Why are men so passive these days?

Everyone is so boring and weak. It's hard enough to find people who actually enjoy working out, much less those who can appreciate a good scrap. When did men become such weak, emotionless faggots?

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endocrine disruptors have been released into the environment

but they don't affect everyone the same

what happened to the days when ripped fit handsome men could just get naked and roll around and scrap together? it's so boring not having chad's dick in my butt. faggots!!!

gym is boring desu

from brainwashing by elites and fems for a couple decades now to care more about cartoons and video games and the NPC collective than being an independent ambitious man. much easier for those at the top to control and stay in power if everyone becomes weak little beta bitches

naturally, our bodies operate not on absolute levels of hormones but on ratios, so if you have a low E and low T but a good ratio you'll develop normally. But if something is mimicking E or destroying T that will not happen.

we should bully weak men

Nothing to get excited about. Nothing they want to strive and fight for. Just here to consume and then die with the cycle repeating yet again with the next generation.

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bully them by drilling them in combat exercises

Nothing to do, and everything worth accomplishing gets shit on anyway. What's the point?

Just block their paths and get in their faces to see how they respond. Men need to realize that combat can happen at any time, in any place.

When you jerk off to internet porn three times a day you just loose the will to be active, to compete, to discover and explore..

Because that stuff is nerd shit

the real problem is letting low iq fuckwits live past the prepubescent age. monitor young boys til the age of 13. that's plenty of time to determine a persons intellectual potential. the ones with a preference for "working out" and "appreciate a good scrap" can safely be taken out back and shot.

>Leaf tells bullshits
Imagine my no-shock

Ive spent the last 3 years ducking roasties and trying not to get MeToo'd. Plus men dont want the baggage of dealing with "STRONK POWERFUL OPINIONATED LIBERAL WAHMENS!"..If you want to build wealth and a better life avoid women and be as passive as possible

The one's who will take someone out back and shoot them are people like me. You are out of touch with reality.

day of the locker is coming soon, incel

Men who aren't passive are in prison.

T. Felon

Lel criminally underrated.
Pun totally intended.

Computer games

The men who got caught are in prison.

>yelling at an uppity bitch lands you a domestic voilence charge removing your right to own guns
fuck it. let em burn.

>The men who got caught are in prison

You aren't a man. Stop pretending.

Why are you mad? lmao

There are no women on the internet. Noone would bother larpingas a man.
Sod off.

That's what guns are for,

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Probably when the American Psychological Association deemed traditional masculinity as a mental disorder which prohibits those men from owning firearms and lock them up in the feminized loony bin.

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but if fitness culture didn't even really started before the 90s

>Why are men so passive these days?
Our mothers.

You've obviously never lived in the hood. Carrying a gun as a weak man will only get you killed.

Slide thread is sliding. Sage.

Because most of them know they are playing an unwinnable game of political correctness. What man of sound mind wants a fat ugly useless cunt living in his home, bossing him around, blaming him for everything. Oh, the sex. Well which men want to fuck a slab of ham? Which men want to have kids with a slab of ham? A moaning complaining, lazy, useless, critical slab of ham? Then he gets to work and fail at a job all day long. He has the eternal self improvement project to become good enough for a SLIGHTLY better woman with three kids from two fathers? WTF! Why fight? Why strive? What? For more shit no guy wants or needs? And the Chads of this world aren't faring much better. Sure they get better quality LOOKING cunt to fuck but they still have the same struggle. She's still a constant teenage back seat driver that bosses him around and criticizes his every short coming. She's still looking to jump ship at her earliest convenience until she realizes her looks have faded and she is best to stay put.

We all know about the divorce rate and the domestic abuse issue. We all see the messaging in our work places. Men, especially white ones, no longer necessary. Well fucking good, we don't want the job you are selling us anyway. Working jobs we hate to attract women that are so god awful unattractive on the inside and on the outside? Where is the benefit? Having a wife good enough not to take your fucking legs out in a divorce. Imagine being divorced by a fat pig that you never had any sort of attraction or connection to. And she takes your home, half your income and your kid and the kid she said is yours but we all know isn't. And you are left with HALF of your ability to attract a woman half as attractive as her. FUCK NO!!! Not worth the effort. Juice is not worth the squeeze!!! Do not want! Will not fight!

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The weak are food for the strong. We will eat their flesh and drink their blood.

Wireless technology cooked our dicks and brains. Society seriously took a plunge around 2008 (iPhone). Before that we still had weed, niggers, NWO, faggots, but it all made a lot more sense.

Damn. Right in the feels.
Checked for truth and screen capped.

Pure distilled truth, sums it up really

You should do something productive with your time.

Because you're not looking at the right place.
This meme is the truth - If you are interested in video games and are looking for guys in the library, you won't find what you're looking for.
That's why you got church gatherings - many people appreciate one God and every Sunday they have a gathering where they meet and greet. Eventually, you meet a religious bigot and you two start going out.

