This tweet single handily roosted everyone on this site. Lmao, why are whites so filthy?

This tweet single handily roosted everyone on this site. Lmao, why are whites so filthy?

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Other urls found in this thread:


there are many niggers do not wash their hair.

should stop using shit-smell soap then, nasty-ass nigger

It's B.O. and even other negros know it.

Why would they make a soap that smells like fecal matter?

>uppity sheboon does not know that negroid sweat glands are chemically different
>and that jigaboos smell like stale pee when they sweat

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Blacks usually buy nice high-end soaps too, while white people usually buy cheap shit like Dial, Irish Spring and Zest.

t. Walmart employee

Never saw a black person until I went to Western Europe.

They stink like sweat. Same as gypsies do. Cannot be removed by soap or anything.

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>fried chicken
Definitely soap.

So they get bling bling soap, but still are on food stamps?

I am the primordial serpent, Kingseeker Frampt, close friend of the great lord Gwyn.

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Based black lady tellin it like it is all up in Yas Forums's face.

Soap? Lmao no niggers smell like straight BO you always smell them walking by them.

the soap doesnt cover up the smell

Why is this hysterical nigger on my property? She should be out in the plantation.

Why does Yas Forums live rent free in the heads of niggers on twitter? I am genuinely curious. We're influential for our size, but how on earth have we become a boogeyman to these charlatans?

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Why do all black girls have a dark line going downward from their bellybutton?

Damn, they found us.



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Niggers stink

>its soap

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How does she even know what race the people saying that shit are?

>buy nice high-end soaps too, while white people usually buy cheap shit like Dial, Irish Spring and Zest.

What is a high end soap and explain how it cleans better than the cheap shit? Smelling better doesnt matter because soap isnt what makes you smell good, deodorant and cologne does.

this is why we used to purposely make it seem like plebbit or 9gag was behind our antics

Because they need it the most to mask their disgusting monkey smell while whites only need a basic soap bar.

No, they don't wash their hair for 2 weeks, and add oil, thats the bo smell.


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they all have STDs so they have to give birth via c-section

Are you serious? That's a hormone line. Even white people get them when they're pregnant.


>blacks think moldy food is soap
lmaoing at your life.

They either smell like weed or some nasty cocoa butter hair/skin product, or a combination of both.

The cheap stuff is a better emulsifier. The expensive stuff has lipids and other shit for "moisturizing".

I always thought niggers had a wild animal type of smell. Like a raccoon or a opossum.

It's not just whites.

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cope junglestink negress.
I used to think that were just african migrants to stink from the african shit they eat, also because eastern slavs stink from what their eat while still being white.
Also for asians white smell of milk.
But americans all eat the same trash food so i'll suppose the nigger junglestink it"s really a thing

>Whites on Yas Forums

It's because blacks only bathe every few days at most.

But it's true, blacks really do smell awful. When I visited NYC with my sister she nearly vomited from the stink emanating from a nigger sitting opposite us

>hurr b-but you're a poo
Yes, I'm used to some ungodly smells but niggers are something else. I don't know how Whites manage living with them

I do not think there is a creature alive today that can not differentiate between the smell of soap or the smell of a nig nog

It's the detection of natural smell of a different animal.
White people smell like wet dog to niggers for the same reason. We are different animals, and your species smells like shit to humans, North American Pavement Ape.

that meme is illegal in america

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kek, this.

Reminder that black comedians frequently have jokes and stories about black women not washing their asses.


>whole time


They smell like weed and black & mild all the time.

>keep the plebs hating each other instead of the real problem

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White people btw, This is the most diverse place to be

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They have literally made PSA’s about blacks needing to shower and use deodorant.

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i can't believe this ebaums-tier meme shut down a US school district

It's not soap
It's Coco Butter & Hair chemicals

i had one black co-worker that smelled extremely bad, bed enough where our boss had to talk to her about it
after that she didn't smell all the time, just sometimes

diet is what gives your sweat a smell. eat like shit and you smell like shit when u sweat.

if you eat a healthy diet you never need anything but water. seriously.

