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The TL:DR is that a panel of China's top scientist just published their treatment protocol for Coronavirus and it includes intravenous vitamin c at 50 to 200 mg per kg patient body weight per day. This is HUGE news as there have been proponents of IVC (intravenous c) to fight acute viral infection for decades, with a mountain of evidence supporting it, but the pharmaceutical industry has refused to acknowledge it despite peer reviewed papers confirming the results.

Here is a second example of a hospital in Wuhan coming to the same conclusion:

Here is Dr. Richard Cheng (PhD, MD) in China now as an Epidemic Medical Support Team Leader confirming that there are already three official clinical trials of high-dose vitamin c underway in China alone: youtube.com/watch?v=VMDX0RSDp1k

Here is just one of them: clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04264533

Here is Dr. Cheng again, this time relaying a recent anecdote of a high-risk woman who survived after going on ECMO with IVC: youtube.com/watch?v=6-elCYFhqJs

The same thing is happening in Korea. Hospitals all over China and Korea are beginning to admit that high-dose vitamin c is a highly effective therapy (for those who have been willing to test it). The West refuses to report on this, there is a media blackout on it, because there is so much money at stake. Trump just held a conference in the White House with pharma companies on developing a vaccine, they refuse to report on these developments because there are trillions in revenue from both acute and chronic disease that could be ameliorated with IVC (not only this one pandemic): here is the round table youtube.com/watch?v=4mzSlaA2Td0

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Other urls found in this thread:

ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/?term=Intravenous Vitamin C

>Why vitamin c?
99.9% of the animal kingdom biosynthesizes its own vitamin c. All the top doctors who have investigated this subject believe that the optimal human dose of vitamin c for your average adult is around three to five grams per day. You cannot possibly get this from a diet of fruits or any other food. This optimal number is extrapolated based on what other animals biosynthesize (or ingest in the case of the rare animals that cannot biosynthesize, such as fruit bats) in terms of milligrams ascorbate per kilogram body weight. The funny thing is that across the entire spectrum of the animal kingdom, all animals seem to follow nearly the same dose of milligrams ascorbate per kilogram body weight, universally. Mind you this is for a healthy animals, not one that is sick. Linus Pauling recommended about 3 g per day for a healthy human adult, in powdered form, dissolved in citrus juice such as orange juice, spread throughout the day (for example 1 gram in the morning, 1 gram in the afternoon, 1 gram in the evening evening). It's true that some of it will come out in your urine, Dr Pauling tested this. He found that, of the three grams that he took, a relatively minor percentage came out in urine. Given how cheap powdered vitamin c is, this is not a concern, and accordingly actively protected his urinary tract since vitamin c by its nature reduces oxidative stress. He lived to be 93 following his own advice (which included taking Lysine for cardiovascular support).

If you become acutely ill from a viral infection such as swine flu or coronavirus, and you were hospitalized, you would want intravenous vitamin c in the range of about half a gram per kilogram body weight per day. The numbers for a healthy human, and one under extreme stress or finding a disease are vastly different. The same is true in the animal kingdom. A healthy dog does not biosynthesize nearly as much vitamin c as one that is fighting an illness, by orders of magnitude.

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Liposomal vitamin c can be used to elevate serum levels when intravenous is not available. LivOn labs makes the only form I am aware of that is composed of true liposomes. It's expensive but worth it in a life/death situation (only the elderly/infirm would likely need this, so you could have some on hand for your parents for example). It works by depositing the vitamin c directly into cells (normally vitamin c competes with glucose for cell uptake, and takes energy to pump into the cells, it also has a relatively low absorption compared to liposomal).

