Black user here. Studying our past, it appears that it has been unnecessarily demonized, for some reason. Statistically speaking, we were doing way better than today. Of all ethnic groups in the US, we have fallen the hardest. I think we would benefit off of a sort of "nostalgia" movement, for lack of a better term, where instead of demonizing our past as some kind of racial hell, we see it for what it really was, a time when we had intact families, much lower crime, and much better music and culture. A movement in which we strive to get back to our golden era, the Motown era(50's-70's). I understand that a lot pf you don't actually want to see us do better, you love having an easy target to ridicule and feel better than, which is what we are at this point.
A nostalgia movement would improve the black community
Other urls found in this thread:
Old 60s to 80s black culture is unironically kino, you guys really traded in your identity for garbage with rap culture.
I had no say in it, Our boomers did this.
>tfw no big titty afro gf
Pam Grier had some nice tits, not going to lie.
“Anytime you beg another man to set you free, you’ll never be free! Freedom is something that you have to do for yourself … and until the American [Black man] lets [Caucasians] know that we are really ready and willing to pay the price that is necessary for freedom, our people will always be walking around here as second-class citizens, or what you call 20th-century slaves … the price of freedom is death!” - Malcolm X 1964
Your boomers fought for civil rights and desegregation only to be placed into the poverty industrial complex by the white liberal. You’re greatest figure of this expression was cast out and murdered by the help of those he once called “his brothers”. Until you realize the game and accept the natural order you will remain enslaved as will all people who abide in the world of fictional utopia. Black history and black culture should be taught at all black schools, separate from the white European history of the major demographic in the US. Statehood wouldn’t be out of the question if you could collectively rebel against the governing body to make yourselves independent or ungovernable by today’s standards. But that would mean facing the reality that the crab barrel mentality exists within your own community. This is not unusual or new or specific to Black communities it’s found in all ethnicities. The elites at the head of these communities work to only ensure you’re paid enough to get up and go to work the next day or pacified enough to not seek better conditions under the pretext of “it is what it is” instead of “could this be better” to which the answer is always Yes.
People as a whole have become pacified in the bastard system of Neo-liberal economics that has the consumerism of capitalism, the programming control of communism, and the trickle down authoritative style of fascism. In the end, no one is truly free.
I agree. Bring back funk and soul and blaxploitation movies.
Malcolm X needs a statue, not that establishment bitch boy MLK.
Blues Culture. Dudes had talent, songs told stories - shit was clever. Better than high-yellow faggots with face tats on xannies.
I listen to this guy every day - unironically -
Segregation would improve the "black community" more than anything
I agree.
Won't lie - fat, white Snowishas are only good for raising taxes and keeping Family Dollar open.
Black kids need black parents. Keep the Jew influence out of their lives. We can all be friends one day.
It really would. Desegragation was an awful thing. What parent would force thier child into such a traumatic situation as that young girl ruby was forced into. Her parents probably got a ton of kike money to do it.
That was the beginning of the end. We are a dead community at this point.
I can't believe it's all been replaced by rap and thug bullshit. Then again I can barely believe white music has been replaced by pop sluts and edgy metal retards.
Bad bad stuff what the Jews did to y'all. They think you are their golem, a catspaw that strike out upon command, well they're mostly right. Black man, use your anger against who has been your true enemy all along, they couldn't do a thing about it. Turn in your Jews overlords.
I feel you. What needs to be down? Should we flood black twitter with memes and facts?
Yeah, nostalgia from back before their reliance on white hand-outs
Of course. We all died then. It's sad. I want to look at black faces and see my countrymen, my allies. (((They))) used every dirty trick from history to divide us, control us, and destroy us.
Motown culture was based. You sold yourselves out.
Do you think it's possible for that to change or do you think it'll be a continuous loop?
Is this poster real? Thats funny as shit.
picking cotton on the weekend
planning to return to Africa using food stamps during the week
It's when our cultures were replaced with commercials. Heritage destroyed for the sake of tax revenue.