>be black
>genes come from people living in hot as fuck Africa for tens of thousands of years
>skin tone reflects this
>the human body cools by sweating
>over tens of thousands of years the blacks that sweat more were more likely to survive and pass on their genes
>sweat is what creates body oder
Pretty simple. It's also why blacks love watermelon.

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It is definitely not soap


So what you're saying is, only the craziest ones have this marking.

Wrong pic. How the fuck did that happen?

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It's super common that most blacks do not bathe on a daily basis.


wash your penis's. I can smell it all the way over here

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>being so assblasted about Yas Forums you tweet about it
hoes mad

This dumb bitch. We talking about niggers, not affluent redboned middle class sluts.

We're talking about niggers Dave Chappelle complains about. The hood niggers, homeless niggers, and niggers white women like to date to make dad angry.

There are a lot of uppity black girls that take care of themselves, wear clean clothes, spend a lot on hygiene products but then there are... the lowest tier of niggers.

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I'm sorry, but did Bernie already lose? Oh, that's right. The election isn't even over yet. In fact, it's only Super Tuesday. Does not having the lead at Super Tuesday count as a loss? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this topic when the election is still on? Bernie is still playing right now and he has been the best candidate in the race for how many years now? He's playing one of the worst politicians in the DNC who just happens to have a lead because he's feeding off the energy of SC boomer voters. But you know what? He still fucking sucks. Sanders is one of the best fucking senators in congress, he went 13-3 last year and would of won the 2016 nomination if the voting wasn't rigged. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded topics like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when Sanders wins. Oh look at that, Biden just forgot his name again when he needed to remember it, just like Hillary did. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a topic on this sub again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these anti-Sanders topics because you're a faggot hater who doesn't like him because he's good. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your threads now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.


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They smell like that because their pheromones are incompatible with white people you retard. It works the same the other way around too. Black ppl say we smell like wet dogs.

It's not a matter of hygiene or hate, we're just not built to blanda upp despite what is being pushed

>buy some land, buy some land
>fuck spinning rims

>ewww a smell

Imagine being afraid of a smell, let alone one of another human being. Whites are embarrassingly priss and cut off from nature..

>blacks buy
Funniest thing I’ve read all day

>Black ppl say we smell like wet dogs.
Weird, because I think we fellow White people smell somewhat like mud.

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lol, btfo

Hmu bby

Because this is seriously the last place on the internet with a relevant user base where you are even allowed to say nigger. It makes them seethe.

lol, they smell like BO most of the time
the women are the worst offenders

9 out of 10 black people I meet outside/in stores etc smell like weed or cigarettes

>high end soap
It's fucking soap nigger you can literally make soap yourself

Niggers use cocoa butter

Niggers have this peculiar smell. It's like a strong spice that with just a bit of sweat/activity it begins to stink.

Entering the home of a nigger family is the worse since the smell is everywhere. Some people say they can't smell that at all but I think they're lying just to not be rayciss.
Honestly I hate nigger smell and it takes a lot of perfume for them to mask that shit off.

They smell like a cross between a teenagers BO and burnt rubber. Ask anybody who has been to jail haha there are many reasons we all don’t mix inside haha

Cro Magnon
Homo Sapien

they do actually have a different smell
same with chinese, indian/pakistan and spics

its related to their diet, not racism

the chinese say white people smell like milk

>accurate sample of American habits
Only white trash shops at walmart

soap doesn t smell like shit

i went to elementary school with mostly blacks. they smell like cocoa butter mixed with the BO of someone who hasn't touched water in years.
also that weird stuff they put in their hair that makes it insanely greasy smells awful.

I would gladly stick my nose to one of sheboons's arshole and sniff as much as I can, if you catch my drift

I wish mods would public ban faggot threads like this.

At least I'm not mad because of a "smell"
You wouldn't last a day camping in a rv, bitch baby

>whites don’t bathe
Where did this meme even come from? Is it because niggers don’t work and when they’d see a white man covered in filth on his way home from work they just assumed he always lookslike that?