Here are relevant videos that are all MUST watch:
Vitamin C 60 Minutes Report (short primer, not a lecture, but a true story): youtube.com/watch?v=VrhkoFcOMII
Dr. Suzanne Humphries (overview, good for those new to the topic, intended for laymen): youtube.com/watch?v=y0LLX0sgwAU
Dr. Thomas Levy (technical lecture, best for those familiar, excellent references to studies): youtube.com/watch?v=GH492eeTyjk
Dr. Linus Pauling (double Nobel laureate) (technical lecture intended for doctors): youtube.com/watch?v=2bymKIPaTws


518 studies on Vit C
ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/?term=Intravenous Vitamin C

The pasta references this taking off in Korea. Here is the video confirming that. It's got over a million views already. youtu.be/t2CJmmvpI4w

Put a link to this thread in every /cvg/ thread, towards the top if possible, each time a new /cvg/ is made. That's how you get the word out to anons, otherwise they won't see it.

Thank you for this thread user, keep up the good work.

Big pharma is rushing as fast as they can to get a vaccine out to get out ahead of this news reaching the West. They'll do anything they can to prevent westerners from learning about high dose ascorbate. listen to them talk about how they think they'll be ready to start vaccinating in three or four months youtu.be/cx_xTaKQt-E which is much faster than they previously estimated. They're pulling all the stops.

Here is the relevant bit translated user
> The patient's condition needs to be closely monitored. If the disease progresses significantly and there is a risk of turning into severe, it is recommended to take comprehensive measures to prevent the disease from progressing to severe. Low-dose short-course glucocorticoids can be used with caution (see the application section of glucocorticoids for specific protocols). ). 推荐使用肝素抗凝和大剂量维生素C治疗。 Heparin anticoagulation and high-dose vitamin C are recommended. 低分子肝素1~2支/d,持续至患者D-二聚体水平恢复正常。 Low-molecular-weight heparin 1 to 2 per day, continued until the patient's D-dimer level returned to normal. 一旦纤维蛋白降解产物(fibrinogen degradation product,FDP)≥10 µg/mL和(或)D-二聚体≥5 μg/mL,则改用普通肝素抗凝。 Once fibrinogen degradation product (FDP) ≥10 µg / mL and / or D-dimer ≥5 μg / mL, switch to unfractionated heparin. 维生素C每天50~100 mg/kg,静脉滴注,持续使用时间以氧合指数显著改善为目标。 Vitamin C is administered at a dose of 50 to 100 mg / kg per day, and the continuous use time is aimed at a significant improvement in the oxygenation index. 如出现肺部病灶进展,推荐应用大剂量广谱蛋白酶抑制剂乌司他丁60~100万单位/d,持续至肺部影像学检查改善。 If lung lesions progress, it is recommended to apply a large-dose broad-spectrum protease inhibitor, ulinastatin, at 600 to 1 million units / day until the pulmonary imaging examination improves. 一旦出现“细胞因子风暴”,建议采用间断短时血液滤过(intermittent short veno-venuous hemofiltration,ISVVH)。 In the event of a "cytokine storm", intermittent short veno-venuous hemofiltration (ISVVH) is recommended.

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Also notice how the doctor refers to therapies being tested in China, but only with regards to drugs. He will never acknowledge that there are three trials ongoing of high dose intravenous vitamin c therapies, in China, as we speak.

What is fucked is that China clearly learned about Vitamin C from research preformed in the west but the west basically refuses to deploy it.

We really need some enterprising user to translate at least the relevant part of this....

Yep. Here's a second presentation I found of Dr. Levy and an interview. Everything I find with this guy is pure gold. So much good information.

China also makes most of the worlds Vitamin C

Jews are gonna jew

Continuing from last thread: what type of vitamin C should I get? Should I just get it from a bucket, or are the normie vitamin c packets with 1000mg good enough? And how much mg should I work up to in day?


just bought stock in vitamin c

>Coronavirus and it includes intravenous vitamin c at 50 to 200 mg per kg patient body weight per day.
LMAO I am taking 1000mg pills PER DAY

Pauling used ascorbic acid the cheap stuff but you need to take it multiple times a day and in relatively small dosages each time, think a few grams.
Liposomal is much more expensive but almost all of it is absorbed by the body and you can take higher dosages at once.
Personally I use ascorbic acid and just take 3g multiple times a day. If I end up getting sick I will use liposomal in large amounts since I can't prepare an IV myself. Well I don't trust myself with an IV lets just say that.

