Anyone else prepping?

Went to Costco to buy this today

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If you haven’t been prepping since mid January you aren’t going to make it.

I've been smoking lots of pot so I'm safe. As long as I keep coughing up black phlegm I'm immune.

Might as well throw that food away it probably has corona all over it

Rookie level. Wont last a week.
Get 10 times as much for a start.
Dont buy single items, get the pallet.

your "prepping" is like 1/10th of my monthly purchase

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If you retards haven't noticed, the entire 1st word is letting us get this. They are collectively letting it spread while refusing to test. Italy is the only country testing in the western world.
I prepped, I even have masks from mid Jan.
It means nothing anymore imo. Unless you can neet in your house for 6 months, you are fucked. Take the wake up pill. The blackest pill you ever swallowed.

>went to costco
>pic related is shit not sold at costco

Agreed. He probably got infected while in the midst of all those people. He'll be hospitalized by the end of the month.

I bought a few hand sanitizers yesterday and I’m turning a profit. 12 oz for around $4 which I sold for $20. All in all walked away with a few hundred dollars extra. It’s funny that people don’t realize how cheap rubbing alcohol and aloe Vera are.

Why do preparers always get the most retarded shit that has no substance and will be gone through in less than a weeks time?

You have to use hand sanitizers for four (4) minutes straight to be as effective as a regular soap-and-water hand-washing.
So, just buy soap.

you are fully prepped when the plague shows up at your door.
now what?

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That shit will last you 2 days and you will start to make cardboard soups and eat leather belt steaks to stay alive.

>At walmart
>No cases in this state or surrounding states
>Shart-in-mart driving her buggie screaming "THEY DON'T HAVE MASKS! NO ONE HAS MASKS!!!"
>No one else cares

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If you can’t find masks, check places normies wouldn’t think of. Try sherwin Williams, paint and builder supplies, lumber supplies, smaller hardware stores, hobby stores. Or pay the price gougers on Amazon.

Same for water, I have been getting mine from Lowe’s. Check outside the normal go to stores like Walmart. Also look for water purification and water filtration. Walmart sells Zero Water brand filters that filters everything. Unscented bleach can be used to purify, as well as the iodine tablets they sell in camping sections.

Ammo will be easier to find at smaller gun shops.

I’m hitting up dollar tree later today for medicine. They have “Tussin” cough syrup that just has gaufenisen in it, without the cough suppressant. This is essentially Mucinex but cheaper. You don’t want to suppress your cough, you need to cough to get the shit out of your lungs.

Children’s Tylenol is the same as baby tylenol, baby version just comes with a syringe. Don’t forget pedialite and Gatorade. Be able to treat anything you would go to the emergency room for from home. Washington states press conference explained the way they’re going to handle the hospitals. They’re telling people NOT to go to the emergency room unless your symptoms are severe. They will instruct people to self quarantine for the virus.
Aka unless you’re literally dying, you are on your own if you get sick. This thing has a 20% hospitalization rate, your hospitals will be overwhelmed. Be ready to treat yourself for non Coronavirus stuff too. You can buy stitching sutures on amazon.

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I just ordered 60 of freeze dried bibimbap, it should be enough to hold out a month

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This is my food prep, I have like 50 masks and a couple big barrels full of water

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Most Amerifats don't know that...

No I bought a motorcycle on a credit card I have no intent on paying for so I could coof out my helmet at every passerby. I'm going to enjoy the last 2 months I have on this earth

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back of costco last night, no bottled water...

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...and no toilet paper! employs told me they sell out within 30 minutes of restocking

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Go get an equal amount of beans to go with that rice so you get enough protein. I dont see any complete proteins, so you are going to be tired as fuck at the end of the week.

beans almost gone at costco

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I’m just going to get it it’s only 0.3 percent chance of dying

>Anyone else prepping?
Kind of. Got some more filters, everything else is there.

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Nice leggings faggot

Prepping? For what 2 days?

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Based coofer

Not the beans!!!!!

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Fake and gay

From China?

Why lie tho?
Those are all UK Tesco and fucking Lidl products.
Only plebs eat tower gate biscuits, you stole a pic from some destitute fucking anglo and passed it off as your own. The tea bags alone are enough of a hint that your full o shite.
Why? What the fuck is the point in that?

Remember 1690, Billy is on the wall.

They're stone washed jeans that fit. Sorry you skip leg day and can't fill your pants leglet.

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None of that shit is sold at Costco. Why do this?

You're a chick huh


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Raw data

Dead incl. China: 3.4%
Dead not incl. China: 1.8%
Dead not incl. Asia: 0.00%

Unless your elderly and asian you're statistically fine.
Dow Jones up +800pts... Again.. Muh economic collapse.

