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Fuck niggers. And fuck you.

Based black men

Why don’t blacks like Bernie? Some anons have said it’s because they don’t want other people taking their gibs but I’m not sure they’re capable of thinking at that level

it's black women. black men do not vote, even the ones that aren't prohibited felons

They hate Jews

niggers already have their gibs, they don't want whites to get any

I guess they prefer "Bus Em" Biden

1) he's a jew
2) they just like Biden because he is associated with Obama

they don't know or care anything about what bernie has to say about gibs. the community leaders that bus them from the projects to the polls said "vote for biden" and they said "ok"

Hey guys I'm from the future, here's a snippet from the presidential debate:

Biden: "Y-you know... Trump, he uh he.. you know he.. he bad. Malarkey and all that"

Trump: "Biden Biden Biden... oh my dear Biden. Listen here... WALL, ECONOMY, GUN. Great. I know the greatest people"

Biden: "That's not nice"

Trump: "*some insane insult nickname he spent 5 hours coming up with*"

Biden was ANTI-bussing (as were most liberal whites once they realized what a horrible idea it was)

What honestly made you think whites would get gibs under sanders either? They already pay for the welfare state as is, sanders would just rob them even more to expand it

based niggers kek

Biden was Obama's VP and uses words nigs can understand.

He will get 100% of the black vote eternally.

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Who would win?
Threaten to wrap a chain around a nigger's neck.
Promise free college and health care.
Biden knows niggers.

Biden is Obama's boy. Bernie was never a factor.

Powerful and based.

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JB- God, I wish that were me

>have two candidates
>one is a proven nigger lover, wants to give you lots of gibs, will create an entire system dedicated to you
>the other high fived king nigger and generally you were told he's based
>vote OVERWHELMINGLY for the latter
Kek fucking niggers

Can't wait

Apologize for your people doing the right thing? Idk who's jewing who anymore.

Based bernie cucks getting force fed the blackpill.

no don't listen to him, I'm actually from the future. Here's what really happens

>Listen here jack- When I'm Senator of this great state of, uh, state of mind, well you never know what you're gonna get, jack. And you're no jack- Jack Kennedy. Anyone can see that. Y'know what they used to say about him. Back when I was President under President Kenya- Kennedy, president Kennedy, there wasnt like this no ways.

>Crazy Joe Biden, folks! Crazy Joe! They'll never be another one like him folks. That's why I call him Crazy Joe.

I wanted to see Trump give Bernie another heart attack live on stage though.

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>candidate has no idea where he is half the time
>blacks vote for him to represent them
Checks out.

after all his pandering to them

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You retarded idiot, blacks already receive the welfare Sanders is promising, they have nothing to gain from voting for him except more withholdings from the part time job they work just to qualify for welfare

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Younger blacks voted for Sanders, so its really a boomer thing

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Blacks in general don't vote.
They are voting for Biden simply due to him being Obama.

did anyone think stupid niggers werent stupid or niggers?

>tfw the dems are getting massive nigger red pills

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tfw only white Yas Forumstards support bernie and trump

He promised shit that was already free for them.

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this, black people don't want brown people taking the shit they already get for free

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I think it's just instinctive superficial shit. He's a generic old white men which they fucking hate, whereas Biden is basically an "honorary nigger" to them because of muh Obama.

This was already clear in 2016 when Black Lives Matter fucking shat on Bernie. All the niggers on twitter told Bernie supporters to fuck off. I mean, Bernie's support with black voters is pretty good, but he also has a sizeable hatebase, he can't compete with someone like Biden who fucking owns the black vote.

RIP Boombox Bernie

Funny, you thinking blacks vote based on any thought or consideration besides "who just gave me muh food stamps?"

black people can smell bullshit from a mile away. bernie’s magick only works on people that have 0 street smarts

Because he was Obama's VP.

That and I think black people have different morals. They don't really respect when some white guy marches for them and supports civil rights. They see it as weak I think. They respect a tall white man and don't really care if he's genuine or not.

