Capitalism is a clown show

Capitalism is a clown show

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Other urls found in this thread:–1938_(Bairoch)

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radicalism in general is not good
this is exactly why norway is doing so good

Nah, the joke is thinking you'll be noticed in a huge company. Not capitalism.

imagine being an Amerimutt, get your Twitter account closed but still defend 'muh lolbertarianism'

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I agree.
Distrabutism is the only way forward.

Wow this image made me instantly communist!

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>norway is doing so good
The only reason they're not a 3rd world fishing village is the north sea.

Your mistake is thinking that being a wagie will result in a good life. You get your salary, so shut the fuck up.

Why would a libertarian have a problem with a company doing what said company wants to do? You're saying it's bad they are logically consistent

>When all your memes are stolen and no ones funny because you’re entire peer group is women and men who are technically women.

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Norway is OIL rich retard

What capitalism?

Don't you mean central banking? Because that's the world we live in right now and you refuse to look at the real problem.

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Taking money from the rich won't make you rich you fucking idiot.

Ill be retiring after 25 years with a 6 figure defined benefit pension, get fucked

Communists should just kill themselves at this point

>Taking money from the rich won't make you rich you fucking idiot.
If I take all of Bezos money I'm rich. What are you saying?

>capitalism uses tax dollars to import shitskins to undercut wages
Stop posting, you're too dumb to post here.

>3 dollar words
Y'all sure do know how memes work.

>If I take all of Bezos money I'm rich. What are you saying?
If you did this and spread it among all of the working class and they spent that money, it would simply raise prices.
The working class receives virtually all of the end product of production.
The capitalists only live off and extremely tiny portion of the total consumer goods/services produced in the economy.
This is the ultimate commie killing argument.

>he thinks only commies hate capitalism
You must be new here

>bulgarian edumacation

Capitalism is all about private property.
Capitalists are those who own some private property.
You're just a clown who are paid to loan himself as someone's private property (kind of)
You're to be replaced with machines, because what we have now is not exactly humane.
So become a capitalist or enjoy being a thing.
At least it's not communism, communism is not all about you, it's all about (((them)))

>capitalism uses tax dollars to import shitskins to undercut wages
That's exactly what capitalism does

Norway is a country of just 5 million people (less than in most cities in the world) and they are floating on vast oil reserves.
Few countries can spend their way out of problems like Norway.

Increased immigration doesn't destroy wages, central banking does.

>he says from a country rapidly importing savages to hold up their socialist ponzi scheme

We need a 'national capitalism' that has all the benefits of capitalism, like making consumer products like cars and computers affordable to the common man. But doesnt do the whole transfer of millions of people between countries.

What is this commie shit?

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That's why their ideology is shit. Look at its consequences.

Wasn't that basically fascist Italys model?

It's called free market nationalism.
Abolish central banking.

Bro, we already know you don't understand what capitalism is, there's no need to demonstrate it a second time.

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If you have more people competing for the same job of course it lowers wages.
Particularly if some of those people are prepared to work for very cheap because they are sending money back home where the currency goes a lot further.

Central banks do as well but that doesnt negate the fact that mass migration does.

I see you've never worked before

Jesus y'all are cringe.

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>nationalize the banks and ban usury

How y'all so poor lmao. Paying for pension programs for Arabs and old kraut boomers ?
t. Takes all my vacation and clears $160k every year

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Communist losers don't work.

Nice try, I've been working 8 years full-time, moved out of mommy's basement at 19. Sounds like you're projecting.

>Jesus y'all are cringe.

hahahahahaha chapocucks have been literally seething for the whole day. Bumping this shit threadbecause you're the butt of the joke but don't know it.

>agree niggers are lost cause
>agree niggers are causing their own misery
>talk about white people
nu/pol/ logic

Wrong, Capitalism is a fantastic system.

Globalism disguised as capitalism is the clown show you're thinking of.

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Capitalism means that you can start your own business and employ cucks and goyim.

Retard. Inb4 real capitalism has never been tried.

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Capitalism isn't the problem, unhinged mega corporatism is.

This would completely destroy the economy and condemn us to poverty.
Fuck inflation.


Pedro is cheaper than robots

>OP thinks that boomer logic works in a capitalist society
>OP is clearly a faggot

Central banking is literally the opposite of capitalism.

which wouldnt help you, retard

Not if he steals and caughs into the boxes he packs.
When I'm in my autonomous house, I will never buy from companies who don't broadcast the production process live or use wageslaves in their factories.

