want the enrichment and diversity strength of those millions of migrants? are they not good enough for Turkey but good enough for Europe?

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idiot, im not seethe but you defintley are pubes arselicker
for once there something fucking happening on the news and you, because you're a sad fucking spazz, are deciding not show it in the OP and instead post retarded shit about wheelie bins and pub kitchens

This. I'm just gonna split it, fuck 'em

>How profit makes the fight for a coronavirus vaccine harder

>for once there something fucking happening on the news
Posted the same links every thread, fuck off seethenonce

There is a reason why they had to take our guns away before they brought in the hordes of third worlders. It would be total bedlam. I mean it still is, just not as bad, it almost seems calculated, oh wait it was.

Hope you survive mate, cancer is not the death sentence it once was, unless it’s really bad.

Only hand guns were banned, and there were fuck all of them around at the time.

>unless it is

COVID-19 is a death sentence.

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What's the average house price now? Clifton was always a rip but I thought the outskirts would be OK.

It's bad but looking 'somewhat' hopeful, my uncle got diagnosed with late stage leukemia this week and my nan has skin cancer, must run in the family.

You'll be alright lad. Keep us updated.

Just went down Tesco and absolutely nobody else was prepping.

I would pray until it goes away.

Same as here in SE Wales.

all kinds of guns have been banned in knee-jerk reactions over the years; UK has some of the strictest gun laws in the world

Post your anthem as you go on a corona spreading spree

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YFW you survive going over the top and Spanish flu

Sum kid went on a shooting spree and then bye bye goes everyones guns. They wouldnt have been able to outlaw them if British citizens actually gave a shit and owned guns to begin with, but they didnt.

That is by definition total retardation. Guns arent just for protection. They are for fun.

Yeah, handguns were rare as fuck even then. I was amazed when I read that Hamilton had a pile of them as even the biggest shooters and hunters I knew at the time with multiple rifles didn't own them.

I do know someone who gave most of his rifles into the police though.

Hypothetically, if it does go tits up. The shelves are bare and it's like 28 days later. What's the best way to survive?

My mum died from very preventable uterine cancer. Ignored symptoms for 5 years. Thought it was endometriosis, bleeding in between periods. She was obese. Very estrogen dominant and had she gone to the doctor, they would have done a hysterectomy on a benign growth and she would still be around. But unfortunately that didn’t happen. She died at 51. :(

Are you prepping? Feel like I've fallen for a meme at this point.

If you get given a life expectancy in months, chop a month off. My grandad was barely functioning in the last month of his life, practically a zombie.

>Coronavirus in Queens Uni Belfast

Aye clifton will always be expensive but it's become surprisingly bad all round.
You're looking at 300k for a 2 or 3 bedroom. Cheaper in knowle or Easton areas but who wants to live there.
Southville for instance is getting insane. It's a nice area but jesus, for renters like me it's just gone crazy. 600-700 for just a houseshare. Not worth it no longer.

reminder: these twats in uniform are literally morons who are trained to hate white people and protect child molesting nonces, particularly muslims / pakis, because of their obsession with anal sex as members of the rainbow homosexual cult

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join the army

>What's the best way to survive?
Mass rape

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>We know that we've lost something, and we have this awkward, anxious sense that perhaps what we've lost is what actually is the most important thing, and that everything else is just a papering over of that increasingly vast crack.

This is really good, Tim Winter talking about modernity using Evola as his starting point. Although he's a Muslim he really understands the loss of identity and meaning which is produced by Enlightenment thinking.

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That is true cuckholdry, giving up your guns like that. Just bury them or keep them in a basement.

Is this pic legit?

lads, Puncher is in my head and i don't know what to do about it i'm rattled

you wouldn’t last a day

Not going 100% at it at this stage. Got my basics but I eat fuck all anyway. I think there will be a "coronoa overload" here desu and people will get sick of being told how bad it is, a bit like no deal horror stories. If a lot start pegging it, then it could get bad panic wise and neccesitate it full blown.

How come only the best detectives are fictional?

in the army or in a pandemic?

While they're out partying we study the blade lad.

Britain’s never had a gun culture like Americans. It was very niche even several years ago. Whether it be for hunting or sport shooting. Americans always had muh government is gonna turn on me, some nigger is gonna rob my house etc etc, definitely more defense oriented, and you know what, they were right. Lol.

im so sorry for you user!
Here's you and family fighting to live,
and me longing to die..
fucked up world.

