Is drug use as negative for society as Yas Forums claims?

Since coming to Yas Forums it's been made clear to me that drug use is generally looked down on. And no wonder, right?

However, I can't help but consider my own drug use.

>The more I've experimented with them, the more I've self-reflected. I definitely raised my self-awareness through this process. This eventually led me to doing my own research on things, and discovering a lot of "history" I was taught at school was a lie. Amongst several other "redpills". Eventually this led me to here.

I know my personal experience doesn't negate the majority of the degeneracy associated with drug use. But it does still make me think.

>TL;DR drugs opened my mind to a lot, and made me more right-wing. Are they really quite as bad as we claim?

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I once took 3 marijuanas and started hearing colors and seeing sounds.

When I used to drop acid I was extremely social. I’d just go over to friends houses at midnight, call my parents, call my girlfriend who hates drugs, even go to church or class. I’m so lucky I never got caught or got run over by a car.

Overall drugs make you act like an idiot and I prefer my natural state of mind to my mind on LSD

Recreational drugs shouldn’t be illegal. All of the degenerate crimes (stealing, violence) should be heavily enforced, this would weed out degenerates.

Drugs don’t make people bad,
But bad people are attracted to drugs.
This gives everyone who uses drugs a bad rep.

"drugs" as a concept was crafted entirely by kikels
fall for it if you're a faggot.

Ideally no one would have to use drugs. Ideally people would be getting everything they feel like they can get out of life by harnessing the natural functions of their minds and bodies. However, with us living far from an ideal world, there are times at which psychoactive drugs may have to be depended upon. It's never a good thing. It never comes without a price. A price that, in certain ways, is more than the value you are getting in return. However, if one is prepared to accept that using drugs is a temporary and unsustainable way of accessing the resources which with a better health you would have natural access to anyway, one is rarely in any immediate harm by choosing to experiment with drugs.

Psychedelics are absolutely enlightening. There is so much untapped medicinal potential in them, they aren't addictive and their long term physiological effects are pretty minimal. Theres some concerns about their effect on the cardiac system, but you have to be taking heroic doses for a long time time to actually feel the cardiotoxic effects from things like LSD.

get rid of the gay shit, keep the LSD and DMT tho.

Give the vets and depressed fags MDMA for their conditions, sure. Give the old people with arthritis weed to help with the pain. As for the homeless drug users;
>hey al, why don't you get a job...

guys who discovered DNA and computer router software used it so yeah we're probably better off without but stuck with it for now

>get rid of the gay shit,
poppers are bomb

See, LSD is one of my favourites. It's definitely re-adjusted how I think over the years. How can that be a bad thing?
But thats like Yas Forums, isnt it? Ideally we wouldnt have to come here because our society would ideally be less POC. Sometimes, less ideal things end up being the most ideal thing you can do.
I do think theres potential for pyschedelics to negate the effects of brainwashing from our society. I'd love to perform a case study.

if it dosent send me to another dimension, i dont care.

Fuck no that's some virgin SJW shit bruh I smoke weed and take pills and I'm racist as fuck. Drugs are a gateway to hyperborea and a way to feel the esoteric sensations our ancestors felt.

Don't listen to the Jews trying to talk shit on drugs here. Guaranteed 100% they have never tried them or have had sex.

And things like marijuana aren't completely "harmless". No, they may not be physically damaging, but they can very much so make you lazy and complacent if you're abusing it, but that's really the extent of its problems. Compared to alcohol or most every other recreational drug, that's a pretty tiny trade off compared to the absolute destruction alcohol and tobacco have your system.

It should absolutely be legalized federally. I really don't care about the laws on stimulants, opiates, coke, benzos etc... they're shit drugs and probably shouldn't be allowed to be freely used by any yahoo out there willy nilly, the addiction and physiological damage potential from them is too severe.

>Is drug use as negative for society as UN claims?
No. Yas Forums is a hippie board.

vint cerf?

Psychs do break the conditioning but then people fall into the subversive nu-age psych culture.


Psychedelic drugs are revealing. They pull away curtains that you never knew existed.

>The term "psychedelic" is derived from the Ancient Greek words psychē (ψυχή, "soul") and dēloun (δηλοῦν, "to make visible, to reveal")

They can make you break away from the social narratives that exist around you.