Tfw my company promoted me because I'm a minority. I called in more, worked less, and knew less than some of my competition. Feels good getting a $6 an hour raise though

>*hits pipe*
if you defend the freedom to become rich doesn't mean you are defending the rich.
fuck trump, i wanna be like soros, or even better, bezos.

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This is true. Central banking is literally just a centralized tool for manipulating supply and demand in the economy. That doesn't necessarily mean it's bad, but it's not capitalism.

Fucking based and goldpilled
The 100th monkey will learn eventually and we all go kill the banksters together

>real capitalism has never been tried
Wrong. Central banks are a vital part of capitalism and serve the ruling class. Why can't you get rid of them? That's right. Capitalism.
>wahh wahh it's not real ancap style
No shit faggot. We don't live in fairy tale. The real world is what it is and this is capitalism.

bernie is losing hard comrades, what can we do?

>Those wealthy Russians that live in Cyprus
>Thousands of incredibly wealthy politicians and lobby groups in belgium. Plus all the fancy restaurants hotels, luxury limos to cater for them
>Sex pats bringing up the average in spain

That is all I have to say.

Truism is not truth

It's such a shame everyone is so brainwashed and doesn't know about the federal reserve.

Central banks have created more communists than Lenin and Mao.

So ur saying fraudulent money and money printing with fractional reserve banking causes huge market distortions, huh, you don't say ...

It's not capitalism if the government is dictating what is done with your money. It's not capitalism i if the thing they're doing with your money is artificially dropping the price of labor. Real capitalism has been tried, and it was the most prosperous time in history, but retarded shits like you killed it because you're retarded shits.

Used to push libertarianism now I just promote accelerationism. Tick tick boomers tick tock

>Be communist New
>Introduce feminism
>Worker surplus doubled
>Still a communist New
>Introduce immigrants
>Worker surplus doubled again
>Be communist New
>Outsource all labor to other countries
>No more jobs
>Shit jobs are heavily competed
>Tech jobs are outsourced to bugmen and poos
>Communist Jew subverts golden-age of capitalism

It's always the Jew, Heinz Katsup

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I agree with you but that's also why the median is also presented.

>This would completely destroy the economy and condemn us to poverty.

>Central banks are a vital part of capitalism
No, they've done nothing but distort capitalism LOL
When we actually had successful capitalism we had NO central bank.
>The real world is what it is and this is capitalism.
Imagine being dumb enough to think extreme levels of interventionism are "capitalism".
You people are dumb and your binary thinking makes you dumber.

i gotta tell you: we had theocratic distributism. now we are the last compared to the other european countries.

>brag about a $6/hr raise
poorfag detected

Modern feminists claim to be strong, independent people. Yet they prove over and over again that they are parasitically reliant on men in every aspect of life. A prime example of this is child support (sexist extortion). Your average strong, independent will have 1-3 kids out of wedlock. Typically with a male they choose to abandon for more cock carousel. From the male, they will demand, over the course of 18 years, an average of $500,000-1,000,000 (or more) in child support (sexist extortion) fees for each child. This doesn't include legal fees or medical bills a man is forced to pay out of pocket. It also doesn't include the countless welfare programs the man will be paying for through various taxes. For a strong, independent woman, getting knocked up is like winning the lottery. They don't earn this money and most of it is used to attract more male victims and "party it up" with their equally trashy female friends. It is seldom used exclusively for the child. Let that sink in, because child support, is supposed to be a "supplemental" fund for the sole purpose of feeding and clothing the child. It's Not supposed to be a replacement for alimony (more sexist extortion) or her getting off of her fat, lazy ass and getting a damn job. Even worse, if you are poor, you will likely be unable to afford the outrageous child support fees (which are calculated based on a spreadsheet indicating your earning potential based on bullshit statistics not your actual income), not only will you be forced to pay anyway, when you ultimately fail, they can jail you for "contempt of court" (debtors prison) and force you into actual slavery to pay off your debt, with interest. So don't fall for a woman's bullshit of "HAVE SEX". It's a psyop. Modern women are not strong. They're parasites. ...and, if you do get your dick wet, use VCF spermacidal strips. They will keep you from being a victim (or chump) of the sexist, matriarchal system.