Depends how isolated you are now I suppose., and what the weather is like by then. Rest assured that anywhere with even remotely stealable items will have been scouted at or before you do.

>>tfw I’m having a little drink to cope with the fact I dumped my gf for cheating on me
While that does suck, you made the right choice. Find something to work on (fitness, hobby, or similar), stay focused, stay positive. I wish you the best, BritBro.

5 years if I respond well, medicine is changing every day though, even my uncle has been given years of expectancy if he responds well to this 'experimental' treatment hes going to be put on.
As soon as you notice any form of symptom of cancer get it checked, I ignored mine and now it's much worse than it could have been.
Why exactly do you want to die?

so glad Tyson battered that ape

I drink alone pretty much every night unless I go out, never done me any harm and at least you don't wake up thinking "oh fuck what did I say? Was I denying the Holocaust again?"

can't tell if he's beat you or if he's one of your personalities

also stop going out

Cancer of what?

Fucking London prices mate. And I recon to be surrounded by a higher concentration of cunts.

I’m gonna bonk the next loli I see

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I go out once a month if that. I used to enjoy going out dancing on MDMA. Can't do it now, I just start going on about Hitler being right and demographic trends. Thanks for nothing Yas Forums.

I should and I wil

Warrior King; Shakespeare did him wrong; thanks for the post lad

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Corona chan has lifted my severe anxiety strangely about my shit job situ and generally poor prospects. I'm a neet with no kids or close family. Now my anxiety about finding a job has been preoccupied by this kek.

the reality is we're all decadent fgts and no-one knows how they'd cope in a pandemic situation without breakfast tv and trucks
i'd be fine in the army my fitness is more than good enough and i can be shouted at and not sleep easy
i just ate 4 dairy lea dunkers jumbo tubes

why are you think about hitler on mdma lol

Mate go to the gym, get swole take up an instrument and make her seethe by taking pics with other thots make sure to make them publicly seen.

why are you giving advice on things you don't even do yourself because you're an incel

everyone had an air-gun when i was growing up literally obsessed with guns but there just wasn't the facilities or spaces to shoot them a bit like owning an F1 car but no roads to run it on. men like guns always have always will


>i'd be fine in the army my fitness is more than good enough and i can be shouted at and not sleep easy
yeah and you’re just like every other civvy cunt who thinks he’d be going SAS in two years as well aren’t you. you’re a known liar and a cunt

could you survive on 3 of them that's what the army is all about
he's beaten me. or maybe i'm one of his personalities that got beaten by his other personality. idfk

i can't see a light at the end of this tunnel. the future looks so dark. we can't stop this virus.

Why would you not?

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t. Londoner here. where can I get out, halp

looking in Hertfordshire but it's not much better

Fuck it, it is what it is.

The virus is the only thing that gives me hope for the future

Tell me about it. Oh and don't get me started on the public transport here. Trying to get a job in the Midlands so I can live somewhere half decent and not pay through the nose for rent.

Unfortunately it’s a nothing burger, Coronavirus is just a bad flu, IF that and retards are buying up all the supplies like it’s airborne Ebola. Thank you mainstream news. If a real global virus hits, the level of true hysteria would have already hit. This is just a nuisance. By summer things will go back to normal and we can all enjoy our shitty lives again. This isn’t a 12 monkeys scenario.

i'm not genetically capable of joining the sas
some people have exceptional physical qualities

i don't like you eddie
you used to be a good guy acting like a cunt
now you're just a cunt



They probably are all the time lad.
Tons of freaks live on canal boats, absolute freaks. I used to live next to a canal, I met some.