There was a black kid in my class in sixth grade and he reeked. I remember we sat together for an assignment once and it required genuine effort not to gag. It was appalling that day. You know the smell of a shower drain in a shitty hotel? It was like that but twice as bad and mixed with body odour and the smell of a fart. Horrendous.

That's pretty good bantz to be fair

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Niggers smell like the monkey cage in the zoo, mixed with a musky old mildew covered rag in the basement mixed with a whiff of coco butter and some chicken grease.

Perception of these things varies by race as well.

Yes, two of the three are extinct. Get blacked enough and you will be too. Your point?

Sauce pls?

Blacks have more apocrine sweat glands and genes that are responsible for body odor. East Asian have the least and stink the least. Asians also have different kinds of ear wax than white or blacks. Blacks stink because they have sweat gland genes that emit a foul odor and more of it.


And why do Indians smell so strongly of curry? I thought it was a stereotype before I spent a week in Parramatta which has a large Indian population. Do they literally use curry as deodorant? Why do they smell like their food so much more than other races?

Same reason "niggers", shitskins, trannies, SJWs and Reddit live in frogposters' heads rent-free.
>Inb4 seethe cope dilate etc.


All these nigger threads... I can feel it. My favorite poster, Matumba, will be here soon.

Blacks fucking stink! They don't know what personal hygiene is, soap? Made from what, corpses of ebola victims.

>Niggers using soap that smells like vomit.
I am not even surprised.
checked and keked

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As others have pointed out, black people quite literally have more sweat glands than whites. Likewise, whites have more than Asians. If some Asian told me that they thought white people smelled weird, I wouldn't give a shit. This woman needs to stop shoving her inferiority complex in everyone's faces and delete her Twitter account.

They make sweaty asscrack scented soap just for niggers?

fucking love it that she knows what race people are on an anonymous site.


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Blacks get desperate when smashed with truth, so they get help meme bombing from weird half mutt Jew types but their shit never makes any sense and just makes them look even more clueless as fuck.

They look like they are covered in dirt

Sweat doesn't smell significantly but the bacteria make your sweat or what is left over smelly after some time


Why does their soap smell like a combination of dog shit and spices?

im not white and i can tell you blacks have a smell on their skin that no other race has. it has nothing to do with bathing or eating specific foods either. its their actual skin that has this unique smell and it smells really weird and bad like fermentation.

>if some chink told me whites smell shit
I would quickly give him my fist to smell so the fucking insect doesnt dare to speak when humans may hear him.

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When you toast the spices for curry the oil diffuses into the air a bit and coats everything from their walls to their clothes and hair with cumin extract.

>high end soaps
Fucking pleb. The real soap patrician only buys artisan soaps from reputable vendors at farmers markets. Please.

kek user

>Implying that Yas Forums is majority white.

No, it's not just a stereotype. Indians smell of curry here in the USA, also. I'm not sure why, but my theory is that since curry is relatively inexpensive and easy to make, they might be around it so much that the smell seeps into their clothing. Maybe even their sweat has a tinge of the smell, I don't know. To them, curry smells "natural," so it doesn't bother them much. Personally, I hate being around Indians just because of how bad they smell alone. It doesn't help that I dislike curry.

Which they need more moisturizers because their skin gets ashy.



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don't you have an EBT line to be in

Lmfao says the brilopad crotch haired mu’fuckas

If you've cooked a curry you'll know it awhile to make. It's definitely a case of them being around it a lot.

It's not soap. It's weed and cocoa butter

>In times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act

We're the bad guys because being politically correct and factually correct are mutually exclusive.

And Newports and malt liquor.

This. It's not BO or spices or anything I can describe. It just IS. I've noticed it tends to correlate with skin tone too. Dark skinned people tend to... Not necessarily stink, they just have a smell that feels off. Light skinned non whites have a different smell too, (when it's not from their diet like garlic and onion) their baseline smell is just different, but not usually particularly unpleasant.