>money of Bezos
find them

Wtf are you supposed to do? Get gold?

>tax dollars
it's either military, judicial, administration or police force. immigration is not a public cost in a libertarian society.

>Not negotiating your salary to be paid in gold instead of fiat currency
smdh tbqh senpai

The point is that he defends the right of mega corps to take away his freedom so long as it isn’t the government

In the end he doesn’t care about freedom so much as defending the idea of a system. Like a communist

Abolish the federal reserve.

also yes buy gold because the US dollar is going to collapse

You use sick and vacation days to show them what they lack without you around.

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Fair point.
I feel bad for Germany but they are also the cause of their own problems.
Who in their right mind enters in to a political and fiscal union with France?

Well that is 12 grand a year.

Nobody is talking about, or cares about your libertarian bullshit. It's as cringey and unrealistic as Bernie economics.

How is anyone debating against this?
This is exactly why megacorps are pushing diversity. Immigrant wage slavery is the new field nigger

but thats the thing though. Nigs DONT work. Whites DO. So doing this would benefit whites more than it benefits nigs.

The idea behind this line of thinking lies with the preposition that you were working for yourself, thus through hard work your company would grow and profit. Not submitting yourself to a large companies schedule and wondering when you'll be able to break that schedule

It’s just a company in charge of the creation of currency.

That's gross, not net. Do you know how progressive taxation works? You'll be glad if you get to keep even half that.

Thats why we need to take power away from the government so that mega corporations cant lobby the government to change or create laws that go against the people.

How did the federal reserve fit into the economy when there was the gold standard?

As long as you have no welfare, immigration isn't an issue because they'll literally die off.

How do you make man?
If you’re sneezing at $6 an hour then you gotta be making some big bucks

>It’s just a company in charge of the creation of currency.

Oh OK ill start my own central bank company then.
Oh wait I cant because its not just a company in charge of the creation of currency.

You misspelled corporatism

except it was real back before the 1929 crash(caused by the US government that started a war on import goods) and the 1971(when the US government stopped following the gold standard).
oh wait, nazis on here believe real capitalism was never implemented, so it must be just a dream.

You're still trying to talk around the fact that a segment of whites have an IQ problem too. People who work 5+ years for Walmart were never gonna make it regardless of skin color.

Work smart not hard.

150k-170k a year in burger dollars (depending on bonuses).

This is why bretton woods wasn't so good and wasn't a real gold standard. The last gold standard ended in the great depression when they made it pretty much illegal to own gold since everyone wanted to put a run on the banks and get real currency instead of their shit paper. It's almost impossible to have fractional reserve banking based on money that doesn't exist In a system where you can immediately redeem notes for hard specie.

Depends on his base pay, that's how progressive taxation works.
He could also put it all in a retirement fund that isn't taxed until he's retired.
Also American, max is 38% and I can safely assume he's not in that tier.


holy fuck. what's your job, if i may ask?

Working your ass off to become rich is overrated. I have my NEETbux due to a "disability" and literally do whatever I want 24 hours a day.

I win.

I thought this forced unfunny jewish meme was dead.

>lives in a Nordic welfare state.

That's not bad. I'm at $25 an hour, but considering I'm in my early 20s with only a high school diploma it's nice.

You mean cheat the bureaucracy and take on hundreds of billions of debt from other countries you have no intention of paying back? You mean make defrauding the local government your "national sport" (as one of your own politicians put it) by cashing welfare checks for dead relatives?

Typical proto-nigger bullshit.

Yes, communism is the way to go.

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Central banking is a centralized tool for manipulating prices, wages, supply and demand. That's literally what YOU want the economy to be like kek. That's not capitalism.

>oh wait, nazis on here believe real capitalism was never implemented

Why would the national socialists on here believe that?
I would only expect the libertarians on here to believe that.

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OP's pic hits really, really hard. I remember this external co-manager who only lasted a month being like "sure, sure, you can work in electronics eventually". 15 goddamn years later and I haven't been moved, despite my "career preference" being checked monthly. Oh well. GWP is coming and there's less and less to strive for here.

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Norway was richer than you in 1913 you dumb kraut–1938_(Bairoch)

Even if immigration didn't lower wages, which it does, it destroys societal trust and cohesion, which destroys the nation. I'd rather have less economic growth and live in a low crime/high trust homogeneous society than live in a multicultural shithole with high economic growth. I literally agree with most libertarians on most economic issues, just not immigration.