They can also make you believe in crazy new age stuff like crystal healing, don't go there.

They are frowned upon because they can make you break away from the captive narratives. They accelerate your creative thoughts. Makes you see connections and solutions that are supposed to be hidden.

Forces you to think on your own and see your true state of being, in the moment you are, in the place you are. This is where people fuck up because a lot of human dwellings and life situations are fucking ugly.

This is bad for super-entities like states and megacorps because it makes people take paths that lead them away from dead ended servitude.

It's not that simple and you know it.

>How can that be a bad thing?
too much and you fukken lose your head bro

I'm more interested in doing a root cause analysis of the reasons people feel like doing drugs is beneficial instead of doping them up with kiked chemicals.

Drugs should be for medical use only. You don't need to fuck yourself up to "expand your mind." There's this lovely thing called education and critical thinking that'll help you with that.

>inb4 muh weed is harmless!!!
That's only true if the person taking it is over 25. Either way, it still permanently alters your brain chemistry.

>inb4 alcohol is worse
Right. If people weren't so damn addicted to the stuff, I'd want that banned, too. Weed being criminalized has helped keep it off the streets more than what happened with alcohol during the prohibition.

LSD made me a genius I’m not even kidding, completely changed my life

The only thing is it still affects me to this day, I generally do not do or take anything and didn’t before that, no drugs or alcohol but I work in a studio which has people smoking 24/7, sometimes I’d take a hit so I’m not that guy

Anyway I can’t do it because I’ll trip dick just from weed and freak the fuck out, I also trip slightly randomly throughout the day and see everything from a million different angles, it’s some ridiculous shit

Anyway nothing is real you mfs take life way to serious

But thats like Yas Forums, isnt it? Ideally we wouldnt have to come here because our society would ideally be less POC. Sometimes, less ideal things end up being the most ideal thing you can do.
I think imageboards pretty much fit the definition of a drug in terms of potential for addictive & escalating use. The world being shit is a justification for you keeping coming here, because if you thought the world was going to be great, you would feel like a huge loser for opting to rot on your computer instead. Soon enough you would have to come in terms with your internet addiction and the underlying reasons for your addictive behavior. This is why it is important for your addiction-thoughtform to present the world to your real self as a lost cause.

Addiction is almost always a compensation for unmet psycho-social needs. You bond with objects because you, for one reason or another, are not able to bond with people. It's easier to pretend that the world just doesn't have any nice people around than psych yourself up to meet a person at the midway.

>Psychs do break the conditioning but then people fall into the subversive nu-age psych culture.
I've seen it happen, and honestly its the people without a pre-existing framework of critical thought who get into the ''spiritual but don't need religion'' nu-age stuff.

I've smoked ganja for years. It's definitely not "harmless". Has potential for abuse and definitely can cause psychosis. Treated with respect, it's fairly okay.

I'm less interested in talking about the "drugs" themselves and more what effects (if any) they have on our political/moral outlook.
Okay, yeah I agree with you there. But let's assume the drug use is moderated and not abused.
I started out of curiosity/boredom. Also my brother was a junkie growing up and I kinda got a bit obsessed with how something can have such power over an individual.
I'm definitely not part of the "pro weed legalisation" and "its harmless bruhhh" groups. I recognise the harm. I'm strictly speaking about their potential for mind expansion (actual expansion, not the >we are the universe, bro ideology)
Very interesting input, cheers user.

Das rite

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Just because your eyes can turn into kaleidoscopes doesn't mean nothing is real. It just means that that which is real is now visible to you from two differnt perspective. In a sense, everything should now be MORE real to you than before.

yeah this german nigga gets it

Everyone uses drugs. Sugar is a drug. People enjoy their coffee, people take advil for headaches. Everyone ingests "drugs" whether they realize it or not.

>Drugs should be for medical use only.
sugar is a drug, you still agree?


Francis Crick


Life is the best drug of them all. And you are desperately addicted. Ha. Ha. Ha.

Yes, but theres definitely a difference between sugar and lsd. I'm less interested in arguing for drug use. I dont really care what people say about that, cause I enjoy it. And can still enjoy it, regardless of its legality. I want to talk about specific substances and their effects on our political beliefs.

That’s like the dumbest early 2000s dude weed lmao meme ever created.