Some of us already do, but to no avail. I'm thinking black hebrew Israelites. Kikes hate this thread.
We can only change ourselves when we see a need to change. That being said, there are too many whites, blacks, etc. happy with the way shit is now - so, I reckon there ain't a lot of us who think this way.
If a "nostalgia movement" stops you all from stealing, raping, killing, and parasitical leeching off Whites then,
Please keep us updated on how your brothers and sisters are all lining up with you on this and how great it's working out
We all await with bated breath to see the tremendous progress you'll surely make with a "nostalgia movement" in the black community
Yeah, and it's actually a good wholesome movie and in interview the cast said they all had fun making it and there was no racial tension or anything. I can't imagine something like it being done today.
Whites invented gangster rap to destroy black communities and stop you from rising up, and that's a good thing.
this can't happen until you all universally change the narrative of Jewish abuse of you as human footsoldiers in their Jewish war to erode and destroy white "supremacy" because they (Jews) wanted to prevent another Hitler and open up more professions to themselves.
Jews barely talk about the abused Ethiopians in Israel or the abused Black refugees in Israel who are mass deported and trated like cattle. Yet they never stop talking about them in EUrope and America. Why is this?
Malcolm X and Louis Farrakhan fully and accurately understand the situation and they spelled it out with as much articulation as any of the smarter white guys could. THat knowledge is there, it's part of your recent folk history, Farrakhan is even still tlaking about it. You have to pull it out, and frankly, the thing holding you back is that Jews are suppressing whites from shifting our own narrative to accomodate for the realities of Jewish agendas and meddling in our affairs. We whites need to deal with it first before you can even hope to deal with it. You're second class and not the main problem for them, it's about making whites a democratically disenfranchised minority who can no longer dominate voting results anywhere in ANY white country. If we whites don't stop it, you blacks will continue your spiral and the Jews left over will stop pretending to care about you (it was always pretend, always a lie) and treat you like human garbage just like they do in Israel.
Idk? I'm permabanned from Twitter. I would the promote tge aesthetic amd way of life through wholesome old videos and the dope ass music that was Motown. Family and crime statistics are a lay up. Instead of focusing on exaggerated racial shit that powerful kikes have made our historical narrative all about. Show It for what it was, modesty, family, and good music; all things we no longer have.
Who's really to blame? Maybe the whites should grow a pair, and when some fools wants to go 'mad-niggerish' they'll get burnt? The only security a man can rely on is his own strength.
>Black user here.
>And the kike appears
Took you long enough
That's not how psyops works. Its starts with optics, imagery, memes.
Full afro >>>>>>>>> weaves
Funny how the (((whites))) who run that music gotta anally penetrate those television gangstas before their 15 minutes of fame. Babylonian Witchcraft is a helluva drug.
Lol you Fucking kikes never stop huh
One of the most based men alive. God bless him.
Natural hair looks better on everyone. Even white women took to gluing Chinese locks to their scalps.
>Natural hair looks better on everyone
Beauty is truth.
Fred Williamson, I ran across this movie by accident a few days ago when looking at his imdb page...he was in the first Bronx Warrior movie, he's a good actor IMO.
check out this video. it shows how wealthy jews and their puppets like jayz keep detrimental music alive and popular in not only black american culture but the youth in general. its like an hour long but its worth your time
Weaves are fucking gross, literal tranny-tier. Black people hair is unironically epic and pretending that it isn't is cope.
>Black user here.
Drink bleach and die.
Just followin' the Rabbi's orders?
Just show your flag. Its simple. What are you hiding?
His yarmulke
Fucking hell. I'm disgusted by fake hair, fake nails, fake eyelashes, fake eye colors, drawn on eyebrows, whole fake fucking faces. It makes me sick.