>50 to 200 mg per kg patient body weight
You do realize that means up to 14,000 mg per day for a 70 kg patient, intravenously, which has 100% absorption, unlike oral

Just Epstein Corona patients.

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That's per kg. So say someone weighed 70kg, they should take 50-200mg × 70.

Jews and Redditors are going to doom us all with their vaccine shilling. Can't wait for this to be said as "le karen's bullshit, she took the kids xD!" and turned into a joke.

nice joke but no, corona will continue

IV Vit C solution (out of your league)
Liposomal (very expensive considering its over $1 per 1,000mg and you need upwards of 20k according to chinese method for several days)
Sodium Ascorbate (taken throughout the day in 4 to 6 hour intervals)
Calcium Ascorbate (alternative for people who do not want or cannot take extra sodium)


digits and they all die of corona

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So not a cure just another treatment

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Yup but this right here
>the continuous use time is aimed at a significant improvement in the oxygenation index
tells me it might just save your life. Especially with oxygen and what not about to be in a premium.
Its not about curing the cases that are out of control bad but rather those cases that could go either way it may be enough to push you in to survival.
Well that is what I have gathered anyway

>Liposomal (very expensive considering its over $1 per 1,000mg and you need upwards of 20k according to chinese method for several days)
Dr. Levy said that a clinical dose of liposomal is much less than intravenous, more like 6 grams/day, because liposomes are deposited directly into cells while intravenous gets it into your blood but it still has to get into cells, which requires energy (ATP) and isn't very efficient due to competition with glucose. He mentions this in several of his talks and interviews (I've seen like half a dozen of them now). That doesn't mean lipo can always replace IVC, it depends on what it's for, but for acute viral infection he specifically says the two are fairly interchangeable. Ideally you would want IVC and liposomal and oral (in both water soluble form, such as ascorbic acid, and fat soluble i.e. ascorbyl palmitate form) but that is definitely out of reach for most.


Sugar competes with Vit C for absorption. So avoid sugar. Also sugar worsens cytokine storms too which corona-chan can cause. Take your Vitamin C plain in water or something non sugary and get over it.

Keto diets are known to help reduce illness frequency and severity from its natually low carb diet nature, carbs which convert into glucose anyway. So consider a low carb diet, maybe not keto level of low but less processed sugars at least.

Sage for snakeoil shilling

Explain why it isn't a cure if the vitamin c acts as a virucide and kills them in vivo? No one knows the mechanism for sure but there are well documented theories ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22931805

Digits and corona chan kills billions

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oh my
hopefully I am not one of the billion
>chokes down more ascorbate

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Checked and based.

The body can only absorb so much vitamin C. Mega doses will result in digestive distress and also you will essentially pee out what the body can’t absorb. It’s a waste of money to mega dose daily and the hospitals never mega dose vitamin C as a legitimate treatment for anything

lmao it looks like big pharma will keep the lid on high-dose IVC after all.


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>t. never megadosed ascorbate while sick
Asked anyone who actually does it when sick. You might learn something.

What have you done user

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>hospitals never mega dose vitamin C as a legitimate treatment for anything
Save for this Doctor that has used it to help treat many things
oh and you have the Chinese doctors testing large amounts IV at the moment

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>Given how cheap powdered vitamin c is, this is not a concern
Not anymore goy, not anymore. Vitamin C is about to get as expensive as antiviral drugs.

>muh anecdotal evidence

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You asked for digits, you got triple digits. HAPPENING INVALIDATED Also that id

Worked for me too today. Took two high dosage vitamin C pills and my chest pressure and chough stopped. Like someone else said, either this is the most powerful placebo or this shit really works. This is unbelievable but it works. Thank you Jesus

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a "cure" is useless. we need a vaccine.

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This is my first post in all of this coronavirus stuff. I've been lurking daily since the start but I've never posted.

This discovery makes me really happy. I was getting scared. The death rate looked bad and it was clear china lied and so many things looked bad. i was getting scared. I'm not like many of you, I am not a misanthrope or full of hate or any of that, I just come here because it's news unfiltered by media outlets. I didn't want Corona-chan to kill millions.