Sugar is not a drug. A more apt example would be caffeine. Yes, I would still agree. Drinking mild amount of caffeine has been shown to have positive health benefits, thus, it constitutes medical use.

>drugs aren't drugs cus i say so


You're stupid.
agreed but puritans are the ones referring to all drugs being the same. Lame fags.

druggies will do ANYTHING to justify their drug use. In your case, you convinced yourself it made you more 'right-wing' therefore its cool, for others it may be other things. Dont be retarded

what if the drug can be used in the treatment of mental health problems?

It's only safe if you are decently intelligent to begin with. Dumb people gain nothing from drugs, at worst they just become worse people.

Theres so much fear surrounding psychs that are so unfounded. People are so terrified of a bad trip or somehow going into a permanent psychosis after taking a hit of acid. Shit doesn't work like that. I've taken many of different psychs over the years, a whole lot this past year, and I feel like I am a better person for it. Trips can have rough moments, but it's not monsters crawling out of your wall or boogeymen chasing you, it's working through some trauma or tough situations in your head and looking at things through a different perspective. My GF was terrified of psychs, thinking she was going to have a "bad trip" and lose control of herself. I finally convinced her to take a small dose of 4-ho-met and she loved it. We talked through some difficult times in her past, she laughed, she cried, she had abstract thoughts and felt like she had more solutions to her problems going forward than she did previously.

Or you could just drop acid and binge the entirety of Neon Genesis Evangelion while looking at the pretty colors.

Drugs lead to degeneracy and lazy fucks not contributing anything at all. Some people can use certain drugs to learn more about themselves or just relax at the end of a hard day. Like alachol drug used in moderation is fine, but most people can not moderate their own drug use with some drugs being highly addictive.

the question of whether drugs are degenerate and bad for you is completely seperate from the question of whether or not it should be illegal

you definitely should not do them and they definitely should not be illegal

>Ideally people would be getting everything they feel like they can get out of life by harnessing the natural functions of their minds and bodies.


no, Yas Forums is pro body autonomy

That would count as medical use, yeah. Most mental illnesses are psychophysiological.

>but most people can not moderate their own drug use with some drugs being highly addictive.
thats why LSD is the best, since your really only need to take it once.

>nu-age psych culture.

Which exists because people (like Yas Forums) will just shit on drugs because their stoned uncle molested them as kids or because they had a bad trip 20 years ago.

It’s pretty scary though

Everything felt super real on lsd then when I smoked weed and started tripping it was terrifying, I kept saying that I died and making no sense

I’m convinced you go to an alternative dimension, same place you go when you dream
Our brain is so mysterious

>You're stupid.
Ah, objection! You have not read the thoughtful and intelligible posts I have written in this thread so far -- but when you do, you will surely withdraw your innocently prejudiced judgement:

Drugs are based. People just can't handle freedom.

Well they certainly are not the same. Any moron can try a few different ones and realise just how different they are. Grouping them together is retarded.
I'm not justifying my drug use. If you weren't so obsessed with proving your point that drugs are bad, you would have realised this.
Yeah it does seem like people have been convinced that psychs will make them crazy. Even a bad trip isnt that "bad". All it does is make you feel bad about what life you have right now. Which is generally a good thing if you aren't doing as well as you could be.
This is a very easy statement to make. But has little to offer with the context of my question. Why don't you go elsewhere.

>There's this lovely thing called education and critical thinking that'll help you with that.

If you were educated in the first place you wouldn't be saying old cliche, straight edge lines like this.
A good education and critical thinking skills will enhance psychs like LSD and DMT. How is that not obvious? Why would you have to pick one or the other?

What a stupid post.

yeah u smart, you loyal too.

Drugs should only be used medicinally. They all have their uses. LSD is only good for a hard reset when dealing with psychological trauma and extreme grief. Recreational use though will turn an individual into a faggot.

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this all drugs legal now. except maybe the really bad, no real good positive use for ones.

Because billions of years went into guaranteeing your genetic ability to fulfill each of the innate needs you were born with.

>Everything felt super real on lsd then when I smoked weed and started tripping it was terrifying, I kept saying that I died and making no sense

The part of you that produced the "I'm dying" content was indeed dying. He wasn't wrong. Lucky for you, you consist of several parts that can easily replace one another for better and worse.