You'd have to be american to understand
No a GET OUT OF AMERICA movement would be much better. This is a white european nation no culture made by Sub Saharans should even exist here.
Yes calling Africans niggers and mocking their culture will solve the problem right boys?
If I was in a room with a nigger and a Jew and I had 10 bullets, I'd mag dump the Jew.
Doesn't mean I wouldn't also karate-chop the negro in the brain until he had an aneurism and started choking on his own tongue.
Perhaps YOU are indeed the rabbi for suggesting that I cannot hate TWO races at once?
Everyone feels that way, and there's a lot of truth in it no matter what race you are. Growing wealth disparity and depleted non-renewable resources. We can't let the divide and conquer game the 1% is playing on the difference races work.
Blame the (((NAACP))) for that. They started calling blacksplotation racist because it was eating into (((Hollywood))) profits and the attackdogs like Sharpton were sent out to call it racist.
nigger hate thread
They are subhuman animals, the jew has already deemed they are too worthless to even pose a threat to them. All that matters is redpilling white people who can overthrow jude, niggers are useless vermin.
>ultra satan enters the thread
That movie is fucking awesome. Reading the interview of the actors involved, they all had a blast making it.
I wish you luck. You already know theyre going to call you an Uncle Tom and I really have no idea how you can get them to move past that. Maybe sell them on the aesthetics of the old black communities without actually mentioning anything overtly political
So you're saying Moshe stole my foreskin AND my tail?
That's fuckin' it, time for the Holocaust express.
bruh your people were the target of the globalist social control program
use government to destroy black communities by "desegregation" instead of just putting more money into black communities
use government welfare to destroy the family unit
use media to promote degeneracy among the disaffected, often fatherless youths
use degenerated blacks to push for more government welfare
spread to the rest of society
it's their fault they took the handouts, but it's (((their))) fault they were there in the first place
>nigger hate thread
1200 webm collection of funwblacks
Its crazy because also prior to the 80's and the explosion of single mother culture, we had normal conservative names, like Thelma, Anna-mae, Eddy, and James; now we have Le'Devontarius and Shaniqua.
Still no flag huh?
Waste of time as I have said before they are subhuman animals they will never change their ways as they lack the cognition to even understand something is wrong with their behavior.
Jews did nothing, african blacks have always been violent paleolithic savages all jews did was bring this menace to our western nations and fool us into thinking these creatures are humans like the many idiots who think putting on a mask of decency in black culture will change the actual genetic issues with the sub saharan savages.
>explosion of single mother culture
found the zoomie moron that nigger culture only started with gangsta rap
They were forced to act civilized back then. Rap culture is just a symptom of their racial characteristics.
>another meme flag appears
Notice how all the meme flags are railing against this thread.
keep bumping
Where the fuck did that shit even come from?
Any attempt at the slightest positivity will be shilled into the ground.
I've interacted with American-raised black women and black women immigrating from Africa. The African raised ones are vastly superior, with less insecurities and are really affectionate (note: I am aware that the ones that can afford to immigrate are the ones from well to do families.)
You already know who (((they))) are.
>against this thread.
against NIGGERS
>haha yeah OP you're a retard bumping your own thread
bot detected
Go further back, Mr. Black! 20’s,30’s, 40’s. I’d rather have old school jazz or swing than Mowtown..
Thats the idea. Subtlety, don't want to scare them away.
>Where the fuck did that shit even come from?
I saw someone unironically named "deQuarious" the other day, kek'd out loud.
Digits confirm
>The African raised ones are vastly superior
What a load of shit, you have no experience with the typical feral retarded black female.
Change that to the 1850s and we have a deal
Single moms are retarded. My daughter's mom was going to name her something stupid amd disenfranchising, I checked that shit real quick, and made sure my daughter got a normal name.
Black people act differently according to ethnicity at least here. Somalis are way worse than Ethiopians and so on. I have an Ethiopian friend that is as smart as I am if not smarter since he’s studying law.
