Who's gonna win in 2024?

Who's gonna win in 2024?

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I'd easily fuck AOC, not even joking. Disagree with her policies, but gotta admit she'd make a perfect fuck doll

I want to see AOC shit a massive log out of her Prolapsed asshole into Ivanka’s creampied by BBC pussy

I want to see them kiss

Mutts law in second post.
God bless America

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Literally everyone would pick AOC.
Ivanka has the retard Trump genes + cosmetic surgeries + her husband is a creepy skinny Jew.

speak for yourself spic lover

I am

She who has the biggest tittest will win.

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Were those pics x-rayed/shooped? I can see their nips

>Who's gonna win in 2024?

left pic is a photoshop

>Who's gonna win in 2024?
which ones are going to win?

wow, are you a doctor?

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Shadman, I'm gonna need you to get on this

The United States and several billion people will cease to exist by 2024


Real tits > fake tits
brown nipples < pink nipples

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Right seems to have fatter nipples, considering the bulk of the material they're pushing up. So I go for right so I can chew on them

Turkish Hitler

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>ywn put them in a milk off competition

>voting for a woman

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Having a three some with these two would be amazing.

Wish she had her old nose, I like chicks with long noses.

is the left one considered attractive enough to be with right one in the same picture?
Are you ok USA?

I'll pipe some 4IQ taco over a literal demon Jew any day of the week, son.

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props to OP for pic related. super nice

Every fucking time, I love it!

She is a convert, retard.
And her husband is only half Jewish.

>not animated
You suck

Battle of the milkies 2024, fuck sign me up.

I just want them to wrestle in oil... Then I win

it would be pretty genius to run ivanka, that way when democrats dont bow down to her vagina the gop can call sexist and antisemetic on them.

Holy fuck it's unreal how quick it is

tit lovers everywhere

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Only AOC's was shooped.

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This is why we voted leave

LOL you fucking brown. Go back to the rainforest

I really cannot stress enough how bad I want to suck on AOCs nipples. I fetish that she's one of those girls that can have a nipple orgasm to justify my nipple sucking fetish. A cock would look amazing in her mouth too. I really couldn't tell you before sleeping with her if I'd rather cream pie her or have her suck me off. I'd unironically let Trump lose the election if I could get one night with her in bed

no doubt

You might be onto something spectacular there, nip.

kys immediately

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based and titpilled


The Israel backed one?

titties will win

unironically will vote for titties just to see titties.

I am that brain dead.

life is lived for titty

Thanks user

They never were.


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based coomer

I know its some aoc campaign researcher who posted this

I know she is being groomed for 2024.

desu I probably will not vote for titties because they would be so far removed from my own life.

but titties is what you got to sell

because titties is what people want to buy

because titties are an obscenely scarce resource/synthetic market.

Tucker or Don Jr.

steve bannon will win presidency in 2024. it’s already been decided

>Biden gets elected
>this is the only law he passes during his term

Welcome to the future

this is europe in 2034

you will be made Unterschicht for the fetish of cocaine snorting, coomer jews.

>"AOC, how will you enact the green new deal?"
>"We're going to kill off all the cows and replace cow milk with hucow milk!"
>All women receive free hormones to induce
>"Then they will be able to do this!" *rips open her top and begins hand expressing milk all over the debate stage and crowd*
>AOC wins in a landslide

Damn some you niggas need help.

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Ivanka Milkers 2024

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who's the second guy on the right

Ivankas been under the tutelage of the president, been involved in their businesses, their deals, employee management, financial management and that of their assets and now the country. Out of all his children Trump made her the heir apparent, that family will have a matriarch despite there being - what 4 other siblings, three of which are boys.

Ocasio's a bartender. She believes in "free" money.. she's a moron.

Who would you pick to run the biggest company of all; this country?


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Is that a shoop?


Many republicans are far too smart to vote for a woman.

I'd pay to watch them scissor

Abby is so god damn hot.

brb gonna coom

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don jr
ivanka is a liberal whore.



Even if she's a libshits she has a genuine, naive retard vibe to her and is all natural.
IRL I bet he'd be a nice girl gf

Ivanka on the other hand is just a plastic, pretentious ugly heeb slut that would stab you in the back as she does her dad


Yeah, so you can suck more kike dick. That's right.

I hope they both die from corona virus.

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A religious Jew or a Bolshevik Jew? I don't know nor do I want to be alive for this to happen

Man her nose is fucked up and a huge turnoff

White makes right
Unironic gonna coom

this picture is false

She is absolutely gross. Why is that disgusting ratfaced jewess even posted so much on here? Are kikes on lube spreading her?

came. Fuck.

Mutts Law

>Can't unsee the happy merchant rubbing hands coming thru the image.

Holly fuck, she's even hotter as a white chick.

what is this magic?

Why not both?

I’m not that into her mostly because I don’t like her voice, but I would vote for her over Ivanka any day of the week. AOC is unironically more pro white than Ivanka

Considering AOC will only be 33 its Ivanka dumb fuck.

start it.

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Damn she’s a hot blonde. I guess I’m just not into brown women.

None of them are wearing a bra

>her husband is a creepy skinny Jew.

how is this even remotely relevant?