>I’m convinced you go to an alternative dimension, same place you go when you dream
Have you ever looked down to see if you are naked when you are dreaming? Why is it that almost always you are? Clothing is not a feature of the astral plane.

Exactly. That is what I am. You see me.

The professional world is rife with cocaine and adderall abuse, which you obviously know nothing about. Everyone from chefs to doctors are doing insane amounts of uppers.


Drugs make it easy for criminals to make money so yes. Imagine how many niggers would be decomposing if being a drug dealer wasnt possible.

>last week friend offers me acid
>don't want to take it
>nah bruh it's lifechanging it'll open up ur mind
>take it
>colors are a little more vivid
>but there's a weird pressure in my head
>nose doesn't stop running
>body overheating
>he keeps going on and on about how trippy everything is
>keeps putting on shitty vaporwave and other stupid music for tripping
>all i feel is annoyed
>no spiritual awakening
>no profound realizations
>nothing but an 8 hour annoyance

0/10 would not recommend

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Doesnt sound like LSD at all, my man.

>comparing a chemical your cells literally need to synthetic dopamine manipulators

Fucking retard

If I was not a pot head in college I would have never stumbled onto the JQ so idk I think drugs can be beneficial in a sense it can make you open minded.

Drugs are exactly like guns -
>contain great power
>harmless by themselves
>require training and experience to use safely
>hated by certain people in government and society that don't understand how they work
>really fucking awesome

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Drugs aren’t degenerate, you’ve literally experienced for yourself a higher sense of awakening. That’s why governments shill against them so hard and introduce more dangerous and debilitating drugs to the system. Can’t have self aware sheep.

And are the chefs better off for having to do so? Would they not prefer to remain competent even without depending on stimulants? Chefs and doctors are only digging their own grave by opting for artificial stimulation instead of standing their ground and defining a limit to what is expected of them.

>Because billions of years went into guaranteeing your genetic ability

That's just a naturalistic fallacy. It doesn't answer why always being sober is somehow ideal.
Actually, plenty of theories out there would say psychedelic drug use made humans what they are today. Even if they aren't true, it still doesn't answer why psych use inherently not ideal.

The arguments against drugs are stupid, the arguments for drugs are stupid. Talking about drugs is stupid. If you want to be free, drugs wont proof a thing. When you cant take drugs you cant take drugs, could be a sign that you are not free, but who gives a fuck. Its stupid shit, yesterdays shit.

>Everyone from chefs to doctors are doing insane amounts of uppers.
You know these people, anonymous?

what else comes in little paper tabs? whatever it was it was shit and i'm never doing it again

I was a libertarian before I began tripping on mushrooms. Now I understand the people as a greater expression of myself, and the absolute, undeniable unity there. I don't exist in an isolated bubble apart from the world, I am the world.

Now I'm a diehard National Socialist preparing for the boogaloo.

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This. When my buddy and I go to eat at a restaurant I just walk right in and get seated and they hand me a menu while my buddy has to hang back in his car for 40 minutes smoking pot until he is stoned and calm enough to do what I did straight. Yes he is a ninny who sabotages himself smoking pot all week long living on gibs rather than putting down the pipe and facing reality head-on.
>INB4 Anons claiming to make 7 figures annually flying around on private jets getting their dick sucked daily by fashion models smoking 5 lb of moon rocks every week.

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>Would they not prefer to remain competent even without depending on stimulants?

Maybe, but everyone has limits. Uppers let you exceed that limit and work more, contribute more, etc
If you argue that they'll burn out or whatnot - well, the same happens to normal people who can't handle certain levels of stress.

This is moving the goal posts though, since the OP was arguing that drug use makes you lazy. Obviously not true.

All sorts, dude. You can get many different experimental chemicals put on blotters these days. It could have been lsd, and the set and setting was just way off. But who knows.

You don't need caffeine, you don't need ibuprofen, you don't need tylonal. I dont even know how to spell tylonal cus i dont take that garbage. You obviously can't read, shove a cucumber in your ass faggot

Who gives a shit if someone wants to feel differently for a few hours here and there? Its not a big deal. If they become a scummy addict and are shitting on the street and robbing people to feed their addiction, then that's a problem that needs to be addressed individually, not punish everyone.
This isn't me saying all recreational drugs should be legalized. I still think cocaine, opiates, benzos, anything with a high potential for abuse and addiction need to be controlled, but things like psychedelics, marijuana, empathogens etc... don't need to be illegal at all. I am really not worried about someone dropping acid and going on a drive or some shit.

