Daily reminder that Europeans have no right to cry about refugees

The white race has plundered, razed, colonized the African continent.
The white race has plundered, razed, colonized the Asian continent.
The white race has plundered, razed, colonized the American continent.
The white race has plundered, razed, colonized the Australian continent.

And what happened next? Whites from Europe moved into these continents and displaced the natives.

What was that saying again? Oh yes, you reap what you sow. Don't cry when those people come back to your continent to retake what they were owed.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I’m pretty sure colonization was an improvement for Africa

White isn't a race,bigot
You need to go back to school

>muh two wrongs make a right
Fuck off shitskin

Strong words from a "people" that raided us for ages

STFU turkish faggot

Why do you keep posting this silly kara boga meme? You aren't even black.

And still, Sub-Sahara hasn't invented the wheel yet.



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Hello Rabbi

I think it's ok to consider Europe for white people only but America has since its inception always been a land of immigrants. If there's any one country in the world where multiculturalism, racemixing and immigration is ok on principle it's the United States. The rest of the world can keep to not letting anyone else in with few exceptions, but sending their smart ones to the US


First off, europoors got that money fair and square. If you can't defend your stuff it gets taken, its how the world works. Second, lets see that 'ol middle kingdom and how much resources chinkoids have in comparison.

Somebody post the original version.

>you colonized shitholes
And it cost us fuckton of money we would never get back !

your whole "nation" is based on stealing the culture and resources of the Roman Empire

Those aren't gold coins, those are abstracted refugees.

Then why have Asia, America and Australia all boomed and Africa is still utterly behind and backward in development? Please explain your logic.

And no according to guns germs n steel
Best off living as hunter gathers. Awesome way of living

This is stupid. Africa is still incredibly rich in natural resources. That is why China is colonizing it.

Steve jobs is half Syrian n u use apple

>t. seething turkroach

Turks on Yas Forums are so pathetic. Literally the majority of Turks that I see on here are either larping as blacks or trying to demoralise and attack European people. Fuck off roach

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They were all plundered before Whites showed up bro.
You're historically illiterate and an anti-White racist, and your moral values are all fucked up.

Shut the fuck up and stop playing games, roach. Take your "guests" back or we'll force them back on you and bomb the shit out of you as a courtesy gift.

>The white race has colonized the African continent.
>The white race has colonized the Asian continent.
>The white race has colonized the American continent.
>The white race has colonized the Australian continent.
>plundered and razed removed as that was just clearnign up the shitskins so civilization could be built.

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>according to guns germs n steel
>according to a jew who has been totally debunked
Zebras can be domesticated.

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Yeah except Africa is still abundant in natural resources, and still the Africans squander it. That's why the Chinese are doing a big contract grab there. Think they'd be wasting there time if it was already a hole in the ground full of Africans

Lmao they can’t physically cope with the fact that their greatest, only national hero, literally known as “Father of all Turks” was a white man

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Pay reparations then, t*rkbro :^)

>Only whites ever engaged in warfare and conquest
>Only whites ever had empires
>Turkish flag
>Doesn't know his own history

Imagine actually being this historically illiterate. Face facts roach, whites played the same game everybody else was playing, we just happened to be better at it.

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They did nothing but improve my people's wellbeing in the long term.
tl;dr because turks can't read: you are nigger

Oh there's no crying from my side.
We just try to remind everybody that we have the right to shoot people on sight if they invade our property

>Turk chastising white people for plundering, faxing, and colonising.
Why are Turks such human garbage?

Cry some more.

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Africa is fine.
We gave them so much money and they still ask for more.
Fuck you we should take over africa and strip it of everything its worth.
Leave you niggers a fucking desert.

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>n u use apple
Android, but whatever dog rapist.

>the white race

Why is whitey jealous of Africa? you steal Africa's wealth, it's most excellent peoples cuz u know BLACK men are your superiors. wh*Te dogs simply cannot compete with the majesty of the greatest gift BLACK men ever gave the Earth - the BBC! It's no wonder that incels on /pol and reddit are so racist, they know for a FACT that they could never compete with the superior bodies and masculinity of BLACK GODS. wh*Te bois had to BAN wh*Te bitches from BREEDING BLACK because they knew for a fact that otherwise their women would become obsessed with pleasing the BBC of BLACK KINGS.

Now there is nothing stopping wh*te bitches from doing so so wh*Tey boiis console themselves by fucking ugly looking jap bitches while their wives, daughters, and sisters SCREAM in ECSTASY as they are ruined for teeny weenie wh*Te peenies by BLACK BVLLS. There is NOTHING the wh*Tes can do except CRY online as they know that they could NEVER call a BLACK man a nigger to his face or else be destroyed.

Face it, wh*Tebois, you're CANCELLED. You will live to see BLACK offspring borne out of the pink vaginas of the wh*Te women you thought you loved, oh how sad wh*Tebois. Give up now and your future BLACK OVERLORDS may have mercy.