Did you know that there is a scheme the pedos use to avoid legal obligations/sex offenders register responsibilities, which involves living on a canal boat and sailing over a county border a few days before they have a due date for touching base with a police station? It resets their countdown and gives them another 40 days or whatever it is.

i’ve never liked you you fucking cunt, you’re a fucking liar and a gobshite

Anyone else think that Sotrmzy is being groomed to become our Prime Minister? I don't like his shitty music, but would he be that bad?
>legalises weed/drugs
>relaxes gun control
>lifts the ban on drink driving, helping the pub industry thrive again
>lowers road/car tax
>doesn't bow down to ''body positive'' crap
>drives our economy into the ground,
increasing the chances of revolution
>scares EU trotskyites

Modern media has a huge incentive to hype up the fear for clicks, they are struggling without a crisis

Up in Scotland we need a fucking license to get an air gun now. No i'm not joking.

you used to be fun

Mate I’ll fuck you up

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He was actually a cunt acting like a good guy. It's cunts all the way down.

simpler times

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>like it’s airborne Ebola
it's more like MERS + HIV with even more infection vectors than influenza and 10x the spread rate. once it's in your system, it never leaves. it even gets into your gut bacteria and your central nervous system. it has ADE and there are two known strains of it now, so a vaccine is impossible. we're fucked.

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This is why you should never be a trip whore. Fuck your reddit drama.

i abhor the niggerskin that the anime style artist are employing more and more nowadays

fucking water rats

>Tons of freaks live on canal boats, absolute freaks
Yeah, you get loads of nonces living on them to avoid certain laws, Jon Wedger has spoken about this.

32m people have died of AIDS and there are 38m carriers, and we don't have this kind of mass hysteria

breeding hips

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...i tried to talk about it the other night.
but only got attacked for it.
Its ok, i dont belong in this degenerate clown world.
Gonna leave everything i own to charity.
Thank you for all the bantz over the last year anons.
I love you all, and wish the united kingdom all the best.

Yep. People here seem to forget easily the literal death scare stories we had on us for months about no deal. Insulin running out, no clean water, civil unrest.

Then, as if by magic, just before people started really pissed/scared/stressed by it, most media coverage of it stopped.

I know someone in Canada. The reporting there is the polar opposite to ours, both from the govt and the media and they have far far more Chinks in their cities than we do.

Nobody cares about Africans and homosexuals

I'll snap you in 2 like a fuccin twig ,pidgeon chest

Cheers lad, see you tomorrow

Fucking Jack skellington ahahaha

suicide is a fucking meme mate, just have to go full psycho until you're a normie

you’re a liar and a gobshite

If this is TRUE, someone is going to have to admit this is a bioweapon. Engineered. There are people already who have had it and recovered just fine. This is news hype. A diversion even.

mate you’re a fucking newfag who doesn’t even know what a tripcode is fuck off

>Flybe faces collapse by end of the month after failing to secure £100m loan as Wizz Air slashes routes and cuts costs in face of coronavirus slump
total collapse is coming.

Does the UK have right of return?
Asking for a friend.

confirmed by multiple sources. it's true.

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Sorry to hear that user. What kind of cancer? What were the symptoms? I'm terrified of it. Good luck on your battle, I'm sure you can beat that fucker

i've ruined your wednesday evening

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Poor doomed eddie and his OU lawfag course...

News media are dying, and the only way they can get clicks is by scaring the shit out of people (no deal, this fucking virus thing) or by running a freak show/soap opera (Trump/Brexit). Normality kills them. These incentives have always been there, but the internet has massively amplified them.

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well corona is in most citys , what about t.norf? any cases in Yorkshire pudding ?

Of course it's not fucking true

trump/brexit? soap opera?

Fuck load of them got sent to Wirral lad. Thats norf west.

Alright then?
Advanced Stomach Cancer, constant cramps, blood in my shit (fresh and old) and losing weight at an insane rate. Doctors originally diagnosed me with stomach ulcers and I only recently got that rediagnosed as cancer after some scans.

>Flybe, an airline already on the brink, wants money
>Total collapse is coming

not where I am in London though. seems fine on this end

kek same here.

Not long till we all coofing

you’re a liar and a gobshite

Dont be a tit, lad. Whatever woes you got, guranteed youll be laughing about them in 10yrs down the pub.

sure it's not. i'm sure china quarantined 1 billion people and destroyed their economy just for a flu. this is serious.

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The Trump campaign and presidency has essentially been an orchestrated reality show. (Look up Mark Burnett.) The Brexit thing has, probably accidentally, provided loads of drama. All fantastic for clicks.

I’m not convinced this is a global killer, already talked to a reliable source back in early January. Inside information type shit. When it’s all said and done, he predicted 20 to 30k deaths most of which will be in China. They’re making a mountain out of a mole hill. I don’t even think it’s gonna reach that many, 10k probably then by June,July,August, it’s gonna be mostly contained and treated.