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High iq move by the blacks. If they leech too much then the host dies.

Good job my niggas!

Chapo mass suicide best day of my life

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kek based niggers upsetting muh broad progressive coalition that we're supposed to pretend is all one big happy camp

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Niggers finally broke the right thing.

So fucking niggers instead of us a fucking mass murder who turned Iraq, Libya, Syria, Ukraine, Afghanistan into failed states.

Niggers deserve the fucking gas chambers to be honest.

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Why the fuck do blacks like Joe "creepy uncle" Biden so much in the first place? Wouldn't they be getting even more gibs under Bernie?

bruh thats obamas nigga you feel me, if hes obamas nigga then hes my nigga you feel me

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It’s Quid Pro Joe.

He has already been using it

Blacks hate kikes because they think they're the real Israelites and Jesus was black.

Older blacks actually have jobs

>Why don’t blacks like Bernie?

Anybody who's asking this is missing the point completely. Niggers are low IQ children who associate Biden with Obama. That's literally it. They are low IQ and pumped up by racebaiting nigger TV and radio that tells them Obama was the greatest hero of all time. He's a cult figure among the Africans.

this fucking pic man

>black people can smell bullshit from a mile away
They literally vote for people who have done nothing but give them food stamps while their neighborhoods get more crime-ridden and more poverty-stricken. They've been doing this since a racist known as LBJ destroyed their family unit and called it a "Great Society".

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Bernie lost because there weren't enough Robin Hood hats. He needs more Robin Hood hats so that everyone will know that he's going to take from the rich and give to the poor.

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Has that Ausanon posted any of his convos with bernie bros on reddit where he was pretending to be a BLM member who voted Biden because he didnt want whites getting free shit yet? He claimed he was getting Bernie supporters to use slurs and stuff.

Old black boomers still hate Bernie from 2016, so they preach Biden's praises at the barbershop and at church.

Say it. Stop being a pussy and say it.

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Boomer black parents decided to listen to Jim Clyburn instead of their kids.

No, they already qualify for free medical insurance, foodstamps, and free college. Voting for Sanders does nothing for them except increase the taxes they pay from the few jobs they actually work just to keep getting welfare

How do you follow American politics so closely to know this much? This is why euros think burgers are stupid! Everyone follows their own politics and US politics. But burgers only tend to follow their own because who can keep track of what's going on in 40 different countries in Europe?

>Why don't blacks like Bernie?

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Bernie tried to democratize the Black Veto in the Democratic Party to Latinos and Muslims.

The Church also has strong foot in the door of Democrats within this demographic.

I don’t think they will entertain this.

> tl;dr: Bernie tried to Jew the Blacks. They Jewed him back.

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This is why the democrats fought against the end of slavery desu. This shit wouldn't have happened if only nigger men were allowed to vote and they were only counted as 3/5ths of an actual human.

Yep, I guarantee the only black people who voted were old ones.

Smells like salty bernout. Blacks aren't stupid, they know what benefits them and what doesn't and I can assure no black will ever vote for the man who wants to give welfare and amnesty to hispanics and raise taxes

Biden's from Delaware, Bernie's from Vermont.

Biden was Obama's VP.

Biden is active in black churches and labor unions, Bernie is not.

wtf I love niggers now?!

Blacks are giving the Bernouts massive nigger redpills you love to see it.

Imagine having niggers cost you your chance at presidency twice and still being so much of a cuck that you shill for them regardless

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Wrong screenshot my bad.