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I think I might have cucked someone
>start working out
>finally get confidence to try tinder shit
>met up for dinner and drinks with a chick from a dating app
>Things go well and eventually we went back to my place
>We get frisky and in bed
>hate the feel of condoms so I’m raw dogging her for a bit before I put on protection
>I try to pull out but she forces herself on me
>I start getting real nervous and trying to move
>movement only makes it feel better
>”What’s wrong user, you don’t like it”
>try to push her off but it’s too late
>nut so hard the whole DBZ crew senses it
>she coos, “all of you inside me...”
>freaking out about knocking up some dumb tinder thot
>”don’t worry, I’m on the pill,. Getting filled up like that just turns me on.”
>things finish up and she leaves, mentioning she’s going back to her bf’s place
>first I’ve heard of him

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Software consultant. The smart way to make money is to provide B2B services. They don't care if you charge them $150/hr, that's normal to them.

And now I'm paying taxes for four median earning males in Finland. What's your point?

Considering your age, that's not bad. I started at $15/hr when I was 23.

Capitalism works for capitalists...not wageslaves.

What do I do to do this?
Also: can I own a business while on “disability”

if you don't like being someones bitch, why don't you just get rich by being innovative and intelligent? there's an interesting thought

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I'm only going to work to distract myself from my miserable life and depression

hey walmart-user how you been doing?

Germany was only united as a country 40 years before that date.

Norway didn't even adopt any social democratic policies before the 50's, so this is a moot point

>no usury
are you dumb

Pretty good for a Euro, especially if you’re young

Nobody stops you from becoming a capitalist (except yourself, unless you're not in some Venezuella, of course)

i worked for the same hotel corporation for over 12 years, and after two promotions with immense added responsibility, i still only make like 1.50 over the new minimum wage. meanwhile the managers drive around in new model cars and life comfortably, while i drive a POS and will die 20 years prematurely from finance-related stress.

and the manager has been trying to cut me out of my 10 year bonus. have had to fight tooth & nail for my bonus, higher wage, etc.

and ontop of that, the managers are completely inept fucking retards who shouldnt even have a job.

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Yes you are correct Norway has loads of oil . So does a lot of other countries. What’s the difference? What the name of the main oil producer in Norway? Statoil = stateoil . USA UK Saudi Iran Iraq Libya Venezuel Nigeria have all fucked their people over. And will never have the opportunity again.

HRE was still wealthy and that Bërnië Bruder is still long

OP isnt wrong per se
But why do people think being a wagecuck is capitalism? Even hookers is a better example, goods and services and gaining capital for yourself. OP pic is the life of an office slave. You're an idiot if you don't use your vacation days.

Walmart is a rough life. I was a csm when I was 18-19 there. Only positive thing about the expierence was that it gave me leadership skills, which helps me in my current and much better job.


imo, this started waaay earlier when they made corporates a legal person

because libertarianism is a meme ideology. they don't know anything about when, why, how, where their ideology started. they just know ayn rand.
and ayn rand is about libertarianism just as much as wolfenstein is about wwii.

How is taking money from more productive people and giving it to less productive people leveling the playing field? The playing field will never be level, some people will always be better than others, punishing them for it is counterproductive.

You gotta change jobs dude. You’ll get a big boost to salary while receiving a much higher quality of life. Experience gained at your job is ALWAYS valued more outside your job

Bernie Sanders will never be president of the United States of America.

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>USA UK Saudi Iran Iraq Libya Venezuela Nigeria have all allowed Jews and glowies to fuck their people over.*

First of all take a chill pill. Second, even under your favourite socialism you still have to work

Nice try Fag Kike

Anyone who believes that hard work amount to anything is a fool. You need a network to be anything more than a drone in any larger company structure.

Just keep on keepin' on, i suppose. Funeral tonight. Have to spend some cash on a uber the day before payday, since I cannot have the flowers ruined and my only good suit soiled.

Congrats for getting out. I cant say this place hasn't done much for me in that area, other than having to eat a lot of shit, and eventually enjoying the taste of it.

It's better than zero dollars, or the meager 2% pay increase I get annually that doesn't keep up with inflation.

No one is willing to expose thier buisness.