I definitely think it's pheromones. The smells invoke a feeling of foreign or familiar, safety or potential threat. Darkies smell like kind of like animals. They smell not quite human.

>that shit smell, it's soap. Take that racist.



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That's not even the only song about niggas smelling like shit.

Make and eat a large portion of strong curry some time. Don't eat any other flavor profiles that day. You WILL smell like curry the next day. We aren't talking about that though, we're talking about the smells which are inherent to race. The smell one would have if they fasted a few days, showered with unscented soap, then sweat and fasted for a few more days without using any products. 80% of our BO comes from diet and hygiene. The other 20% is where the racial difference comes in.

I hugged a thic black girl from Jamaica before..... She didn't smell at all.

I'm a modern day jeremiah johnson and negros have a horrid funk, come up with a better theory.

>imagine if they didn't use soap

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Sorry, but the black people around here stink. Every time I see one on the train I move the opposite direction.

The correct term is luxury soap

Was a deputy and you're right, jails are funk as fuck, holy shit. Was also a soldier, only white guys, we were an infantry company in the south, so of course no negros...our level of funk never approached negros.

Niggers and gypsies smell like fresh garbage even after they wash. Its so weird.

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how the fuck your dumb ass forget to wash off the soap

I didn't know there was a "wet dog" scented soap

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was hot

"soap" actually dries your skin out and causes you to sweat more causing body odour.

>absolute newfag doesn't remember ebaumsworld

goddamn fucking kill yourself nigger faggot trash

PS: I use Syrian soap that costs like 20 Euro a bar

PSx2: Nigger

blacks do have a very distinct smell, I don't know how to describe it. It's just a very pungent sweaty smell. Someone must know what I mean.

I have a class with some blacks this semester and when we go to do group projects the smell will sometimes make me rock back. It's not quite BO but it's absolutely repulsive. Like unbrushed teeth or something.

it's called fucksweat

Adding more pixels

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Damn, I didn't know they sold gorilla scented soap

This is all racism aside the trueest difference between asians, blacks and whites: the smell.

Yes, we call it "compost smell"

to cheap to buy body wash

LOL, I had a black guy tell me this...It's because We use our own washing machine and dryers, and sometimes we leave our wet clothes in the washing machine for hours because we forgot about it. It will eventually smell like wet dog.
Most Blacks where I live use the laundromat and babysit their clothes, they do a couple loads in 40 minutes. Nothing left soaking..
>So there it is folks.

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Whities fucking destroyed

I've never known a person that wouldn't rewash their clothes if they forgot about them in the washer. Actually that's kinda what a lot of negros smell like. Musty but mixed with cheap alcohol and cheap everything else.

BO, Newports, Cocoa Butter and Cheez Doodles

every nigger here smells like used frying oil. is that the soap she means?

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Blacks confirmed soap eaters


>mfw I smell like a nigger

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What's wrong with Irish Spring?

Fucking niggers

i was in the grocery the other day and this fat black woman was walking 10 feet in front of me and all i could smell was that horrific smell of nigger hair that hasnt been washed in months

It's a known fucking fact that nigger bitches have weave in their fucking hair and don't wash it. Wtf is this delusional bitch Goin on about.

No, poor niggers have a smell all their own. If you need it further explained go watch Parasite.

>nig nogs on twatter are talking about Yas Forums now
Goddamn normalfags ruining my fucking board

wrong, garlic and onions are very healthy and they will make your pits smell like garlic and onions, and that smell ferments if you dont wash it off soon enough

poos smell strong but nigs smell terrible.

Every race smells different to each race.

And pet owners, too. Their homes all smell disgusting.

Haha touche nignog. You win this round. Now you can go back to the projects and tell your homeboys how you stuck it to whitey today. And you did t use ebonics even once...Good job little buddy!


black people smell like cocoa butter and welfare.

I went to Jr. High that was half black. Never smelled it before that-- but you know instantly what it is and you never forget it. Probably has at least something to do with adolescence/hormones. Lots of authors have written about it. William Faulkner used phrases like "the smell of negroes" fairly often. Thomas Jefferson wrote about it. Can remember Henry Louis Gates writing about it and it sounded like he had a complex.