Finding out that good old fashioned vitamin C has a noticeable effect on Coronavirus patients makes me really happy. This could save many lives. Many millions of people ARE going to get the highly infectious disease, but now that there is a reasonable treatment available, I'm so much less stressed about it.

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>everything that disagrees with me is an anecdote

Good. We're a death cult here at Yas Forums

thank you based user for spreading hope

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muh 5g
muh rationalization for or against Trump
muh vitamin c

some people's best option right now is to cope

What is the placebo effect, mongo?
>american education

Nice reframing there buddy. I bet you believe homeopathic kike shit and chakras work just because the people that coom them say they do.

inb4 Braaaampfff orders his cronies to completely disregard this so that big pharma can continue to work on some pozzed vaccines that'll do more harm than good

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>Vitamin C, the great secret
Many great powers, especially the one with navies, really struggled with this one until they figured they could literally suck on a lemon to keep people from dying.

Personally I didn't need thousands of diseased sailors to figure it out for myself, when I get the sniffles I can pretty much end it on command by taking some vitamin C orally, the kind of ones that dissolve in your mouth

I did the math for UK: some ~2 million people could end up dead.

Math: 1 in 5 people likely to get sick [1]. Of those, 1 in 5 are likely to develop 'severe' symptoms [2]. That's 1 out of every 25 people. UK population is ~70 million; 70*0.04 is 2.8 million people. Factor that in with the number of hospital beds. Nationwide we have under 200,000 [3]. Not all of those are intensive care, either.

I'm not usually one to panic/worry etc, but the numbers are starting to concern me.

1: bbc.co.uk/news/uk-51718917
2: bbc.co.uk/news/health-51214864
3: statista.com/statistics/473264/number-of-hospital-beds-in-the-united-kingdom-uk/

In arabo-french it means yesyes

It's now just a case of whether or not the west decides to implement the treatment or not. Hopefully, but we'll see.

Literally clickbait.
Explain to me how Vitamin C can cure an infectious disease without saying that vC is “””immune supporting”””
The only reason why we’re dumping ungodly amounts of money into research is because these treatments, the bullshit mushroom cures, exercise cures, vitamin cures, juice cures, cum cures, are all on the same level as fucking a virgin to get your AIDS taken away.
Prove any of it and I’ll stop laughing

It could be effective and China, South Korea, and anywhere else on the glob but the (((pharmaceutical))) will never admit that ascorbate does anything but prevent scurvy in low doses.
If you end up in the hospital you will probably have to kill a few nurses to convince them to even give it to you IV

>intravenous vitamin c
This just means they ran out of all the real medications

>Pharmacological ascorbate (vitamin C) as a pro-drug eliminates or kills influenza virus, probable by producing steady-state concentrations of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in extracellular fluid.

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>ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/?term=Intravenous Vitamin C
dont bother hes just baiting

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Here's how you can DIY.

Find dose for IV body weight. Find powder vitamin C. Find enema bag and distilled water.

Warm distilled water put in appropriate IV dose for body weight. Dissolve. Pour into enema bag. (hopefully you've already taken your daily shit).

Let the solution in a bit at a time to let your intestines absorb it into blood stream.

Your welcome.

(chances that you will get this treatment at an American hospital are zero.)

If you do NOT have wuflu this will 10/10 not harm you like their fucking HIV drugs and steroids. If you do have it--this will kill the virus. Not sure about the virus hiding out--might be a good idea to plot a system of attack that includes the idea that the virus detects an agent that will kill it and it goes into hiding until the agent is done...so plot attacks carefully to nail the asshole when it pops it's head back out (re-reinfections).

Remember do not do this like a regular enema--release a bit at a time rather than a stream that one would do for constipation.

(and good luck finding an enema bag because they try to stop people doing this.)

>being able to take 30x your normal dose without getting so much as loose stool is a placebo

Taken orally not effective the same as blood stream. Not useless but not the same. See my instructions on DIY into bloodstream.

POWDERED VITAMIN C...look for IV dose in research per body weight and follow my instructions.

You're wasting the vitamin c bro-your body can only absorb so much orally before it just comes right back out the other end.