Also, you are in no position to tease people about leg size. You somehow have a chubby stomach and sticks for legs. Be careful holding the weight if that bike with them, theyll likely snap at the knees.

>I create statistics with crooked Chink data
oh boy I bet your brain is massive

6'10" 200lbs literally human skeleton. that's fully clothed too. bro i'm 6'7" 300lbs and i have a six pack

>Faggot washed yoga pants for the gay on to the go


My state doesn't have a case yet so I'm stocking up on about 3 months of food rations. If the virus blows over then I have a bunch of oats and deens to snack on

Your thighs and calves are the same size. It's very odd.

>If you can’t find masks, check places normies wouldn’t think of. Try sherwin Williams, paint and builder supplies, lumber supplies, smaller hardware stores, hobby stores.
Those ran dry 2 weeks ago here in canada. I went to one of the industrial safety supply companies in town, and they are not allowed to sell N95 masks to the public.

This store had 15,000 of the masks on back order and all existing and future stock is reserved for government and healthcare use.

You can still buy respirator masks with the big P100 filters, but all disposable N95 products in canada are now allocated for government healthcare use.

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Good luck cooking rice when the power and water aren't working any more.

if that's all you gonna die

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Our Walmart today ...

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oh I think I'll be just fine

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picking up a couple more of these today

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If by prepping you mean prepping the bull for my wife before I go withdraw my wife's sons college savings to donate to Bernie, then yes I am done

I wouldn't act like that's a good thing dumbass. Your girlfriend is telling me to ask you for her leggings back.

Need a hell of a lot more rice and beans than that. At least a 20-30lb sack each. More canned meat and fruits/veggies. At least 60 litres of water just in case.

>Irish Groceries

You're both fucking morons. 3.4% and 1.8% (and spreading) is extremely high.

I went shopping yesterday in Edmonton, Canada. Food and water were plentiful but toilet paper seemed to be in lower supply.

Yeah, thats from Tesco and Lidl in the UK, never heard of that tea I bet its fucking awful. I pity the poor fucker hat bought this. Id have the almonds and the mushy peas but the rest isnt good.

India seems to survive pretty well without toilet paper. You'll be alright

Can you pop a wheelie?

I have no masks :( i better make something out of paper towel and rubber bands.

Imagine a 3% chance of your child dying when they caught a cold. At your workplace, maybe 1 or 2 people die every single year to coofing. That would be so fucking weird by modern standards.

Not till I break the motor in it had 2 miles on it when I took possession.

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What masks proctect against Coronavirus the n95? I’ve prepared 4months supply food weapons have no mask though

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That's filler not food. And the chicken soup tastes horrible. Fuck, it's so easy to make chicken soup, you people are hopeless.

filler is fine, if you're eating high density food anyway all day. Ramen is a great addition to most canned meats, I love adding a filet of smoked fish.

>Good luck cooking rice when the power and water aren't working any more.
The broke NEET who can't afford even 3 things. Seethe harder spiffy.

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I'm hearing that we're basically fucked if we don't have a full face mask (covering eyes). People touch their face a lot more than they realize, so you'll probably breath in super clean air but then you touch your eye and that's how you're fucked. It's also a very robust virus, so you'll slip up eventually. You'll take that mask off at some point.

Every time I'm in these threads, I feel like I'm crazy. My prep is insane compare to all of these small little shit preps.How have people not spent at least 2k on this?

God Speed user, If you haven't bought Cosco a month ago, you done.

Were the tights free with the bike?

It's not point preparing unless half the population is already dead.
Smart leaf.

No masks do

The package says it's 380 calories. That's not bad for something that costs 10 cents, never spoils, and tastes reasonably good by itself.

I too went to Tesco... why the USA flag? I got the same pasta sauce.

>chips and cookies
yeah, not gonna make it

>If you retards haven't noticed, the entire 1st word is letting us get this. They are collectively letting it spread while refusing to test. Italy is the only country testing in the western world.
>I prepped, I even have masks from mid Jan.

dont know why people on here are worried, you're all like 19 years old or something

i treid repping but some autists bought everything already

You have TESCO in the US?

Imagine being anti preparedness to the point you wait until the very end , until painc has gripped your city. You go to the store to get supplies for the family, the wife is pregnant with your 3rd, the dogs are waiting patiently at home.
You pull up to the store only to see a line of people waiting to get in. People walking out virtually empty handed. You think "hmmm thats odd, why arent they buying anything".
You finally get inside to see in amazement that the shelves are as bare as this picture. Almost nothing left, well nothing of value.
You eventually head home, completely destroyed, in denial that this cant be happening. "Its literally nothing" the memeflag poster kept saying. How can he be wrong.
After you break the news to the family they begin to resent you for not being open to prepping in the first place. Your wifes boyfriend has been doing it for years and has plenty of supplies, hes offered to take care of your wife and two daughters. You have no choice but to accept, in reality they were going to leave regardless.
Now you are stuck in an empty home with the starving dogs, Its either you or them at this point. They will turn on you eventually too.
All this because you thought the word prepper = schizo. All because you let your pride and ego take control.
Use some common sense. Prepare now for what could be tomorrow. Its best to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.

