Why the fuck are women happier when they have an unattractive man?

Why the fuck are women happier when they have an unattractive man?

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Because they aren’t afraid he will fuck other women who are prettier than them

Because they know we're not out cheating on them.

T. Ugly guy with a hot wife.

Fake news. Women don't date ugly men.

Are you underage for not knowing this or just that desperate for attention.

They try harder

or that you won't mind when they cheat on you.

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Because unattractive men win over women with money.

the answer is extremely obvious and probably even stated in that article.

attractive men have big fish small pond syndrome. unattractive men have had to work on their personalities and try to keep a woman happy instead of resting on their laurels another thot will come along and be a pushover for them.

Hot guys fk everyone

women are quite insecure, even at the best of times

Ugly men are more accepting of being cheated on, overwhelming majority of women cheat in long term relationships.

fpbp - women are selfish.

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nice propaganda
now i can finally get a gf

Women view most men as unattractive.

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so? where is this study?

What’s the author’s name OP?

yeah because attractive men have options and cheat on them

That's Entire complete Horseshit and you're a Retard for even questioning it. Women will always enjoy Simp bitch Onions pilled Faggots that they can leech off of and make fun of to their friends how gross and abusive they are and Cheat and Choke every Chad dick they find under the dinner table cloth And some Feminist Kike Article isn't going to tell you the truth about anything

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Because they’re still fucking Chad but they also have a beta buying them shit

>According to a study
Can I volunteer for the clinical trials for this?
I believe I'm ugly enough.

Yeah but they do get resentful that they're stuck with a guy who's so low value that he can't do better than her. It's like that one Groucho Marx joke put into action.

>I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member

>happier without handsome men
Until they yearn for Chad at work or the gym and they can’t help themselves. Sounds like the beginnings of an r/relationships post

according to a study, there's nothing wrong with turning white countries brown with white genocide. studies are silly

Women on one hand want an alpha to fuck them rough and treat them like dirt, they also want a beta to hang around, provide and do things for her and alphas kids.
Article is just stating womens need for a beta in another way.

They may be happier with a less attractive man, but they are still a miserable lot in denial about the source of their anguish.

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Pretty boys are shit people

I can tell most men ITT are under 30, perhaps 25. Your so called "chad" boogeyman is not what you think he is. First off, at least half of all those chads are gay. The rest are usually very stupid and will not ever have good careers. You don't have to look like a ken doll to get hot women, you just need to not be ugly and have masculine qualities, act like a man at all times and have an alpha personality.

OK boomer

This is dumb. The women that were happier were happier because they care about other things rather than how their man looks. Not because their man is less attractive.

1.They can't cheat on them
2.They can be easily cheated on or dumped and recovered without any consequence unless the dude is a psycho
3.Easily to be manipulated
4.Would put more effort and support in relationship because of fear losing her
5.They become dependet on their girls

probably the same reason I married an average flip 5 years younger than me (i think she is beautiful) If I married an 18 year old hottie I'd be looking over my shoulder all the time

>"You don't have to look like a ken doll to get hot women"
>Imagine believing such bullshit

>Why the fuck are women happier when they have an unattractive man?
Jew pep talk

Im out of my girlfriends league and she has to deal with girls checking me out and public and she isnt happy with the way she looks. Shes insecure about it but i tell her shes beautiful and how much i love her, because i do and she makes me promise ill never leave her and wants kids with me and asks me when ill propose to her

And they can fuck other guys cause you know you're ugly

>happier with unattractive men
*In relationships*
I would be surprised if this extends to casual sex.

media faggots decide what is """attractive""" in a man, and since they are pederasts, well.....

Same. It makes me feel in control. I like it a lot more than dating a 10/10 American woman with a cellphone. Shes mine, i downloaded tinder right in front of her and showed her the 200+ likes the next day. She knows I can do better, so shes very submissive to me

The same reason men are happy to have a dumber woman - it's easier to control

Not fucking all your hot gf's hot friends. Why even live?

is she submissive? Does she suck your cock regularly?

According to a study, OP is a cum guzzling faggot and the world would be an objectively better place if he killed himself

>According to a study

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>women being happy
This has never happened in the history of mankind.

Because they can cheat on them knowing the guy will forgive them and stay with them. They're happier because less attractive men they go for usually have money to keep their talentless jobless asses happy with gifts and money.

They're still fucking attractive men while they're bleeding the average looking guy dry. Women shouldn't be considered humans.

A 5/10 woman with a 6/10 man still thinks she is doing a favor to the 6/10 man
Also, they know they don't need to try hard and look pretty for the man because there's no way the man would dump her

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>overwhelming majority of women cheat in long term relationships
Normalizing honor killings will solve that problem

> hey babe, check out all these matches i got with robots and cookie-cutter feminist trash
You two must be matched in IQ, not looks

But just the fact of him having a pretty wife makes other women want him. The most eye contact I ever get from women is when I am on a date with a cute girl. Eye contact literally increases 10 fold.

that's pretty insecure if you have to show her how many tinder thots you can get to swipe on your picture

Yea no shit, uglier men are low maintenance and will put you on a pedestal even if you're a solid 7.5/10 batshit roastie yourself.

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They are thinking you
>are rich
>have a big dick
>are a simp

Ugly dude with a hot wife here. She has bad taste and very poor vision, which has worked to my advantage. No way I'd fuck a woman who was on my level.

Yea i think its because they know they probably cant do much better and are very happy to have someone hot. Im not saying my girlfriend is ugly shes a very pretty girl and to me shes the most beautiful girl in the world, but im out of her leauge.

safer not happier

>Why the fuck are women happier when they have an unattractive man?
too bad cheeng choong man your meme magic has no power here

Cuz hot guys know they're not and won't simp

Beta money, alpha honey.

Set goals in life and reach for the stars
You will fail many times, the key is to learn from every failure and improve
Never ever give up and keep up a good spirit
Make a girl smile and tell her about your dreams
Be brave and ask her out
Enough with the doomer era it’s time for us to embrace the bloomer era

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They don't have to try so hard anymore*

Do you not cheat because you won't, or because you can't?

They get to extort men and act the way they want because unattractive men can't really complain. It's like easy mode.

This. They care a lot more if she is prettier.

She'll cheat on you though. Dating down is the key to happiness.

yeah and just like that you snap your fingers and the world around you magically changes and stops making you want to reach for the rope every time you try
except it doesn't

This. I love my homely gf

I like furry crap. My wife knows I likely won't run off with another woman because there are no dragon ladies or wolf women running around.


fuck trying to make a woman happy, maybe back when things were simpler but now you need
>constantly remodel your home every 3 years to keep up with the latest trends
>constantly drive the newest soccer mom crossover whenever the manufacturer decides to do a refresh
>have to raise the kids yourself because women are career oriented and youre a bigot if you don't let them spread their wings
>have to be tolerant to every stupid fad and trend there is
>bled dry until the kids are grown and your ex upgrades to a wealthier model that can finally show her the world she's been so deprived of with mundane middle class life
>raising your grandchildren because your kids are absolute wrecks mentally from having a narcissistic mom

They can cheat on his ugly ass and the dumb fuck will stay with her, "for the kids."

Your wife knows she can cheat on you and get away with it cuz you're a beta cuck. That's why she married you not because you wont cheat lmao

objectively top 2% in looks man here. hot guys like me tend to treat women carelessly because we are not afraid to lose one. we know we can get another fast. women have to stay trying to please us all the time. they probably are unhappy but are addicted to the d.