Pam Grier was sexy as fuck back in the day, great titties
I had a job that had a lot of Nigerians working at it. African women are based af, the ones that move here are usually the top-tier of wherever they come from as well. They view ghetto culture with disdain and see African-Americans as lazy, there were conflicts between the black and African co-workers all the time.
Sounds like a very cool story.
Show flag, Goldbergs
Stop pitting blacks and whites against eachother
Project harder, memeflag.
Bitch I canvased hoods back in the 2010 census in one of the most niggerfied cities in the US. Come back when you've gained some life experience you trust fund commie LARPer.
most racists would love for you to do better
why do you think they're racist in the first place?
>Black people hair is unironically epic and pretending that it isn't is cope.
>Black people act differently according to ethnicity at least here
No they dont.
>Somalis are way worse than Ethiopians
No difference between Sub Saharan savages you delusional nordic cuckol.
not gonna lie, this was and still is perfection
Based white guy with a cute black girlfriend with a fro here, and I pretty much agree with your post, although it is important for the black community to acknowledge past oppression
>Stop pitting blacks and whites against eachother
Fuck all niggers
Same. All of them a joy to be around, one was even flirty with me and something gave me homecooked food for lunch sometimes. Some crusty Jew bitch ratted her out to HR (I wasn't in trouble strangely enough.)
ohhh our first niggerstudent, we must let him pass to prove that niggers can do something too.
in german all niggers are the same.
Piss off niggerlover.
I am not pitting blacks and whites against each other, I am just trying to make empathy for the Sub Saharan savages become 0 so its easier to exterminate them in the future. Whites like you who think they have humanity in them just because of a small percentage of apes with IQs above 93 are the reason jews have fucked our nations so much with these beast. You think I care how many intelligent niggers you know? I dont because there are far more feral savages than there are smart ones making the smart ones inconsequential in the grand scheme you naive stupid soft hearted fucking retards.
The only thing thats gonna happen in a race war between goy and jew is that niggers will kill both jews and whites.
>All of them a joy to be around
>Some crusty Jew bitch ratted her out to HR
What a surprise.
I don't know. What exactly is keeping you guys down? Many other racial minorities are doing fine in the US, but also outside of the US most of the time. When you look at Africa, it is just as bad and often worse than the worst black neighborhoods in the US.
Don't just blame this on hip-hop. You've got literal geniuses doing hip-hop, from Jay-Z to guys like FlyLo. I fucking hate hip-hop, but it can be developed into something just as refined as jazz and blues, and it has by several blacks artists.
Just look at these developments realistically. I don't think a nostalgia is the solution. I think sadly the solution will sound much worse than we'd like to admit, and no, it's not genocide.
you mean shit smelling hair is good?
A good start would be to bring back the old school hip hop sound from the 80s and 90s instead of this boring trap shit. Us whites have been doing such a thing with rock for years.
>Stop pitting blacks and whites against eachother
They keep forgetting that we grew up together.
>claims to be a confederate
>only posts webms where the whites lose
wanna know how i know you're a jew
rap is kino though
*sometimes gave me homecooked food
ducking autocorrect
Where were they in the 60's? Do your "superior" africans have a vintage aesthetic or music at all that is in anyway comparable to say Motown? No, because africans as we understand them today are exclusive products of recent(post 80's) trash (non)culture. They bath in skin bleaching chemicals to try to look like beyonce.
all niggers should kill themseves.
itd be the one and only selfless act any of they will have ever made, and it will better this country so astronomically (that in reference to the stars, which i doubt any african country has really ever documented)
Oh hey wh*Te boy, what's that noise, you ask?
Why, it's the wh*Te genocide clock, ticking down and down.
You see, your childish wh*Te race committed a lot of crimes against our race and other non wh*Te races approval, and wh*Tes colonized an entire continent. wh*Tes had no good reason to colonize..