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Dollar tree has 12oz offbrand spam cans. Pretty good deal compared to name brand spam cans

Get on my level, bro

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>Went to Costco to buy this today

rich tea biscuits and mushy peas? i don't think so m8

I like how the whiskeys already half gone kek

Remember to buy double what you need and then poison half of it. That way if someone kills you, they still end up dying when they take your shit.

>the wife is pregnant
do you know where you are?

And what's the baster for

That's about 3 days of stuff

noticed that too. OP is a massive faggot

Lol N95s don’t do jack fuck all shit.
I wore one the other day for some bodywork. It couldn’t even filter rust/bondo dust. There is no seal on your face, either.
It’s like breathing through a vacuum bag in the hopes of trying to filter a virus.

Congratulations on grocery shopping.

Use your imagination.

I got a ton of rice and I live on the water so I can just go fishing. Prep this dick, cityfags.

cute slingshot in a country where everyone carrys full auto circumvented ar15s
Do you live in the country side?
Plant potatoes instead, Its the animals time to rise.

Rubbing alcohol is 70% isopropyl alcohol. You dilute it with aloe vera you're taking concentration below 70% signifcantly hindering effectiveness.


dude if you are not stocking up on grains and canned food you are doing it wrong

We tried to warn you all but you kept ordering the nothingburger.

that baster has seen an asshole or two

>Buying 20 share bags of chips a month

Why does this not surprise me.

Fuckin finally someone who's not a fucking moron.
You're either gonna get it, or you wont. If you want a zero percent chance, you should already quarantine yourself. Or spend all of your waking hours in a chlorinated pool. People going to Costco now are retarded. It's a cesspool and mine is always full of Asians and Mexicans.

There are no filtermasks left.
Get a gas mask. GP-5 is good. Anything that takes stanag/ 40mm filters is great and a magnitude more save than disposable filters since no leakage

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Because 2k on flour is 19.230.769 kcal .
I share budget ways to prep, bake our own bread/pizza/cake etc.

I try to keep my preps useful to everyday life too. I made this rotating can rack, so I can use and restock on a first in first out basis and always have a few weeks of supplies on hand. I have more preps, but I am most proud of the can rack.

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>junk food
Absolutely American.

Jar of pennies level of ready

That's pretty cool user

I bought a Finnish M61 and it's hard as fuck to breathe through even without a filter. I'll fucking pass out on the street wearing this thing and they'll throw me in the corona pit regardless just to be sure.

That's a nice can rack!

I have tons of shit but I'll also take what I need.

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When Canada stopped using pennies, everyone turned theirs into the bank.
Nu uh. Not me. This is maybe half of my total savings in pennies.
I don’t have gold or silver. But I gots copper.
My Jew fund.

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You are being manipulated into buying from supermarkets. Stop prepping. They want you to blow your savings on consumer goods

filler will keep you alive. i wouldn't use the seasoning packet because that amount of sodium is no good.

CORRECTION GP-5 is asbestos garbage
MP-5 Gas mask is what you want.

>same price as mp-5
Sorry I ment to recommend the mp-5 btw. Dont buy asbestos gp-5


Please explain this conspiracy for bulk buying non perishable foods

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I'm on fence whether to buy pepper spray.
My mother would be pretty much useless when it comes to fighting, so at least I want to give her something for self-defense. I'm too paranoid about safety in apocalypse, so I'm pretty sure I will end up getting few cans.
Parents will bitch at me, but whatever.

your a retard. it wont end society. it hasnt even killed 1 tenth of 1 percent of chinas population. god damn your stupid and probably a nigger buying all that grain

Dammit, forgot to prep up on astronaut and motorcycle helmets!

Its literally 4$ for the cheap shit and 10-20$ for a can of the police grade shit. Why get a lot. How many seconds does one 50ml spray last? Check out there are differences with dispersion. Some shoot a stream others spray. I think youll want spray

my MIL has one that she got from the store. they were giving it away for some reason. but it's not nearly as massive as your impressive piece of work

>Certainly over a million infected by now
>10 million is very possible - 'experts' predict 70%
>0.1 * 1.300.000.000 *0.7
>Economy shutdown indefinitly


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>not going to make
In other news others will die sonner or later.

