Separation between Church-State is wrong. There is always going to be an official religion on the top. Undermining Christianity has brought a state religion (liberalism) held by Freemasons. There is no possible "absence of religion" in the State's institutions. And when liberalism collapse, there will be Islam. See? Secularism is a fucking illusion, so better to have an official religion from the very beginning.
Separation between Church-State is wrong. There is always going to be an official religion on the top...
it all started with the french masonic revolution
Creativity is the only religion the white Man needs.
Fuck that Jewish Carpenter, Desert Genie, Hebrew-occultist shit.
Separation of church and state doesn't mean removing religious influence on the state brainlet, it's the other way around
Christianity pre existed state church.
The early church was persecuted by the state, until constantine made a political decision to claim a miraculous conversion and endorse the growing influential religion. This was the beginning of the state's corruptive influence of the church.
Freemasons are christians tho
Yes. We need to turn back to God.
Fpbp, the French Revolution was a satanic revolt against God
Calling yourself Christian doesn't make you one.
Christianity is a Jew-worshipping, Jew-imitating religion. The Christian's spiritual goal in life is to become a Jew. The Christian is mesmerized by his zealous awe of the Jews. Nothing exists for the Christian outside of the Jews. Inside every Christian is a Jew. Christianity is a coward's excuse to deny science and worship the Jews, their god, and believe in their disproven story-book fables from Asia.
Just because someone practice their religion on a higher level than what you do or most people do, doesn't mean its not the religion. Freemasons are christians that try to understand the godhead.
yes it means so you mongrel
Not anymore. on of the the founders was a ((protestant)) pastor, though
Are fags Christians? Are bacon lovers Muslim?
Freemasons are about as Christian as niggers are polar bears.
I'm not talking about theocracy or cesaropapism. Just influence of religion in the state, which is in perfect accordance with the Scriptures.
>Are fags Christians? Are bacon lovers Muslim?
They would be very low followers of their religion but then again, most practitioners of religion are content with being low level users of the religion.
Freemasons are just stepping up a few steps from those just being content with going to church and hearing the word of god from a priest and thinks that is all.
Freemasons drink rooster blood and rape infants, if I ever see one they're catching some hot lead.
it was jesuit revolution, because the king was allowing protestants into his court
B B B based
Sir Walter Raleigh once remarked, “The art of magic is the art of worshipping God.
Freemasons attempts to create the Kingdom of God on earth through the eschaton, not dissimilar to what Jehova's Witnesses want, Later Day Saints, so on and so forth.
The old european tradition was to raise mankind through spiritual magic so it would reach a higher level, through christianity. That is where freemasonry comes from.
That's original.
Fucking christfaggots with their idiotic, unfunny, clichés.
Christians are dumber than niggers.
annnnd here comes the r3ddit spacing
f*** off silly
no, fuck off christcuck
>Freemasons attempts to create the Kingdom of God on earth
Child rape and rooster blood isn't found in the Kingdom of God, so clearly whatever they're trying to create on earth, it isn't Godly.
Try again demon.
>Muh dark ages
>Muh christianity bad
>*BURP* (reaches for another watered down amerishit beer)
Yep, let's completely ignore the rest of European history, largely dominated by the cultural and scientific achievements of christianity.
Cry harder jew.
So you are just happy to remain a low level practitioners of your religion. Good for you.
If protecting the innocence and decency of children is considered "low level practitioning" then sure, that's what I am.
How does it feel knowing literally everyone hates you? Christians hate freemasons, muslims hate you, niggers hate you. Your only ally is the Jew.
All those achievements were made by people that were higher practitioners of christianity, they were part of societies that tried to understand the godhead. Name one, do some research and find that they were not just church goers.
Isaac Newton for example, freemason.
But Freemasons are christians???
epic reddit screencap
I wish you stupid faggots would google how the dark ages and christianity is a fucking surface meme and you look like a dumb mongoloid when you refer to the dark ages and christianity in the same sentence.
>Muh Reddit Spacing
More clichés I see.
Some people prefer double-spacing. It looks more neat and organized than single-spacing.
Go suck your priest's dick now, faggot.
>let's completely ignore the rest of European history
western civilization advancement was in spite of cucktianity. If there had never been wars over who was the best jewsus follower or holy deserts we'd be 200 years ahead
>But Freemasons are christians???
If I call myself a goldfish, am I one?
They aren't christian, their values go against the teachings of Jesus Christ and the bible. Wake the fuck up you kabalic demon of Israel. Your time will come and you will burn in hellfire for eternity. Repent of your sins.
>western civilization advancement was in spite of cucktianity.
Try again.
Its ok that you want to be a lower level practitioner of your faith, I'm not knocking it. The church probably needs all the members they can have so the higher ups can conduct their work.