Throw in the FACT that it was obviously an attack to throw BLACK people off the civilization trail leading Africa to its Ancient Egyptian past, and you've got not only a universally hated race, but a soon-to-be-genocided one too...
Pic related will be a common sight in Berlin, London, Stockholm and Paris. We Turks,Muslims,Jews and Blacks will take revenge and we will built statue of our lord and savior Mugabe in every corner of Europe.
You think you could plunder and raze Africa, enslave Black people and get away with it ? You think you could murder 6 million Jews and get away with it ? No wh*Te boy, You will pay for it.
>you're a jew
Anyone know how Dolemite Is My Name did? I'm wondering if it's going to help new people discover Rudy Ray Moore's movies, and by extension the rest of the blaxploitation genre and spark some new interest.
The problem is, those old movies are "blacksploitation" to modern Hollywood and leftist film people. They don't see any empowerment, just blacks being exploited. They would fight it mostly because it would bring in black directors and film makers into their cushy, lily white comfort zones.
What both a lot of black people and people on here don't get is that Jews have been plotting against black people as much as they have against whites.
Like OP said, black culture used to be wholesome, full of family values, music from the 60s and 70s promoted positive messages (all the degeneracy was by white rock bands). Even early hip hop was conscious. Then they decided to push gangsta rap and crack.
You don’t have any experience with black people I can tell. I don’t want black people here and I don’t particularly like Africans, but what you are doing is fucking stupid and only creates conflict. I am a true nationalist to the core and I want the best for all cultures as long as they stay the fuck out of Norway.
This. I'm tired of this shit. We don't always have to live with each other or get along but I'm sick and tired of kike shit. I'm not the only. Black hebrew Israelites BTFO them on site.
correct on all counts. yes, white liberal continues to be a great evil. their is no freedom. shackle 25% of your menfolk and forced employment in for profit prisons: what does that sound like? p.s. pam grier was so very beautiful
Hey all faggots. Stop responding to this memeflag. If they can't post their countries flag then dont give them a response back.
They didnt exist in America back then because the immigration wasnt fucked in the 60s. This entire thread is an example of jew subversion.
>First allow intelligent monkeys to immigrate
>Censor all evidence that native monkeys are dangerous savages
>Wait for stupid gentiles to develop a false idea of the african monkeys
>Then promote the immigration of the genetic common ones that will cause nonstop violent crime
>Laugh kosherly
You are a nord you know nothing about Sub Saharan savages fuck off and die.
Why use a commie flag like a faggot, just put up the damn swastika lets go bitch
Whites are doing the same.
Why would that be any of HRs concern? Grown adults cAnt share a meal in your wagie cuck job?
You're talking about the best from Africa’s best group (Ethiopian Semites), who, while phenotypically black, aren’t any more African Americans than you are a Turk or Sicilian
There is no black culture you nitwit. the culture right now is due to jews and the culture in the past is due to whites, these subhuman animals have no human cultures at all.
Their racism is often a manifestation of there feelings of inadequacy. They NEED somebody to feel intrinsically superior to, because they have literally nothing else going for them than their skin.
Ironically pol is the one of the few places where people judge a person on their character not color of skin. Ben Carson, Thomas Sowell and others are admired. Since the 60s, the left has destroyed the black family unit for reliable votes. Single moms raise criminals and you guys have the worst out of wedlock births.
It was bought by Netflix so it didn't have a theatrical run. It was alright for a light comedy
Nobody cares about wiggers. They are a joke to everyone.
Doesn't Hollywood blacklist you for that like they did to Lauren Hill?
I didn't say that they were superior, only that they view you as inferior. They also unironically adore whites because they grew up in actual 3rd world conditions and know how much better it is over here.
Yep.....they invited the white man into their neighborhoods in the form of law enforcement and the (((judicial system))) keeps them as modern day slaves.
