/cvg/ Corona German Edition

Do you believe what government say?
How do you plan to stay safe?
Are you prepped enough?
Are your Aldi's & co. well stocked?
Will you take the (((vaccine))) when state say you have to?

>tfw not infected

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Other urls found in this thread:


Ejfeoxbrgekr. Wtf! When did Saarland get a case?

I thought we were safe!

>>tfw not infected

You're not tested. Even tests can result in false negatives. You can get it again even after you've already recovered.

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Also everything is well stocked except for masks.

And my emergency pickled eggs I made turned out well.

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Fresh news from today

Yeah, its just a matter of time until we get infected as well. Doctors probably not even testing Verdachtsfälle

Germanbros--I was hunting around to see if anyone had done an Remote viewing of the wuflu and naturally jewtube has made it so you cannot find it during search. Even Edward Riordan has but it won't show in search..

I dug around and found this German dude but no speeke 3rd reich. Maybe you guys will find it of interest? Date was 26 January.


if it is useful, please post a short synopsis in Engrish please.


Fuck why is it always the regions close to us that have so many infected?
In Italy it's the northern part and now there are a lot of infected in Baden-Württemberg

Unis in Italy closed down. I really hope in the next days they will do a lot of tests all over germany bumping the number of confirmed sick to 1k+ so they cancel uni. I do not enjoy going to lab work during break :)

I'd love to give a synopsis but my testicles cringed themselves into my body so hard that my ears for plugged shut.
Sorry x.x

Main travel paths?

I live in Wiesbaden, I know a lot of people here commute to Frankfurt but so far we haven’t had a case - how long till it reaches here do you think?

2 days max

From what I understand Frankfurt really struggles with testing. As crowded as FMM is and as many people commute there from outside city every day, it must be packed. So if you’re connected to FFM, won’t take too long.

People I've talked to don't take the virus seriously at all.

I've got some time off work for now just to make sure I'm not around people too much when shit hits the fan but the people in this house work in DMs near the border so it's just a matter of time till shit his me.

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That's some autistic /x/t-tier shizo talk
>something about year 3000
>air infected
>economy broken
>people sick
>dead people

Lmao Im escaping to the US for the next 2 weeks.
Sadly I have to go through Munich Airport for that.

>300 Fälle
>0 Tote

>escaping to a country with considerable worse hygiene standards and health care

include me in your will

something's itching in your throat, isn't it?

Ich hoffe nur das diesjährige Finale von GNTM fällt nicht aus

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I work in a hospital lab.
Yeah I think the gov are doing the best they can. We are testing people.
Are we testing every single person with a runny nose? Impossible.

The UK has announced some pretty extreme contingency plans for what was said to be pretty much an inevitability in other respectable sources.
You get to some pretty crazy conclusions if you combine what various reputable sources say but that they say separately from each other.
For example, CDC, WHO and various other medical agency say community spread of the virus is inevitable in the West.

The UK government said they are preparing for mass unrest and an 4% of their population to need hospital treatment, but they hope what they are doing now means that wont happen.

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Its deep in the mountains so I should be fine from anything outside the world... is what I would like to say.
But its a huge scientific conference and I expect chinese and italians to be there so yeah fucking rip me.

>when you have a case of chronic caughing and people in the bus keep staring at you

Oh you ...

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Looking good.
But too much work to prepare own food imo. But good skill to have.

Check my little food stock. Will buy more basic stuff in next days.

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I am pretty sure you only need to stockpile if you fear quarantine.
Since Ireland only has one city there will be no quarantine. Nothing to save outside Dublin.

Probably some Ruhrpott scum visiting.

Bester Mann.

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denkt ihr es lohnt sich ne vollmaske mit filtern zu bestellen? so im sinne von gebrauchte bundeswehr maske etc

Knowing how to preserve and grow your own food will separate the weak from the strong in the coming months

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L.A. Strong!

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>gebraucht bundeswehr
nein, aber ne neue medizinische gibts ab 100 Euro

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Arbeite im KH. Es ist akzeptiert dass wir alle krank werden. Es gibt keinen Schutz der Mitarbeiter. Dland ist null vorbereitet

>Do you believe what government say?
Lol no.
>How do you plan to stay safe?
Homeoffice + Tiny village + stocked food reserves
>Are you prepped enough?
Food for 3+ month
>Are your Aldi's & co. well stocked?
not that bad in Saarland
>Will you take the (((vaccine))) when state say you have to?