How come the fat cunt was dark haired then and hes blond now?

>Those hips
Have you been mistaking the estrofem for paracetamol?

Godspeed fren, all the best


>Indian scientists
>scary if true
This is not a good source user. Anyway, we'll see soon enough.

i've outgrown you

A really nice, good looking blue eyed lass was in my work today. Her parents were with her, seemed like decent people. So were her children. Two pakis. I cant fathom how this could happen. Honestly felt bad for the lass and the grandparents. The little pakis were right shits and there is no sign of a man in the picture. Pretty blackpilling 2bh lads.


I did the math for UK: some ~2 million people could go into critical condition. 1 in 5 people likely to get sick [1]. Of those, 1 in 5 are likely to develop 'severe' symptoms [2]. That's 1 out of every 25 people. UK population is ~70 million; 70*0.04 is 2.8 million people.

Now, factor that in with the number of hospital beds. Nationwide we have under 200,000 [3]. Not all of those are intensive care, either. This is why government is trying to contain and delay the spread, to those 2.8 million people are admitted to hospital over a very long period -- so we don't run out of beds for them. Dunno how effective it's going to be.


tfw i was in that thread and remember that post

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Robinson recorded his daughter describing the assault and viewers can see the girl confirmed the man intentionally squeezed her buttocks and that it was not an accidental incident.

When Tommy confronted the man, he admitted to “accidentally” touching her bum and attempted to flee.

Robinson restrained him and the man received a bloody nose while struggling with Tommy and trying to escape.

“Now, I’m well within my rights as a father to prevent this man, who’s touching up young children in a swimming pool, from leaving, getting away and possibly touching up other children,” he explained.

After notifying security at the pool to call the police, it took three hours for them to arrive.

When they got on the scene, officers questioned Robinson’s daughter and wife while the suspect waited with his two male friends.

“He’s there with two other middle-aged men, no women, no kids, in a children’s swimming pool,” Tommy noted.

Next, police isolated Robinson and informed him he’d be arrested to “prevent any further injuries” to the man who just assaulted his daughter.

“Is he being arrested?” Tommy asked in response to the news.

“Right at this very moment, no,” an officer replied.

An infuriated Robinson asked, “So, you’re nicking me and you’re not nicking him?”

While police claimed they were “investigating” the allegation against the suspected child-molester, Tommy explained he could be deleting pedophilic images from his phone since he wasn’t arrested.

Officers then started to grab at Robinson’s arms to cuff him and he shouted, “Get your fucking hands off me.”

As the police placed handcuffs on him, Tommy called them “assholes” and said, “Someone sexually assaults a little girl and you fucking nick their dad?”

>The police are there to help

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Mate sorry to hear this.

I met a white woman through work, had 12 kids (not even meming) by a Paki, he lived in a house down the road from her for benefits purposes. At least she was a fat cow.

They were forced too, they were working their sick people to the bone. Only causing more infection, and more death. When you’re sick with a bad flu, you need to rest, sleep, eat, if you don’t take care of yourself you can get pneumonia, which is worse, work, work, work, fatigue, that shit will kill you. It is very contagious. China isn’t doing it out of the goodness of their hearts, they’re doing it so their people can recover and get back to work. They let it go for far too long until the wheels fell off. This is back in November and December. They’re quarantining now, mostly because if it spreads to other areas of China, they totally fucked. So a quick cut off, wait till people are better, then back to work.

drinking alone is well better, no liabilities

Tommy was being pretty optimistic calling the police and expecting anything else, given his previous dealings with them

absolute retard officers

I want to get into a drunken fist fight with brit/pol/!

mate you’re a fucking loner who pretended to be dundonian to make up for his lack of self identity

>“Someone sexually assaults a little girl and you fucking nick their dad?”

It's almost as if he hasn't paid any attention to what happened up norf.

absolute liar and a gobshite

I've never seen a mixed paki white couple and there's six billion pakis where I am.
Closest I know is Lithuanian slag married to an Albanian

shut up you soppy fat cunt

It's all good, thanks user

I'm 5 foot 6 and I'll kick your fucking head in

you all just assumed and i didn't correct you

never claimed anyfink
also you want to talk about lack of self identity lol

I like sucking lulus penis

>I've never seen a mixed paki white couple

Yep that's very rare. Turks and Kurds perhaps, but not full blown pakis.

fuckin Manlet , you couldn't kick in a dead Corona-chan victim

I wouldn't mock the Indians in this regard, they might be street shitters but they're actually playing around with viruses because of the street shitting. They are working on editing them so they attack antibacterial resistant infections.

you literally larped as a dundonian then got all upset and defensive when we figured out you were lying

She's one of the ones who walks about in a hijab, there are a few round here but not very many, it certainly isn't common.