>Coronavirus and it includes intravenous vitamin c at 50 to 200 mg per kg patient body weight per day.

this dose is for IV introduction into blood stream.

how much of enema vitamin c gets into bloodstream compared to oral

Jesus you’re dumb
>oh and you have the Chinese doctors testing large amounts IV at the moment
Key word TESTING

>You're wasting the vitamin c bro-your body can only absorb so much orally before it just comes right back out the other end.
Which is why you a relatively small dose multiple times a day to keep the levels high and constant.
still not as good as IV but better then nothing

>The body can only absorb so much vitamin C.
Orally this is true. What you don't absorb goes out your ass. BUT IV is different.

OK so if i take the 1000mg a day shit from the store, that you dissolve in water, is it going to do fuck all to protect me?

>Cheng L, et al. Zhonghua Jie He He Hu Xi Za Zhi. 2014.
Oh yeah, that guy. He always has this obsession with Chinese traditional medicine and never accepts that western medicine works.
By the way, the research is only applicable to Influenza capsid type viruses (H1N1, 2008s). The coronavirus is of a totally different structure, and while there could be some truth to it, vC as a prodrug for an oxidative species might as well be among the other 9 million things, like smoking cigarettes and literally injecting hydrogen peroxide in micromolar amounts. Why should we trust this (((data))) from China at all? They don’t even give us the real number of cases.
>be taking calls for epidemiology statistics
>guy talking on the end of the phone doesn’t want to give any number that looks bad
>tries to tell us he’s being monitored
>we go with it anyway so he doesn’t get murdered
Fuck China, fuck Chinese researchers. I moved away so I could not die of pneumonia and I do research so others don’t die either.

Most of the worlds commercial ascorbate (Vitamin C ) is made in China. How can we trust it’s not contaminated ?

Some light reading

No it isn’t. Everything is based on body weight

You can't. China doesn't give a fuck about purity standards for literally anything they make from steel to food.

Because enemas are unsupported by literature and CRs.
Literally just sublingually or buccally absorb your medication instead of fucking up your rectum. Most rectal issues are caused by foreign body irritation, and
will 90% of the time accidentally fuck it up. Don’t end up with a prolapsed anus. Just hold any solution under your tongue.


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It is. It’s all a sham or a scam.
I lived in Shanghai for years and the trad medicine was always killing people more often than saving them.
I even got a coronavirus there. Viral pneumonia, and what helped was paracetamol and any expectorant. Nothing else except bed rest.

Praise KEK!

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Here is a library of articles, each article with references to published papers and clinical research often published in major journals:

Here is one mechanism by which vitamin c is thought to inactivate viruses in vivo

Let the shills screech.

>oh that doctor no I don't accept that research
This isn't Eastern medicine or traditional Chinese therapy. This is Western medicine. All the pioneers of high-dose IVC were western men. Literally all of them. It's just that China doesn't have a pharmaceutical complex to overcome any time they want to give a treatment that brings little to no profit an honest look.

They did this same thing with our Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactor (LFTR) research as well. They came in, asked for all of our LFTR research, took it, and now are world leaders in developing molten salt thorium reactors and the reason is strategic: it's the cheapest most abundant energy source we know of, and the safest.

These parallels between IVC and LFTR are actually amazing to ponder. This all goes way over most people's heads (yours too I presume) but Yas Forums has enough brilliant people mixed in with all the retards that a few will get it.

Fuck that site has some good articles, thanks user

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It’s the same Chinese government funded journal of biomedical research. Every single pubmed article you share comes from
>Zhonghua Jie He He Hu Xi Za Zhi.
And why do you think they’ve cracked the code? A lot of this research has been there for over a decade and it doesn’t stop the massive epidemics in the south and coastal cities. Why should you trust them any more than the western medicine journals?
Show results in a clinical setting and weep at how much time you’ve lost clicking (articles like this) down at the bottom.

Companies in the usa like to brag about their stuff so ask them for their 3rd party lab testing proving their purity. Most will be more than happy to give it.