Whats more is that's not even a prep.

user, there are ways to cook that do not require electricity or plumbing.

It's British food, so it's still a billion times healthier than American junk food

Supermarkets have been in a slump. People have been saving money. They wanted to push a narrative that would cause a market crash to allow for another recession of the economy for another transfer of wealth. Are you sick? Do you know anyone who is sick? We have had 3 cases where I live. This is nothing. More people have AIDs than Corona.

Supermarkets have been doing poorly. Sales are down from last winter. People aren't spending as much because cost of living is high so everyone is hording cash. They are using the media to inflate the danger and hypochondriacs are taking the bait and buying water and other useless junk food. Who the fuck needs 10 packets of Bounty from Costco? Who needs 10 frozen pizzas? People are being exploited as the natural response to a sense of impending crisis is to horde resources. This really is a nothing burger and the paranoid prep community is being played.

old pic, i've pretty much doubled my prep stash after this

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No, why

>Why do preparers always get the most retarded shit that has no substance and will be gone through in less than a weeks time?
Because these are troll threads and aren't real preppers. Real preppers have shelves/pallets of food.

that literally says tesco, and none of these products are sold at costco


Thanks anons, It took about 2 weeks to make working on it for a couple hours everyday after work. It would have been much easier and quicker if I just made the slots deeper than necessary and let the cans nestle rather than making them exact depth. Good luck on your preps!

Also, these water jusgs are great. I have 4 and refill once 2 are empty, giving me 2 weeks drinking water at all times. You can get them at walmart in the camping section.

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I was thinking about getting few 50g cans of the cheaper stuff, part being stream, part being spray + one cheapest one for training.

>wait till the very end to prep
Some mother fuckers here like to live on the wild side and just want to die it's just so tiresome.

>spend 20% of what I would normally spurge for ready made meals
Also you should really try a different approach. Convince your locals that dead are rising again or that foul winds from east asia are carrying the plaque to us

yes i bought 96 snickers, 20 burgers and 6kg of greek yogurt in costco while everyone was stocking up on toilet paper, how could you tell?

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I just went to Costco yesterday in the Pittsburgh area. Overall it was pretty much the same as normal. Store parking lot was pretty empty, though Tuesday is the weakest retail day, hence why new movies come out then. Anyway just about everything was the same as normal. Plenty of pasta. I didn't go down the rice aisle, because we don't eat that much of it. The paper towel aisle is the only sign that something is up. Signs saying you can only buy one per customer and they didn't have any Kirkland brand products there, nor our preferred brand of toilet paper. They did have plenty of brand paper towels and one pallet left of charmin toilet paper.

Any peanut butter? A large jar is 3 days of calories for a grown man. Very calorie dense and ready to eat.

jeez you guys are pathetic, I buy that shit every fucking day... That's like one meal for fuck sakes. I have 10 times that and I'm not even prepping...

got a couple of jars.
im mostly getting sardines and mackerel now to go with the rice

I got 75 pounds of rice and 50 pounds of beans in the plastic containers. Also got like 15 cases of water. My parents think I'm crazy so I guess all this food is just for one person

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Fuck, I need a jar of pennies

Yeast and booze. Diy a distillator for maximum bartering

didn't know corn oil exists. you learn something new every day

>But I gots copper.
>My Jew fund.
It's literally worth about $2-3 per POUND. If your life savings weighs 5 tons then wtf is the point? Do I need to build a fortified shed to protect my copper?

I'm not a gold or silver bug but I can understand the logic behind it. Your life savings can be stored in something as big as your fist.

did you really need to buy that much fucking salt when you'll get your daily amount after 500 calories with that stash?

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Cornchips and chink bagles? Retard

> tesco

You forgot toilet paper and kompot.

He has a point
Its a resource.

For economic collapse Id rather stock produced goods which will be unavaiable for uncertain time -

Vaccum seal those dry bulk goods into smaller packages. Stale dry goods are still edible, but you wont want to eat them. Also keeps insects out.

Pictured is my first attempt at homebrew wine.

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I don't get why so many people buy cans of chicken stock when bouillon takes up less space. You need water, but if you don't have a water source your going to run out of bottled water fast.

oil oil oil onions and lots of garlic and curry for that rice.

A woodworking friend of mine recommended pic related for comfortable masks for big projects (comfortable all day) and they have a good seal and non-obstructive filters. They are among the better half face masks.

I already had prescription safety glasses. Obviously not as good as full face respirators but it keeys you from accidentally rubbing eyes out of habit which is huge.

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The sad thing is if you live with people who aren't taking this seriously that shit will be gone.

Since this is a slow burn happening I had to restock twice.

Next time I'm hiding it

Brug does this seriously make it hot enough to boil?