Liberals are THIS stupid

>Liberals are THIS stupid

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And it's already been shoah'd
What do you expect ? Twitter is full of niggers, and niggers are about as smart as dogs

sorry, faggots, the twitter poster is correct. anti-bacterial agents are largely ineffective against viruses. the best way to disinfect your hands and face is with a scrub brush, hot water, and soap.

Alcohol kills viruses retard lol. This person lives a city over from me, sad so many retards live in an area as rich as this

Alcohol is anti-microbial you moron. Viruses are proteins and sometimes lipid, both destroyed by alcohol.

Sanitizers are either just alcohol or shit like triclosan that indeed doesn't do shit for coronavirus.

She’s actually not wrong at all. Wash your hands, don’t touch your face and cough on your shoulder

t. retard

any protein/lipid enveloped virus will die to alcohol based hand sanitizer.

read a fuckin book nigger

>any protein/lipid enveloped virus will die to alcohol based hand sanitizer.
which is what I wrote

Shes actually completely wrong redditor. only VERY few viruses are not affected by alcohol.

She (male) is right though.

>i'm a scientist

literally just read the label

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>anime pic

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Pro tip: a cop that uses hand sanatizer before administering a breathalyzer will skew the results high. Always opt for the blood test.


this is the scientist from all the news titles

just cut off your hands

problem solved!

Washing hands is fucking gay.

She's probably has low self-esteem.

corona virus is enveloped. it's infectivity is entirely dependent on proteins around it's virion. which alcohol ruins, thus ruining in infectivity.

go away russian troll!11

Probably a lab technician. I squirt liquids into test strip! Im like luie pastuuure!!


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I'm using this around the house. Packaging says it removes some "special viruses".

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Wonder how much fatter she is two years later. There are a lot of myspace angles in those pictures.

sanitizer is to get you to a sink.

Hey retard, soap is antibacterial......

Coronavirus is enveloped you knuckledragging ape.

I drink hand sanitizer so the corona virus cant harm me

So she is cosplaying as a scientist on twitter


...and I'm a vagene doctor, please open up

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The bacteriuhs eventually become Triclosan-resistant

They will just get a warrant and hold you down and take your blood, refusal is an automatic 1 year suspension of your driving privileges.


Itll unstick bacteriuhs, but it won't kiII them

viruses are not microbes.
you need 90% alcohol to destroy viruses (except rabies)
60% hand sanitizer will not work.

>fat female mudshit doctor is both incompetent and egotistical
Imagine my shock

If people used less hand sanitizer and washed their hands then superbugs wouldn't exist

>it removes some "special viruses".
It cures down syndrome and they're not using it?


There is a reason they are called "Women in Science" and not "Women scientists".
Even if the retard thinks she is a scientist, she is not. She is a pet put in the team only to get grants.

70% is the optimal concentration for alcohol.

Listen bros. Hand sanitizer is okay when you are on the go and it most definitely does NOT entirely sanitize the hand. Virus and bacteria could survive or have been missed while you are running them together.

Washing your hand with hot soapy water is the best. The heat kills, the soap kills, and the running water washes microbes off.

T. My wife is a nurse practitioner who specializes in private practice surgeons usually dealing with facial reconstruction and she and her colleagues use soap and water before surgery

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Gonna hope for your sake .. that thiis is bait

>The heat kills, the soap kills,
None of this is true. Washing hands just physically removes microbes. You're not killing shit with the 110°F coming out of your tap and soap isn't inherently antibacterial. Antibacterial soaps haven't been shown to be any more effective than normal soap for preventing disease.

>alcohol wont degrade a virus

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>Not for resale

>Twitter is full of niggers, and niggers are about as smart as dogs


America is owned by Jews. Wake up you fucking goyim retard. Gee who gonna win the fake democracy? The Israel owned one? Or the Israel owned one? Or the Israel owned one?