My pleasure user. The articles themselves are footnoted with primary sources. It's a very good place to go for this kind of research.

>It’s the same Chinese government funded journal of biomedical research
This is just a lie. Look at the papers footnoted in these articles you fucking retard orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/index.shtml

But even more importantly, this virus is the first time that any mainstream hospital in China has attempted high-dose IVC for acute disease. Go ahead and try to prove me wrong. The Shanghai protocol is a big fucking deal specifically for that reason.

This reeks of an anti-vax ledditor.

Since the intestines absorb nutrients directly into the blood stream I'd say it is comparable to the IV method. But do not release it ALL in at once

That means you're going to have to lay on your side in the bathtub with the rig hanging and read a book while releasing the solution a bit at a time. You have to release slowly. If you do it like you do an enema you will just shit it all out.

Think about an IV drip--it drips in and the rate they set the drip is dependant on treatment protocols..but an individual can indeed "drip" this into their bloodstream via enema.

>InB4 government bans sale of enema bags and powdered vitamin C.

Big pharma doesn’t control to the extent you think it does. It’s a boogieman to justify your paranoia, and a convenient way to feel superior despite zero actual education in the field.
Where did you study? What was your major?
Mine was neuropharmacology and a minor in epidemiology/virology focus. I know this research. I’m aware that vitamin C is essential for a healthy immune system, yet you cannot say that IVC is a cure. I see no use by practitioners constrained by cost, and while the big pharma you talk about does have tentacles into research, nobody does false papers better than the CCP.
Fuck pharma companies, and fuck the CCP. I just want to make drugs and sell them cheap, and the more you faggots push these idiotic cures the less the public trusts medicine as a whole, including your self centered bullshit.

How does this work with the corona virus being capable of entering the nervous system? Will it kill it even there?

This is nothing but cope from a faggot who hasn't looked at the research. This thread is full of links and lectures you've never explored and yet here you are screeching about it straw-manning it as CCP propaganda like a fucking idiot.

> riordanclinic.org/
There. That’s your funding for the website you posted. I hope you’re happy that you argued with me about this using a homeopathy website and called it a day.

>yet you cannot say that IVC is a cure
Would you accept something along the lines of those who receive it have a higher chance of survival then those who don't? Given the established positive benefits.
If that is the case fine, ditch the word cure, its a horrible word to use in this instance.

Vitamin c is structurally similar to glucose, it can and does penetrate everywhere just like glucose, including the blood-brain barrier.

The vitamin C studies are not new bro and not exclusive to China. China is trying it BASED on published studies and because NOT ONE of the other things they have tried has worked.

Yes it is bro. Putting the C directly into the blood stream avoids the digestive system and puts it to work immediately in the blood stream. Do you even science? Intestines absorb nutrients directly into the blood stream, that's their job. So doing a slow drip enema is a way to DIY the c directly into your blood stream.

LOL Enemas have been around, and used for introduction of medicines for thousands of years bro. Sublingual MIGHT help but it's still oral. You need this to go straight into the blood system.

And yeah a lot of you tards have no experience with the enema. But if the blood stream introduction works I'd suggest learning how. Maybe asking gramma. Cause Gramma knows. OR study a video. Be aware that most uses for enema is to drain it all in and shit it all back out.

DO NOT drain it all in, drip it in and let your intestines absorb it. Like an IV drip but for your ass.

Maybe it I put that scat play shit on here--believe it or not there are people who use enema as sex play and claim it enhances their orgasms.
>Inb4/pol/ rushes to buy enema kits.

lmao, first, that's a lie. Try to prove it though. I'll wait.

Second, the papers listed in the linked index are articles footnoted with peer-reviewed and journal-published papers. Even if the website was a shill site (it's not) the footnoted papers are real.

Your ignorant straw-grasping is fucking embarrassing to engage with.

I would say that this is the bare minimum:
4grams/day vitamin c
+ 2000IU vitamin D
+ 100mg Thiamine (help methabolization of vitamin c)

That's pretty good to hear. Nice to finally hear some good news when everything's so doom and gloomy right now.

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Bro--you will NOT know if it's a "cure" or not for Wuflu until they actually TRY it.