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Lmao shut the fuck up cockroach.

Show flag Bob

Because he was half white, not because he was half sandnigger

the niggers had those resources for all of history and never once used them. They sold them to us and their lives were improved dramatically through the transaction. They chose to not do anything with the equipment that was given to them, they chose to not maintain the infrastructure that was built for them, they chose to go back to living a prehistoric lifestyle.

Niggers jumped 500 years ahead when we colonized them and they're still ungrateful. Dirty race.

Last time I checked africa still remains untouched for resources while the natives continue to live in mud huts despite bringing civilization and education to them
>just hit me what the image is refering to
Wow, I sure am a fucking retard. That image is showing all the niggers invading the US and Europe.
Disregard everything I said.

It reminds me of that quote about how Africans wandered with diamonds under their feet but never thought to bend down or dig them up.

I googled it:

>Since the dawn of history the Negro has owned the Continent of Africa—rich beyond the dream of poet’s fancy, crunching acres of diamonds beneath his bare black feet. Yet he never picked one up from the dust until a white man showed to him its glittering light. His land swarmed with powerful and docile animals, yet he never dreamed a harness, cart, or sled. A hunter by necessity, he never made an axe, spear, or arrow-head worth preserving beyond the moment of its use. He lived as an ox, content to graze for an hour. In a land of stone and timber he never sawed a foot of lumber, carved a block, or built a house save of broken sticks and mud. With league on league of ocean strand and miles of inland seas, for four thousand years he watched their surface ripple under the wind, heard the thunder of the surf on his beach, the howl of the storm over his head, gazed on the dim blue horizon calling him to worlds that lie beyond, and yet he never dreamed a sail! He lives as his fathers lived—stole his food, worked his wife, sold his children, ate his brother, content to drink, sing, dance, and sport as the ape!

But you're also the only ones who apologized for it, which makes you more guilty than all those who didn't.

Exactly we didn't stole sticks and mud from Africans bc it's essential ressources for them.
OP is right, we made all this and it was a good move.That's exactly why we won't accept more "refugees", we know that's a demograpic time bomb.

Nah, it's even worse...
He was a Jew.
And not just any jew, a Donmeh jew, a group of Jews that were so degenerate even for other Jews.

And the niggers, in GENEral, won't be ready to join civilization for another 500 years. Thats the truth of that animal.

If you want to go with that logic muslims invaded africa way before "whites" did.

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The conquerors don't apologize to the conquered. The only mistake we made was not wiping out niggers and American Indians entirely.

Maybe you should've protected YOUR continent and gtfo of OURs since you believe races own continents.


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if you take metal coins from an area where horses live, why would the horse give a shit and who would feel bad for the horses?

>using the jew word “debunked”

what does debunk mean user?

>demograpic time bomb.
>demograpic fission bomb.
They breed exponentially, we breed in a liniar fashion with a declining birth rate. Importing any type R breeders is literally ethnic and cultural suicide.

when are the turks going back to turkmenistan ?

shit I’m asian

f*** off, silly

the closest apostles of jesus were jews; that means whatever you are talking about is something good


Don't cry when we do it again.

*Western Europe.

And you want NATO support against Syria and Russia. HA!



where does the dinosaur belong?

Fuck anna frank
Fuck jews

Wrong. Read first articles of Congress you filthy xeno.

if we stole all the resources, why do everyone says africa is so rich in resources?

O sultan, Turkish devil and damned devil’s kith and kin, secretary to Lucifer himself, Greetings! What the devil kind of knight are you, that can’t slay a hedgehog with your naked arse? The devil excretes, and your army eats. You will not, you son of a bitch, make subjects of Christian sons; we’ve no fear of your army, by land and by sea we will battle with thee, fuck your mother.

You Babylonian scullion, Macedonian wheelwright, brewer of Jerusalem, goat-fucker of Alexandria, swineherd of Greater and Lesser Egypt, pig of Armenia, Podolian thief, catamite of Tartary, hangman of Kamyanets, and fool of all the world and underworld, an idiot before God, grandson of the Serpent, and the crick in our dick. Pig’s snout, mare’s arse, slaughterhouse cur, unchristened brow, screw your own mother!

So the Zaporozhians declare, you lowlife. You won’t even be herding pigs for the Christians. Now we’ll conclude, for we don’t know the date and don’t own a calendar; the moon’s in the sky, the year with the Lord, the day’s the same over here as it is over there; for this kiss our arse!

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your mistake was refusing to learn from their mistakes while selectively adopting their traditions. This is only a mark of hubris. You are like the cursed ones who wanted to be like gods and were cast out of heaven. Except the jews would claim that title before you would

blacks invented chattel slavery
you steal it but fail to properly glorify slaveholding/status like they did.

Indians had complicated political structures with checks and balances,

you fail to adopt the strict adherence to tradition that allowed checks and balances to work.