They postponed the Hannover Messe (normally 20-24 April to 13-17 Juli)
I guess the worst is yet to come.


Hahahaha how do you like that, you race traitor? I'm so happy that Germany is gonna be gone soon. Even faster than those Muslims. What a time to be alive

do seppuko wenn du krank wirst.

fellow saaranon?

Heat of the momen

I never meant to give you flu
We prolly caught it from that fruit bat stew
A look from Xi and I would fall from grace
We even see the bodies burn from space

Do you remember when we used to dance
And the media said we'd stand a chance
One day in quarantine we had fun
Dying patients scream songs unsung

It was the heat of the fever
Telling me what my virus is
The heat of the fever, shown in lungs

And now you find yourself in cell block 2
The incubators hold no charm for you
You can concern yourself with bigger things
You catch a squirrel and fry the ostrich wings

Cause The heat of the fever
The heat of the fever
The heat of the fever
The heat of the fever, shown in lungs

And when your city's dead and you're alone
Just eat another bat and cry and moan
What were the things you wanted for yourself
Sanitary ambitions you remember well

Cause The heat of the fever
telling you what your temp is
The heat of the fever
The heat of the fever
The heat of the fever, shown in lungs

Heat of the moment:

Do you believe what government say?
How do you plan to stay safe?
Young age, vitamins and sport
Are you prepped enough?
Better than ever before
Are your Aldi's & co. well stocked?
Fully stocked
Will you take the (((vaccine))) when state say you have to?

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Anyone know how long we can wear an N95 mask for before we need to change it out with a new one?

is there a website where one can get all the latest cases together with details on location and background?
news are a mess

in saarland it was a pediatric doctor. they considered closing the clinic but came to the conclusion they can't

looks great
how long do they hold?

>Es gibt keinen Schutz der Mitarbeiter.
>Dland ist null vorbereitet

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we only lagg behind italy about a week. i consider our gov more reluctant to take any sensible meassure so probably 2 weeks. hope they'll refund semesterbeitrag.

you might be out of laughs soon, fatty, i don't wish for it though

This is definitely a bio-weapon. Not from Chinese , but from the Amerikkeks.
They definitely are up to something. I Just can't believe that the Muttland can have over 50 cases just like that.
They're definitely cooking something.
And it's probably going to trigger world war 3.

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If the entire next semester gets delayed I would unironically be so happy for the free couple months we would finally get.

You'd actually have to know a bit about RV and how it works. I've studied this and kept an eye on the ones who have channels. Farsight institute completely stopped doing "current' events (meaning the target they were given was a date 6 months into the future) because it was apparently upsetting "some people". I just finished John Viavanco's book and holy shit they did work for the gov. then the gov. started heavy surveillance of them and all kinds of shit.

You can go see for yourself. GO to jtube search and type in Remote viewing *corona virus. There are several that I watch that have done RV sessions on this and not one shows in the search.

Edward Riordan's channel is good. He did a RV of Q (someone commissioned him with blind target) and he ended up deleting all of his videos on that and put up a synopsis and the the results are disturbing to say the least.

Remember Q posted

"the storm is coming"

cytokine storm of wuflu?

"The truth (about the virus?) will put 99% of all people in hospital"

"these people are stupid"
meaning his audience because right now not one of them believe this virus is a threat and that Trump will save them. SO they are not preparing and still going to mass bioterror opportunity events.

So if this guy is talking about the virus...I think they are trying to make sure as many NPCs on both sides get this shit and die.

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>Yeah, its just a matter of time until we get infected as well. Doctors probably not even testing Verdachtsfälle

Will you fuckers quit panicking like whiny bitches? For fucks sake, you are supposed to be the most efficient, well organized nation on the world, and you people are literally flipping your shit because of literal flu. In 1945 you fanatically stood against the entire world combined, and fucking exterminated anyone who even dared to question victory. What the fuck happened to you?

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Ich weiß. Sie hoffen nur darauf, dass nicht so viele gleichzeitig erkranke, dass die Kapazitäten des Gesundheitssystem überlastet werden. Wenn sie nicht einmal Mediziner schützen, können sie sich das aber abschminken.

>NRW 172
wait what, when did this happen?

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Düsseldorf calling in.

Nnothing happening here, trains are full, cities are full, everyone goes to bars, discos and cinemas as normal. Nobody died so far and i guess nobody will die here in gernany.
Yes, we had some idiots who bought a shitton of noodles but thats all.
Everything fine here.

