Cenk Meltdown After Only Winning 3% In CA25 and Bernie loss


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He's actually right but he can't accept that the Uniparty won't give in to populism whether from the right or the left.

Their claim that democracy has failed, if they are not elected, reveals their entitlement attitude and disdain for everybody with ideas different from their’s.

That guys is such a fat sack of shit.
He's so shitty, I can't even tune in for entertainment and laughs as with CNN, NPR, Democracy Now. All those are funny.
This guy is just so fat and so shitty.

based and Moldbugpilled.

Cenk is a leftist Patrick Little.

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Don’t tell me what to do you fat fucking turkroach

Cringe as fuck. Sounds like a college freshmen.

Didn't he managed to raise a million shekels?

TYT is always source of great entertainment

fat bastard

Our favorite taco made a video


Yeah, and it's extra funny because everyone's donation is open for the public to see. Must be extra embarrassing having your name associated with this man and his campaign.

I'm getting 2016 vibes all over again.

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#NotMeUs - wtf is this supposed to mean lol

Based bernouts always thinking of our entertainment.

I'm loving every second of it

The absolute STATE of homo progressives

Cenk is basically a teenager.

A fat sweaty turkroach freshman

I wonder what percentage of TYT viewership is conservatives who watch just for the laughs. Probably 35% minimum.

And we can still look forward to the meltdown in July when Bernie gets buttfucked all over again, and ultimately Cenk capitulating like always and appealing to the audience to vote Biden, then having a more placid meltdown when Biden loses and screaming at the top of his lungs how he knew Biden couldn't win.

Love these faggots. They are the true face of the impotent American Left.

this guy should just do meltdowns for views. He has a talent for them

>he thinks the US voting system is not corrupt and rigged by the party establishment

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I thought he already declared war on the establishment the night of the elections 2016? Looks like their war has them losing ground. lmao

at least 80% of the chat last night was anons laughing at them. was fun

This dude is just one big failure after another


>le republicans fall in line, democrats fall in love

They pretend to care about the “greater good” and not just getting free shit for themselves paid for by my taxes and loans from China

Yeah, I saw that. It was hilarious.

That's the face of a man denied his sex with horses.

You are responsible for the Bad Orange Man's second term.

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He did for publicity... to sell TYT subscriptions.

These "socialist" really love money.

He is such a sweaty chode

Not for the reasons they say

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Chunk needs to stick to filling seats with fuckable puppets like he did with AOC.

I'd love to fuck her up the arse

Why are lefties such alarmist faggots? WEZ GUNNA LOSE OUR DEMOCRACY! Hard to lose what you don't have to begin with. We're a republic. Not a democracy.

>party that embraces the abortion of 1.5 million babies a year for the past 44 years
>greater good

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Oh so now Chink Yogurt is complaining about media huh. He was fine with them spinning bullshit against trump 2016. Fuck that roach.

I want to fuck Ana kasparian so badly

that was entertaining

Ive listened to this meltdown 3 times now
Anyone care to join me for a 4th?

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He's not wrong is he... Interesting to compare TYT to Alex Jones and Infowars in 2015-16 during the Republican primaries with Trump. Same tone, just different political parties.

Wow, a dollar store shitskin goatfucker version of Alex Jones, how fucking unoriginal. I hope during one of his meltdowns he loads himself into a cannon and shoots himself into the Trump Tower after which his battered corpse would plunge 50 meters onto solid concrete, exploding on impact, showering the onlookers with a mixture of guts, blood and bone.

>showering the onlookers with a mixture of guts, blood and bone...
Intense caveman rant. Love it.

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Its much more than simply demographics. Its actual mind control programming. Just 6 companies control the information most people use to make there decision on who to vote for.

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He's right about everything except that Bernie is going to be the nominee.
On that claim he's deluded.
The DNC won't let Bernie become the nominee no matter what.

He's gonna be in real deep shit if Katsenburg or Qatar decides to call in debts.

alex jones "meltdowns" are obviously an act and so over the top they can't be believable. calling for murder and pillaging politically of course

How about now?

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Brokered Convention. Cucked Twice. I think he will just quit the party this time and go Independent.



>progressives v establishment

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How has no one mentioned he got btfo of his Congressional race? He was in a distant 4th in votes last I checked with 57% reporting. Kek

He was literally crying

he's right about everything except everything.

This is proof that e-celebs are nobodies.

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Cenk didn't lose because the system was rigged against him.

how come it's always shitty clipart and wordart on these >le redpill photos

holy fuck i can't greentext i'm a fag


Top Kek

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>bernie, a crazy old man who no one but college students like, loses by a lot of votes
>omgggggg democracy is over! We were cheated!!!!!

That it's not his fault if he crashes and burns, it's EVERYONE's fault

He needs to team up with Alex Jones and have a milk off competition. Ana Vs. Mille and LeeAnn.

>Don't live in that district
>Expecting to win
Why is chunk so retarded? It's a local election where a person who lives there has a massive hometown advantage.

Nigger detected

>"the popular vote candidate should win"
>loses popular vote
>"wtf the system is broken"

That sounds like a comfy stream I'll have to check it out sometime. Imagine not ironically watching TYT.

She is sexy

and dont talk to me or my wife's son ever again

It's a mental cope for anyone that supports democracy. On a deep level they know democracy is bullshit. They genuinely do love it when their side wins stuff and they use The Will Of The People as the ultimate authority.

Democracy-believers will always cook up an explanation why their win was ''stolen''. They can never lose, because democracy is holy and can't be wrong.

Desperation, the tweet.