Twitter is for jew niggers.
Use it and become a jew nigger too

yeah, my experience tells me that the scientist is a gender-cornfused psychopath

Many such cases

>t. A scientist that is tired of this shit
Well, she's clearly not a biologist, most hand sanitizer is alcohol based, which works by dissolving cellular membranes (including ours, don't drink sanitizer), that kills pretty much everything except for prions, which are inexplicably hard to destroy.
They use alcohol, not antibiotics, you dense fuck.
>the heat kills
Water hot enough to kill microbes will also kill (You), stop spouting bullshit.
>the soap kills
No, no it doesn't, all it does is make it easier to wash away microbes.


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I keep hearing this propaganda.
>Don't buy masks guys, they don't really work
>Besides, the people who REALLY need masks are the healthcare workers.
>The real danger isn't this virus it's the racists!

My mom was telling me that a doctor on the news was telling people that wearing masks won't prevent the virus from affecting you but if you've been infected that wearing a mask will prevent others from getting it. Wut.

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Absolute monkey, hot water and soap dont kill. Water removes dirt and debris that may be a nidus for microbes, and after the initial wash to stay sanitized we use an extremely high concentration alcohol spray so we dont have to keep washing before scrubbing in for each case.

Hope your wife enjoys her dickings in the stock room and lounge like a good nurse would

>t. Surgeon in training

Wow, your wife is retarded.

do you not use chlorhexidine?

trying to backpedal

Well wearing a mask and stopping the projection of your diseased cough droplets from getting everywhere will reduce the transmission by a decent margin.

>enjoys her dickings in the stock room and lounge like a good nurse would

this was unneccessary and unprofessional


>but muh wife is a nurse practitioner

Imagine not just soaking a sponge in diluted chlorine and wiping your hands with it.

You are fucking retarded OP.

Most people don’t wash their hands long enough. You have to scrub them and sing the happy birthday song twice. Now they installed these “green” sinks in my office bathroom where the water shuts off after 10 seconds. These kikes would rather save money on water then have a clean work environment. I’m thinking about quitting.

Fat people suck.

>They use alcohol, not antibiotics, you dense fuck.
Could you imagine washing our hands with antibiotics. We would be superhumans by now or dead I guess

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>viruses have a magical property that lets them live when fully submersed in alcohol

Whoa. I bet eating tide pods is safe because bleach kills germs but humans aren't germs.

clinical recommendation (nonsurgical) is 60 seconds with soap, and 30 seconds with sanitizer.

also important is the technique you use to clean all surfaces of your hands

OP left out the fact she deleted the tweet after getting BTFO and is now claiming shes being sexually assualted by people "screenshotting it without consent"

>Taking health advice from an obese person.

>Water hot enough to kill microbes will also kill (You), stop spouting bullshit.

Yeah but the hotter the water, the more effective the soap, given that it's a kinetic process.

Hand sanitizers are a scam they really don't do shit


>Wonderwoman has the shit beat out of her
I mean atleast it's somewhat realistic. Shows of women going hand to hand combat with swords and winning make me cringe.

alcohol kills viruses, moron

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>I'll cosplay as who I want

Do Black Panther next pls

fucking women

I'm two steps ahead and drunk.

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I mean....
>muh wife told me this
is cuck behavior, she probably is

well that explains it, her scientific knowledge comes from quaran

who would have known

>it removes some "special viruses"
says on the bottle that it reigns niggers

>Masks do nothing to stop viruses getting in, but do a lot to stop viruses from getting out. Like a one way valve.

>Don't take masks, they don't help. Leave some for medical staff so they can be helped instead.

You are wrong. Too quote the source: "90% alcohol rubs are more effective against viruses than most other forms of hand washing. Isopropyl alcohol will kill 99.99 % or more of all non-spore forming bacteria in less than 30 seconds, both in the laboratory and on human skin. ... Alcohol rub sanitizers kill most bacteria, and fungi, and stop some viruses."