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>Blacks aren't stupid,
they are lol

> I can assure no black will ever vote for the man who wants to give welfare and amnesty to hispanics and raise taxes

biden is open borders too

your overthinking it, it's just muh obama

these people are all dumb. you ever think that blacks don't want to abolish ice and open border policies? not to mention anyone creeping up on the gibs

>yfw bernouts vs. BLM riots on the news during the DNC later this year

1.niggers already have everything they want for free
2.Biden was Obama's bitch

bumping for screenshot

>be nigger bitch
>your mama shit you out for gibs
>most of your time out of the house is in the store, spending gibs
>you get knocked up for gibs
>and so do your sisters
>one of your brothers got shot by a rival drug gang. the other is in jail
>the only time you get out of the house anymore is when your mother babysits your gibs kid. you party and get knocked up. for more gibs.
>pretty soon you have four gibs kids of your own
>now the only time you get out of the house is to go shopping with your gibs, your kids in tow
>your oldest daughter gets knocked up for gibs
>you're never going to not be in the grocery store. you went with your mom while she spent her gibs. you went with your kids to spend your gibs. and now you go with your daughters to spend their gibs.
>you wonder if it means more stuff for you
>you already get that
>lol fuck outta here cracka aint nobody got time fo dat fuck why peepoh and dey KAWledge lol

You really expect ole' Bernie to get these votes? He's an old college white guy promising free things for other people.


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Bernie Bros have done the risk assessment and determined that the reward of going to The Black South didn’t justify getting the nomination.

Aaay niggers did something USEFUL for once.

Blacks yes but also all those young ass stoner dipshits who wax revolutionary for months about Uncle Bernie then don't even fucking show up to vote for him. 18-29 y.o. voters were 14% of the turnout, fucking pathetic.

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and bernouts are giving liberals and the DNC redpills on socialists
Why pander to a group that wont even go out and vote for their own guy?
what fucking use are the bernie bros to the DNC at all?

Bernie's promises are mostly aimed at people who actually want to succeed. If you're gonna drop out of high school, pardoning college loan debt is worthless to you. Why ask for healthcare when hospitals already have to treat you and you're too poor to have anything for them to take?

If you want the black vote, just promise the government will pay all child support payments. They'd come out in droves.

>He promised shit that was already free for them.
More like he promised it to illegals is why. Blacks hate the illegals worse than whites ever have.

pretty much seems to be this

This is the best answer. Blacks like Biden because they know him, they're familiar with him, he's lived in their communities and been active in their communities for 50 years. Bernie is just some weird old Jew from Vermont who's probably never set foot in a black neighborhood outside of a campaign rally. They don't trust him. With Biden, their pastor is friends with him, their Mayor is friends with him, their Congressman is friends with them. So blacks think "If my pastor likes Biden, so do I." Bernie's a Jew, how's he gonna go preach at a black church sincerely?

I've no idea why I should give a fuck about one particular European country over another, there are loads of fucking countries so I can't relate to Euros being so tuned into American politics. I tune into UK / Brexit politics sometimes but that's it. I guess they can't avoid it with Americans being the majority here. I have to keep emphasizing though I couldn't care less about their stupid bandwagon appeals (that many eurolemmings make all the time) as to what other countries are doing that America DARES be in violation of. I think Europeans hear American leftists simping and worshiping them merely for being "the other, the outgroup" and come under the impression that most Americans will simp and idolize their politics like that. Thus all the bandwagon appeals.

Of course many Europeans are based, but many are just Eurolemmings who for example will act like low IQ befuddled chimps that Americans would dare value the right to gun ownership.


They don't like cucks, they think of themselves as alphas and trying to act like one. Remember back when two BLM gorillas took over his microphone to talk about BLM and he just let it happen?

i'm proud they stood up to white surpemacy capitalism. he and his gang thought they could come into the black mans house and tell him what to do. they stood up and told the bernie bros stfu.

Bernie is gone

Every time I see a r*ddit post, I briefly ponder: "what kind of person would take the time to format that into italics via r*ddits gay ass formatting system"?
Faggots. The answer is faggoty leftists.

Blacks have this system in place, called the "Bitch System." The Bitch System is a sliding scale, where an action makes you bitch, or makes you a cool nigga. If Blacks think you're a bitch, they'll shit test you. If you're a weak man, you'll be considered a bitch and blacks will never respect you. If you don't back down, you're considered "ight nigga," they won't mess with you. Bernie has been shit tested at least twice, and he cowered like a bitch.

