

Attached: dead jews (378).jpg (601x670, 93.63K)

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Doesnt mean they have the china virus

The israeli army does

Attached: idf jew virus.jpg (871x831, 148.55K)

The jew cries out in pain as the Iranian government is decimated.

>not 6 000 000
those are rookie numbers
you gotta pump those numbers up

Its anudah shoah!

Attached: Oy vey toast.jpg (933x1024, 196.75K)

The more important question is, how can I be her goytoy?

doesnt she mean (((!)))

oi veeeey its anudda shoah

God speed coronachan. Finish what He started x

Is this the final solution?

Please remember the 100,000 Jews that have been killed by corona virus

Attached: nyc jew virus.jpg (649x569, 79.14K)

Jews must be scared, having such weak genetics and all. Filthy inbreds

Sounds smart. They are one of the few countries to fully control their borders. Aggressive quarantine is the way to go. Switzerland is gonna be kill.

damn 700 jews infected?
that's nice hope the number grows fast

Better yet, the super spread in NYC right now is a jew who recently returned from Italy. He has spread it to his son, his neighbor who drove him to the hospital, possibly his daughter and her entire jewish school and everyone he came in contact with, because he takes the train to work in Manhattan. Oh, and the man himself is in ICU, about to kick the bucket. He waited this fucking long to see a doctor because he had no insurance and didn't want to pay cash, despite being a fucking lawyer.

meme hall of fame

Attached: 1582412403235.jpg (640x711, 74.53K)


Are they... going to have to burn the bodies?

6 gorillion incoming. No one can out jew the jew. China, learn your place.

i want to kill all people who like netflix

You’ve got to be kidding me

>it’s real

Fucking kek


Attached: Fuhrer.png (174x162, 19.57K)

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Attached: hoochie-magoo.webm (352x640, 1.42M)


Stock market should be down 50%
This is manipulated obviously

Will there be a livestream when they start gassing them?

Attached: 1573474100467.jpg (1039x1279, 503.28K)

He jewed himself


>it affects the greatest allies
ok now i am worried

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never forget those 1.000.000 poor souls

Attached: bz-5cf927dcd6cc4.png (207x169, 44.58K)

Oh fuck let me smell

Attached: 1581131254908.png (728x416, 147.13K)

>imagine the smell in multiple dimensions


Attached: 6 gorillion articles.png (322x306, 82.76K)

knee to Jesus Christ, the only way to salvation

Attached: 1582266999054.jpg (782x1080, 533.55K)

there's exactly six million jews in the united states I wonder if that's who Corana was for.

I don't think they're telling the truth, can someone verify this in person?

there's always 6 million jews as the population of the United States as long as I can remember.
weird, huh?


It's anudda shoah

Attached: Screenshot - 2020-03-04T200415.520.png (791x422, 541.77K)

7million Jews lost to Corona because they couldn't follow the instructions MOSSAD gave them, they can expect a call from our lawyers

Attached: Screenshot - 2020-03-04T193724.429.png (817x295, 270.26K)


fug look and those cold dead, souless eyes

The six million corona deaths must never be forgotten.

It's anudda shoa, those poor jews, time for America to $$$ charity

Everyone's on full panic mode. People coming from Italy are seen as literally hitler

I know.
My grandma recently came back from Rome and this is how I see her now.

Attached: images (3).jpg (247x204, 9.68K)

Oy vey muh 7 milion

Attached: oh yes.jpg (650x469, 77.75K)

so it's come down to this. Will you kikes gas your own for the safety of your people, or will you let them infect everyone with the disease?

Attached: 1569453085635.jpg (514x647, 96.45K)

gas gas gas!
we have to step on the gas!

>punish the pagan Catholics
>punish the atheist Chinese
>punish the masonic Shias
>punish the corrupt Jews

Dare I say this virus is absolutely based?

70,000 home-quarantined?! How could those monsters imprison 700,000 peaceful jews?!? It's anuddah shoah, never forgot the 7,000,000.

Gloating will not give you immunity.

Pure coincidence

everyone's fucking Hitler and it's always a shoah, It's all so tiresome. Have the media invoked the 6 million yet?

Oh happy days
>Oh Happy days

Attached: tenor.gif (184x220, 498.71K)

True. But weird how the virus is hitting the people most against God...

Think of the 7,000,000 you anti-Semite.

these people really are as neurotic as it gets

>Will you kikes gas your own for the safety of your people

They did it once and got everything they wished for, why wouldn't they do it again?

Had my hopes up for a second.

Attached: kike students.png (596x472, 346.31K)

hhaha I missed that, they can get them to do whatever they want by invoking the holocaust.

Lol kikes are acctually reacting to it.
Germany has more infected and the gov does shit. Its a population reduction plan.

Attached: cat44.jpg (640x420, 28.42K)

The foundation myth is as real as ever and one of the most difficult redpills I've ever had to swallow

I've known it was bullshit from my early teens, just because they wouldn't shut the fuck up about it.

whoever made or took that photo is a genius.

there are pretty good cat reaction pics going around

Attached: cat3.jpg (343x481, 38.91K)
