Eurpoean Opinion on Germany

European bros, what do you guys honestly think about Germany? It would seem to me like they aren't well received over there.

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Finish the fucking job from 1945 you americunts.

They are good lads , just unfortunate leaders like Merkel , but that's the same with all of European countries

r/The_Donald busy today

Germany unironically didn't do anything
they didn't cause the EU and it's problems, they didn't cause immigrants and their problems, they didn't cause the world wars, they didn't cause the catholic church to become corrupt and they didn't cause the many internal problems within the Roman Empire
stop scapegoating Germans for the failures of others

they must die if humanity is to progress from globohomo hellworld into stars

>hurr who was Werner von Braun
you'd never even reach the stars without Germany you dumb fucking cunt
meanwhile, if Poland were just an extension of the Baltic Sea, literally nothing in history would be different

They are awesome master builders. Just today I drove pass 100 empty giant German houses, with all Germans deaded after 1945 by dumb Serbian commies.


Fortunately they aren’t gonna let the “refugees“ at Greece’s borders in this time

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Polacks law #1:
Whenever there's a thread about Germany the probability of the appearance of a butthurt pole bitching around is 1.

Germans are the most bullied group on Yas Forums.

It hurts so much.

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Heul doch.

>most bullied group on Yas Forums
Except jews, niggers, faggots, trannies, Jannies. The only group that hates germans more than poles are germans.

>Heul doch.

Heul du doch, du fette Aidnutte!

i like them.

fuck off already you occupying kike puppet

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Fucking autists

History vindicates the Germans
They were the good guys all along

Today's Germans are probably inferior to the Germans who lived back then and whose genetic stock got wiped out during not one, but TWO world wars.

The best German stock probably emigrated to the American continent.

Germany nowadays is just a multicultural nightmare without no real cultural identity. It's just a carbon copy of the degenerate USA.

opinion discarded

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Wow, that sounds very possible.

wat lief van jou, thijs! :3
voelt goed, man!

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As an American who lived in Germany, I was amazed out how similar it was culturally. I did like the pre-made sandwiches, but other than that it's basically just America with somewhat better architecture.

"My german culture!" - Electronic music stolen from Americans
"My delicious cuisine!" - McDonalds and Doner

I appreciated that the public transit was quite nice, though, and for the most part people were kind and friendly if not a bit guarded and humorless. Also how quickly Germans turn xenophobic is kinda weird, considering it's status as a progressive country. I guess the same can be said about Canadians when talking to an American.

what shithole did you go to?
west germany has incredibly nice places like Aachen that are still very german in spirit

A bit of humor and openess would do you Germans good. Bavaria seems nice. Bigger cities I've seen appear to be kind of roach-bunkers though. Guess there must be like 20 million turks in Germanistan.

Every fucking time. Poles are so damn butthurt any time Germany is mentioned.

OK, Üzgür.

>who was Werner von Braun
some stupid faggot who for sure was autistic
this is how germaniggers think, and this is why they must go extinct
fuck them, no sympathy at all for those shitstains
they keep attacking Poland for last 1000 years, I wont miss them when they get raped into oblivion by turkish gasterbeiters they invited on their own volition
dont you have any original thought? of course you dont, you are german, soulless automaton doing whatever mutti/fuhrer tells you to do

>Bavaria seems nice
Austrians are the only ones outside Bavaria who speak a proper language.

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>turkish gasterbeiters they invited on their own volition
except they didn't
the american government forced them to let them in

hello (((polish))) friend

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As a blonde haired blue eyed syrian i really like them very friendly people

HUR DUR BAD POLACKS BAD KIKES (this one was true, even the bad clock is right sometimes) BAD BURGERS
germans are fuckin evil, vile, scummy shitty bastards who blame everyone for their own retardation
fuck them and fuck you for being kraut apologist

jak świat światem nie będzie niemiec polakowi bratem
wypierdalaj i zabieraj żydów ze sobą

plz be uncut

you just sound like a retard
then again you're polish, so i understand that it's most likely genetic

