Between convincing everyone in my immediately family to max out their donations. Paid for signs, shirts, branding, decals. Hours and hours of time and energy and most importantly M O N E Y
How do I get it all back.
Between convincing everyone in my immediately family to max out their donations. Paid for signs, shirts, branding, decals. Hours and hours of time and energy and most importantly M O N E Y
How do I get it all back.
Other urls found in this thread:
You know what to do.
We all know you’re probably just a kid with barely $100 in allowance money from your parents.
Oh no no no no no
No Refunds!!!!!
This is a joke right? Where are the receipts
Imagine still having faith in leftist conmen in the year 2020. Depressing!
>300k Venezuelan dollars
>how do I get it all back
Well considering you're basically a fully formed retard, you should also understand that your life will inevitably conclude in a prison cell, you might as well go to a bank and demand a 300k withdrawal. When they say you dont have the funds in your account, just remind them 'you voted for Bernie' and if that doesn't get a reaction, stick a gun in the teller's face. Then eat a bullet to show your dominance
is that bernies bathwater?
Your a lying dog faced pony soldier
lol, i got about 3 of those and finally replied "KAG - REELECT THE IRANGE BASTARD"
and I haven't heard from the bernouts since then. i did have a pair come to my door one evening but i politely declined their discussion and closed the door. it's fun trolling on the phone or Internet but irl i try to give people a little respect
300k GBP = $150
Tis your own fault. Unfortunately, that money is gone into his pocket where it will stay. Donating money to any politician and most organizations is a very poor financial choice. They tell you that you are helping, but it is a scam to take from you what little you have. Remember this lesson as you look at the things you could have bought with 300k. A house. A new car. A piece of land. Instead, you gave it to a man who cares nothing for you as an individual and will instead focus on his agenda and his own group. And unfortunately friend, you aren't part of that group.
How hard are you going to cry when he loses to Trump? Will you post the suicide vid?
Good. His communism is working. Don't you feel better being less wealthy?
300k pesos is like 15k american
No refunds goyim
all that to learn that people actually care about religion enough to avoid voting for a pharisaical individual like senator sanders ?
well, it's only printed money anyhow
hahaha commie loser
Start a crowdfunding campaign, pretend you have to pay medical bills, and advertise it on reddit
>How do I get it all back.
Donate more
I donated 10k
Fuck all of you
Bergberg spent almost a billion
>Believed the propaganda
>Worked hard
>Gave money to great lider to help society instead of being greedy and saving it for own benefit
>Got nothing in return
>Still fucked by politics, but now poorer
That' socialism for you
it's just money comrade, isn't the socialist cause more worthy than your personal capital?
Thanks. I always enjoy laughing at retardation.
>they havent learned from the last time
fools and their money are easily parted
Big lol if true
You spent your down payment on him? My friend, money isn't what he needed despite what they say. In the end, the only thing that matters is that little ballot.
now do you know what it is like to be poor, comrade?
No refunds
Shouldn't have given money to a pony soldier
I think you need to get your brain to function normally first
that ballot ain't gonna buy bernie a fourth home
That would be an immensely powerful maneuver
Oh my
That wouldn't be the first time niggers make white leftists lose money.
KYS, dummy.
>Spend 300,000 dollars on a candidate aiming tax all your money
My grandma left me $30k and I gave $10k to Bernie.
He better fucking win because I have no job and $20k won't last me more than a year.
You should probably kill yourself right now
Israel is our greatest ally
Lol. Comrade, you need to stop being so capitalist. Share your money.
>mfw retard commie redistributes his last cent to a millionaire
>How do I get it all back.
Unironically want to know this too. Haven't done my taxes yet. Can I claim any of this?
It's not over yet, fuckwit. Awarded gelegates are like 800, total delegates are almost 4000.
Biden's easy red states are mostly out of the way. Bernie can and probably will still win.
>Bernie can and probably will still win.
>you right now
Why mate
>giving 10k to a jew
goyim never learn
You cant, and you wouldn't have even if he had won the general election.
How stupid are you?
The nose knows
why did you think he could win?
Because Bernie is going to win no matter what happens
He’s giving out free shit just like Yang
Must have been one expensive grinder. A bank statement might have been more convincing.
No refunds faggot!
Beautiful. I'm taking this.
>bernies bathwater
Hey buddy, this is a no malarkey zone!
I hope this is real, could be a retard donating his inheritance. Bernie thanks you for your modest donation towards his new Ferrari.
I know the CCCP from first hand
you are an absolute idiot to think the later communism would benefit the todays activists of comunism
Hey JACK! how many pushups can you do! Boy I tell ya. Listen up, here's the deal!
bernie is literally a jew
His voice makes even Rabbi's start to hate the jews, he's like a living caricature of a Jew drawn by Hitler himself.
It's weed you incel fuckwit, 20 types of weed it clearly says it on there. Are you fucking blind?
Is this a sex doll or a human? It's getting harder to tell these days.