Thats just because they refuse to go to the doctor because that would bankrupt them.

mutts arent testing

So is Germany holding back deaths or why is it still at 0? For nearly 300 cases that's impressive, even comparing it to the official 3% death rate.

update over nigth. but hardly reported anywhere. most headlines are 'suspected case tested negative' 'no cases in x' etc.

They only have 244 cases, not 300.

mortality is at 6%

51k cured and 3214 dead

Is it possible to get tested already or will it bankrupt me?

They are. Deaths are listed as "flu deaths".

No idea. Probably weeks.

Besides I think 3-4 outliers who needed clinical assitance, pretty much all cases were pretty mild.
More like a bad cold than anything else.

only if you have symptoms.
even if you were in contact with someone you won't be tested until you have symptoms, at least that's the case in Berlin.

>out of the frying pan and into the fire

It wont cost you a thing but you will probably just get told your appointment is in 2 months or something dumg like that.

We've barely tested more than 500 people

I live north of Munich near a city where bad stuff happened during WW2 and so far there aren't any cases in my region.
As soon as the first positive is announced i will stockpile water and canned food

lmao just say Dachau^^

there are cases in Freising not so far from you

What the fuck 42 cases in bavaria. It looks and sounds like the best place to be at in germany. Like one of my favorite places. Everytime i say "bavaria" i feel taste of beer in my mouth

Read this you fuckin' moron:

People become sick, if they believe they're sick. This phenomenon has been described for hundreds of years.

Except for the case, that this is actually a biological weapon. But even if so, mortality rates should be much higher. Also as their theoretical foundation of the way bacteria / viruses work is utterly flawed, I don't think they get very far with this. Try tuning a car having no idea about how the engine and the internals work. This is bs.

Then there is also the masochistic side: Once found to be "infected", the individual (1) is completely free from its former worries and problems, and (2) feels empowered as persons wearing white ropes suddenly show a major interest in them; further (3) there is no guilt in the individual for its situation and nothing it could do about it. Hard to believe, but many people actually find joy being in such a situation.

Don't you remember the manifold frauds about people pretending to be sick for the attention and the compassion of others? In case of cancer a lot of money can be made in such a manner by means of a fundraiser for "treatment"...

Its where the first cases happened so it had the most time to spread.
There are lots internationally operating companies seated there.
And they also do business trips to china.

Translate plz

Romanian antifa:

i have a theory that most people only really start dying after around 40 days (that's the time span the chinese eye doctor died after) or maybe if they have been infected by multiple strains. it's strange though that italy has so many deaths and germany has zero.

>Remember Q posted
instantly dismissed for being an idiot


This might not be a bio weapon. Though, it might be a virus that has had genes added with CRISPR tech to edit the human gene code. Might have been a test that got out....

It has not killed nearly enough to be a weapon.

>a total of 15 cases in all of eastern Germany
Diversity is our strength.

Why is Nordrhein Westfalen so infected?

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>Es leben mehr als 30.000 Chinesen in NRW

But most live in Sachsen Anhalt which has 0

population density is very high

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Die meisten Fälle sind in Heinsberg und haben sich auf einer Karnevalssitzung infiziert.

yes there are many seeking to get infected with hiv among gays. they prefer it over the constant worry about getting infected.

I talked to a friend of mine today. He's a doctor in one of the largest hospitals in germany. He says as far as he can assess it the virus itself is really not that dangerous, and that all the quarantining is done because they don't understand yet what went wrong in China. So what he's saying is:
>virus not that dangerous regarding to current analysis
>but not enough research has be done so they are going the safe route
>main problems so far are people freaking out and buying all the stuff
>and the economic implications of that

Let's hope he's right.

I'm still hesitant to believe him since none of this shit has ever been done for any flu so far, and I don't understand why the economy would risk losses this big if it was probably just a nothingburger. Makes little sense to me.

Theory: Maybe the quarantine and all the panic is just a scapegoat to finally close the border to all the refugees of the incoming conflict with turkey? They know the left wouldn't accept closed borders so maybe it's just a tool to talk about Covid all the time?

>Rund 2500 Chinesen leben in Sachsen-Anhalt
Sure but it has to get there in the first place.

tell him he is a retard and that he can't assess shit if he does neither read the studies nor calculate the mortality rate by himself.
so far we are at 6%. 51039 cured 3214 dead.

also tell yourself you are a retard for asking someone with false authority instead of informing youself or making sure your source is well informed.