>they keep attacking Poland for last 1000 years

thats pretty much what everyone on earth wants to do with your shithole, but only Germans and russians are Close enough to actually do it

The German people I have met are pleasant and I do like their sense of humour if I can make such generalisations. I wish to visit Germany because I have not done so yet.

oddać marienburg kurwa

I dont give a shit about what swamp german thinks
you are on the same extinction spot as your shitty cousins, no one will miss you
netherlands culture? wooden shoes, windmills, drugs and prostitutes
nothing of value will be lost

completely unbased losers and Israel's EuroGolem

imagine still being this butthurt 80 years later
it's all you slavs can do, complain and whine and get mad at your superiors
you aren't worth the dirt under my shoe

>but only Germans and russians are Close enough to actually do it
you still suck at it, and you cannot do it even when you tag team
german efficiency? more like german autism, cannot do any menial labour, always needing slavs or turks to do stuff
exactly like kikes
nie ma takiego miasta marienburg

What will people miss about poland?
toilet cleaners?


ever seen their death and rape toll at the end of 6 years of occupation and "getting liberated" by the russians ? theres hardly polish DNA left
youre talking to some Germano-Russ hybrid, made by the rapists getting raped etc.

and you did what exactly? got annexed? no one even rembembers what you did, because you were only relevant in ancient past, this is why you desperately suck EU dick, to not feel like shitty little region that you are

they can miss when we will be gone, which will be never, or temporary anyway
>german talking about being soviet rape victim
at least you have experience in the subject, vanya

They are not even humans and they hate us

Modern germans are supremely cucked and are scared shitless of speaking up against feminism, migration and leftism. Also, the cultural brainwashing has been complete. The dumb memes about being the destroyers of Europe, and scat porn are just memes.

>European bros, what do you guys honestly think about Germany
completely taken over by communists.

>you still suck at it, and you cannot do it even when you tag Team

Out of 35 million pre-war citizens, between five to six million perished

According to the ideology of the Nazi occupiers, the newly created Polish territories were to be strictly segregated along racist lines. German occupiers from the Nazi empire (Reich) would rule, supported by the newly created intermediate social strata of ‘ethnic Germans’ (Volksdeutsche) and Ukrainians

Many of the soldiers who had engaged in sexual relationships had been married during the war, so publication of these stories would have been inconvenient for them. But another form of personal document turned out to be fruitful: letters from soldiers deployed in Poland

should i provide the link ?

>EU welfare parasite tells primary EU funder they are the parasite, not the actual parasite
nice delusion, poorfag, but you don't watch out and we'll stop sending you money

Hey Luigi, I don't hate you, quite the contrary. I get along well with polacks too. Stop being so butthurt guys and focus on the real enemy.

I have nothing against the Boches, have an issue with their (((leader(s))) though.

Modern Germany has a gun pointed to their head forcing them to concede to globohomo, Germans are good people who are used as scapegoats because kikes can so nothing but project their own faults onto others

>muh rape of Berlin

kek, read it and tell me how many poles are left in poland BWAHAHAHA

for anyone that still believes the "muh germans are cucked commies now" meme, here's what real germans are like

this man says FUCK YOU to the german law on weapons and constantly makes new inventions that are incredibly deadly but technically completely legal, while advocating for less strict weapons laws
he's also been successful in fighting youtube when it came to demonitization and censorship

My muslim brothers go to Germany for breed their girls.