I have a lifetime of rage to draw on, I will fucking take on all of you

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Ive met similar to what you described. The typical for a white women with a paki male (or black for that matter) is that she is seriously obese, has a bad attitude, smells like piss, wears nasty ill fitting clothes, has missing teeth and is basically a crackwhore.
Today was different. She was good looking and really friendly. Nice clothes, not expensive but washed and didnt smell. A cute smile with good teeth. She works fulltime as a nurse. Her parents seemed like honest and decent types. Id guess she is about 30 but her daughter looked about 14 and her son about 11. I could feel her exasperation at the horrible children. It made me wonder if she was the victim of a rape gang and got lumped with the bastard mongrel offspring or something. Really sad.

I work in Blackburn. It's not common but I see them every so often. Ive seen instances of white men with paki lasses too but it tends to be totally different. The white blokes tend to be average with an above average paki wife. Interracial couples its more common to see white men with chinky women though.


I’ll fuck your shit up you twats bring it

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>figured out
you mean someone asked me lol
>all upset

you're a gigalarper arbroath, scouse

>Id guess she is about 30 but her daughter looked about 14 and her son about 11. I could feel her exasperation at the horrible children. It made me wonder if she was the victim of a rape gang and got lumped with the bastard mongrel offspring or something. Really sad.

That wouldn't surprise me at all. I know someone whose relative got groomed in Keighley. In his words "she wouldn't have a bad word said about him".

you look gay , are you a faggot?

I'd plant my seed in you

You look gay you knob

That's not even Eddie

>The typical for a white women with a paki male (or black for that matter) is that she is seriously obese, has a bad attitude, smells like piss, wears nasty ill fitting clothes, has missing teeth and is basically a crackwhore.
She was fat and ugly but she was one of those Muslim converts. She was there complaining because her benefits had been capped at £25K, she was losing thousands. It was one of a few things that made me stop working at the CAB.

you’re a liar and a gobshite mate fight me

fug how do you know

reminder to terrify normies with your masks

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I have never in my life seen him use the term gobshite
He also doesn't tend to post in all lowercase

I mean what can a man do in this situation?

If Jews control the media then why do they not show the muzzie invasions?

what ?
i dont understand exactly what you are asking

i've been done
mean what i said though

Got to have pity for those women. They are social pariahs and their lives permanently ruined. I dont have pity for the ones who willingly engage in inter-racialism, I celebrate the toll they pay and deserve. But the exploited women are truly pitiful and it boils my blood that nothing was done to stop the paki rapists.

I've actually never seen a white woman convert. Only white whores with paki drug dealers.

Jews are behind the muzzie invasions and dont want the goyim to wake up, therefore they utilise their media ownership to keep the masses satiated and distracted.

I've noticed you've misidentified him a few times before
half the time it's not even him giving you shit

>people study eddies posts like classical scholars reading plato

>The white blokes tend to be average with an above average paki wife
Those are Indians not pakis

fuck off eddie you cunt what sort of man abandons his daughter for a tazmanian basket weaving forum

Thanks ameribro. You’re a good lad. Appreciate it, i mean it.

He's intriguing
Pubes is the real mystery though

Same thing when you go out for a drink, upwards of £4 a pint anywhere except spoons.

Everyone knows the police are evil scumbags and the enemies of our people. I dont know how anyone could find that surprising, let alone Tommy Robinson. There is no such thing as a good honest copper. They are all bent. They are all sadists. If they weren't they would have left the force ages ago.

Probably true but its all the same to me. Pakis are Indians and vice versa. They are all smelly wogs from the subcontinent.

But for what purpose? Kikes hate muzzies and muzzies hate kikes. Jews are biologically inferior and feeble, how can they hope to rid the world of muzzies after the takeover?

I plan on starting that actually but without the thots part. Going monk mode after wasting the last 5 years of my life ib women