>muh rap music
it was Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton that popularized the victim culture that has wreaked such havok. they're the faggots that you should extract revenge from
Berniebro is mad that blacks cocked blocked comrade Sanders again.
Quiet jew, racism towards niggers is due to the out of control chaos they cause in America.
>black family
There is no fucking black family. Look at Sub Saharan Africa single moms are the norm there all that happened was that blacks stopped copying human whitey and reverted back to their nonhuman african behavior you gullible stupid fucks.
Look at the kind of cultures the Jamaicans or Trinidadian niggers created, those are examples of nigger culture independent of hip hop shit and yet its still subhuman jungle bongo crap.
Oops, disregard the sage
Unironically based black guy. I've been trying to ask them for years that instead of just declining and degenerating into oblivion over this obsession with hip hop, why not look to the heyday of black culture when it was actually quality, thriving, inspiring, shucking, and jiving? I'm not even a big fan of funk, in fact I think it's highly overrated, but at least it's GOOD and FUN and CULTURED, why not actually look to those days and do whatever you were doing back then, instead of making faggoty ass pop music and calling it "funk" or obsessing over rap culture while it quite literally tears your communities apart?
Thing is, I'd actually love to see you guys do better, because I KNOW you can. And you'd be a heck of a lot more fun to be around if you did. This obsession over being a ghetto loser helps nobody and annoys everybody.
>hip hop
It's so much more than that. Hip hop culture was a resultant symptom, not the cause, which I don't feel like going into right now.
I wonder (((who))) runs the rap labels, because it sure ain't black people.
>70+ years of social conditioning and laws to cuck Whites by the (((system)))
>It's actually Whites that are to blame for nigger behavior
What low IQ minority are you?
Sure, good luck counteracting rap/thug culture among your low IQ, hell, even counteracting the "all are problems are because Whitey" that's so prevalent in your college (((educated)))
Good on you for wanting to help your people tho, just don't think this has a chance in anyway meaningful but I know something that does and curious of your thoughts...that is, every niglet that gets out of line in school disrupting all the other kids trying to lear is sent to a military-esque school. Staffed by military-esque Male drill instructors with a goal to instill discipline (even a religious aspect to instill fear of God and of course morals), and first and foremost by breaking them of nigger ways; education beyond basic life skills to live in a society completely secondary.
>They also unironically adore whites
High IQ blacks are the most dangerous blacks because jews can use them as puppets to advance their causes like Martin Luther King for example. High IQ blacks create books on how white people are evil monsters who must be destroyed, they have no care for whites in the slightest. You think an african being nice to you means he likes you? You are such naive gullible idiots, those same africans you fellate would kill your white asses if their african tribe demanded it. They would rationalize any evil action a black did to a white person in your country too then become confused why you called them a bad person.
>Memeflags trying to derail
Remember, behind every memeflag is an Israeli flag.
An AfA Renaissance WILL happen, and it’ll happen alongside our white brothers. Jews will be BTFO’d for all of eternity, commies too.
Times will change as the flag states. Bump.
What is your solution then?
Thats like saying a tumor somone got from aids is Kino. Everything after the 70's with us is utter trash non-culture.
The rap culture fucked the black community to the point of no return.
You've literally never spoken to an African, incel.
Genocide obviously, they are beast that will only destroy civilizations they must all be killed its that simple.
You are no threat to jews stupid ape you are their future slave for the rest of time. Niggers cannot even defeat arabs yet they think they can beat jews, jews dont fuck up blacks since whitey still exists and it would make it harder to control whitey if whitey thinks jew is a bad person so they will wait for whitey to perish then GAZA the shit out of all niggers on Earth.
Except the BN
Nah, we want you to do better and pursue your own national identity without trying to destroy ours
Top-tier bed wench material, right there
Don't know how it did, but saw it, and it was one of the few decent movies I've seen in a while. Still Cleary had a shit ton of kike oversight.