White people shot themselves in the foot by halfassing everything they do.

institutions of other cultures work for very specific reasons

you cant just summon the most powerful and useful part of the demon you moron,

you gotta work with it if you want it to work properly

Its called capitalism. Race has nothing to do with it. You wouldve done the same thing, and many times in history you have.

its funny because south american Indians feel mildly erased by the term “native american” because of over use of the term to refer to north american Indians.

Reminder that the retards in Africa could have imported horses and cross bred Zebra as well as engaged in large scale Indian ocean trade for millennia but were literally too retarded to do much of anything that inbred arabs and bored Europeans cucked them back into the dirt where they belong.

Fuck off sandnigger.

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Cry some more about how your country is being filled with Mexicans.

Africa's booming economy before colonialization was due to its slave trade; trading its own people among warring tribes and especially to the Arab caliphates.
Europe (the white race) made slavery illegal, but Africa wouldn't stop. and when Africa started enslaving whites..to the tune of 1-3 million, Europe got together and had Barbary War 1, to MAKE Africa stop kidnapping and enslaving white Euros. And still Africa would NOT STOP enslaving people, so they had Barbary War II, only this time, Europe kept a presence in North Africa to be SURE Africa would really stop its slave trade this time. France took charge of the coast and parked troops there--the beginning of the French Foreign Legion..part of whose job it was to find and free remaining slaves.
Of course Europe only cared because Africa was kidnapping and enslaving white people, but the international trading of Africa's own people was also ended in parallel.
Once European troops were parked there to make Africa stop enslaving white people, the opportunists followed. Thus colonialism began.

If Africa HAD NOT been so insistent on enslaving people, and demanding that it would never stop its slave economy, then nobody would have had to go police it, and Africa would still be left on its own and traded with normally, as it was BEFORE IT BEGAN ENSLAVING WHITE EUROPEANS

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>And no according to guns germs n steel
lmao kys

Stop being a faggot, i want sex slaves. Faggot.


Slavery may not be ideal but me not having a 9 inch cock isn't ideal either, the fact that anyone died to temporarily stop slavery in a specific area of the flat Earth is just, odd. Whites are just...

I don't even know the word. Dumb? i mean, it's kinda dumb.

>The white race has plundered, razed, colonized the African continent.

Oh noes! Whypipo knocked over my dirt hut!!

Yea they totally were digging the whole being forced to gather diamonds, minerals, and goopy rubber sap, etc.

>Man who is literally part of a race of systematic rape babies acting tough

Absolutely hilarious. Don't worry, once corona chan breaks down globo homo military interventions there will be plenty of pristine land for groups of enterprising whites.

You really think the rest of the world will show the same "Mercy" liberal whites push out now to you or anyone else? The pathological altruism you see as a weakness will be what you wish for the moment those you decry go as people start chewing each other out and tearing each other apart.

You literally did. It's amusing how Whites want to pretend the grievances non-Whites have against them aren't valid, like the Belgian Congo never happened and smallpox blankets weren't a thing.

It's actually almost as pathetic as when the nazis brag about it. Everything is just sad.

I'm not Mexican bro, i'm from Uruguay. I doubt i have any Amerindian blood in me at all, i look like a Syrian.


>i look like a Syrian.
I'm sorry.

The coronavirus is a meme for low IQ morons like you, it's a literal nothingburger.

1st slaver owner in USA was black. Also the Natives owned slaves like Don Cheadle's ancestors

Guess we're going to have to finish the job this time.

Because brutal colonialism went as far into the 1990s. Are you dumb? Also, when European nations left most places they either cut the hands off the skilled workers, killed the supervisors, foremen etc. And then just skipped town.
Look what happened in Rwanda, Sudan and the congo.

There's ugly Whites, i mean you're acting like most Whites are top tier Chads or something. Pfft, is a White with a 5 inch dick really all that "White"?

If nothing is left in Africa what are the chinese doing there?
And why do Africans go to Europe instead of US? Germany never had slaves.

So let me get this straight. While speaking a white european language and using a white invented system of ethics following white formalized system of ethical logic you are complaining about the rather benign by historical comparison invasion of land by said Europeans who brought economic development, literacy, and education to parts of the world that had no literature, no philosophy and barely functioning social orders?

Ok I guess you can be mad, but its kind of silly.

Germany had colonies in Africa and had slaves.

I'm like mostly Iberain from Central-Northern Spain, dude. My dad was one of those Moors with hazel eyes.

Virtue signal some more faggot, i feel nothing for Whites. I don't care. Brag some more too while you're at it, that will really make anyone feel sorry for you. Pussy.

BTW, pretty sure i'm part Sephardim.

>no literature, no philosophy and barely functioning social orders

Are you this delusional? Did you think all those people were just walking around like fucking drones in a video game?

He thinks all the lands Europeans colonized where the parts of West and South Africa and Central and South America were primitive tribes lived, he never heard of the Empire of Mali or the Incas.

Ugly people can't be White. HAHA.

Attractive non-Whites>ugly Whites. They get a pass.