You'll hear things from blacks like "Maaaan fuck Trump fr tho," which is just DNC programming. Do they think Trump is a bitch? No, they respect him. They don't like him, but they respect him. Outside of twitter echo chambers, there is a healthy respect. Trump has passed multiple shit tests over the years, and is respected as a man.

Why do black women hate bernie? First they kiicick hhihim oofoff hhismore than onxe, and now they wont vote for him wn stage mo

I follow Euro politics closely as well but I'm just noting that EVERYONE follows US politics, whereas if you're a burger you have to do the work yourself to keep up on Euro politics.

>Blacks aren't stupid
You trolling us?

All the democrats support open borders. But yeah old black conservatives don't want the gibs to go to poor whites and hispanics. To them Bernie was just some kooky old white guy who wouldn't really help them.

the only European politicians you gotta know are

UK prime minister
Angela Merkel
Emmanuel Macron
Vladimir Putin

the rest are EU/Russia puppets

Based niggers redpilling shitlib whites on the dangers of niggers

It's not what he thinks. It what 75 IQ niggers think.

Bernie Bros have completely underestimated the black middle class demographic. They're not going to vote for the socialist who will tax them to death.

Salty uk bernout shill Biden wasn't promising border hoppers welfare when they crossed the border, Sanders did

Blacks aren't thinking about Bernie himself, they're thinking about the other people supporting him.
The other people supporting him are cringey White SJWs, faggots, trannies, champaigne socialists, etc.
Blacks tend to be very socially aware, so how they view the Bernie base is as much a factor in how they vote as how they view Bernie himself.

I heard an interview on the radio with some black boomer lady who voted for Biden and said with Sanders "not everything can be just free, free, free" and it was interesting to realise that in America even the ostensibly "left" party and its minority voters are still pretty conservative. Dickheads like Jeremy Corbyn wouldn't last two minutes over there.

sanders is going to wipe out student debt, do you really think blacks have student loans? LOL

he's just going to rob boomers and indirectly young whites by taking their inheritance, but liberals aren't thinking that far ahead

Niggers are political plantation slaves.
Fuck them.

I love how the marxists have to come to terms with the fact that their precious blacks don't want to be part of their "revolution." Bernie tards, either wake the fuck up on race or just accept that blacks (in alliance with zionists) make the decisions, not you.

>Want to succeed

>Demand the government give you free shit

I'm seeing a contradiction here. If those faggots really wanted to succeed they'd actually roll up their sleeves and do something other than whine about rich people

Niggers once again standing at odds against their own best interests.

>niggers voting for any women
>niggers especially don't even want to date nigger women


Bernie and his followers are transparently racist, the bad kind of racist

Commies are always lily white bourgeois fantasists completely out of touch with the communities they claim to care about. You see it here, the "oppressed proletariat" didn't support Comrade Jez and vote out the Tories, instead the entire north voted for Boris. They're morons.

I'm still seeing a 30% there, brother.

This and nothing else

this is actually based. good for them

Are you retarded and want to equate academic intelligence with common sense? Blacks aren't book smart but they are most certainly street smart and they're smart enough to know that Sanders offered nothing they didn't already have and would only benefit groups they themselves don't like. I swear you salty idiots are so fucking stupid that it's almost sad. The reasoning behind blacks not supporting sanders is in your face but refuse to believe and have concoct all sorts of stupid delusions to justify it to yourselves

I'm a black guy and the reason why I voted Biden is Bernie's open immigration. Trump hasn't done anything either... but open immigration just lowers wages.

Bernie is
>Promises gibs to everyone else
>Constantly running against black jesus's former admins

Dumb niggers, its your fault Trump is going to win in 2020.

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I'm kinda surprised black people would wanna vote for the whitey who has said some pretty questionable things about black people instead of a jew who was a civil rights activist. Normally the jews and blacks work together pretty well.

But I guess I shouldn't be surprised since most niggers are just too low IQ to understand they're voting against their own interests. Is it just because "muh Obama"?