For DIY it's basically a cheap, and quite possibly effective protocol in the personal fight if one comes with it and there is not fucking hospital. For about 80 bucks one can get good quality vitamin C powder, a few gallons of distilled water and a nice enema kit.

There is no danger, if it works YEAH--if it does not--you had the fucking virus anyway, can't get medical care, anyway--please explain any possible negatives for people trying something?

Yes because Vitamin c passes the blood brain barrier.

>he’s never lived in a communist state
Please. I woke up to clear (hazy) skies, and we went to class. I passed a new Chinese rich man collecting (trash) donations. All throughout my walk I took a stroll down the wall of communist martyrs and then, right over that wall, the north waste (dump) recycling plant. Then, having finished my courses came back home to my home and bike down to the nearby (shanty) historical village in the (waste)land just south of our gated community. What a beautiful country! (Get me out of this shithole)
>They even fuck with their own maps to make it hard to tell what is where
>News is censored so hard I didn’t even know what the party stood for in a particular week
>science constantly being touted as superior while thousands die in the slums
>endless jewery at all times.
I swear, you’d have to pay me to go back and even then, I’d hate it.

A tear in your rectum from accidentally pushing too hard on the tube. A reaction from an over concentration solution with the intestine wall, leading to irritation and discomfort. A greater likelyhood of regional toxic effects. By the way, why is vC crossing the blood-brain barrier a good thing?

Lets be honest none of that is an argument against the published paper. What one must do is replicate the study and see if the same results are produced.
So do it, replicate the studies or provide examples of replicated studies with different results.

anyone that gets sick should immediately be put on keto

Rather than wait for your reply I'll just prove it right now.

Here is the staff at the Riordan Clinic: riordanclinic.org/doctors-staff/

Here is the Orthmolecular News editorial board:

Ilyès Baghli, M.D. (Algeria)
Ian Brighthope, MBBS, FACNEM (Australia)
Prof. Gilbert Henri Crussol (Spain)
Carolyn Dean, M.D., N.D. (USA)
Damien Downing, M.D. (United Kingdom)
Michael Ellis, M.D. (Australia)
Martin P. Gallagher, M.D., D.C. (USA)
Michael J. Gonzalez, N.M.D., D.Sc., Ph.D. (Puerto Rico)
William B. Grant, Ph.D. (USA)
Tonya S. Heyman, M.D. (USA)
Suzanne Humphries, M.D. (USA)
Ron Hunninghake, M.D. (USA)
Robert E. Jenkins, D.C. (USA)
Bo H. Jonsson, M.D., Ph.D. (Sweden)
Jeffrey J. Kotulski, D.O. (USA)
Peter H. Lauda, M.D. (Austria)
Thomas Levy, M.D., J.D. (USA)
Homer Lim, M.D. (Philippines)
Stuart Lindsey, Pharm.D. (USA)
Victor A. Marcial-Vega, M.D. (Puerto Rico)
Charles C. Mary, Jr., M.D. (USA)
Mignonne Mary, M.D. (USA)
Jun Matsuyama, M.D., Ph.D. (Japan)
Dave McCarthy, M.D. (USA)
Joseph Mercola, D.O. (USA)
Jorge R. Miranda-Massari, Pharm.D. (Puerto Rico)
Karin Munsterhjelm-Ahumada, M.D. (Finland)
Tahar Naili, M.D. (Algeria)
W. Todd Penberthy, Ph.D. (USA)
Dag Viljen Poleszynski, Ph.D. (Norway)
Selvam Rengasamy, MBBS, FRCOG (Malaysia)
Jeffrey A. Ruterbusch, D.O. (USA)
Gert E. Schuitemaker, Ph.D. (Netherlands)
Hyoungjoo Shin, M.D. (South Korea)
Thomas L. Taxman, M.D. (USA)
Jagan Nathan Vamanan, M.D. (India)
Garry Vickar, MD (USA)
Ken Walker, M.D. (Canada)
Anne Zauderer, D.C. (USA)

Editor-In-Chief: Andrew W. Saul Ph.D.
Editor, Japanese Edition: Atsuo Yanagisawa, M.D., Ph.D. (Japan)
Editor, Chinese Edition: Richard Cheng, M.D., Ph.D. (USA)
Associate Editor: Robert G. Smith, Ph.D. (USA)
Assistant Editor: Helen Saul Case, M.S. (USA)
Technology Editor: Michael S. Stewart, B.Sc.C.S. (USA)
Legal Consultant: Jason M. Saul, J.D. (USA)

There is close to ZERO crossover. Not only that, Orthmolecular News has a huge board from all over the world.