This shit is so dumb, in the real world nobody actively gives a shit about race because this shit isn't real unless you're forced to deal with it, people self-segregate IRL.

Please extol to me the Incan and Aztec thinkers and their systems of philosophy, or the Eastern Africans who simply adopted semetic religions, or really anywhere at all in the continent of Africa and South America where with a system of language any philosophy was written or established. You can't. White colonization at least allowed the languages and cultures present to stay, Arab colonization eradicated all traces of language and religion.

Sorry for what? I only feel sorry for you lot who come from genetic stock so shit at their job they barely developed any civilizations of note and preserved no language or thought of significance.

but "race" is social construct.

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He also doesnt realize that litterally everything in Europe came from med, middle east, and north African technology and knowledge.

Guess the renaissance didnt happen and all those smart arabs, and far eastern people from constantinople just magically transferred all their knowledge to the white man.

dont blame us because your ancestors were weak
just like i dont blame you for white cowards sitting on their ass and letting their nations get invaded
excuse dont matter either way.

Whites are so dumb that they really think race wars where a thing in the past, no they weren't. The Conquistadors just wanted lands and resources and they just happened to have to deal with Indios being there. Same happened in the scramble for Africa. Also, spreading Christianity was huge.

Racism outside of neo-nazi internet circles has always been very taboo, even Hitler was reluctant to talk about it.

You filthy roaches, the shitskin and the niggers you sending to our borders will not pass. They belong to your race. They deserve to be with you. Soon we will bless you with some napalms. Thieves of constantinople , we will fucking end you soon

Says the roaches who genocided the Armenians. Says the roaches who were in involved with sex slavery. Says the roaches that invaded Europe.

Motherfucker, half of MENA looks White and you know it. Assad is White. Racially at least.

This racism shit is a joke, neo-nazis are on par with ghetto niggers. Stupid fucking peasants.

not everyone user. Not everyone. We still stand strong

Here is a question: Why is the UK still around, but the Empire of Mali, which formed later, isn't?

Dude humans are extremely social creatures. Its impossible for even a mud hut tribe to not have a form of language and philosophy or expression of how their view the universe around them.

Just admit it, colonialism did more bad then good for them.

So, white people didn't come from anywhere?

Fucking leafs, just move to Sweden so we only have to nuke once, do it for the planet

Bro, Greeks don't differ that much from Turks. Everyone on ancient Greek murals had brown skin cause they were so tanned even the blonde haired people.

And holy shit, Turks are some of the more Whiter looking "Arabs" along with Syrians.

Everyone has been involved with sex slavery LMAO.

You trying to feel better about being a turk roach?

I'd rather live with ugly white people than any niggers , kill yourself

There is that isolated tribe on Sentinel island who havent invented fire.

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I don't fucking know, reasons i guess. Ethiopia is still around and has been since forever. Egypt too.

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>replying to the seething brown ape
come on

Daily reminder roaches don't belong into Anatolia
Back to russia horde

Daidly reminder we have been sending Africa trillions in aid for decades you stupid nigger

HAHA, i get it.

LOL, you're mixed with Slavs and Turks and prolly other shit.

Not an argument.

Don't get a tan or you'll become racially inferior. HAHA.

>1 post by this ID
>turkish flag
Yeah this is a slide thread

Yes they spoke utterances, yes they had hierarchies, but their thoughts on the world amounted to flavors of Aninism and Totemism, the very fact that despite legions and legions of bleeding heart whites trying to turn scrapings on shitty stone tools, pots and buildings into philosophical treatises and writing fan fictions of how much great thinking and art went on in these places, none of it has done much of anything. If they had written anything at all that meant anything, that was the kernel of civilization, like the Indians, or the East Asians, or even the Norse larpers who at least had the decency to write down some systems of ethics, we would know about. God knows all these bleeding hearts have tried to scrounge up something from these backwards peoples to no avail.

Colonialism provided higher life expectancy, a world of literature and culture, an avenue to develop their own language and culture, direct immigration to the colonizer in most cases. Neo-colonialism provides none of that.

The Thai while living in shit swamps and rainforests developed some of the best metal working in the world and their own strain of Bhuddism, African and South America were simply genetically deficient, not geographically.

Sage the Turkroach

What about when we gave India our system of governance and western trade? Would the Indians be better off not speaking English? They seem to be fine fighting amongst their different castes and religions all on their own though, still, and it's been decades since we left them to their own devices, and have just been happy to like, BUY their tea, raw materials and pharmaceutical precursors.

You guys are really fucking stupid. You want to know what's real? you're going to die, you slowly start to decay after you reach your peak at around 25. That is literally it.

The rest is horseshit.

You have the unsolvable health problems you have, have fun with that.

Thats not true user. According to Homer, Achilles and Menelaos (Helen of Troy's husband) were both described as ξανθός, xanthos, which used to be routinely translated as "blonde". That translation has been deprecated as having Aryanist overtones -- but it's the color Aristotle describes as 'between red and green' and it's used for, among other things, corn, lions and fire: it might not by Nazi approved bottle blonde but it's yellow hair. In Hesiod, Ariadne and Demeter are also xanthes.