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the writhing, wailing and gnashing of teeth by bernouts is especially invigorating, I have no clue why

Why haven't you changed jobs in 15 years?

>pleb cope
No, what you need is actual hard work to constantly expand your field of expertise and the common sense to know when to change jobs to move up the ladder.

I'm native American but alright. While you seeth more I'll enjoy my free medical care, housing, and per cap money from my tribe.

You can't work hard in Germany. HR sends you and your boss nasty email if you work over 8 hours anyway.
suck corporate dick and get """qualifications""" to get anywhere.

That's true.

>that Bërnië Bruder is still wrong
Good point well made.

That’s called... NATIONAL SOCIALISM you morons

But that doesnt explain why a national socialist would say that capitalism hasnt been tried?

Do not fall for the communist Jews, my white friends.
They already destroyed one race.

There were two US currencies, Treasury Notes backed by gold, and Federal Reserve Notes backed by debt.

This is good for intelligent motivated individuals, but doesn’t fix systemic problems. Capitalism, ideally, means that the standard of living goes up for everyone, people have access to better and better services and products because the free market encourages competition between companies and more creativity, etc. Instead, what’s happening is pseudo-capitalism, or even corporatism. Monopolies. Intergenerational poverty. Inflation. Productivity increasing with the value of our wages not rising to match it. Etc.

wrong. globalism would be good if it was lead by common sense immigration limits and not by blind capitalist greed. you've been duped. the free marketeers are the problem not the states.

This is sadly true. There is no meritocracy in any large German company its not what you know its who you know.
I know a Romanian bloke who is very high up in a German car company despite knowing nobody but that is an exception to the rule. They headhunted him because he had skills they desperately needed.

>implying you’ll get far from salary itself

It's simple

>no GED
>No vehicle
>no other jobs will match my hourly $14/wage or weekly hours
>too old to start anything meaningful from the absolute bottom, unless I want to willingly face an abundance of age bias/discrimination
Maybe next life things will be fruitful.

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Nepotism is a huge thread to humanity!

> Describe communism
> Claim it's capitalism.

>Mega-corporations buy off the government to pass laws and regulations that benefit them and harm their competition.
Doesn't sound like capitalism to me.

>Maybe if I work hard
>Go above and beyond
>Never question the Party Leadership
>Be a good unquestioning comrade and follow all orders to the letter no matter how horrible they are
>I'll one day rise to the top echelons and get to say who gets executed for being counter-revolutionary

Leftists lose because they assume the motives of their opposition.
I don't think you understand just how much this pisses people off.

> government robs capitalists with taxes
> to import even more dumb electorates
> somehow it's the capitalists' fault.
what a good goy you're! even if you're a kike, you still a goy to kohenim. even if you're some Dave Cohen, you're still a goy to the filthy fiend your tribe serves for no apparent reason.

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You just made me COOM you lucky dog. Also, if you know her name, say you want to fuck. Then search her up, ask her family who her bf is, and tell him (after you fucked her again OFC)

Idk how old you are but the ged part is not too difficult. You can get cheap cars at the title loan places pretty often ($800) for something that runs. The hardest part is starting over again. If I recall correctly from my time at Wal-Mart, with 15 years you should at least get a really solid amount of pto

no dont even give them that. libertarianism is completely retarded

that pic is wrong though, Sancha Alfonsez' mother was polish, not some shitskin

Oh, his bad. On behalf of all whites, we would like to give you some complimentary blankets as a apology

hey indianon, look how comfy i am
you wanna be comfy like this?
i got my blanket from this helpful blanket merchant right here so comfy, so nice

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I threaten my boss to change work and already got 2 raises, every one was at least 30%.


You are just a naive fool who won't work to make more money and does not know how the world works.

You should not vote my friend. Just take your gibz and shut up.

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because they see all the libertarians running around screaming:"ayn rand defines my ideology".

the government has been playing to the money for the last 50 years. its a cult.

Wow you guys are so nice. I appreciate the offer, but we have blankets already. Try the poor tribes, they're always looking for gibs

Seething over the rich won't make you rich, either.
Most people in the west couldn't be considered poor. Most overspend on useless shit.

It's like they despise the word "budgeting."
They WANT to feel victimised to lose accountability. Because taking accountability for your shortcomings feels bad.