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>Muh Rome
>Muh corrupt, gay, pedo, crumbling shadow of a former empire.
They had been subverted after they became christian

wrong and wrong

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The population are massive cucks bending over for immigrants. Cowards afraid to be called racists. Tail between their legs whimpering.

east germans are cool, west germans however are huge fags, even worse than parisians and that's quite an accomplishment

the best wäy to max the torture are to let the victim die as slow as possible in as much pain as possible way.
the goal must nt even be the death, a live in Pain is even more effective.

that is what jews do with america and germany

this isn t germany, it is just an headquarter for those who rule and if they want to torture europe a little more, the germans are guilty.
Germany tried to free europe once, now we paying the toll, but it was worth, and i can say it, because actually i am paying the toll

based, one of my favorite languages.

talk to french coworkers :
>Yeah, the "diversity" really is getting too much, we need to have more conservative powers and lower taxes for the actually working french people

talk to german coworkers in private:

Talk to german co-workers in public:

germans in a nutshell anno 2020, and its fucking annoying man
they also police on another on whos too nazi, they legitamately go to the luxembourgian foreman and say things like "oh did you know Hans said XY about blacks and Jews? I can't believe it, I can't believe you make me work with such a nazi" all while then they themselves say in private that they hate refugees

they're obviously traumatised in some way, and its not really funny anymore. You'd think that now the germans would be the last ones to gear up the tanks once again, but I think they'll be the first

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I don't understand Germans, they seem pretty funny on Yas Forums but IRL they seem like white Chinamen

>In Munich
>red light but there's no traffic
I'm the only one to cross while a dozen or so Germans still wait for the Green light. It was so surreal.

you can lose your license for crossing red mate

They are all autistic and closer to robots than to actual people, personality-wise. They still don't understand at a deep level that the holocaust was evil, they just know it's bad cause they've been taught it is but next time they'll fuck up something else, like they fucked up Greece and the EU. In short, they lack humanity.

If you walk through a red light you can lose your license??????

Jaywalkers should be shot on sight.

>You'd think that now the germans would be the last ones to gear up the tanks once again, but I think they'll be the first
jij zegt dat, alsof het was slechts was
one would think, after being the scapegoat for the whole world & being lied to for 75 years, that this would just be a measured response.

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oh walking well no

what are you crazy ?
especially westerners love italians
our ancestors went to vacation to italy in the 60's
there are countless italian families here who have deep roots in germany
remember we were allies during the war and alot of former soldiers made friends with their italian kameraden lake garda was a major tourism target in the 60's irtalian culture is well known and loved there are countless movies about the romantic and energetic italians
despite having beautiful black haired womans your guys are based and hardworking and above all catholic
the italian gastarbeiter and their families are friends ( unlike the muslim turks )
there are so much commonalities between germans and italians
of course you have black sheep as always there are italian supremacists as there are german ones but the majority is as i pictured before , from racing sports over religious similarities to culinary exchange italians in germany are a prime example of successful integration every german with italian roots is seen as a welcome and on par friend, and foremost much apreciated fellow italo german
almos tlike any other colleague with european but non-german roots but in stark contrast to the muslims in general and especially turks who always fail to integrate whereas the other (eu)immigrants succeed almost everytime, instead of integrating and adapting to existant structures the muslims create paralel cultures and insert their own way almost every time when there is a suficcient number around
if not they are basically cucks and hypocrites
unlike any other non muslim migrant.
love italyians, portugese, french, dutch , polish, danish, swiss, austrian, spanish, czech , hungarians, greeks, irish, brits , scots , finns, norwegians , swedes, russians , bulgarians, slovakians , bosnians, albanians, luxembourgians, romanians , maltese, cypriots, corsicans , ukrainians there are all countries i know good people from who came from their country here to germany and worked.

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Kek the memes are true, please tell me what seperates Germans and Chinamen? Both act like robotic ants without personal thoughts.

Well why do Germans act like that? Why do you need something to tell you when you cross a empty street?

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They were just too autistic to defend themselves from the criticisms

The German is a problematic being of torn identity, much like the French, however, the French are far more dangerous warmongers while the Germans take to tantrums rather than wholly destroying conflict. Both Great Wars being, of course, the exception.
The German is a strange creature, deeply enamoured with Roma due to vague connections to the tail end of the Empire; their infatuation far exceeds that of any proper Latin European. However, the German can be a strong ally of Europa. Of all the barbarians, the German has never started a war against Spain, going as far as avoiding every armed encounter with our nation and assisting us during the destruction of the communist threat.
I hold little regard for the Germans, however, the 20th was the century of Germany, we owe almost every technological and philosophical advancement we enjoy today to them. They redeemed themselves and have proven to be a functional civilization when working with proper allies.
In summary: better together but not intermixed.