But after 400 years of turkfucks occupation in the past some gernes are fucked up today, i admit that.

>"What have Romans done to us?"
"Sanitation, and Roads. Overall improved life conditions."

Ottomans were Kings of slavery. Eat a giant bag of roach dicks you obnoxious faggot

No, retard. Colonization fucked up africans borders. Imagine a "nation" which consists of belgians, french and spaniards. Different languages, cultures, religion all in one border. That what happened to africa and middle east. Westerners fuck up borders and doomed these places for internal conflicts.

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Show me a single resource that is no longer available in Africa.
I'll wait.

>Daily reminder that Europeans have no right to cry about refugees

Correct. they had no problem prancing around the world stealing land & enslaving locals. Most of europe was created on ill-gotten gains and deserves to be shared.

If That's True, Why Are There Still So Many Niggers In Africa?

No problem. Should we do it again?

Spotted the kaffir

And yet the refugees come from the middle-east and have nothing to do with that. /thread


>Fucked up African borders
What borders? They weren't even a modern society, most of them were nomadic tribals. What Europeans DID do was put an end to the nonstop warfare African tribes engaged in, and actually taught them what peace means.

are you saying hes white?

eat a dick, turk roach, no one likes you

African nations were known to be far too moral and forgiving, that's why they were steam rolled. A Portuguese king at one point basically said because of the mannerisms of a certain african nation it would be like taking candy from a baby.

Dude, the Incas lived in South America. It took the Spanish hundreds of years to subdue the Pampa Indians, the Guarani are still around. There's unironic new discoveries of massive cities in the Amazon jungle, allegedly some early Spanish explorers had said that millions of people lived there in massive cities but 50 years later when other Spanish and Portuguese explorers arrived they found nothing, prolly cause the jungle covered it all up. Apparently they have found geometrical formations that probably correspond to buildings from the sky using some special method that doesn't require them to burn down the jungle to see it in recent years.

That’s not gold, those are niggers!
We have to send them back!

>you need gold to develop industry, chemistry, calculus, domestic product, or any basic service

Imagine being such a brainlet

Who would win
>Entire continent of strong black KANG BVLLS with high technology and philosophy and kingdoms made of gold

>A handful of pasty whitebois on a leaky Jew boat

colonization 2.0 my body is ready

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because we are gods children! and god is old white man!

Pfft, the SS had almost swarthy tans dude. Skin color ain't shit. Some Syrians are pale.

Damn right, i ain't no Muslim. Unless you mean the word for nigger the Boers use.

>Africans moral
>The Bantu mfecane
Are you just dumb or uneducated?

India wasn't colonized by several nations and split up into sections like pieces of a puzzle.

But britian sure did fuck up with partition policy. Look how that ended up.

Spotted the kaffir

We're from space.

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Your lack of understanding that history goes in a linear path tells me you know nothing about African history

>Nations split into tiny groups with different racial sub-groups devolve into violence and backwardness
>Therefore we should allow immigration to countries to create multi-racial violence and backwardness

Ah yes, classic.

The Earth is flat with a dome.

Your lack of response to my comment tells me you have a low reading comprehension.

Who da fuck are you? Livin in the greek and iranian lands fucking steppe bum

Wow colonization was such a hateful crime that:
-We lost a shitton of money
-Every single building other than mud hut were built by us on the whole continent
- We force them to stop the slave trade they started against our own profit.
- We slaughtered them so much their population somehow got got multiplied by 100 after our arrival.

lmao imagine believing that africans had anything worth stealing

we gave 5 trillion dollars, 50 x what it took to rebuild all of europe

It doesn't matter that you look White, you guys are dumb and probably poor and let's be honest, probably ugly and not that big of a dick. Not that tall, amiright..

You may have some desirable traits, but probably not all of them. You may look like a full blown Chad, but you're prolly not that smart which means you're prolly poor. Smart, but ugly. And if you're the full blown package, fuck are eou doing here? this is a board for losers.


But seriously guys, shut the fuck up and stop being overtly racist, take care of your health, make money. Go out shooting. And the Earth is flat with a dome.

Natural resources and manpower.

You guys are so fucking dumb.

Wouldnt your post indicate that you can only comprehend physical reality only, you know like an animal? No comprehension on deep knowledge of the universe.
Living a life just like a black dildo and as dumb as one. No function in society

implying they even claimed or used their natural resources. just because they lived there in the jungle doesn't mean it had any worth to them.
and it's not like they populated the whole continent anyways. e.g. south africa was barely even populated, yet they claim it's "theirs".
their whole concept of owning africa is just mental gymnastics.

The Earth is flat with a dome, there is no Universe. You're so fucking stupid.