No, he's right. Higher practitioners of Christianity made most of the achievements.
the time of scientific discoveries coincides with the Renaissance where there was a return to antiquity
but yeah MUH CHRISTIAN SCIENCE ahahaha God, you cannot be so fucking stupid right?
tell me you're joking?
This sure looks Christian to me!
You are a literal demon. True soldiers of Christ see through this shadowy charade.
correlation, not causation. Also, what exactly was going on from Jewsus' time to 1600?
Come back when you've Googled the heavy, heavy majority of renaissance subject matters.
ProTip: they're all biblical.
>B..b..buh its a coincidence! Their christianity had nothing to do with it I swear! Atheism is so cool!
fuck all these images cluttering up the story
Christ is in our midst.
shit posted the asmr I was listening to earlier by mistake
So is Satan, he lurks on this very board!
Stay safe friend.
Well, you have the four watchtowers which are each the watchtowers of the four archangels. Then you have hebrew which is thought to be the synthesized language of angels. So yes, its quite Christian.
But its important to remember that many magical things are made so that they will make no sense to lower level practitioners, and only the initiated and studies of the godhead will devote time to them.
>But .. Jews hate the cross!
The ADL and SPLC wants to ban European native faith symbols meanwhile there's is no ban on Christian symbols despite the much memed lie about Jews hating Christianity,
Whereas the Christian government in Sweden just recently tried to totally ban the use of Futhark for being "hate speech".
is all this from the book you mentioned?
Thus your hedonistic nature is revealed! Someone that watches e-women for sexual pleasure can never be expected to understand the wonders of Christ.
If all you take to the grave is a well-yanked cock your soul will eat itself and you will burn in the eternal sulfur of Satan's domain.
Repent while you still can. Only the Lord fulfils. Only the Lord saves.
One of many pro-Christian movies that was streamable on (((Netflix))).
>An investigative journalist and self-proclaimed atheist sets out to disprove the existence of God after his wife becomes a Christian. At the end he sees the truth of Jesus and converts to Christianity.
Thank God that Jews don't own Netfli-OH WAIT THEY DO!
kabbalah is a rip off of sumerian magic. especially the enochian signs
Dumb cunt detected
>kabbalah is a rip off of sumerian magic. especially the enochian signs
No one is stating otherwise, to the practitioners I think they see it as a diluted original set of angel language and are trying to use it to communicate with angels or the godhead itself.
>Then you have hebrew which is thought to be the synthesized language of angels.
Its completely ok for you to be a lower level practitioner of christianity bro. You do you.
nice deflection. I listen to ASMR to relax
.t muslim
>Its completely ok for you to be a lower level practitioner of christianity bro. You do you.
Yes it is. You can be as christian as you like however. The church goer or dwell deeper into your religion, like the people that made Europe and the US today what it is have done.
Don't even pretend you didn't pump a half-chub watching that woman.
Send Satan Weed as a sacrament
ok then, just keep deflecting
>Lets have a discussion about shit we cannot change and do not want to restore, for the church of today is possessed anyways.
you're the one implying sexual things, cumbrain
based user. nothing wrong with some asmr for relaxation, we used to send each other with gf asmr voice chats when we worked abroad
There will always a majority religion. But there shouldn't be a holy dude from another country to come to your place and tell the rules because he says he's vicar of God on Earth and you better obey. Going back to Middle Ages shit will not solve anything. This only creates more problems.
>Charlemagne gives power to the Roman pentarch
>I'm da head of Christianity now
Even your prophet spoke about seperation of church and state you stupid heretic
You do realise the actions of those people render them NOT Christians as they go against the teachings of Christ and the Bible.
>mfw half of Templar and Christian music is full of Filipinos and Spics LARPing as Crusaders
Fucking KEK
the current seperation of church and state laws were written by the KKK.
>Yes it is. You can be as christian as you like however. The church goer or dwell deeper into your religion, like the people that made Europe and the US today what it is have done.
Ch**stians and filthy g*rmanoids ruined the glory of Rome
Seething christcucks ITT.
>what the west could have been like
>vs what happened thanks to a jewish desert cult
>nothing wrong with some asmr for relaxation
Imaging unironically thinking there's nothing wrong with watching girls on the internet lick a microphone or eat food loudly while you sit there in a dark room.
Try explaining that behaviour to your ancestors.
yeah that's weird af
>Rome was founded by whores, criminals, pirates and all the people no one else wanted
>you had me at creativity
Thanks brother, checking it out right now.
If by state you mean a coutry community leaders/village leaders, and by church you mean local folk religion, traditions and festivals, then you would be correct.
However, anything else is crypto judaism LARP.
imagine being catholic.
You got it Brother. Enjoy the Red Pills.
None of those people are true Christians and the Catholic church today isn't Christian either.
You're not going to out Christ me J E W.
>but catholics who spread cucktianity is what made europe great
And here's the book version too.