>Gabbard 8%
Based blacks

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It's still 30% percent for Biden though. Latinos vote in the same pattern as whites because they aren't as mentally deficient as blacks.

you think any democrat is going to slow immigration so you can get ahead with wage growth? are you fucking retarded?

wait.. you are a nigger. answered my own question

That and he was a VP, that gives him even more credibility than Sanders ever will have.

If you worked with a president as VP you will have not only the reputation, but knowledge of how to run for president better than other candidates.

Basically "intersectionality" is a lie, and there obviously can't be unity between blacks, mexicans, trannies, commies, feminists, etc. The social justice left has been pushing this lie for years, and they keep failing. The left needs new ideas and new strategies.

>waaaaaaa Im not gonna get muh free shit

>choosing between Obama's grandpa and some random white dude
Bernie lost them since before the start, even if he picked a black VP they'd just say that "a rich old white dude who owns a nigger"

Salty nordic bernout cuck is salty. All those weeks of shilling for Sanders just went down the drain tonight

We just need to tell more working-class people about the theories of Proudhon and Bakunin.

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Feels good knowing I won't have to pay more taxes to satisfy a socialist faggots vanity

Dutch politics is interesting too and you guys aren't as cucked as the rest. You rejected the EU constitution after all...until they made you vote again. Italy seems important too since it might be the next EU country to try to leave.

>blaming blacks
>not the younger voter turnout:the people who actually vote for him
Berniebros are literally repeating 2016 and they don't get why they lost
The statistical reason they loss

Are you retarded? Blacks already get everything Sanders is promising, there's no incentive to vote for him

That and the fact that black are absolutely not going to vote for a bitch, pic up there related.

the only thing bernie could have done to win the black vote is be black and demand reperations and shit on whites.
Talking PRO SPIC and PRO "WORKING CLASS" doesnt work with niggers.
They arent spics, they dont work, they already have gibs.
All they want is to shit on whitey.

well like I said, trump has allowed more immigrant than obama, so its just trying to find the least amount. theyr all shit candidates

>blacks below 45 pick Biden 3 times as often as non-blacks in the same age bracket
>blacks over 45 pick Biden 2 times as often
The data shows the reverse of what you want to claim, you cannot explain this only with age and not race.

Thank you for securing Trumps victory in November.

Blacks don’t like bitchmade spineless rats - they can smell em from a mile away.

Honestly, I'm surprised enough niggers actually turned out to vote on a Primary day.

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checked and based

Blacks are what I call "chosen instead" antisemites. Instead of just hating Jews, they want to supplant them as God's favorites. They hate how outspoken and well-read Sanders is.

They bus them to the polls

Should meme on twitter and reddit how blacks vote against their own economic interests for maximum butthurt.

If that's true then why are they voting for Biden?

thinking it's this, and lots of blacks are actually based on the JEW question for whatever reason.

Is he, dare I say, our jew?

>Black woman vp
He would get negative black votes. Black people would show up to the polls and demand a vote they didn't even cast be taken from Biden

You know what stupid faggot, I owe $50k in student debt. I made an investment by donating $340 to Bernie's campaign because the morons from Yas Forums told me he was going to win for sure and he was going to cancel student debt. Now I'm $50340 in debt + interest and fees because I stopped making payments towards those loans. FUCK YOU, FUCK MAGATARDS and FUCK JANNIES.

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Obama did give him the presidential medal of freedom. That's an endorsement for life.

Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger

Even a senile pedo like Biden doesn't let everyone walk over him like Bernie does. They see a bitch like him, they're going to treat him like a bitch.

Biden fucks lolis on the regular. He's senile but not spineless.

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I am not a leftist cuck though. Just pointing out how racial differences are playing out.

What a bunch of entitled little faggots. Daddy didn't want to pay off the debt for their stupid art degree so now they want the old kike to pay for it.

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Das Rite

niggers know that thats their natural state.
even they dont buy their own bullshit, besides the under twenty "cosmopolitan ones"
>ie grew up in muttland and not in the ghetto
its just gay cope: nigger flavoring.

