I think it's time we enforce the treaty of Sèvres

Turkish police are committing acts of war against Greel border guards, and the Turkish coast guard are launching rubber dinghies full of immigrants. Meanwhile the Turkish media is spreading misinformation by telling the 'refugees' that 130k+ people have successfully entered Greece. And to the international community they're telling that Greece is is pushing people back into Turkey, and claim that Greek authorities have killed multiple people. It's long overdue to solve the roach problem. Turkey must be kicked out of NATO for acts of war against its allies, and reducing its territory ensures that they won't have the capacity to do so by these means again.

Attached: sevres-map.jpg (800x491, 205.32K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Also have some source: abc.net.au/news/2020-03-05/turkey-says-greek-forces-killed-migrants-trying-to-cross-border/12026950

Absolutely based, thank god Greece has some fucking balls.

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Fuck the roaches honestly.

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Based. Turkey must adhere to international law and accede to its post-war obligations.

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Erdogan cucked Orban so hard even after he gladly sucked his dick

He's just trying to be on good terms with a lot of authoritarian governments, but after this I assure you that his attitude will change.

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big respect for Greece finding its balls again !

pls remember to remove female rights, or you'll get total tyranny and corruption again !

Europeans are white niggers.

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That water bottle was filled with LSD and they later raped the child while his mind was melting
Checkmate atheist

>white niggers
What did he mean by this?

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Then gtfo out of europe u semetiv asian mutt

White nigger: White people who have the mental capacity of a nigger. Just like you.

European's riches belong to all peoples of the world, because you stole it like the niggers you are.

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Give Anatolia back to the greeks and Armenians and then we talk u mongrel

Why? They chose to attack their Turkish neighbours in the 20th century and got the BTFO, hard.

Don't cry like a bitch when someone punishes you after your violent crimes againts the humanity.

Why? They chose to attack their Turkish neighbours in the 20th century and got the BTFOed, hard.

Don't cry like a bitch when someone punishes you after your violent crimes againts the humanity.

just napalm the subhuman invader horde

run along little dog

No Turks were warmongers. Apologize.

give back eastern thrace to bulgaria

boom easy solution to the invaders at the gates

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Confirmed actuall nigger, nice cope N I G G E R

We ruled your subhuman cousing lawfully for centuries, we gave them safety againts invaders, we let them speak their own language, we let them keep their religion.

When european subhumans conqured Iberian peninsula, they burned the Muslims on stakes. At the 20th century they butchered the Balkan Muslims by the millions.

Europea is the asshole of the world. They know nothing other than stealing and killing.

White men must die for the civilization to go forward.

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>he Posts this in a european country
Then why don’t u go back if u don’t like it?

Because Europe has no armies and its ethnically to diverse to allow a war against a muslim state.

But we literally carried other civilizations. What did roaches like u contribute to the world besides conquest?

nice failed offensives vs the hungarians turknigger
skanderbeg raped the hell out of your "people" for decades even when you casually brought 100,000 each offensive

>European's riches belong to all peoples of the world, because you stole it like the niggers you are.

>the second they get tossed from nato

Attached: putin_young_12.jpg (557x700, 63.04K)

They honestly should face consequences for what they are doing, sanctions atleast

Skanderbeg went to Turkish military school, lived side by side by Turks for all his life, then he betrayed his friends. Same with Vlad the Impaler.

>White men proves they can not be trusted and will backstab at the first opportunity.

Thanks for bringing it up, nigger.

And then those 5 millions will come to Europe, last time we got 3 million.

Can we give East Thrace to Bulgaria instead?

>wwaaaaahhhhhhh skanderbeg had the needs of his people as his first priority
all those retarded turkniggers who came to stop him surely also went to roach "military school" too and somehow managed to get smashed with free never ending reinforcements and casually raised 100,000 armies

Attached: balkan.jpg (1440x810, 124.17K)

imagine being a roach
going to try to invade the hungarians for like the 20th time
go to siege one of their castles again
get killed like 20 or 40 to 1 and the hungarians never ever surrender and fight to the very last man
get burning oil poured on you when you try to pour into the breach and become even browner and blacker
retarded roaches.

>White men thinks he is the beacon of civilization

If you hadn't steal from other civilizations, we would be witnessing the rich african countries. And you niggers would be trying to immigrate there.

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You guys have a nice heritage of stopping the shitskin invasions, so do us a favour fren and impale the invader in minecraft if it comes to that, anyway what do you think EU should do then just take it up the ass and let that roach Erdogan be a bully and fund literal terrorists in Syria?

We dont have a heritage of stopping anything if we are to look at history objectively and also everyone is pro immigration and refugees here so if they come trough Greece or Bulgaria we will integrate them like we did when they came in 2015.

The only reason you haven't been glassed like the roaches you are is because Uncle Sam wants to use you as an outpost.

I fucking wish liberal boomers would just die so Russiagate bullshit would end and we can finally reform NATO and kick out parasites like Turkey from it.

If you fancy skanderbeg don't cry like a bitch when immigrants in your country make their community first then your country.

>Muhh immigrants don't intagrate
>angry white noises

kes lan eşşoğlu eşek dumb subhuman hellenized arab

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>they burned the Muslims on stakes
And that's a good thing!

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Nope might makes right. If u can’t defend yourselves then get rekt. We will take anatolia back.

You will take refugees and you will like it, nigger.

albania was invaded land you retarded shitskin, just because he decided to stand by his people doesnt mean he hurr suddenly is a bad guy. i bet you are the kind of turkroach who thinks the baltic rebels were traitors for revolting vs the invading soviets

Africa still is rich on resources. Their fault for electing corrupt polticians.