Get back in your fucking tree.

based South America dindu nuffins

>Natural resources and manpower.
ive seen blacks working
children are better organized

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You're a fucking faggot and i'm glad anyone can just move to Germany now, you deserve it. Hate on Jesus some more faggot. You don't have the balls to just say you stole all that shit from niggers, you always want to pretend you're some pure fucking angels. Fuck you. You're trash.

Muh Ygdrassil.

That's why you gotta whip em!!

You want catharsis? God hates us all unequally.

>Why is whitey jealous of Africa?


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>And no according to guns germs n steel

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You are right. We shouldn't cry. We should remember that might makes right and drive them into the sea. Also we should deal with you and your skittering kind, roach, deal with you properly.

its obvious your president supports cannabis, whole country went schizo

Lmao, sorry for destroying your lip spreading and vagina knitting culture.

That gorilla looking nigga looking like king Solomon n'shiet. 300 bitches and 700 side bitches n'shiet. This pimping game ain't easy.

How can you plunder something that wasn't being used?


sage this thread

Did you learn that in a women's studies class Chang?

kys nigger

what borders? We made these for them, everything got better

Don't apologize kraut, it's alright. You do your thang. We are all fallen.


Bro, do you even understand how the rules of the game have changed? you can just get shot. Skill is almost not even a factor anymore.


No literally, get back in your fucking tree you retarded monkey.

Looks good on the outside memeflag, but what they manifest in the world is a demonstration of what is on the inside. ;]

I didn't know there were jews in turkey.
Want to talk about islamic caliphates and ottoman empire turk?
Also who specifically.
>the white race
Who's that? Europeans are not identical. Neither is anybody else.
Plenty of ressources in africa btw.
>This is stupid. Africa is still incredibly rich in natural resources. That is why China is colonizing it.

This is btw. what hate speech is.. If there's such a thing. To say ok europe are bad and use all kinds of historical strawmen and then say. Ok we go to europe and take over their countries..

This is what hatespeech is that should be banned if anything else. Not saying nigger or whatever..

Switzerland, dipshit

Why did the artist colour the nogs gold?

Do half of males still get murdered in tribal conflicts? Didn't think so. It definitely is better now.

The arrogance of White people will be your downfall, pride cometh before the fall. You ain't all that and you will learn it the hard way. Scotland still follows The Bible, they're still like 95% Scottish. You do the math.

>Africans don't use any of their natural resources or technologically advance for thousands of years
>Whites turn up in Africa and use their technology to unearth and use the natural resources + farm
>Employ thousands of Africans as workers and make Africans rich by buying slaves they themselves had captured
>Introduce education, sanitation, work standards in colonies
>Establish law & order, build roads, communication lines, railways, mines and farms
>Global wars and chimping Africans so whites decide to leave Africa
>Africans let the infrastructure go to shit, form corrupt governments and cause famine and war all over the continent
>Blame the white man

Varg would say he is.

1000 years of history in one image

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Germany had no slavery? Neither did Britain. Neither did her colonies, until Anthony Johnson changed the laws on indentured servitude. Ever wikipedia Anthony Johnson.


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Non-Christian Whites are like clearly the White trash caste.

fuck off nigger. you are pissing off the European white male.
you fucking roaches are going to fucking pay. so keep talking shit faggot.

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You believe the world is flat. You're dumber than a fucking rock. Decolonize your primitive ass back into the trees.

Yas Forums is straight up trash, only redeemable feature it has is that they recognize racism has some merits. The internet is almost entirely populated by low IQ menchildren that aren't even White.

Daily reminder to kill yourself you filthy goatfucker.

>You're a fucking faggot and i'm glad anyone can just move to Germany now, you deserve it. Hate on Jesus some more faggot. You don't have the balls to just say you stole all that shit from niggers, you always want to pretend you're some pure fucking angels. Fuck you. You're trash.
Imagine being so fucking stupid you think everyone stole everything from niggers..
Niggers are completely incompetent at making nations, till recently they lived in stone age level societies. What would africa look like without 1870's-1950's european colonialism of what was it france and britain and germany. What would it look like? There would be no fucking nations and functioning states there AT ALL.. and what you think has happened for last 50 years europeans running around building shit for these faggots so they don't live in middle ages..

And then some idiot like you who don't know fucking shit about anything, pretend they steal all their stuff or whatever..

Dude, go look at african history, niggers never used their ressources for anything (which there are plenty off left). They run buttnaked around and have no interest in even knowing those things were there let alone what to use them for.

You could stripmine africa for the next 100 years and not deplete it of ressources. Because africans didn't use any of it essentially for all the time the time humanity has existed.. That's why there's so much of it there, since in other places of planet people would use the ressources they have there.. but not africa, It's like a continent filled with ressources, with complete morons who have no use for it living on top of them.

Africans have been treated very nice by europeans in comparison to how african treat eachother or how other treated africans. The notion that africans can go to europe and take it over because of some mine in africa or something is fucking retarded..

Imagine thinking european nations built off of nigger ore. Are they high?