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The insults towards other countries are just memes. The respective figureheads are the ones we dislike. When people here say that hate the Brits, they mean the government/army. No one actually has any ill feeling towards the average Englishman. I think the same can be said for other rivalries

If you hate law and order so much, why don't you move to Somalia or Poland so you can be with your own kind, you piece of SHIT.

Germanophobes are too autistic to listen
just look at what the slavnigger in this thread is saying

Germany and germans must die

eastern europe should be colonized by germans

Not really on topic, but instead of wehraboos or kaiserboos why dont we call german fanboys germaniacs?

I love Germany its just to bad so many Germans live there.

I like Germans minus the ones that still have Nazi beliefs or are Nazi sympathizers. (I.E RACIAL SUPERIORITY HUR HUR) OK show me your accomplishments and then tell me all your accomplishments are because of your genetic determinism.

You can be colonized by Morocco you dumb dutchie
srsly fuck all germanics their replacement can come quicker

I'm fine with no brother wars but not for the rest

Holy fuck my god
>If I have personal thoughts and don't act like a robotic subhuman I hate law and order

Why are you such a fucking retard? Sign yourself up for the T4 program

Fuck Germany
Fuck German people
Fuck German language
Fuck German politicans
Fuck German food
Fuck German beer
Fuck German cars
Fuck German football
Fuck German forests
Fuck German mountains
Fuck German Rivers
Fuck German Sea
Fuck German animals
Fuck German rocks
Fuck German sky
Fuck anything that's German

Fuck Saxons
Fuck Hamburgers
Fuck Westphalians
Fuck Holsteiners
Fuck Frankfurters
Fuck Swabians
Fuck Franconians
Fuck Bavarians
Fuck Berliners
Fuck Pomerainas
Fuck Thuringians

Fuck Angela Merkel
Fuck Martin Luther
Fuck Adolf Hitler
Fuck whole Hozenhollern dynasty
Fuck Holy Roman Empire
Fuck North German Confederation
Fuck German Empire
Fuck Nazi Germany
Fuck Federal Republic of Germany
And Fuck everything else that's German

But most importantly


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I live in Munich, and the only people I see jaywalking are, without fail, brown people. Never show your melanin self around here ever again, you piece of shit.

You make me sick.


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Oh my, such words might anger the krauts here my friend!

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you forgot leaves as #1

100% (unless they're lefty cunts).

Lefties are superior to Yas Forumscels.

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>Also how quickly Germans turn xenophobic is kinda weird
What exactly do you mean?

I think you smoked to much, bro

Chang here,


btw the old fashioned Germany porns are the only ones I love on Pornhub. I always turn off the sound tho.

Imagine being such a fucking soyb*y cuck that you need a light to tell you when to walk across the road. Hang yourself loserrrrr


Yeah but Germans are the most bullied PEOPLE on Yas Forums

Move there, chinks will easily assimilate as Germans+chinks are two of the same kind.

Especially when you read what this retard has wrote

And you being a prime example.

The paki doth protest too much, methinks.

Post pic of wrist. I'm sure your full of s*y

Only incel cucks worship Cuckdolf Shitler.

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Post pic of tooth.

True .

Germans are bro's, their government is absolute shite though, like in most EU countries.

right... because they started both world wars(they did not), but hey, keep telling yourself otherwise.

sorry for that response, i only read the pic(and only barely), as for your actual question, they are ok but i wish that they would unkike themselves

shitskin detected

How are you unable to not break the rules? It's easy to walk over the street when there are no repercussions for it, but you prove you are no better than a nigger since you require people to look after you in order for you to not break the rules

>what do you think about germans?
itt. WW2!!!!!!! HILTLER!!!!!!! WW2!!!!!!!!!