The true masters of the world can print as much money as they want, it's definitely not about money (even though obsessed with money poor people think it always is)

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>Idk how old you are but the ged part is not too difficult.
Failed it three times, but ok. I was hoping to get it from a correspondence course the company offers. Shit is so slow-moving it's ridiculous. Pic related. If it's this difficult getting my transcript sent from one place to another, I'm not going to bother with much else.
>You can get cheap cars at the title loan places pretty often ($800) for something that runs.
I dont have thousands of dollars for repair the lemon to clear saftey inspections for road legality, and on top of that: insurance.
>The hardest part is starting over again.
With what?
>If I recall correctly from my time at Wal-Mart, with 15 years you should at least get a really solid amount of pto
I have about 3 months, but good luck getting any of it approved, given the "short staffed" scheduling.

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Communism only works for Communist Party Members, not the proletariat.

If I take half his money I’m the richest woman in the world.

You can be a card-carrying party member, chances are you'll still live in shit.
You can be a high-ranked party member, chances are you'll be shot as a traitor by your younger cumreds.

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Yeah hehehe Jeff Bezos deserves every single penny of his 6 gorillion wealth hehe

He made for the world so much, he probably does.
The best achievement of his is that now most of the books are in unreadable small font, as if they're telling us "STOP CUTTING TREES YOU FAGGOTS! READ FROM THE SCREENS WHERE YOU CAN SCALE, COPY-PASTE, CTRLF, etc"

>Maybe if I put 90% taxes on billionaires, they still want to stick around and are motivated to work for my gibs

>buy useless shiny rock

Increasing labor supply relative to job creation is literally the definition of cheapening the value of labor you fucking dipshit.

All criticism of capitalism is valid. It's only stupid when the idiot tries to validate an even worse idea that revolves around either giving money to everyone or let the government create job for us.

I dont want to be rich. I want (((them))) to be poor

Jeeze and they say the LEFT is the one who can't meme.

I feel as though if everyone in the world were white and shared the same religious beliefs as most people here, no one would care about free healthcare and employer rights. People just want minorities to suffer for existing.

If you have more than a billion dollars, you can fuck right off and don't deserve to generate anymore wealth. The only wealth generated at that point should all go to the company, and your employers.
Again, don't give a fuck what you think nigger. Nobody needs billions and billions of dollars in this world.
If you really are defending the billionaires and their right to hoard money, you need to kys

Seriously, how hard is this?
>get a non dead-end entry-level job (read: no, Walmart won't do)
>learn to do the pleb tier stuff you were hired to do like a pro WHILE expanding your abilities above and beyond your original job description by volunteering to extra shit
>acquire promotion and be now responsible for twice as more shit as you used to
>work at it until your new abilities are marketable on their own
>after the employer stops appreciating your new abilities appropriately (should take about 2 years), ask for a serious raise
>when that fails, change jobs based on the new abilities
>rinse and repeat
And yes, you will work for several years earning well below the value you're producing, that's not the point. Only cannot conceptualize beyond the next paycheck. You're not working to be a good goy, you're working to get out of the rut your parents/grandparents dragged you into.

Believe me, it's worth it.

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>If you have more than a billion dollars, you can fuck right off and don't deserve to generate anymore wealth.
Also, why give government the power to enforce such a draconian measure?

this is exactly how i've done it. Literally started from nothing, now doing more than alright, and the future looks better than ever.

>>get a non dead-end entry-level job (read: no, Walmart won't do)
Easier said than done

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>call the meme shit
>respond to a non-racial post with race card
>mix it all in with employer rights and socialism
You're all over the place. Take a breather, pop a Xanax and try to make a coherent point next time.

Why should people pay your bills because they have more money?

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sounds good finnishanon. I seem to not find anything solid, i tried to become a chef until my boss kicked me out. I worked above and beyond the guys i competed with, i. e a good buttgoy literally. Now i struggle to get back into the fucking game, any advice ?

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Same here and I've seen others do it too.

We've talked about this before, Walmart-san, given that you've been waiting for 4+ years to get into a trade school program, it's clear that you need to leave town/the state to get started.

Yes. Your best bet under communism is to become the most ruthless motherfucker ever and follow orders to the letter.
The most bloodthirsty and ruthless cunts during the revolution are always the ones who take power once the initial phase of the revolution is over after all.

This user has it right.

Capitalism is not the problem. But there is certainly greed and abuse of power, those are problems.