You’re an embarrassment to our country and you, dare I say, need to take your meds. Grandma is waiting.

and here we have it reduced to name calling
fucking kikes

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How many of these names look Chinese to you, faggot? >durrr it's CCP propaganda

Beware of shills who instantly say Vit C is a meme.

Vitamin c is a meme

Right. It's CCP propaganda. And the Korean physician in the video of above, he's also spouting CCP propaganda. And all the members of the orthomolecular.org editorial board, they're all CCP propaganda. Linus Pauling? CCP propaganda.

Get dabbed on.

>go throigh this elaborate prep, involving exotic supplies and taking hours each day to do vitamin C enema like a retard
Or you could alternatively just shove the chewable vitamin C tablets up your pooper like a normal person.

>Made in China

for treating a coronal virus it certainly is
might as well start dropping silver pills and join the smurfs

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In his defense 2 cents a gram is pretty cheap... I've seen "China free" stuff but it costs about 10 times as much if you're willing to spend it. Google China free vitamin c if that's what you want.

not a cure, just a treatment.
let trump focus on pushing for a vaccine as it should still be developed.

also, if vitamin C is that useful, then proactive healthy people should be eating oranges or other fruits as the vitamins will enter their bloodstream that way (although it is not instant). no need to be puncturing veins.

Most vit c is made in china. Some from UK and utah.

Guy talks and explains things like a Jew and his voice sounds like he shouts a lot in private quarters.

It's literally a cure if it functions as a virucide which it does

The Mormons know

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hopefully in india and china

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how the fuck are they going to vaccinate an ade virus? great, so not only will it not do shit, but it will have horrible side effects due to being experimental because they'll rush it. epic

Imagine thinking the Seer gets to decide what he sees

user! You've doomed us all!

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oh fuck

is this the thread where we are getting people killed again? Is this elderberries all over again?

rolling to undo this evil get and to note that wild blueberries are an extraordinary anti-viral food. It was recommended that I start eating them every day by a rheumatologist while I was recovering from viral meningitis and I think it really helped my recovery.

The most promising cure would be a system to mass produce specific monoclonal antibodies. Also the system could be use for any new emerging virus and also for tailored cancer cure.

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Are you actually fucking dumb? The average orange as 50 milligrams of vitamin C(aka next to nothing).

Fruits contain almost no vitamin C, a lemon has about 30 milligrams.

If you actually want vitamin C you need to take effervescent tablets or just pure vitamin C acid and drink it slowly.

Additionally you need to drink it slowly over the course of several hours throughout the day. Drinking for example 1 gram in 1 go doesn't do anything other than make you immediately take up about 200 milligrams and urinate the rest out as vitamin C can't be stored by the body.

Again, you're fucking retarded for thinking "eating fruits" does anything. Also fruits are largely unhealthy, they're mostly sugar.

>That thing that virtually every other animal does to prevent and fight acute viral infection?
>Not so promising.
>The thing that every pharmaceutical company does to maximize profits and monetize sickness?
>Very promising.

>so I just had this divine revelation and --

Leaving for a while, hopefully another user can make new threads once this one hit bump limit and dies off.

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honestly i hope corona-chan hits hard. you know why? because practically all politicians are old fucks. once they, and the pensioners are dead, that opens up things that finally get turned around in the future. also i kinda think the world deserves to get punished for having such a retarded lemming response to the outbreak.

>These parallels between IVC and LFTR are actually amazing to ponder.
Wow. Actually very good insight.


Lmaoooo well said user