ASMR incel detected. Please don't shoot your local school.
>The Frankish kingdom was founded by filthy mudhut dwelling g*rmans who took advantage of a weakened Rome
Om shakti shakti shakti
Nice rare/abstract merchant.
didn't plan to
Considering that translating the Bible led to protestantism which led to liberalism. They were 100% right to do that.
Oh my God lmao
imagine if Jesus saw that
8 Jesus movies vs 6 gorillion holohoax movies.
Really makes you go hmmm
Implying the Catholic church today is the same as it was during the cursades is about as dishonest as the legitimacy of your country.
Religion is pointless for low and middle class people.
except that romans were attacking celts, germans, dacians, scythians etc.
>oy vey now the goyim can read the bible for themselves!
how was it better back then? other than immigration
>8 Jesus movies
fucking kek. there are so many of these movies being shilled even in "secular" Germany (used to work as a waiter in Ratskeller in Munchen) that it's unreal.
same with Republicans constantly talking about christianity
Religion is merely a tool for self enlightenment. If you don't think low and middle class people can potentially benefit from that then I don't know what to tell you.
This attitude of "be a good little atheist and keep wage-slaving away to keep your lips glued to the Judeo-American tit of capitalism" is abhorrent and I refuse to accept it (and so should and reasonable, living + breathing human being).
>Implying the Catholic church today is the same as it was during the cursades
>And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.
True. But Christianity had already been undermined by
* you can lose your salvation and must work to keep it, which is a false Gospel
* celibate priests, where the Bible requires married bishops
* seminaries and archbishops where the Bible was written with independent churches
>t.filthy barbarian
Romans hated g*vls because brennus the g*vl had the audacity to sack Rome
>If you don't think low and middle class people can potentially benefit from that then I don't know what to tell you.
Christianity was literally created for the lower class as a marxist D&C tool of control
No it doesn't
Then fix your terminology
Plato wasn't lower class babe
you are one irredeemably retarded cunt
>plato was a christian
The founding fathers were Satanists and America from the very beginning was based on Satanic values, i.e. a libertarian approach to man in moral and economic matters.
Note that there is no mention of Jesus in public institutions or, for example, on the dollar bill. On the dollar bill it says "In God we trust". Everyone assumes it's about Christian God, but that's wrong
Read pic related if you want to know more.
And BTW that's what made America great. Now America was slowly becoming less and less Satanic. It's almost peak Christian now, enjoy millions of Mexican Catholics KEK
Freemasons are christians tho
>Freemasons are christians tho
God created the whole world. It is only fair that we give the people who are most in touch with him, the most ascetic people in society, at the very least some power in how the state is run.
>Freemasons are christians tho
Freemasons are Goyish Rabbis wannabes. They study multiple religions, which include pagan ones, and twist the spirituality to fit their perception and follow the example of Hiram, the architect of the temple of Shlomo, Oy vey...
Most of what they learn is endless confusing symbolism that is anything but spiritual, because Goys don’t need that. Mixed with a bit of Judaism, cause why not have them work for this agenda.
I view them on the same level as Christians who are tired of mainstream Catholicism and go for a “spiritual” Christian sect, that makes some Angel magick nonsense + a bit of prestige because we wuz Freemasons. Of course the prestige is Jew made, something like you can pay the Priest and stay in the front row of the Church and remember how special you are because only those "elite" people payed to stay in the front row of the Church, to hear the Priest better.
Religion is a tool for control. When you like the system you support the religion, when you dislike it you ridicule it. I am an atheist now, but can become very religious in the future.
There are thousands of denominations of Christianity.
I wanna see how you bitch like a little fag when your flavor of the month isnot the state sponsored one.
The stripping bare of the man culminates in his death by crucifixion. Republic 2.361e - 2.362a:
Religion is an uncontrollable weapon, so you have to be very meticulous when you want to use it.
>Then you have hebrew which is thought to be the synthesized language of angels
If it is the language or angels, then it is also the language of fallen angels and demons. But you already know this, don’t you? “Magic” that does not come from the Holy Spirit comes from satan.
Their goal is construct the Kingdom of God on earth and usher in a new coming of the ancient age they believe existed (garden of eden). Constructing America as you post here was a huge part of that Work. Hiram Abiff is a mnemonic figure
and concept. There are several others, most found in Marafioto’s Ars Memoria.
>I am an atheist now, but can become very religious in the future.
i can recommend you this site, you should give it a try
You just don't see the opportunities.
> children are taken from their parents at earlier ages and force-fed more aggressive propaganda
> infanticide and contraception
> institutionalized adultery through divorce, rampant fornication
> "consent" and now retroactive withdrawal of "consent"
> "less satanic"
Im not a satanist.
Christianity is stoicism plus the Trinity, marriage, and charity. Christianity is the only weapon against this satanic world-system.