Yes. All the doctors I know use cocaine for fun and adderall for work.

Stimulant abuse among professionals isn't some secret.

yes you are, stop fooling yourself. This thread is all about it, you want pol to tell you its ok so you dont feel shit about your shitty decisions

Taking drugs doesn't make you free, its just a copout vs. experiencing, reading and making steps to make life as thrilling and enlightening as you'd want it to be. Any insights you got via on drugs could also be attained through less transient and healthier methods, but that's not as fun as tripping balls so you wouldn't bother.

He's actually right. Chef's do insane amounts of coke, and tend to sit down and have a few drinks as soon as the doors close. I've known plenty of these guys, and they aren't shy about it.
I know a few doctors irl, they all like adderal because in order to survive in the industry you have to triple book patients and run an all day marathon. Coke for them is more of a once a year on new year's eve sort of thing.

How do they get drugs if they are illegal? I doubt they go to some random dealer, anonymous.

your body needs natural sugars yes, but mass produced shit like cookies and candy, you don't need. You get enough sugar eating fruit dumb dumb. Try to quit sugar and tell me it's not a drug. Enjoy the headaches and mood swings .

Yes I also don't get these OTC NSAID faggots either. I work with people a good 10 years younger than me that gobble those like candy never stopping to ask WHY parts of them feel like shit and doing research or seeing a doctor about it. I've taken NSAIDs less than half a dozen times in the past 20 years. If I had to take any longer than a day or 2 I would research what might be making my body hurt and see a doctor if it was something I couldn't sort out personally.

Why would you doubt that, it's literally what they do. Or they get the phrama stuff from friends.

You seriously thought rich people and professionals didn't do drugs or something? That's insane bro.

Nigga have you seen our country?
drugs dragged our north to almost anarchy.

Try living in Colorado, friend. When something becomes legalized, then more and more of it will start popping up. You can't drive two miles here without passing by a weed shop. Busses and airports often reek of pot. Sometimes you smell it just walking down neighborhood sidewalks. Face it, most people are retards that don't know how to control themselves.

drugs made me very right wing.
It's impossible to say if I would have become so without them, but like you said the self reflection is something that brought me out of my liberal stupor.

>but mass produced shit like cookies and candy, you don't need.

It's probably the most dangerous drug and kills more fatasses than anything else every year but the straight edge clowns here will say sugar and alcohol are fine but weed is evil. Lol.

It depends on your willpower and brain chemistry. One trip can fuck some people up permanently. Also tons of super influential music, and art are obviously inspired by and created under the influence. Is using shit that obviously makes you stay up and focus good for studying sure. Is dropping acid and going to festivals for years selling bead necklaces your idea of your best life? I'll tell you one thing all drugs do, and it's make you an insufferable cunt. Anyone who does drugs, and talks about them or the esoteric life changing experiences they had can all shove 9 gorillian dicks in their mouth. You all say the same thing and it means nothing.

>That's just a naturalistic fallacy. It doesn't answer why always being sober is somehow ideal.
It isn't a fallacy. It is a waterproof explanation that is based on a basic premise of evolution. An organism that has spent eons adapting to a certain environment (and survived) can be guaranteed to have reached highest possible efficiency in its given niche within the environment in question. From this logically follows that the human can't be expected to have evolved physiological or psycho-social needs that he was not able to easily fulfill. Fulfilling each need of the organism naturally results in peak functioning of the organism. No drug could further improve the functioning of such organism, because drugs can at best fill a hole that sub-par functioning has left around.

A healthy human will have more energy than he knows what to do with. A healthy human will experience more profound spirituality than what any psychedelic is able to offer. A healthy human will be perfectly equipped to handle intellectual whatever problem arises within his environment.

That's a money issue.

Gordon ramasy does cocaine 24/7/365?
I thought professionals and rich people get the drugs from special people. Not some random dealer down the street

>Sugar is not a drug.
Sugar is a drug, when it first arrived in Europe they used to blow lines of it because it was rare and it made you stoned when you blew lines of it

>thats why LSD is the best
LSD is the best because one guy can make 10 billion doses in a few hours

Been to afraid to try psychedelics because I just know there’s a lot of repressed doubts and dark thoughts I have and I’m too pussy to deal with them lol

Research chemicals are legal in most places. I used to use, a Canadian lab, to buy 4-AcO-DMT years ago when it was still legal in my state. It's just a synthetic form of psilocin, created by the same man who created LSD.