Who is Michael the Brave then? What the fuck people are pro immigration in Romania, I did not know that, when they came here they never integrated

>literal meme country talking about invasion

Get fucked in your own country, nigger.

The free city of Constantinople ??

Michael the Brave was a one in a million leader but in the end he was killed by his own allies.And yes people in Romania are not nationalist and completely agree with every EU law and principle and constantly defend immigration and globalism.

>be stupid
>highlight your stupidity with a picture

Classic subhuman. You are so inferior that you totally lost your mind. It must truly feel terrible to be born into an inferior body.

He was a refugee in Ottoman Empire and stabbed them in the back.

I'm looking forward when Muslims in your countries start killing your people everyday. I will say "well, they like skanderbeg so they must like it now".

That does not look like a language that is spoken in Belgium. After the next elections, we will finally start purging you.

i live in an area with literally no towelheads
>become a bunch of towelheads
>nnnoooo why are towelheads such an issue in the land we are occupying

If we don't belong anywhere on a map where did we come from you dumb nigger

We already did take 175 thanks to our scum government, but thats actually good because people are starting to get pissed off to this government already, just one more thing to add to their mistakes

>That does not look like a language that is spoken in Belgium. After the next elections, we will finally start purg-

Attached: boooooom.png (679x382, 310.21K)

>he stupid
>he subhuman
>he inferior

Don't you have anything smart to say, you fucking subhuman nigger? I think everyone who reads this convo can easily understand who is subhuman and who is not.

Go back to being a bunch of weak, cowardly, pedo-worshipping roaches.

Don't worry, towel heads will get to you, nigger.

Well fuck, why is that?

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maybe he should stop whoreshipping a fucking kike lmao

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uhuh yeah turkroach nigger keep thinking that, they think my people are backwards as hell and our rural areas are too scary and not a city so they dont like living here

Just kill the Anatolian Goatherds and be done with it.

Attached: Operation Raid.png (1866x946, 3.13M)

Because nationalism is a foreign sentiment to a people who have been conquered and mixed by every empire or marching horde.

>repressed balkan people with huge taxes, forbid the public display of their religion, burn down their temples, ran dozens of campaigns to muslimize them, forced them to learn turkish and speak in their mother tongue only in their houses, took their sons to use them as soldiers later on(bc yall t*rk are brown manlets and cant do it yourself), stunt their cultural development for centuries, let rampant steppeniggers from modern-day Ukraine to settle in the Balkans who run around pillaging and raping their neighbours, used the islamic judicial system to always rule in favour of a muslim ina dispute againsta christian and finally when ruskies/austrians always beat the shit out of you, you resorted to raping and killing the christian locals on ur way back to Constantinopole
Yea, t*rk mutt bastard, pay reparations right now.

You won't be when your glorious Hitler-wannabe gets rekt for one last time, and you're left at the mercy of actual humans.

From satan's anus.

Where are all the Greece border threads
>Where are all the Greece border threads
Where are all the Greece border threads
>Where are all the Greece border threads
Where are all the Greece border threads
>Where are all the Greece border threads
Where are all the Greece border threads
>Where are all the Greece border threads
Where are all the Greece border threads
>Where are all the Greece border threads

nah erdo and putin are buddies, and most likely erdodog will lose elctions since people are fed up with the arabs here and well elect a KEMALIST this time

enjoy your long lost syrian brothers and sisters lmao

Attached: turkiey.png (599x812, 675.1K)

skitter skitter skitter
the roach makes it move
it shits everywhere
eats anything
even the indian's loo
where is he going to poo
oh no
the roach ate that too

Lol Russia and the rest of europe can fuck your roach paradise in a week

Because that's what you do in a negotiation. If Turkey wants help from the EU then logically they would need to compromise on some things in a negotiation. It sounds fair to me.

Greece vs Turkey (No NATO)

Light blue: Nations that are likely to take opportunistic shots at Turkey during a war, or attempt to heavily influence it against Turkey.

Light blue stripes: Kurdish insurgents

Purple: Nations likely to send vast sympathetic aid to Greece.

Grey: Neutral/Uninterested.

PS: Forgot to make Crimea russian.

Attached: Turkey vs Greece.png (940x477, 70.09K)

Lol fucking retard you’ll go back one way or another

They aren’t. Especially when turkey is responsible for flooding europe with migrants also not forgetting the fact that turkey shot a russian jet few years ago. Putin most likely will not forget that.

Good. Kill all greek border police. Rape and mutilate Ursula-von-der-Leyen-in-by Niggers. Hail racemixing imperator Trump.

based. thanks for the map, starting to see this battlefield more clearly now.

>in your wet dreams

Chose one

As an Albo thank you for making an accurate map. People keep including my people as red even though have of Albania are atheists and a quarter are Christians and we don’t really care about either one btfo eachother.

Although as an orthodox Albo my solidarity is with the orthodox community but both Greeks and Turks have rubbed us the wrong way so all they get is prayers

we all know this war would end with another greek and armenian genocide which you wont shutup about for the next 100 years

Why do people think turks letting unarmed foreigners cross their border is going to result in a war?


Chose one you fucking nigger. Russia and NATO hate each other's guts.

Indeed fuck monoraceinferiorcommunists like jewish Biden.

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why not just give it back to the europeans and get some aid? it sounds fair

>Especially when turkey is responsible for flooding europe with migrants
they are not, they come at their own accord, no one forces them... also turkey is not responsible to be your babysit dumb entitled brat, you dont even pay up the other 3B

the plane was done by FETO, putin even warned erdogan with the coup in 2016, you have no geopolitical iq