No fucking way this is real. Burgers can’t be this retarded
screencaped fagget
An hero before it's too late. An hero, the other student Debt relief program
Aren't you bolševik niggers supposed to chimp out in milwauke, or ohio?
Should have put that money into investing into something. It's better to be prepared once the actual boomers die, then maybe you can get someone like Bernie.
HaHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHHAHAAHAHHAHAHaa. You just bought bernie a 4th house. No Refunds.
Sure you did.
What’s the point
You’ll get kekked in the primary anyway
Better to hire lawyers to sue the dnc
Receipts pls
Larping hard...
Please be real and not just lame bait!
If you really thought that all the rich powerfull people who stand to lose billions if he were to become pres would let it happen.
nice leaf, you get raked last.
If I had $300k to spend I would have moved out of this corrupt cesspit.
sorry, no REEEfunds
>and most importantly M O N E Y
the DNC and Biden thank you for your donation, fren
wow and i thought iv met some really retarded people but holy fuck you take the cake.
>bernies campaign may have been too smart to win
Make a deal with Bloomberg that he pays your debt if you denounce Bernie publicly.
how retarded do you have to be to give your money to a millionaire communist
Show invoices, nigger
And there its is. I sometimes wonder is this place even real. 90% of threads are anons Larping as various groups in some sort of evolution of minds things that’s been goin on here for a few years. It’s created a spirit. That’s what kek is a Toruń for all our madness unleashed as a zeitgeist. Amazing stuff. I really enjoy being part of it.
Newsflash pal! However many pushups you can do, he can do one more bucko.
I donated 900 total before super tuesday, and I plan on maxing out before the end of the primaries.
Even if he doesn't win the nomination, the funds can still be used to bankroll other progressive candidates.
*blocks your path to free shit*
where do I invest in this shit?
It’s a meme you dip
Maybe you can get a refund.
>Violating the individual contribution limits
See you in jail!
you did not because the individual campaign contribution limit is $2800
this has to be an edit
>add this /#a=BERNIE
no refunds but he reduces your fees kek
You could have sponsored a low information voter to go to community college.
>I gave 10k to a rich jew
You truly are stupid.
Why would you have to invest in a guy who knows how to pull money out of thin air????
You have a job or way to drop that kind of money
and you don’t spend it on yourself or your family?
you don’t literally seize the means of production?
you send your money to a participant of the system that fucks you?
are you fucking brain dead?
You will always be a retard
This happened 4 years ago. Ur a fucking idiot.
Yo Bennie
this has to be shilling
>donates entire car to politician
>here have an acre of land! and keep it forever!
no way the bernie bros fell for the scam this hard
Ring a ding ding
You were too soon.
Go back and get the rest of the lads
imagine how much money you would have now if this money was spent on starting a company.
you could have literally bought a kitted out new 18 wheeler and paid the driver more than two years of salary to drive it full time. but you wanted to buy a bunch of college kids bernie buttons instead.
My friend I feel bad for you, donating your money to something so obviously a scam, did you not pay attention to the 2016 shit when all bernies stuff went to Hillary? It’s just a scam to get your money into the DNC.
If you have money to spare fuck pay my $3500 running fee so I can get on the ballot.
It's a guy
Checked Bernie-Bait
Dude those were the comfy days. Holy fuck I miss 90s fashion.
imagine the ammount they could chip away at their loans if they would just stop donating to bernie
that's a crime, thanks for exposing yourself
and your garbage family and friends
enjoy finding a safe place in prison
Bern bros don't get it
Refund: denied
That's a pretty expensive joke. Thanks for the laugh.
He's not going to beat Biden. The DNC pulled a calculated move and had everyone drop out except for the one progressive candidate who pulls votes from Bernie.
JNCO god its been years.
Youre so subtle that you might as well namefag as ben garrison.
Nigger why would you give money to anyone? What's the point of donating unless you are not using it to get tax cuts?
damn thats one sexy crazy bitch. looks like the right level of slyness and crazy bitch i need.
Hey op if you really wanted to get bernie elected martyrdom would be an option.
your all fucking retarded the max you can donate is 2500
ten years ago you faggots were jerking off to incest stories on b now look at you sick fucks
your fucking retarded that pic is photoshopped you cant donate that much
You don't but The Bernmeister will happily buy his fifth house with it. Well done for your contributions to the cause comrade!
Don't matter if it's real or fake he should still an hero.
You don't. Got jewed again you commie bastard.
Look at the brightside retard chan you made me feel a lot better about my life.
>your all fucking retarded
Maybe you should learn to read. It's probably a larp of course, but the OP said money was spent on signs, shirts, brandings and all this other stuff including donations (even from family).
maximum is 2800 per person donation. assuming that you have 108 people living in your family you are a nigger and math is not your strong suit
Consider that $300k could've bought you a lifetime supply of Onions
Berners wanting money back is a silly meme.
He's going to be ahead in delegates when Cali is done counting. You can still donate to help elect someone who will beat Trump.
man does inspect element and gets 60000 replies
please Yas Forums never change.