Only countries with 0 Corona cases can post in this thread :^)

How is it going in your countries? Are there any shortages of food or medical supplies? Right now in Bulgaria we have no hand sanitisers,Tamiflu and masks cost like 1euro a piece (from the pharmacy), but everything else is on stock. No food,cig,fresh produce shortages of any kind.

Feels really comfy here. How is the situation in rest of Best Europe?

PS. Dont forget Rakia kills the virus, so stack on it! :^)

Attached: Eastern Europe = Superior Europe.jpg (819x590, 62.58K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Based thread

I am a rebel

Poland has its first confirmed case. Also I don't think we should brag that our govs are terrible at testing. Many African countries also supposedly have no cases

wtf it was 2 last i checked

If you dont test anyone, you dont have cases, africa way.

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we will surely miss this thread in the near future.

is it confirmed though? All I found was a quarantine.

You can scratch Hungary, Poland and belarus from the list.
actually its 38

Sorry bout that lads, got a bit of a couf

>actually its 38


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My city is fucking FULL of foreign exchange students and a lot of them are chinks. It'd be hilarious if only the healthy ones came here and all of the plague went to the west.

no complaints here

That map is wrong, 2 got reported here.

>feelio when you fail your V4 bros
Not that we did it first but it sucks.

Fucking Italians fucked it all up for Europe

A bunch of middle class ski holiday faggots brought the virus back to their home countries

>You can scratch Hungary, Poland and belarus from the list.

tfw Brazil has (a few) Corona cases too

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Hírek te géniusz.

Az első két fertőzött külföldi, iráni diákok, egyelőre tünetmentesek, de a Szent László Kórházba szállították őket - mondta.

Mától kezdődően a védekezés szakaszába léptünk. Minden nap délben ülésezik az operatív törzs, és utána tájékoztatják a sajtót - mondta a kormányfő.

Hozzátette: az operatív törzs megállapította, hogy a védekezéshez minden szükséges személyi, tárgyi és jogi feltétel, a megfelelő létszámú orvos és ápoló, eszközök és jogszabályok rendelkezésre állnak.


Being too poor to test /= no cases exist

sup bitches

in all fairness we couldnt test for it anyways besides reading some coca leaves..

based eastern europeans

I have tamiflu, corticosteroids, 100 masks, 4 fpp2 masks, 200 pair of gloves... Maybe you should have trusted Yas Forums earlier and prep'ed :D

Tartom a véleményemet, hogy a magyarok és a lengyelek immunisak a koronára. Isten velünk van.

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There's no working healthcare system here so of course the diagnosed cases will be zero lol

of course you don't have any cases, who the fuck would want to go to bulgaria

no bully
bulgs are nice

Bulinegyed gyakorlatikag ketyego bomba. Ha oda nem hurcoljak be a nyavajat, akkor sehova.
>nobody cares about Corona

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fix belarus

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6 cases here in Romania

I'm loving the New Bulgarian tourism ad campaign.

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No! No! No!


Hey gu-OH FUCK

feels so good

the rest of you dirty fucking cunts need to wash yourselves

>being a country so small and insignificant you don't even have a case

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i saw a local article about that today, I think our medics are fucking it up.
cope harder, faggot

I have all but tamiflu. Already bought everything a month ago. FFP2 masks were 0.50cents and ffp2 masks 1-2 euro each. Surgical masks 10cents.

Now any fpp masks are completely gone and surgical masks cost 1 euro+ from the fucking farmacy.

For an anti-viral i bough 3 boxes of Aviron Rapid. It's the closest you can get to tamiflu in Bulgaria and they still have it on shelves, check it out.

Attached: china numba 1.webm (460x460, 1.83M)

well you'd better stockpile some while you can because i live on the italian border and just got a job offer in sofia, i'm moving by the end of the month

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We probably already have a hundred cases because of the Intel extreme masters. That faggot carmac needs to be tried for crimes against the Polish people

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>Imagine being this butthurt over the fact that Eastern Europe has superior genes even tho our Medical is african tier compared to Western.

Sorry Western cucks, but we all know that Eastern Europe is the last hope of Europe. Have fun importing shitskins and diseases, meanwhile we will stay pure and healthy.

Karma is a real bitch, isn't it?

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It's just a matter of time, we're all doomed

We have two in Bratislava since Saturday, I'm not sure why nobody bothers to report on it. Maybe they really really wanted to post in this thread first.

We're just waiting for Planica and the next day 500 infected.

This is shopped right?

Can states in the US that also don't have confirmed cases post here too? Pennsylvania's clear thus far.

Checking in. My country of Derbyshire, England has 0.

Why does this remind me of the bubonic plague? These countries also didn't have many cases back then....


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*spits infected bile at u*

Jokes on you every country has it. we only don't know it for sure.

I mean it looks like someone just puts a lens over the eye.Where is the source for that webm?

You probably have infected, but your government doesn't want people without symptoms tested.
In Croatia I think almost no one of the infected has any symptoms. Everyone just put themselves into isolation since that one guy got diagnosed.