>Every niglet that gets out of line in school disrupting all the other kids trying to learn is sent to a military-esque school. Staffed by military-esque Male drill instructors with a goal to instill discipline (even a religious aspect to instill fear of God and of course morals), and first and foremost by breaking them of nigger ways
I like this idea
and of course he's a commie
Well everyone seems to agree that rap and thug culture and victim complexes are the problem, but the real question is what is the solution? How do get niggers to stop nigging?
How do you keep it from falling into the pit of absolutely ridiculous alternate reality mysticism and WE WUZing that so many "woke" blacks fall into?
And why did they create a rap culture? Because of their low IQ and impulsive mind, the issue is their african brain not any culture or poverty. Poor whites have never created anything as despicable as rap ghetto culture at any point in history showing its a uniquely african phenomenon.
How much are they paying you Goldberg? Or are you doing this for free?
The left/Democrats want blacks to be weak because it demoralizes them and makes them more pliable with gibs. What was done to blacks over the last 30 or so years was just a test run to what they're doing to whites and other races now. The global elite do not want strong family bonds or strong local communities. They want these things weak so people become deadsouled which leads them to no hope and chasing gibs for security and trivial consoomerism for escapist peace of mind from the daily chaos of their lives.
You're just mad that white women suck and no self respecting male would date a stupid, trash-drunk sorority white girl. Black women are more poised, dignified, naturally beautiful, and have more of a sense of duty to their people and a higher cause than ditzy, annoying white sorority hoes
Yeah, I hope so. But doesn't the stopgap in the hourglass of the flag symbolize stagnation? Use symbols wrong to your own peril, blanon.
Every school should be like that, honestly.
>Israel flag behind every memeflag
Posts with memeflag, cheeky kike
Even then it's not all rap. Lots of rap in the 80s was more positive or at least no less posturing than you'd see in rock. NWA popularized gangsta rap and they were run, shockingly, by a jew.
I think so
But blacks weren't much better than you'd like to believe they were back in the day. If they were, they fell back down into the mud, a common tendency. Blacks still to this day are taught to love figures of the time you speak of, and it does absolutely fuck all for most of them.
I honestly believe very few African peoples will be able to reach long-term stability on their own. I don't think it's impossible, just extremely improbable. The best characteristics of blacks seem to be best explored when they are a minority, mediated and influenced by the culture of others. It sounds patronizing, sadly, but very few black peoples seem to escape this pattern enough to this very day.
I'm all for projects similar to Liberia and so on, I'm simply not enthused about them having a good chance of success.
If (((they))) would allow such a thing to happen, dramatic changes could occur and could occur very quickly in the black community since it's starts with the youths. Given where we are, the absurd crime committed, a great and meaningful change could occur with just this one trick
But of course, that'd be "racist" and (((they))) wouldn't allow it for they, of course, do not want to stop the destructive force that are blacks on our societies. They champion it, applaud it, jerk off to how well blacks are so easily used as a weapon against us and our societies. All which of course takes they eye off of (((them))); divide and conqueror
There exist many blacks with no hip hop culture yet even far worse conditions than black americans, so its is not the culture you fucking retards. Explain why the fuck the Congo is so fucked up even though rap doesnt exist in the Congo.
Black women are savage beast who only care about being fucked, they cuck black men so much that misogyny is instintive to black males.
>imagine people that literally fuck monkeys feeling superior to anyone
Africans are a self-hating meme
>better times
>positive rap
Sub Saharans are too low IQ to have low self esteem you fucking retard.
>MMERE DANE "time changes " symbol of change, life's dynamics
I don’t know if it gets as deep as you make it out to be, but I understand
>uses memeflag
See yea I had a retard moment lmao. Point still stands.
Another New Black Nationalist flag idea. If anything more like, “Black Revisionist Flag”
Lyndon b johnson started the process of importing europeans in the 60's and the population has grown by nearly 200 million since then, as a way to flood and overwhelm the strong black community. i.e. black wall street in oklahoma.