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That's just what happened in WA state. Are you sidewalks littered with weed wrappers and prerolled tubes too?

Absolutely. If you advocate for LSD use just fucking kill yourself, it made a couple people I know schizo. natural ones like cactus or mushroom are ok. Also all weed in America is toxic especially from dispensaries

I wouldn't touch them since my dad had a work study job in college at his university's hospital watching over people that freaked the fuck out on bad trips. Every time using psychadelics is a wild card on how it will go down in your mind. I don't like those odds

>An organism that has spent eons adapting to a certain environment (and survived) can be guaranteed to have reached highest possible efficiency in its given niche within the environment in question.

But that's completely false. Organisms are constantly evolving, there is no "end point" where you become perfectly efficient. Humans have plenty of evolutionary "defects", like our blind spots, that show this.

That's not even getting into how technology is influencing human evolution. What is the "perfect efficient" human to you - the 6'0 foot, muscular, agile hunter gatherer adapted to his environment or some hunched over nerd working in a lab that ends up creating something like penicillin?

>No drug could further improve the functioning of such organism

Objectively false when looking at drugs like uppers. So it's also most likely false when looking at psychs. It opens pathways in the brain that are not reachable naturally.

I stand corrected, then. Banning added sugars would be even harder than banning alcohol, so I suppose it doesn't matter much either way.

Unfortunately, yes.

>I thought professionals and rich people get the drugs from special people.

Who are these special people? You're watching too many movies kiddo.

I couldn't tell you about Gordon Ramsey, honestly. I've never met him. Just repeating what I have heard from chef's.

I do know a bit about the dealers, too. The guys who sell to the upper class are a different breed of dealer. My stepdad has a lot of stories because he used to move massive amounts of coke in California back in the day. Sold to people in the music industry. He said that he sold consistently to Carlos Santana for years, and the guy did so much of it that he thought he was Jesus Christ for like 5 years. Also said that Stevie Nicks burned a hole in her nose from it and started using it anally.
My stepdad is a clean cut, trustworthy burnout of a man with more money than he knows what to do with. I used to sell small amounts for him back when I was a teenager.

Synthetic drugs along with most natural ones alter your brain and your brain waves.

>A healthy human will have more energy than he knows what to do with. A healthy human will experience more profound spirituality than what any psychedelic is able to offer. A healthy human will be perfectly equipped to handle intellectual whatever problem arises within his environment.

And yet, it's the mental and physical elite like athletes and doctors that take drugs to boost their performance past natural levels.

>if you’re abusing it


Everything in moderation folks.

There are two types of reactions to psychedelics.

1. "That was the most profound experience of my life."

2. "It was pretty cool, man. I should take more next time. That was kinda weird."

Unconscious peons fall into the latter category of tripper.

>I stand corrected, then. Banning added sugars would be even harder than banning alcohol, so I suppose it doesn't matter much either way.
exactly, prohibition model just raises market price, we want narcotics to be very low price so violent dipshits will OD right away,

>Organisms are constantly evolving, there is no "end point" where you become perfectly efficient.
Yes and no. An evolutionary end point is a point that exists for as long as the environment doesn't undergo a change -- which it often does for thousands of years. Predators and preys can exist in perfect and static balance for countless eons without additional selective pressure being introduced to the equation. But this was an unrelated tangent.

>That's not even getting into how technology is influencing human evolution.
Yes. Currently we have created ourselves an environment to which we have not yet adapted. Hence some of our needs remain unmet and we end up with addictive tendencies. Were we given the proper time to adjust to the current structure of the global world, our needs would eventually modify to match our environment's capability to match these needs.

>Objectively false when looking at drugs like uppers
What improvement can an upper offer to someone who experiences no fatigue and is already in peak condition mentally and physically? Drugs can't give you superhuman abilities, only replicate abilities that would already have been available to you through peak health.

>So it's also most likely false when looking at psychs. It opens pathways in the brain that are not reachable naturally.
Definitely false. There is a reason advanced yogis, saints, occultists and other legitimate spiritual seekers don't show any interest in psychedelics.