So yes, the person in OP's pic is an idiot who's spreading the disease of idiocy, and she gave you the idiot bug. Please do yourself a favor and spend less times following such stupid people. You are not adequately trained, prepared, or equipped to handle so many stupid people without being at large risk of becoming one of them yourself.

Pour 120% alcohol on benis before insertion, thank me later bros

t. wife is an escort

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No it won't you enormous retard. This is shit that can live on surfaces for 10 days. It can survive a little alcoholic bath. Soap and running water is the best for this.

Id never take health advice from a middle eastern.

but can she cosplay a skinny Muhammadchan waifu?

>citing Wikipedia of all things

Fucking retard. It's not effective versus viruses and even the FDA is warning Purell to stop advertising it as such.

>It can survive a little alcoholic bath.

Where are you getting this from?

From actual scientists who talk about this shit all the time. To disinfect anything from a level 4 biohazard lab, you need to douse it in bleach for like 30 minutes to make sure it's completely dead.

If you don't believe me, see citations here talking about how hand sanitizers are worse than regular hand washing.

>if you've been infected that wearing a mask will prevent others from getting it
it blocks most of your death coofs. now we need diapers for the infected so their deadly gaseous fart plumes don't get us

This is why Jews rule. Stupid goyim. Lmfaoo

why incriminate yourself? never take a breathalyzer or blood test. also never participate in any road side tests. spend the night in jail, then hire a top notch lawyer.

>To disinfect anything from a level 4 biohazard lab, you need to douse it in bleach for like 30 minutes to make sure it's completely dead.

Okay, this sounds like a precaution to make 100% sure everything is fucking dead, scorched earth policy. This is a lab procedure.
How does this mean covid-19 can swim around in alcohol and be cool with it?

I think your mistake, and everyone else's mistake, is that if they find any flaw in any preventative measures they deem the entire preventative measure 100% totally ineffective 100% of the time.
The same thing is happening with masks. Since a mask is not 100% effective at preventing illness, it must mean the mask is 100% ineffective. This is simply not true. This is what you're doing with alcohol.

>Viruses are not microbes wokay?
Imagine being a retard of this magnitude

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>why incriminate yourself? never take a breathalyzer or blood test
I don't think there is a way to avoid the blood test my guy, this is not a libertarian country. It's blood test, plead guilty or fake some sort of medical catastrophe that results in your blood being taken anyway.

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He's right, you may get most of it with a spray and wipe down, but to actually kill essentially 100% you'd have to completely coat the surface in a layer and let it sit for an extended period of time. Washing your hands is more effective because of the "degerming" from vigorously washing with soapy water to dislodge anything.

Too quote this one since you want to resist becoming informed: "Advantages: Bactericidal, tuberculocidal, fungicidal, virucidal"

Yes, it kills viruses. Is it the make-all, end-all, and be-all of hand sanitation? Of course not, but that wasn't the claim. The claim is that alcohol doesn't kill viruses, and here are sources that dispute that claim.

Op's idiot is wrong. You're wrong. And you must be a liberal, because you'd rather stick to being wrong than revise your information.

I went to the CDC website and they say that swallowing hand sanitizers can cause alcohol poisoning, so keep that in mind.

This argument is annoying and needs to change.

Saying they aren't alive because we created a loophole by not having a broad enough definition of what a life form is... It's always pissed me off.

I'm not saying to not wash your hands. Always wash your hands when you get the chance to. But also use alcohol (or hand sanitizer) on the fly. Use both methods.

Alcohol will also be a good to put in a spray bottle and decontaminate items.

Is she getting roasted in the comments

There’s a difference between antiseptic/disinfectant and medication. Brainlets are mixing that shit all up. People just think virus as “super-bacteria” because it is difficult to develop medication to attack virus. Virus are generally pretty vulnerable outside of the body because they have simple structure in their pure form. Bacteria on other hand have more complex defense mechanism and relatively more resistance than virus. Spore-forming bacteria can really fucking survive bunch of antiseptic/disinfectant methods. However, once virus infect a cell, it’s hard to attack the virus as the virus is under the protection of the cell.