>Upon his death in 1670
>shows photograph from 19th century

All space agencies footage is fake, done with movie props and CGI. Don't watch porn.

Climb a fucking mountain or get in a boat with a pair of binoculars and observe you dumb fucking lesser primate.

>guns germs n steel
Tits or GTFO

This is why I never apologize.

Guilt is elective.

Might is selective.

Can't have trees on a flat earth, user. Noplace for them to grow UP

You aren't likeable, i doubt you even truly pity yourselves that's why you always talk about suicide and depression. I don't like anyone.

I suggest you give flat Earth theory a chance.

Like i said, i'm glad there's niggers and sandcoons in Germanic lands, i don't like you. Look at it as the European equivalent of Chicago or Chirak, if you want to call it that. Unlike you i'm smart enough to know White Germanics are in no danger of ever going extinct, you White trash loser.

Observe what?

Are you fucking retarded? the Earth is flat WITH A DOME.

People figured this shit out by observation in antiquity, it's astonishing that we've seemingly gone back to ignorance in a time of universal enlightenment when we have all the information in the world at our fingertips.

it think you're just mad people aren't giving you freebies for crying how africans who no longer live in mud huts and drive around in cars and even has proper agriculture due to whites, aren't exploited.

You are absolute fucking vermin and nowhere near as down to (the flat) Earth as the average K selected sub saharan African peasant. That's called reality, paganbois.

You command no respect. Go watch fucking anime, kids.

>Observe what?
The curvature of the earth, something that was discovered through observation back in antiquity?


Go use your fucking head, nigger.

>You aren't likeable
why should i care if you like me?
> i doubt you even truly pity yourselves that's why you always talk about suicide and depression
>Unlike you i'm smart enough to know White Germanics are in no danger of ever going extinct, you White trash loser.
Oh it's just a myth what UN says on their own websites and the global compact on immigration and all the rest of it. It's a myth because you want it to happen.. You are a liar and a fraud and you know that you are.
>muh flat earth
KYS. Of all things this is what you fucking focus on, for some reason in this thread aswell.

I'm just glad there's niggers living even in Siberia now, i find it amusing.

>k selected sub saharan african
What compells retards like you to troll this board in such a pathetic fashion?

The overwhelming majority of africas natural and manpower resources still exist in staggering abundance. The only thing keeping african nations from developing is that whenever some country starts pulling ahead their neighbors start a war to take their wealth.

Crabs in a fucking bucket. Whiteys throwing billions into africa in both aid and commerce and they're blowing it on gold thrones, ak47s, and infrastructure their citizens tear down and sell to the chinese for the copper and steel scrap.

The weak aren't owed a thing

Sure, roach.

Those niggas couldn't invent the wheel, they had no idea what they had under their feet.

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>I'm just glad there's niggers living even in Siberia now, i find it amusing.
Yes, cause you hate european people, you don't care what group it is, you just hate them.
Keep running your mouth buddy..

Larping as black is just the karaboğa meme dude, most of us identify as med white or as a turkish race.

As a turk i really feel bad for you guys, becoming minorities in your own countries, i hate arabs and their cancerous religion and niggers more than all of you combined. Defend your homes from them they are far worse than any other diaspora.

Being called roaches by people who hate us is almost a compliment, because even people who see us as ennemies recognise the difficulty to kill us and our resilience.

I hate seeing some guys from my country coming with shitty democrat logic like "you colonised them now they have the right to rape you"

they should be thanking white people they can do that

I'm a scandic though and I'm pretty sure we didn't fuck with no Africans

Nah, some claim you can see no curvature. I'm not sure who to believe and i haven't done personal experimentation yet. In some videos i've seen there is no curvature.

You get mad when you realize it's not all said and done, you're stupid pale skinned niggers. Fundamentally genetically oppossed to the scientific method, although you will virtue signal about how much you "fucking love science" all day long for social points though.

Jesus believing Whites will be fine, the Earth is flat with a dome. I still hate you. Still not loving police.

Based version

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Oh i see, you are mentally challenged. You're not just trolling you're just stupid.. My bad..

I agree we should just be deporting them back home.

my boi Leo fucked up the congo and didn't give a fuck

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We're already helping you c*pбpaтe

You don't even understand the concept of K and r selection, it's hilarious. K selection just means people who live in hardship, it's hard out here in the hood for a nigga trynna come up in the game son.

You're pretty fucking hateable, i mean everyone is. But you're special. Aren't you.

HAHA. White people invented Communism and killed Jesus too.

You will pay for that little attitude you have and you know it, Satan sent us and God approves. What race am i again?

He probably thought he was helping "the natives". I mean, he was a Christian.

>some claim you can see no curvature
Yet it is easily observable if you are out at sea and observe a ship coming into view, you'll coming into view from the top of the ship first and when a ship passes out of view, the bottom will vanish from sight first.
This would not happen on "flat earth".