LBJ killed JFK on Israel orders, also the USS Liberty attack was palmed by him and Israel. Without mention Vietnam war escalation.

The funny thing is that blacks are one of the groups that Bernie specifically mentions on his campaign site. Cinspicuously absent is a promise to help White people, his largest constituancy. But That's apparently not a problem because a shocking number of Bernie bros really do just see his policies as the best way to help blacks and browns. Honk honk.

Blacks don’t like cucks

Any friend of Corn Pop is a friend if theirs.

>We would hang out at old man Johnson's turnip store
>He had this rain barrel out back and we would splash each other with the water
>You know just kid stuff
>Hey, uh, look folks, we got a heck of a race to run here

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>muh book smart =/= street smart
No, but they are strongly correlated, just like with every other form of intelligence.

Yeah I think this is pretty much it. They see nothing but whites supporting Bernie and figure it must be some trap, and Bernie is gonna help whitey and the expense of blacks. That and
>ayo Biden is down with Obama, he aiight

why are niggers so stupid? their ancestors were slaves and their children will be as well

"aa" for african american has to be new, right? i've never seen it before today and i've hated niggers for longer than many of you have been alive

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Based cornpop

I heard that basically young black people like bernie but are too lazy to actually vote and black boomers are willing to vote but they’re still dumb boomers so they just vote for obama guy because they recognize him. Wouldn’t surprise me if they think obama will be his VP.

>Obama changing the rules to claim more deportations
>obama implementing catch and release
>Trump being fought for 3 years by everyone to get his immigration policy through
>literally had to negotiate with another country to deal with US immigration
>had to write several executive orders and go through several courts over the past few years to get the legal ok

The fact that you kike shills keep pushing the lie that Trump has done less than Obama is laughable.

everyone knew Bernie was going to lose the south. what about Maine, Minnesota, and Massachusetts??? Biden wasn't supposed to win those, and you certainly can't blame blacks in those 3 lily white states

>it's black women

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Lol Niggers hate black women.

I want to see this too. Some user please post it. It sounds fucking glorious.

The left is just having their own Ron Paul moment. They are about to get blown the fuck out again. And the DNC will be another shit show like 2016.

Blacks actually flexed their political party today
They should do the same by voting trump

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Time to colonize those african queenz.

Pretty much sums it up

Holy shit. Why is Tulsi so fucking dead? Literally 1%

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I can see that bernie is spineless from over here

of the 5 states who have held primaries where marijuana is legal, bernie has won 4 of them. he has only won 1 other state and those people love mitt romney.

Whites getting gibs threatens theirs. That's literally all there is to it. Should have picked your own cotton morons.

Hes an old jew but niggers think hes an old rich white man

Who would have thought a group of people who cannot get past 8th grade doesn’t care about student debt.

The pretense of believing in equality as it blows up in their faces is such a beautiful conversion point. They finally learn what empathy means to a group without it.

blacks are smarter than any bernie voter.

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Negros gonna Negro!!!!!

Will leftists become race realists now?

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He’s a jew

is this really how Yas Forums acted when Ron Paul lost? I wasn't here back then

Jews are bad people
Plus the ADL and and B'nai B'rith owes the black community reparations money.

It's obviously because he was vp to obama how is that so hard to understand.

Niggers get free health care
Bernie Bros are just too stupid to file for Medicaid.

>tfw niggers saved america from communism
I cant stop laughing

Based negroes dabbing on white cucks.

Bernie promises Black people nothing
Blacks all ready get free health care and free college

The Latinos got promised open borders.

Or they're all oven middle class and dont need to. They're desperately trying to secure more gibs for niggers. Why won't anyone think of the niggers?!

wait... the niggers did something deliberately correct? What timeline is this?

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Biden says Obama

Bernie says free health care

Blacks all ready get free health care

Blacks would vote for biden just to see obama visit the white house regularly.

Look at all those niggers of different races.