LOL no black people stink. Legit. Like a putrid sour smell. Enless they are using sewer water soap it certainly not soap.

>fellow white people

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Blacks are good at bantering. That's their redeeming quality.

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Irish spring is based prove me wrong

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I use that shit and pale, redhead chicks start river dancing, it's based as fuck.


Blacks don’t buy highend anything
You’re an utter failure, Jamal

Literally nothing. Irish Spring is based and whitepilled

when a poo tells me something smells worse than shit, I listen.

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they only have two hobbies - killing other spearchuckers and avoiding their mulatto children.

Smells like skunk. Ever since they legalized pot here it reeks of skunk & when I turn around the person is black. It's really sad when it's a pregnant female dragging Maury's army out of the car.

Who the fuck actually smells like soap for more than 15 minutes after they wash, anyway? You rinse that shit out
Also using bodywash can often actually make you smell worse because it changes the microbiota of your skin. Head, armpits, groin, ass. Nothing else needs to be washed with soap in the shower, except feet for some people.

human evolution doesn't exist user, we're all the same

No I mean that weird ass musky smell constantly coming off them.

Naw the whites are right, blacks do smell funky and it's not soap. I work in a hospital and everyone who works here agrees black patients smell the worst. It's not even a racist stereotype, it's the truth. Also if you google "why do black people smell bad?" there are 1000s of pages about it and tons of people asking the question. I'm sure it hurts black folks feelings which is why they always attack whites when its brought up but whites arent the only ones who have noticed it.

Poos usually just smell of spices and musk. Niggers have a ripe aroma, like a sack of garbage that's been covered in Cocoabutter and rosewood oil then left in the midsummer sun for a weekend

Dries out your skin, makes you look older. Too many whites were never taught to moisturize or use conditioner or dress attractively, myself included. That's why too many of us age like shit and look like fucking dorks. It took me over 10 years to teach myself how to look my best after growing up washing with the cheapest soap and shampoo (no conditioner) and being dressed in boot cut jeans from Marshall's. Save money where you can, though: you don't need to buy deodorant. Dab your damp finger in baking soda 2-4 times and rub it on your armpit instead. It's much cheaper and you'll avoid the xenoestrogens in commercial deodorants.


Yeah, poos just smell like their food which isnt a good smell but it isnt even remotely as bad as the smell blacks put off.

>giving people grooming advice when you dont even use deodorant

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Das rite! We beez washin n wipin

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Niggers smell like a greasy deep fryer.

Vegans stink like farts and hemp

And here we have the common response of a filthy white cracker that has been proven wrong, stfu honkey and go fuck your mom u inbred white trash

Can you read? You should use baking soda instead.

The smelly shit niggers put in their hair and on their skin IS NOT soap.

Yeah, right... soap isn't made out of 100% coconut.


Shut up white trash u smell like rotten cheese

who else uses this stuff

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Yeah, no. As a black thats been around other blacks, theres a smell. And its even after showers. I dont smell it around others. Shes a black woman in denial.

like a nigger knows what soap is

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No I'll stick with deodorant since I'm not so poor I have to quit buying deodorant to afford pants and shampoo.

you already know this black girl is looking for some racist white cock lurking around on nazi websites

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That word has no more power over us lmao, go back to Europe honkey

this. I remember being a kid and waiting in line at blockbuster and some sheboon and her niglets in front of us smelled like DOG SHIT like actual shit. I will never understand it. I've had this experience a few times after as well. I had a couple black friends growing up and I ask them. They said some black people just smell like that. They didn't though. I still don't get it.

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I checked it out in the store before and saw it had hops in it. No fucking thanks, m8. I'm not going to spread a potent xenoestrogen on my skin to be absorbed throughout the day. I use their bodwash and fluoride toothpaste though.

Based and Tompilled

yeah jimmies rustled

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Fluoride-free* toothpaste

They still smell like shit.


That’s news to me from a 80+ % black city.