>In some videos i've seen
And there we have the heart of the problem, you refuse to observe. You see some videos, you don't observe. You regurgitate someone else's *wrong* observation that is easily proven wrong. You are a fucking retard.
No wonder you're religious.

implying "Home" being some camp in poland i hope

Daily reminder that OP is a roach from faggotistan
Damn, by what you said.....looks like you are dyin to be white, but never can
Die in roachistan as you were intended to

Nobody gets away with nothing. You better realize that.

lol holy shit Serbia
I didn't realize you elected captain turbo faggot lips as your president
Oh lord what is you doing Serbia

*you'll see it coming into view

Whites barely scratched the surface of the natural resources in Africa. But under colonial rule, niggers thrived, population exploded thanks (or no thanks) to medication, agriculture, infrastructure and the rule of law.

Before whites, niggers hadn't even developed the wheel ffs. Elsewhere in Africa the Egyptians had built an impressive civilization... So why not niggers?

Africans were busy eating and raping each other, warring against neighboring tribes and later selling their own countrymen to anyone who would buy them.

If the monkeys would just pull their shit together, expunge the corruption and focus on raising themselves in the same way whites did, they could have a great civilization of their own... But they won't, because without white people to teach / guide / feed them, they regress to their natural state... Uninventive, unambitious, aggressive, feckess subhumans who are content to scratch out a paltry existence in the mud. Now go kys

You can't use white guilt on Yas Forums roach. Go try plebbit subhumie

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Get squashed under a russian boot, fucking pig feed.

Absolutely satirical

forgot pic

i thought serbia was based

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>Yet it is easily observable if you are out at sea and observe a ship coming into view, you'll coming into view from the top of the ship first and when a ship passes out of view, the bottom will vanish from sight first.
>This would not happen on "flat earth"

Actually it would, the ship is just going farther and farther away, there's shit in the air depending on the day and even if it's a clear day the ship would eventually disappear out of sight anyway.

>And there we have the heart of the problem, you refuse to observe. You see some videos, you don't observe. You regurgitate someone else's *wrong* observation that is easily proven wrong. You are a fucking retard.
>No wonder you're religious.

I used to believe the Earth was a globe and that sucking another man's cock was no big deal too. You'll get over it.

Kek this

All those resources are still in Africa, et al, you dumb niggers just didn't do anything with them, you failed to maintain the cities we gave you, and now you're getting cucked by China, of all places.

Works the same way when the ship is coming towards shore, you see the top of the mast first, i guess.

Imagine coming from a non-country who's only famous for cheap prostitutes and being joint with czech republic in the past, and having the nerves to criticize another person. You guys are the biggest faggots who let the eu cuck you, your only successful people are pornstars and people who have emigrated to real countries

>there's shit in the air depending on the day and even if it's a clear day the ship would eventually disappear out of sight anyway.
I can see you've never been at sea. I was born next to the sea, raised next to the sea and still live next to the sea.
Get on a boat some day, get out of sight of land and bring a pair of binoculars and get to spotting ships.

"Shit in the air" has nothing to do with it, no more than "fish eye lenses" has anything to do with it. Ancient mariners realized this. People in antiquity realized the earth was spherical through observing shadows cast by objects standing in the sun at the same time at the same day in different places.

Take your fucking "video proof" and get the fuck out of here, you've never done a single bit of legwork yourself.

Call him a jew in front of any turk and he'll break your nose you pathetic manlet

okay nigger

>You don't even understand the concept of K and r selection, it's hilarious. K selection just means people who live in hardship, it's hard out here in the hood for a nigga trynna come up in the game son.
No that's not what it means at all. K selection is incubation period of more complex organisms and comes from an analysis of the animal kingdom. R selected species would be rabbits, mass produce, simple creatures, matures fast and are not very intelligent. They mass produce because lot of them die. K organisms are few in number but highly intelligent and have long maturity period being also far more sophisticated organism.

>You will pay for that little attitude you have and you know it, Satan sent us and God approves. What race am i again?
There's nobody sent you or need you to do anything you delusional south american. You're not talking to anyone. Yahweh does not exist other in your own imagination. Same as any other gods invented by other people such as posedion or apollo or odin or shiva or whoever.

You're not enacting any kind of justice or anything you are fucked up in the head on jewish fables. The particular thing you are hooked on seems to be flat earth. Jews haven't talked to aliens or some etherial deity, they haven't talked to dick..

The fable you are referring to also clearly describes water above firmament, aka not h2o but the cosmos.. which we now know what is.. and the firmament is atmosphere. You're not in a sunken city and if you poke hole in the ceiling water floods in and everybody drowns.

The earth is so tiny in the universe it is irellevant, estimated 40 billion planets just like earth just in our galaxy alone. And our galaxy is part of a galactic supercluster which is part of also a larger supercluster.. etc.

We are so fucking irellevant that we in that scope of things are barely noticeable on the boondocks of the outer rim of milkyway galaxy..

Ok Turkey, we didn't even take everything. Their is enough, but Africa is just an incompetent shithole.