This is for starting something more serious ofc.
If you are just looking to ride some dick, then I have bad news for you - people like that with their combined iq of 20 are only going to be talking to you about either how much they lift or how shitty you cook.

because most of us consciously realize that women today have insanely high standards and for most men it's not even worth trying.

if men don't believe they can reasonable get a girlfriend/wife, they wont be motivated to do anything

feminism is emasculating them from a young age

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compassion is weakness


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I love raping tough girls, especially lesbians

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great sportsmanship

girls can be cruel dude

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just rape them. if you do it right they will admit to enjoying it and basically become your fuck slave

These pics prove nothing, the chicks are wrestling 106lbers. The weakest of all men. No kidding they are beating them up lol, I haven't been below 200lbs for 10 years.

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See also: Sensitivity training. You women wanted this, now take your medicine.

Masculinity is criminalized, and that's a good thing.

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those chicks beat guys stronger than you every day dude, there's no way you can rape any of them

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Cry some more faggot. It's not gonna stop me from cooming in their flaps

Idk instead of complaining about it on 4 chan. Google boxing clubs or mma gyms like legit ones. American top team etc walk in the door and say you wanna spar

there's also chick beating guys much taller and stronger than 106
look the biceps on this guys, he's huge but she still kicks his ass

all the most betazoid numales I know work out.Working out by itself does nothing other than make you more healthy physically. It can't counteract brain washing or the damage a single mother does to a male child.

I'm not interested in the sport. I want to hurt people. I want to drink blood. I want people to experience things worse than hell.

Thanks for generosity in letting trained fighters not feel your wrath op.

Street fighting is real fighting. I would bare knuckle but its illegal where I live.

Join a boxing club you stupid fag

Because men have been over-satiated. Food? The world is obese. The need to COOOM? Porn is everywhere and free. Entertainment? All sorts of variety and most of it free. That self-loathing and hate you can't quite pinpoint the reason for and need to let out? Say mean things on the internet while you're taking a shit. All this and all you have to do is work in your cuck cubicle for a few hours a day. It's a beautiful world, isn't it, goy?

Guns are for weak men. lmao someone can easily kill you with a fucking SPOON.

Not an excuse. If she can't behave like an athlete, she shouldn't be able to compete. Women and their egos.

I already spar. Stop assuming shit you beta faggots.

Please stop being a faggot. Even someone with only a single year of experience at a boxing gym could fuck you up dude.

Stop being a narcissist, face reality, take your licks, grow and become a better person physically and mentally.

You aren't as "tough" as you think you are. You couldn't last 2 minutes dude.

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>why are men so passive these days?
We don't want our lives ruined for speaking out against a nigger or a Jew or a tranny.

post a pic of your muscles now if youre so tough

You should know that looks don't dictate fighting ability. Fights are won in the mind before they are fought.

That's where you're wrong, fatso.

This. Men need to stop being compassionate to those who claim to be our equals, and as of now, claim to be better than us.

tyson fury vs deonte wilder. I'm not fat either.

>appreciate a good scrap
Pic related is what OP craves.

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Fuck I love Doom. Who else /monthlyUVplaythroughs/ here?

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bullshit. this is fake.

I'm lanky I've got nothing to write home about. I've won about 3 amateur bouts though. Fighting is 90% cardio. You're gonna get tired real fast and get fucked up. Muscles are alright for increasing you mass, but they decrease your overall endurance. Muscle dudes get tired real fast. Fat guys are a mixed bag because they could be hiding some real strength under that fat and you wouldn't know.

Weight classes exist for a reason, fat dudes could POTENTIALLY fuck you up if they train.

It's going to sound gay but boxing is mostly cardio and technique. You probably aren't throwing punches right. I did it worng for a couple years before I finally stopped being a stupid fuck and listened to my coach.

You wont want to fight people once you get good. You could seriously end someone elses life over some bullshit and go to jail.

People are fragile. You watch street beefs on youtube and then go watch some mike tyson matches. There is a grand canyon of difference.

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Nobody wants to get arrested. If men were real men these days they'd all be locked up for punching someone or for sexual harassment (aka flirting)

No one is fighting for survival anymore. Grocery stores are lined with food, electricity and air conditioning exist, there is fresh water without even knowing it's a semi rare commodity outside the first world.

What did you think would happen?

didn't you see how heaven fitch celebrated flexing her arms non stop after winning the finals at state?
if a guy did that he'll get reprimanded in a second


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how and why tho?

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It is the legal system. Back in the day, if you got into a good scrap or bar fight, that was all it was. There was a winner and loser, or it got broken up. Boys will be boys.
Now masculine behavior has been pathologized and made illegal. Get into a fight today and what happens? You both get arrested. Try raising your voice to a woman? Arrested.
You can't even go drinking with coworkers anymore because the wahmen feel left out and complain.
We let women vote and now the civil and criminal laws make normal male behavior impossible.

if you get caught in kesa gatam, let alone by a chick, you deserve to get laughed at desu

Plenty of the men you love are in prison OP, you should join them :)

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That's also why you see so much police brutality these days. Men want to act like men but can't, so some become police to let the rage out, but it comes out imbalanced and extreme

Correct, and checked accordingly.



Domestication care of boomers, kikes, and thots.

happens all the time bro

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