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hops? like beer hops? wat

>Blacks usually buy nice high-end soaps
Okay, but do they use it.
You are retards

>Be a nigger
>Can't read
>Go to the shops and smell something good
>"Oh lawd dis mus be dat soap i hearin witey talk bout!"
>Steal it and return to humble den of scum and villainy
>Proceed to rub stick of cookie dough over yourself
>Act surprised when people are holding their nose and giving you disgusted looks when you're walking around with rotting chunks of cookie dough stuck all over your body

Yeah, fuck white ppl and fuck them letters they use! Reading is a white devil trick!

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what is that smell anyway? cocobutter?

I admit i've met a few whites that consistency smell like shit but i've met way more blacks that do.

whitenessed and soappilled

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The Egyptians made soap u fucking uneducated dumbass

if that's true how come half the time they smell like they haven't wiped

Always sad to see a pleb become wounded and spiteful after good advice from a benevolent person makes him feel inferior.

das right

Even with a rewash the clothes still smell if you get warm or it's sunny out. You need 2 rewashes minimum. And when your running late those rewashes may not happen.
You must travel in small circles and not know many white people with in house laundry.

Imagine having to use body spray, highly perfumed soap, coconut ridden hair lotion just to (partially) mask the nigger smell.

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"Me" maybe (you're learning) but "us" oh no, that word still has plenty of kick to it for those shit flinging baboon types that scream at college Deans or the ones who wear their pants around their thighs

They do have a smell tho. People are just afraid to talk about it anywhere but here because observations are racist

shove your stencil up your moldy neo vagina

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kek, this

Yes. It's as if their product that's marketed as a healthy alternative to the awful common household brands was a little too lacking in xenoestrogens for someone's liking. I don't know why you would need to put hops in deodorant.

Its cocoa butter and chicken grease. Cant buy soap with ebt, so niggers use cocoa butter and chicken grease to moisturize with. Some have the smell of newports, most smell like skunk piss from smoking weed.

go take a shower

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Story on this?

seriously I worked around mostly blacks in a warehouse setting and they always smelled different than other races.

>black people
you're all fucking wrong. blacks aren't people.

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Egyptians made soap? Um no it was the Babylonians sweetie... um err faggot

I can tell, you keep drooling when you're next to me, leaffag.

Source, aside from your ass?

it's cocoa/shea butter for their crocodile knees


>Too many whites were never taught to moisturize or use conditioner or dress attractively, myself included.
Whites? That's a funny way to spell "men."

>Save money where you can, though: you don't need to buy deodorant. Dab your damp finger in baking soda 2-4 times and rub it on your armpit instead.
Damn, you must live somewhere cold to be able to pull that off. Either that, or you have very fortunate genes.

Soap doesn't smell like spoiled milk mixed with sweaty laundry


>Egyptians were niggers whitey
>We wuz Kangz n sheiiit!
user I...

>A fucking pajeet talking about smell

Egyptians are black now?

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>Irish Spring
>cheap shit
Lad you stepping on some shamrocks you best not be stepping on.

This is my goto.

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Dunno, but when I eat tacos I also start smelling like onions so it definitely has to do with diet. The smell washes off though, so I don't know

So racist.

How do you know user's race? That's right, you don't. You just assumed he was white because you're a racist looking to justify your hatred. Nigger.

It pleases me that this nigger actually takes the time to come to Yas Forums and get smacked in the face by redpills. You know she's seen certain info graphics or anecdotes that have made her silent with rage and nothing to really say.

It pleases me that these apes come here to be abused by reality.

I'd argue that all but the most upper class white women have a lot of bad habits that make their skin age like milk, mainly tanning their skin shit-brown and not wearing sunscreen or protective clothing during the summer. I encourage you to try more baking soda as needed and maybe some cologne instead of using carcinogenic and estrogenic chemicals from a jew megacorp. It's worth a shot, a box of baking soda is about 50 cents.


What does milk even smell like?

>black people
I would never say this as there is no such thing as a black person.