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It’s actually pretty hard for whites to get food stamps or medicaid. The welfare offices are run by blacks and Hispanics. They give that shit to their own and exclude whites.

They voted not to share their gibs with middle class zoomers and Mexicans.

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You misunderstand. It's like if a nigger robbed and killed someone at random but the guy they killed was a pedophile or something. They did the right thing but by accident.

how many 18-29 blacks even voted?

like 3?

This meme is so good

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I'm sorry I called you niggers. Niggers


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Because niggers are unironically based on socialism.

>What's the non-racist take for this?

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Honesty here

Blacks have a predisposition to sense bullshit from others. Blacks bullshit each other from the moment they are born. They're parent(s) will bullshit them all through growing up. Their friends will bullshit them and so will their girlfriends.

The Black male that makes it to voting age has a very good bullshit sensor

>Some anons have said it’s because they don’t want other people taking their gibs
>but I’m not sure they’re capable of thinking at that level
Based and IQ pilled.

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Ah... I see. Well, good random job, niggers.

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I think I'm having a deja vu but I can't quite put my finger on why

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>degenerages vs. niggers
Battle bigger than Avengers

Okay, okay, guys, but listen. Here's a surefire way that /ourjew/ Bernie can STILL win the 2016 election. WE STILL HAVE TIME BROS, MATCH MEEEEEEE

fucking saved lmao

blacked again...

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I never understood why blacks should vote for more immigration.

For anyone that reposts this image from now on, please remove the "is" since it flows better without it.

I knew whites that really milked the system but they had to stay on top of the paperwork and meetings. They would really max it out though. I always kind of wondered how the blacks kept up with it.

niggers already get free college

Older southern blacks are pretty conservative


Nigs just live for today, they only care about the now. It's always me me me with them.

this is the guy who's going to stand up to the wall street fat cats? lololol

Two words


Not black people in general.


I can't wait for the boomers to die of Corona! Especially the black ones. All the blacks with half a brain and would've voted Bernie are disenfranchised cause felons....

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this. my gf is an sjw and her art gatherings are filled with nigger worshippers but no black will hang out with them

>13% of population
>50% turnout at absolute best
>6% of population
>”owns” 6% of the vote
Wow it’s fucking nothing

>They are voting for Biden simply due to him being Obama

No it's not, you just gotta be a white bitch with babies. It you're a single guy who is young you arent getting welfare no matter what race you are.

See: Unironically the only legitimate post made with trips.

California niggers and spics were basically at war through a lot of the '90s. More organized gangs from Mexico like MS13 rolled into the Inland Empire and just wiped them out. It's what ended the freeway drive-by crisis we had, the feral nogs just got murdered. They've been deeply at odds ever since.

Based as fuck

blacks being antisemites is a thing now
im not kidding that is probably thereason now

Fucking hell I can see why you're a Communist. You dumb as fuck boy!

Can’t wait

Doesn't matter senpai, the caucus calendar means South Carolina had huge influence on the primaries, it was do or die for Biden and if he hadn't performed well there he was out and Bernie would be the nominee. He owes Clyburn a huge debt.

black men respect

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Gotchu muh nigga.

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No, he said he just wants to tax wall street speculators on each trade then magically 8 trillion a year is raised.

But hold on wasn't CA the only place Sanders got a lot of black support in?

Waiting until Trump gets his shit pushed in after 4yrs of sucking up to blacks and stabbing his white 18-45 base in the back when niggers vote Biden and 25% of younger white men don't even show up.

Attached: trump jew swamp betrays.jpg (250x206, 5.33K)

bernout pay debts

>Do they think Trump is a bitch? No, they respect him. They don't like him, but they respect him

^^THIS 100%^^


based editor

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sorry, black gentleman, you actually deserve one this time

Not like they have jobs

He would because this is his entire voter base. You can't just get elected and ignore you only voter base. He would give young white working class their gibs.

You again shill?