I don't have thousands of dollars on hand for moving and relocation costs. Since I'm nearing the end of life, I'll try again next time.

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>Not addressing any points
>Not saying their views on race in a thread where everyone against the original clown meme posted is throwing out racial epithets like candy.
Why not make an argument like a real man champ? Ditch the sophistry.

If you're looking for stability and room to grow, I would imagine your best bet would be restaurants at four-/five-star hotels. They practically never go broke, you have a way up (way up!), and it won't look bad in your CV no matter what happens. But hey, what do I know about being a chef?

The elite class does not and will never trust the masses with taking care of themselves
And look at you, you think just because some other humans are successful so should you
This is exactly why we live in prison world because faggots like you can’t think deeply about the blissful life we are given free from the threat of agony of our forefathers
Safe from madness
You spit on the hand that feeds you and wonder why they treat you like sheep

> capitalism is a clown show
> posts on the internet made by capitalism on a computer made by capitalism

>meme flag
Not even worth my simple rebuttle

People who work 10% more hours make 40% on average.

The problem is that people who are both smart and hard working are very rare, because both of those qualities on their own are rare and they don't correlate particularly, so there's a vasnishingly small number of people who are both.

Most bosses are on the constant lookout for these people because poaching them is extremely expensive, and people who know their value have high demands on company extras. If you're working your way up from the bottom and you're one of these people you can jump through the ranks really fast.

>randomly attack a single user who said nothing offensive
>make outrageous, nonsequitur claims
>demand said single user must "address" these claims and defend other people's stated opinions
I see you took my advice of popping a Xanax to mean to do a line of coke instead.

>elite class are the good guys
Oh you mean the billionaires who advocate for open borders and concocted both world wars out of thin air for their profit?

A network designed by smart nerds in a collaborative effort to corroborate knowledge, ran by machines designed and iterated on by some geniuses, stolen and patented by kikes and manufactured by asiatic slaves; ruined by capitalism.
Fuck Steve Ligma Jobs, Fuck Steve Sweatyballs Balmer, Fuck Mark Suckerberg, Fuck Bill Gates, and [spoiler] Fuck Linux/Ubuntu [/spoiler]

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billionaires didn't fund the world wars, god damn you shithole countries are stupid as FUCK, your retardation is boundless

Nu/pol/ is just faggot /leftypol/ in disguised they can just fuck right off and go to china to get infected much faster than the bitch can do here.

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>(((bankers))) had nothing to do with this you stupid goy!
You're not fooling anyone, Shlomo.

can we please ban leafs and britbongs from posting on this board completely? they are the biggest god damned morons and constantly shit up every thread they post in

>Uh you can't use anything in a system that oppresses you or else you are a hypocrite and this makes your points invalid cause I don't know that appeal to hypocrisy is a fallacy.
>Sorry better post next time when you hand-make a laptop and network infrastructure to connect to Yas Forums. Yeah I know the internet only exists because of government funding, but I won't mention that cause it makes me look silly.
Also this. Even if you hate minorities you should be against billionaires. They want open borders and stuff so they have an immigrant underclass to
1. Exploit the labor of
2. Have a scapegoat for your issues, so you don't notice/care about the unfairness of things.
Typically right-wing canidates (republicans and tea-party) are far more favorable to the super rich than left-wing ones.

I always find the posters who sling shit like this to be extremely dumb. Highlighting words with caps for emphasis and calling others retard.
Unintelligible spaz.
I was posting my reply before you gave me a (You), it’s satisfying to know that I’m correct in assuming you’re garbage.

>uuhh can WE PLEASE ban

You truly must head back.

>Millionaires billionaires Millionaires billionaires Millionaires billionaires Millionaires billionaires Millionaires billionaires Millionaires billionaires Millionaires billionaires Millionaires billionaires billionaires billionaires billionaires billionaires billionaires billionaires billionaires billionaires billionaires billionaires billionaires billionaires billionaires billionaires billionaires billionaires billionaires billionaires billionaires billionaires billionaires billionaires billionaires billionaires billionaires billionaires billionaires billionaires billionaires billionaires billionaires Jerffery epstien didn't kill himself billionaires billionaires billionaires billionaires billionaires billionaires billionaires billionaires billionaires billionaires billionaires billionaires billionaires billionaires billionaires billionaires
more retardation in a nutshell fuckoff

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>Nothing Bagel

wagecuckery is actually a great life for a pleb, if they are redpilled on some basic dynamics, and if they can keep their ego in check and not feel the need to compare to the upper-class and the elite.