There are no healthy individuals among the physical elite. They are individuals who have tweaked their physical conditioning to an autistic level at the price of their health.

Dude the special fuckin people. Where do you think billionaires, millionaires and upper middle class people get their high quality druga from?
Your stepdad probably had connections in mexico

or mind crushing anxiety and unlocking of dormant mental illness like what happened to me

>exactly, prohibition model just raises market price, we want narcotics to be very low price so violent dipshits will OD right away,
Man, if only that was the way things worked. It's more likely they'd just end up tweaking out in public and being a public nuisance.

He definitely had connects in Mexico. I spent a lot of my childhood in sailboats off the California coast. The stuff was handed off that way, but it was from Columbia. This was back in the 80's and we're white guys. So you know. It's all different now.

I definitely fall into catagory 1. I believe that, if used correctly, psychedelics can solve a number of problems, or even enable people to live better lives.

Did you use your stepdads coke to get pussy, boomer?

I take a lot of acid and let me tell you the best way to do it since the first time take one tab sit in your room and try and be comfortable as you can LSD is all about expanding the mind and LSD actually led to me being red pilled
Also frank zappa I'm the slime is a good song to listen to when fucked and it takes a hour before the lsd hits

try them and find out for yourself

>FOR SOME REASON "drugs are a crutch and that you're reliant on them at all negates any supposed benefit entirely" ISN'T ONE OF THE THINGS I THINK WHEN I'M HIGH

You sound pretty retarded, user.


Fitting ID, kike. People pushing this shit in the 60s were largely government operatives. Explicit purpose was to divert attention from war, promote anti authoritarianism (google neurochemistry articles on this) and create a divide in traditional communities. Psychedelics were used to advance feminism and the sexual revolution.

Lsd isn’t addictive retard nobody is reliant on them

>The more I've experimented with them, the more I've self-reflected. I definitely raised my self-awareness through this process. This eventually led me to doing my own research on things, and discovering a lot of "history" I was taught at school was a lie. Amongst several other "redpills". Eventually this led me to here.
free and creative thought exists much more in people who don't use drugs than people who do them. did you after a time stop using drugs? did it improve your life?

The benefits of actually legalising it are questionable. Decriminalising it to allow for extended research would be better. After a while, once we have enough information. Then we talk about legalisation.

I have very positive experiences with mushrooms, but try to not recommend or push it to people.

Of course I did. Got invited to every party in high school. Hell, even the college girls would blow me. California girls have always been crazy for coke. Got far, far away from the scene though as soon as crack went big. The world got really dangerous at that point.
I graduated high school in 1996, so got a lot of goth girl pussy. Technically makes me a boomer.

No. I'm still using drugs (to my discredit). I'm definitely dependant on marijuana, and am also on prescribed medication. It's not ideal in the slightest. But I try to do the best I can.

You need to stop thinking of drugs like lsd as a thing you “use”, you only need to drop once you forever be affected, you can’t get addicted

In conclusion, hippies tend to be stupid so dropping lsd won’t change anything for them, but intelligent peoples minds can be expanded to dangerous levels just by using it once, highly recommend

It’s just your brain opening, no negative side effects, no long term effects, no addiction

all i do is eat shrooms every once in a while. used to smoke weed and it fried my brain after 10 years of smoking

Marijuana keeps Bernie sanders voters home, couldnt be that bad.


Psychedelics(LSD, Mushrooms) and Marijuana can be good for society it can help with creativity and trauma in a person's life statistics prove it can help and can not kill but must be treated with respect. The rest of drugs like Heroin, Cocaine, PCP and various others are bad, addictive cause brain damage and have killed many people overall. Psychedelics sadly get lumped in with the rest due to Nixon hating hippies when Scientists were on the brink of finding uses for psychedelics and Marijuana.

I used to enjoy drugs, but my girlfriend is apparently mentally unstable and every time she drinks or does the hard stuff she gets crazy. I usually don’t do them around her, and when I do I just get anxiety because it’s only a matter of time before she says something crazy or off putting. When I’m with my bro’s I’ll do shrooms and I’ll enjoy the fuck out of them

Set and setting. They're a good indicator for when you're in an environment you're uncomfortable in.