Nogs don't shower much, and when they do, they usually don't shampoo their hair. Some even avoid getting their head wet at all. That's where the nigger stank comes from.

no, it's shit

I use Mitchum, it's alright.

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Black people unironically think soap is enough and they don't need deodorant

Wow,guys look at this it roasted everyone in the WHOLE site

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I have seen so many black women bragging on Twitter about how they wash their hair maybe once a month. And, I believe them. Most black women smell like musty scalp. I think they must be nose blind to it.

>needing deodorant to not smell like a dogshit
What, do you only take a shower once a week or something?

Literally the opposite of the truth lmao

Niggers were cursed by God. All the shampoo in the world can't wash that away.

You answered yourself in your question. You said niggers. Where else can you say that? Niggers need to be called niggers. It's the only way they'll act right. Black people used to call niggers niggers but apparently black rap culture made "nigga" some kind of a pet name so its lost most of its punch.

The niggers here smell like a mix of smoke and rancid fat. I rent to lots of them and am very familiar with the smell as I frequently have to clean up after they chimp out on one of my properties.

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Walmart doesn't have high-end soap

>Whole time, it's soap
Nah, it's the weird chemicals you put in your hair to straighten it. The filthy dread locks and the fake weaves

Niggers smell like old fryer grease and toe jam.

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Yeah idk.... Doesn't smell like soap.

Just looking at their responses, it seems like they think they hurt our feelings.
Jfc, every time I think nogs can't be any more retarded, they manage to pull some shit like this.

Never seen a bar of soap made out of mud, weed and petuli oil. I wonder where they buys it - OH who am I kidding, they probably steal it.

> Soap
i think that word doesnt mean what she thinks it does.

You can walk into any recently vacated apartment or office space and smell that blacks had occupied it. It's a musty greasy smell.


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Wash yo ass, nigger. Also, kys today.

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Lol u kno she was only on here because she was stroking her clam reading one of those WMBF threads thinking about gleefully submitting to the gentle yet firm domination of The White Man, her pussy's one true master.

>using soap to mask your natural musk

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Pretty sure soap shouldn't smell like shit

Ah user beat me to it

>mfw niggers have corona virus

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I'm Hispanic and I also buy Irish Spring and other basic soap.

Why do nigger monkeys spend so much to clean themselves?


Because Yas Forums is "Internet hate machine"

Kek i came here to say this.

The Japs complained that Englanders and Dutchmen traders smelt the worst due to our consumption of cheese.

Tbh i have complained about everything but their niggerstink but here we go, i was headed to the tax office and there was 2 niggers and a sheboon in the waiting room, i could only sit there for 5min then i said fuck it and ghosted the thing i was supposed to do there, i cant describe the smell, somewhere between human feces and body odor, they fucking reek, do they ever wash? God damn and the other day at the store i needed help finding tabasco sauce and i know theres a nigger stocking the isles there, i could literally track him by his horrible stench, i swear i could have found him blindfolded, mudsharks are fucking disgusting a fucking dog is cleaner.

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Niggers confuse cocoa butter as soap

GOT 'IM! kek

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Niggers are the color of poop.

Nope. All niggers stink.

this is correct

based chek'd of truth

Why do niggas deflect like kikes when it comes to valid criticism? Cocoa butter or lotion, plus days of not showering because water fucks up their hair style, equals the smell. This is compounded exponentially if they have dreads. Biologically, black people produce the most BO. This is a scientific fact. It's also a scientific fact that if you are constantly exposed to a smell from a young age, it's not going to register nearly as much to you with your own nose. Hence, why many blacks don't really understand why white people and asians take offense to the odor, and think that it be racist and shieeet when they do. But there are blacks out there that fully acknowledge this shit, and nine times out of ten, they're the ones who get called uncle toms. Black people are their own worst enemy because they always defend their niggers, and consequently, bring themselves down to niggerdom.


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but they literally smell like shit. like literal shit. either nigger tier soap or niggers just smell like shit

But what if he's from the suburbs? Also nigger monkey ape simian dindu.

>using bar soap like a pleb

America is Europe.