Why are there so many deaths in Italy, hospital got infected?

wtf is this

The government isn't telling us about it anymore. Not telling us how many have it. Not even where they live. The don't test people that haven't traveled so those that did and spread it aren't getting treatment

That's exactly what it is. If you've used contacts for a while you can do this with some practice.


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Not even a fucking virus wants to stay here.

its an old .webm, can't think of a source since there was non posted at the time. Probably more than 5+ years old or more, dunno..

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Poland already has it
so does Belarus and Hungary
now look at the a African continent and tell me you believe they are mostly unaffected
matter of fact it is already everywhere they just don't make it official if nobody is being tested

we're probably waiting for manufacturers to make enough masks before they announce cases. our greedy manufacturers sold everything to china.
then, there are elections at the end of april, that will be shit to handle.

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>there are elections at the end of april
Corona sandwiches?

>our greedy manufacturers sold everything to china.

Same here, not only the manufacturers. All the suppliers and pharmacies sold the masks abroad. Right now, currently, in Bulgaria we have literally no masks at storage, NONE.


Im just waiting for the first case to pop up, so that everything goes to shit.

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They found two infected students in Budapest too

Yep, that's the case. Rumors say sick people should just stay homee. They don't get tested unless they've been sick for 2 weeks and came from Italy. They outright admitted we won't close shit and everyone could die. Planica racks in the shekels, they want to squerze the teat dry then wonder why everyone is dying it's just a flew lmao.

Yeah Russia only has a single corona virus case too.

Based Slav medical systems having no money for tests.

First infected in Slovenia in 20 minutes. They cannot lie anymore.

shoutout to putin. vanquisher of corona chan.

People say that here we are expecting cases to pop up in max 2 days. The government just recieved couple hundreds of kits :^).

Enjoy the ride in next few weeks fellow Bulgarians.

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We are INFECTED prime minister CONFIRMS


šarec, twitter, najdu.

Niso povedal, cez 2 minuti bo dal Šabeder izjavo

na je prenos

>coofs on you
Wat do?

Not sure how we're not infected with our shitty health care. I thought I was infected for a while but now I'm just chilling. Alcohol hand rub is slowly going out stock tho. I'm surveying supermarkets and Costco like stores for any panic buying.

Here we go boys.


Ampak sem vedel da bodo čakali dokler JJ pride na oblast.


Noben ni tok neumen da bi verjel da smo neka razkuzena oaza. Že ko je bil Italijan na Hrvaškem potrjen bi moglo vsakem kapnit da je šel skos Slovenijo.

All our cases are filthy foreigners, so technically we're Corona-frei, like we were Juden-Frei once.

To je res, ampak od Trsta do Zagreba se lahko odpelješ brez postanka.

(Optimizem pa te fore.)

Nema ništa s prenosom, Šarec in kompanija so se ukakali


Ravno konec izjave;

Slovenec, prišel iz maroka skozi italijo.

Je na infekcijski.

Niso povedali ne starosti, lokacije itd; so pa povedali, da je bil že nekaj časa v Sloveniji, preden se je zglasil pri zdravniku.

the coronavirus is everywhere. There are countries that tell the truth and others that don't. Italy has really reported all their cases and created mass hysteria. The other countries are hiding the infections.

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Ireland has 2 OP and another two in northern Ireland today
Its done.

RIP civilisation a new dark age brought down in retribution for abortionists. We did not value life so God said see how that works both ways

I have met them at close of day
Coming with vivid faces
From counter or desk among grey
Eighteenth-century houses.
I have passed with a nod of the head
Or polite meaningless words,
Or have lingered awhile and said
Polite meaningless words,
And thought before I had done
Of a mocking tale or a gibe
To please a companion
Around the fire at the club,
Being certain that they and I
But lived where motley is worn:
All changed, changed utterly:
A terrible beauty is born.

Italijani preveč radi pumpajo na AC da bi šel kdo direkt. Pa še bli so tok zihr da bo šank dal dost razdalje.

Je mimgrede še prosu za azil

Nemogu ni procitat vas glupi jezik a kamoli prevest, crknite ampak pokliči svojo mami in oči da ti ga denejo u pizdu butec en porfuknen ne grej in vodo

What do you mean? They told the last diagnosed patient's city and age.


o tem ni blo govora, da bi bil ilegalec, načeloma če so v italiji ne rinejo k nam.

Hrvoje, sa svim poštovanjem, sisaj mi kurac.

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After we recover, will people recognize that authoritarianism/fascism was the winning strategy? Could this be the wake-up call the west has badly needed for so long?

Uljepsa mi dan, jebo mater svoju ludu, top kek

If you don't collect ethnic statistics, you don't have black people. You're brilliant, Francois. I never looked at it like this.


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So ga dali na UKC Ljubljana iz ZD Lucija pa so mu svetoval naj ostane raj doma preden se je javil, just a flew