Up to date:

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^ This. hand sanitizer is a poor substitute for hand washing. However, it's a great extra step when cleanliness is valuable. There's a reason you see hospitals lined hand sanitizer dispensers, and you see a sink and hand sanitizer at the entrance to every patient room.

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She makes a strong argument for white supremacy.

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You shouldn't wash your hands more than once a day or your skin will be too thin to protect you. If you must wash again only rinse with water, no scrubbing or active drying. I do this and I've never gotten sick through my hands.

what blood alcohol % do i need for the virus to just be killed before it can take hold in my body

Ok bantu boy

High enough that your body would be dead before it even circulated enough to raise the concentration to sufficient levels.


"scientists" like this are the reason we can't go to the moon any more

Somewhere between Charlie Sheen and Dudley Moore levels of alcohol intake is necessary.

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Jesus those tree trunk legs wew please put on burka

Look at how awkwardly those muscle-free sausage arms squeeze into those kitchen rubber gloves. SHe never gets even the smallest amount of exercise.

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overuse of these is causing germs to evolve to be resistant to this shit, kinda like how only the super sneaky spiders live

>Nobody has imagined the smell between those tree truck fucking thighs yet.
Yas Forums is unironically dead

Muslim? She looks like a mutt. I've seen actual muslims and they're all dark skinned.

>I'll take things that didn't age well for $1000 please Alex

Well, I'm a germophobe who has been washing his hands dozens of times a day for most of my life. In my 30s now, immune system is very strong and I can be exposed to the cold from my gf multiple times a year and not catch it. And I have tough skin on my hands with plenty of callous.
I'm not saying to do what I do, but your claim that it thins the skin is total bullshit and only based on something you were told and you simply regurgitated it.

Read the fucking medical literature you absolute disgrace.

In conclusion, WHO-recommended alcohol-based formulations were validated with different enveloped viruses. A strong virucidal effect against emerging pathogens, including ZIKV, EBOV, SARS-CoV, and MERS-CoV, could be demonstrated, implicating the usability of these WHO formulations in healthcare and outbreak-associated viral infections.

Ethanol, the most common alcohol ingredient, appears to be the most effective against viruses; whereas, the propanols have a better bactericidal activity than ethanol.

I think she’s confused with antibiotics

Why don't we just exterminate all the Jews?

>Ethanol, the most common alcohol ingredient, appears to be the most effective against viruses; whereas, the propanols have a better bactericidal activity than ethanol.

So we need to bring back ethanol rubbing alcohols.
I have a bottle under my sink from the early 80s that's ethanol based. Smells completely different and I swear it brings back some very early childhood memories. I don't use it because I like the novelty.


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Haha idiot you are supposed to scrub your hands and lather, not rinsing your hands under water the entire time you have been washing your hands incorrectly your entire life. The water is just to rinse off the soap that you lathered.

>duurrr ima scientist

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There's a wide variety of people who identify as muslim. She's like Lebanese or something, which looks more ambiguously racial than others from the middle east. She clearly has some canaanite DNA of some sort, because she looks pretty Jewish desu.

Try RiteAid

a completely unattractive landwhale thinks she's smarter than everyone and also does horrifically bad cosplay.

imagine my shock.

lmao, I present to you: Women "scientists" :D

topkek, the backpedaling. what a dumb bitch.

>islam is a race

So you're saying the solution is more alcohol? I like the way you think.

Maybe grow some callouses like a man and you won’t have old lady skin that washes away.

Its been tried but you guys stopped them remember ?