If you go with the flow, follow the herd, get a university degree or learn a trade/code,etc... and then resign yourself to laboring for a company, you get a life that most plebs throughout history would kill for.

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>Ignores points
>Ad-hominem out the wazoo
That's the best you got huh?
I'm just picking random flags by the way, I knew the commie one would trigger you.

>tfw late for work regularly
>call my boss a faggot
>use sick days regularly
>boss and upper management would suck my dick to keep me working there and are desperate to find more people like me to employ in my department.

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No shit, anyone who works for a company is a chump and/or low-iq nigger.
The real money & freedom is in business ownership.
Can't make it? Go flip burgers and keep your mouth shut, retard.

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being a tranny is not a win. Nice try just go back.

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This is fake only if you are an easy replaceable person. I worked my ass off and got my first promotion in my second year, got promoted again and now I'm project lead.
It's true your hard work may not pay off, but you are never gonna achieve anything without effort.

Money ain't everything luigi.

Hey man as someone who's worked at Walmart for 4 years and makes more money than you, let me tell you that you're an idiot. I know a lot of people just like you.

Your bad attitude is the real problem. That's what is keeping you from finding a new job, a car, obtaining your GED. You're an entitled little shit.

>Doubling down on the fallacies
Nice, good way to let me know you've got no argument.
If you've got leverage as a worker, use it.

>Experience gained at your job is ALWAYS valued more outside your job
This. Fastest way to get a raise is by getting a new job.

Norway doing good because socialism. Be smart, be free, vote Left!

Shut up ciganin

Stupid Ivan. If you cant own private property there is no freedom.

>free market capitalism
stupid kraut, thats why you lost every war, ever.

What kind of appreciation is the guy in the image looking for? Does he want a promotion? A raise? he's gotta ask for those things first otherwise his higher-ups will just think he's a good worker content in his position.

t. Someone who got a promotion only after he asked for it

You're just bad at it

stealing from them either if you split it

>If you really are defending the billionaires and their right to hoard money, you need to kys
Proves you don't know anything about money. If a billionaire hoards money like you suggest they do (in fact, they don't) they are taxed an outrageous amount. The tax is there to *ahem* incentivize wealthy people to invest. Hoarding money is a losers option because of inflation. The longer you hold onto money the less it is worth.

Class was free today because I felt like filling in the gap left behind by your Jr. High School economics teacher. (You) shouldn't cut classes kid, you actually need to learn things to make a difference in the world. Be the change.

niggers like you too

No falleces m8 your just mad because you wish this site was like retard plebbit. Go back no one cares that you are changing your flags faggot.
>i just got trigged lol alt-right seething omg i need to post this on r/euro yasssss

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Legal person is often misunderstood. It doesnt mean that corporations are humans, rather that they are entities that can act in their own interest in legal proceedings, as opposed to a union or school district.

why the fuck are you worried about being a working stiff anyway?

you should be focused on building/acquiring businesses that will make you more money with less work.

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The trick isn't to work hard but to negotiate and being competitive.

Your image, but unironically. Work hard, get ahead. Nothing is free, you loser millennial shits.

These fucking children in the US are so lazy and entitled they can't even bother to register to vote or turn out to vote for the candidate that has promised to give them free everything.

Think about how pathetic that is.

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>When all your complaints about capitalism are actually complaints about communism.
>When you realize that you work for a company that supports communism and politcal parties that also summort communism.
>But you still blame it all on capitalisim cause you have an iq of 10

That is a really deep dive. If you want to go all the way back to The Virginia Company it makes for a long thread. Most will tl;dr desu.

Short story, the Founders of the USA put a stop gap in place by 1789 wherein all Corporations required a limited Federal Charter, so basically permission from the Federal Government to operate. That was so central banks couldn't rise up and inflate the national currency. It worked for a while but with Congress came the power to coin and mint money so the stop gap slowed down the central bankers for only a generation or 2.

I saw a 12 part series regarding how the "legal person" came to be redefined in legal dictionaries a few years back. I wonder if YT censored that as well. That information shocked the holy shit out of a local banks CIO when I discussed it with him. You should have seen his face. Like a cat in a fish bowl.