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>black boomers single handedly saved america from a socialist faggot

Sorry black folk, thank you for stopping our white niggers

>shills posting gay shit
>hurr vote for the other guy who is actually jewish and/or wants open borders and more gibs

end yourself

Attached: RIDIN WITH BIDEN2.png (960x628, 676.87K)

Urban blacks have really good jewdar.

This bretty funny, sempie


based black bros

How the did you find an internet connection in the jungle, you fucking favela monkey?

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Das rite

sounds like kinography

This is false, they don't differentiate, and they consider jews white, they hate white people. Chris Rock already debunked that myth.

God they want to say it so bad lmfaooo

so how long until white liberals realize that niggers are too dumb and too much effort to try saving?



Lavell Crawford - Trump is a real nigger!!


Apologize? I'm thanking you nigger. You ready for four more years, jungle bunny?

when they vote Trump in 2020!!

Are you kidding me?

Thank you, it's going to be funny as shit at the debates.

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it's just that they're obsessed with the muh dindu president, and Pedo Biden was his vp so they're blindly voting for him

That Gender Studies degree didn't get ya far, did it?

Niggers turning down free shit. Something isn't right here.

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He was against kissing?


Cry all you want

18-45 white males that put Trump into office and wont show up to vote for his fake economy and 6-miles of fence will be equivalent to the blacks that vote for Biden. Trumps HB1-visa buddies in Silicon Valley kicked all these guys off social media and they will have zero memewar impact this time.

Creepy uncle Joe BIDEN MIGHT WIN... if he gets some sleep and meds.

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I will refer you to

so the bernies are swallowing their first redpill? good.
next will be the thunbergs, when they realize it's almost exclusively western countries, who give a shit about the environment.

If that were the answer blacks would have gone whole hog for Bloomberg

Judging by the names on the reddit accounts these are all shills echoing off to one another.

weather underground was one of many marxist/communist domestic terrorist organizations in the 60s/70s era. A lot of these domestic terrorist groups would bomb places like Jihadists do today. It was actually so prevalent that you could be a reporter interviewing people on the street about the bombing that just happened and the response would be a blase "who did it this time?"

Obama released one of them from prison very quietly near the end of his final term. It was a puerto rican communist terrorist. He was part of a group responsible for hundreds of bombings in the states. That commissar cunt Carmen Cruz is even on record praising it and calling the terrorist an ally. She did the old dictator move of accepting aid and putting cameras in front of it, only to just hoard it and not distribute it. The people of her own city hate her. The people ruling that island will never earnestly try to make it a state of the US because then they wouldn't have their little communist dystopia to rule over.


>That Gender Studies degree didn't get ya far, did it?
Fox News humor. Those commie degrees get you white collar diversity jobs

Von der Leyen is weaseling her way to the top too, although she seems like a fucking android with no goal in life, only getting higher rank.

>you win black votes through relationships and familiarity

The black "family" has the highest rate of incest of any racial group.

So bad we're not even allowed to DNA test blacks to see who is related to whom.

So bad that "paternity" isn't even a thing with them.

So of course they'd like a man who runs around sniffing and feeling up little girls at whim and will like some combination of mediaeval pope and african warlord.

>shills echoing off to one another.
They're not shills, they're real people. They've just reached a Poe's Law level where you can't even distinguish them from shilling anymore. Those screenshots are from ChapoTrapHouse subreddit.

Huh, look at that. I now freely admit blacks are the real jews.

Most blacks don’t know history, (or any academia for that matter) so they’re completely unaware that Bernie fought for their civil rights in the 60’s. They do know that Biden ran with Obama though (because they lived through it) and his name is basically synonymous with King Nigger now.

Intersectionality and consensus are glownigger ideas that gutted the left. If you've ever been in leftist spaces, you've seen how easy it is for essentially one person to derail all progress.

Wtf is up with you burgers. This is politics and not high-school drama club. Don't you have any dignity?

Blacks are the least Catholic race...and very wise to shlomo.

That's why the NYC hymies went to such pains to yank Jesse Jackson's slave chains in 1984