This is her and she describes herself as a thick and curvy Arab
Looks like fat to me but ok

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Before the corona shit became mainstream I bought 100 bottles for dirt cheap and have sold them all for 20 bucks each to college stusents

Should have asked a lot more but at least I still got a nice sum out of it lmao

Damn, thanks. Had no idea it was still produced.


Here is evidence showing that your are wrong. Repeatedly washing your hands will not "make the skin too thin" as you put it. At worst, you run a risk drying the skin out, and that's only if your using cheap shit and not rinsing it completely off. Hand moisturizer can immediately cure dry skin.

You should always use soap with washing your hands. The soap is what allows grime to life off your hand and into the water. When you wash your hands using only water, the only thing you accomplish is getting the germs wet.

>you guys stopped them

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>>Liberals are THIS ... suicidal.
just encourage them.
it's time that everything that's too dumb to live dies out.

she obciously is a quota female / affirmative action parasite

I bet you would you filthy nigger

>she doesn't realize that alcohol destroys a virus' protein sheath
>she doesn't realize real scientists use alcohol to sanitize things every day
>she didn't read how the CDC recommends hand sanitizers because the alcohol has been proven to kill viruses like SARS and MERS

Being a liberal is a health hazard.

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Corona virus's being studied (in general) have a protein membrane. The "2019 Novel Corona virus" (2019-nCoV), novel meaning the virus has previously never infected humans. Might not have a protein membrane, making it resistant to hand sanitizer. Although the consensus right now is when an RNA virus doesn't have a protein membrane it isn't lethal.

Uhh sorry sweetie that’s Ms.Marvel the progressive yet fundamentalist teenage Muslim superhero.

All females other than those with a strong moral foundation that rear children, cook and clean are affirmative action parasites.


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>so we dont have to keep washing before scrubbing in for each case
but you do anyway right? because otherwise you're not following hand hygiene protocols.

Dipping your hands in hydrochloric acid won't even do shit against an AIRBORNE VIRUS

I agree with that. Hand sanitizer is for drinking and water is for sterilizing hands. Not the other way around like some retards believe.

Now you're just being retarded on purpose.

>most people would pretend they didn't make a mistake at all.

just saiyen

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If neither alcohol nor sauna kills it, it's lethal.

they are spreading misinformation.
both have their role in infection control.

I hope people die because of this fat retarded muslim

Never knew finns were that dangerous

I did this and they still charged me and lied on the report

>woman ”scientist”
opinion disregarded

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Asperg Nigger. Kek.

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Hand sanitizer will kill any protein membrane virus (which 2019-nCoV is).

Use both anti-bacterial soap and hand sanitizer and throw out the piss bottles.

Hand sanitizer is disgusting mom science shit. I hope Yas Forums washes their hands and doesn't use that toxic goop.

That's funny. It's a Finnish proverb, but I never realised you could interpret it that way.

based retard

>those hidden replies
I love this new feature, it's like a collection of all the best responses

you guys are all fags lmao, I’d maul that muff and nut on her face while she’s wearing one of her faggy costumes

based but completely unironically

Dude, that hurt like a motherfucker and now my skin is peeling. Fuck it wont stop burning.

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over what period of time?

I just bought hand sanitiser when I have about 10L of rubbing alcohol here.

Im also a scientist by qualification.
I feel a bit silly but not as bad as the girl in OPs pic.

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If sand sanitizer works, can't you just rub like whisky or something on yourself or is the alcohol not concentrated enough

No, it's not.

Protein membrane viruses die in alcohol, 2019-nCoV is one of them.

Whisky actually works in a pinch.

Too much concentration is actually a bad thing, because it wont add to the effectiveness, but it will dry your skin out.

if you wash your hands properly then you will wash off a decent amount of microorganisms. that alone will help enormously. you can do more by using alcohol based hand rub properly after washing, but it is optional in most cases.

Shes right, sanitizers kill good bacteria and help bad ones and viruses mutate

that outfit looks like shit

over what period of time?

Whats the perfect concentration level where any higher is ineffective?