Cope as much as you want. They're happier, have big families, own businesses and appreciate life while you sit on the internet and seethe about blacks that are more black than you'll ever be.
This movie has a dope trailer and theme song
Okay idiot. Good luck getting the crackers on your side when you've killed a million of them in the past century alone.
Stax was a multi-racial music factory of pure genius, no tension. It all went to shit in the midsixties when the local hoods tried to take over and they fell for the security who are not secure meme. Sad story.
>jews jews jews jews
This is wrong, the negro has been a savage creature long before jude even thought of using it to destroy the white man. Pinning the blame on jews for black dysfunction is pure lunacy they are simply animals all jews did was bring their animal behavior to white nations to destroy those white nations. Are you fucking stupid? Why the hell do you want to help black people? They only desire to kill you fool.
Fuck off jew
They have "bad-kids" schools. It never works.
Black women only care about being fucked? What about white college girls that spend all their parents money on booze and do nothing but have sex with low quality frat boy males?
lol that scared coon just talked and never did shit
Kys nigger
Fuck off you oildrilling promoting kike.
black people were never slaves, the idea of reparations and affirmative action and f.b.i. informants subverting the black narrative such as al sharpton have gotten them to go along with the story, but u cant make black people slaves, anymore than anyone else, we are all slaves to the hunger of our guts and pull of gravity, slaves to the geometry of a hypotnuse, but if it got real the black people will shut it down on all
>crackers on your side
We don’t need help. Malcom X managed to “save” the black community with little to no white help. If it can happen once it can happen again. No ones begging for you help. I only say that because whites are on the path to becoming as fucked as us. Stop trying to incite hate between the races sheklesberg
Strange how you’re calling others Jews huh, memeflag
>Even early hip hop was conscious
OP if you want a good example of this to redpill your brothers with, see this:
>Dre: I don't smoke weed or sess/coz it's known to give a nigga brain damage
Either he was a 'real G' back then and sold out when he released The Chronic, or he was a bitch back then and his 'OG' cred is worth less than used toilet paper.
>15 posts by this ID
wew meme flagman is working overtime.
US Blacks need to Malcolm X up again and use the gun laws to their advantage.
>weren't much better
Except in 60's and prior, we were. This is statistically backed.
You are clearly a jew because you defend these african savages trying to make such nonsense as civic nationalism or HURR DURR UNITE AGAINST DA KIKES possible. As much as jews have done for niggers blacks still attack them mindlessly in hasidic communities and what on earth makes you think they will ever ally with white people no matter how much you aid them? Never its never gonna happen, however niggers being antisemitic might cause whitey to be antisemitic and thats the real reason jude doesnt want that to become mainstream dumbass.
Disgusting jew slime
Hey, moshe
Yh sure hellholes like the Projects is better, kill yourself african savage.
May I remind every idiot in this thread in the 1960s niggers were attacking white children in integrated schools for fun, yet you defend these stupid savages.
It truly is the only way to go but of course, would never be allowed
It'd 100% be a game-changer, won't speculate numbers but it'd absolutely be dramatic in stopping the scourge of young male niggertry wreaking havoc on our society
And that goes for all the low IQ (aside from those also with violent tendencies already addressed), you simply have a separate system in which you teach them the basics and more importantly, instill in them to be a cog in the machine.
As much as I'm against the current system, instilling the average to low IQ masses to believe themselves to be "special" has been one of our greatest downfalls. E.g. fools spouting their beliefs on social media as if anyone, society, should take them seriously or give a shit about their retarded musings
Kill yourself
Black people DON'T want to better themselves. Much easier slinging crack and drinking koolaid. Most prisons also have basketball courts to practice on.
>You are clearly a jew because you defend these african savages
>inb4 my ID changes again
kek this schizo is on a meth rampage
They don't even have drinkable running water in their home countries. My bathroom sink would be a marvel to 95% of africans.