Most of you faggots are just some mentally ill motherfuckers. Cope or kys.

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dein ernst jetzt?
wie behindert kann ein mensch nur sein... unsere innenstädte sehen aus wie drittewelt löcher mittlerweile du spast. geh lutsch nen nafriniggerpimmel und krieg aids

A small price to pay.
Germans are weirdos from our point of view, but we like them and the world would be less enjoyable without them bc they're are wonderful.
Just a tip, never ever trigger them into beast mode, they're savage af.

yea if one walks across red light one is wi.ling to break any other law no questions asked
that user probably drives without seatbelt, buys booze for minors , smokes around babies , doesnt buy a train ticket , does illicit work , leaves the phone on in the cinema and is basically with one step in prison
i hope that user works itself round this lawless style of living and finds back on the righteous path

I love the German people but I hate what their country has become. I hope they can do another 1933 soon

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What the fuck are you waffling on about?

I don't require a light to tell me to cross the road because I have EYES!

It's literally as simply as that and I don't understand why you krauts can't imagine acting on your own accord

>It would seem to me like they aren't well received over there.
It's more like all of Europe is tsundere for Germany.
They appreciate the central European blob, but they can't quite admit to it.

relax islander
as long as you dont do it in front of little children ( be a good example and so on) its fine
of course germans jaywalk as well
when its in the middle of the night
and nobody is looking
but sometimes they dont
its very romantic waiting in front of a red light for it to turn green at 3o'clock in the morning on a sunday when you come home from partying in the city and walking home to the suburbs
just take the moment and use it for self reflection or just dont give a fuck look left and right , no car ? okay keep calm and shamble on !

>t. shitskin in Amsterdam

You have to go back, roach.

It's about principles, if i am not in a rush and there is no car coming, i am still gonna wait at a red light. Because i believe in rules, i don't need someone to look over my shoulder to follow the rules. And we are not talking about a stupid rule either, there is a good reason for traffic lights and that is why i will stand there and wait for it to turn green, and i will look at weak willed faggots who follow some nigger once he crosses the street, because apparently once one person goes over the street, people feel the urge to do it as well, weak willed faggots

Herd mentality. Plus most people in the modern age have absolutely no principles

I legitimately don't know a single person who likes germany, me included. Talk about 30-40's germany sure but todays germany, absolutely fucking not. I'm not talking about people here either, i have whole bunch of krautfriends but jesus fuck does their political class suck major dick.

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Haha you Germans are a funny bunch I'll admit that. Perhaps I'll go back to Germany this year

Verpiss dich, du veraidste Ostfotze!

Did you know that Angela Merkel Kaźmierczak is Polish?

Why the fuck do you care? Take pride in the fact that any foreigners who 'bullies' us on this shitty website, we probably raped their country in some war, and for good reason too, because they're anti-German crybabies.

>Why the fuck do you care?

Because I'm not a machine, I have a feelings, you piece of SHIT.

I guess that is where our cultures are different. In the UK if there's no cars in the immediate area people generally cross even if it's a red light.

Germany is nice and orderly but at the same time it has a oppressive atmosphere. I felt like I was being watched even at night, I could only imagine how it was under the Nazis.

Then it's about time you become a machine built of steel and fight back

Da liegst du falsch Achmed

Most awesome country in the Union...and the world desu.

Perhaps if we fix the goverment and get out all the non-assimilating elements in there, then i'd be with you on that.

Based english learner. Eines Tages wird ich gut deutsch sprechen.

>Every fucking time. Poles are so damn butthurt any time Germany is mentioned.
It’s due to their inferiority complex
They can’t behave differently, and it’s in their subhuman genetics

Germans are cucks, they sold their families and frends to arabs... Treacherous subhuman filth

typical dutch, hating what they are so close to. Only you can't see it, Koen.

About that, 90% of the time I see them irrationally angry whenever germans are mentioned, it is honestly hilarious to see how they chimp out