German bros, what is your govt doing about this shit?
Our govt is doing exactly nothing. They have given up on containment and are just reporting numbers. 10 planes a day landing here from Milan, absolutely no requirement whatsoever.
Virus apparently here since January.

Italienurlauber etc.

>Do you believe what government say?
Not really.
>How do you plan to stay safe?
Bugging in. Wearing mask when adequate, staying clean.
>Are you prepped enough?
Yes. Got food, supplies, medicine stocked.
>Are your Aldi's & co. well stocked?
Haven't been to one since friday. DM is out of desinfectant. Masks and desinfectants not available in drug stores.

South NRW btw

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nice try Merkel

Hol dir noch Linsen. Egal ob rot, braun oder grün. Halten lang, sind billig und haben massig Kalorien.

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>Do you believe what government say?

According to WHO mortality is currently at 3.4%.

Its estimated in the 2017/18 season 25000 people died because of the flu in germany.

With corona that would be 850000 dead.

Many virologists say that at least 60% will get it. With a 3.4% mortality thats roughly 1.7 Million dead in Germany.

The one closest to dying had lung failure and artificial respiration, but read somewhere that he was slightly improving.

you're right. looked at a map the wrong way.

Corona + Karnevalsjecke = RIP

not killled enough yet....

i heard by may we're all done


>Maybe the quarantine and all the panic is just a scapegoat to finally close the border to all the refugees of the incoming conflict with turkey? They know the left wouldn't accept closed borders so maybe it's just a tool to talk about Covid all the time?

I sure think so.

Also with the "cure" they could successfully reduce the population. And blame it on the virus. This is a very dirty game.

Further it decreases the world-wide trade, thus hitting the economy even more.

Basically they want another war, to make a shit ton of money. Panic, population reduction and economic crisis only facilitate this.

Once the economy is down, there are only two ways: Build a new economy quickly, but this can only be accomplished by revolution and dictatorship for the start. (Trying to do this democratically, only ends in stupid leftists arguing over each other, as they argue not with the goal in mind, but only for their own personal merit.) The other option is war.

I thought one of the litany of things europeans made fun of americans for were our terrible egg processing. I've seen it claimed that american eggs are bleached and stripped of protein, causing the yolks to take on a bright yellow color instead of a darker, more orange color, yet my hard boiled eggs barely look different from yours. Could it be that the broad strokes Europeans make about americans arent based in reality?

Is there any (strong) correlation between age and mortality rate?
Also world wide mortality rate is mostly influenced by chinese numbers.
And asian medicine in general is a huge meme so the statistics here may be skewed.

Corono might save us from the boomer demographics meme though.

I absolutely understand what you are saying but why in the hell would someone that invested lots of money and time into becoming a doctor and with years of experience just tell a close friend that everything's alright if it isn't? ... Like I said; I'm hesitant to believe him, too, but I'm not.the one with years of studies and experience. I just can't wrap my head around how some fags on an apalachian corkscrew kneading board should know more about this virus than people actually working in the field each day.

>This might not be a bio weapon.
5G wave directed nano bots that attack your body from the inside, where do they enter your body from? we can air drop them anywhere but they usually arrive in your system carried by junk food

30% to 20% get pneumonia. They have to be treated in a hospital. Once all the hospitals are at max capacity. What do you think happens to those people?

Those mortality rate are low because the system still works. Thats why its extremely important to get as few infected people as possible. Its a numbers game.

>Whats a coverup?

I also want to add that this mortality rate is influenced heavily by the disastrous handling of the virus in China and Iran. It should be much lower here.

Is he a doctor of virology? If not he dosent know that much more than we. Guess what , the autists of cvg read and analyzed all information available. Do you think he has time for that? What im saying is that hes still a human.

Its basically about economy broken and no goods from China are imported, ports closed for containers

Repeated digits and my asshole colleagues who are coofing as a joke die painfully by drowning in their own blood.

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>by the disastrous handling of the virus in China
I hate the Chinese with passion, but stop talking bullshit. China took drastic quarantine measures as soon as they knew what was going on, those would not even be thinkable over here, because of "my feelings" and "my freedom". People in charge of German disease prevention literally think it will go away if you ignore it long enough. Why would our death rate be any different, again? Even European healthcare isn't safe from collapsing, and after that point I'm pretty sure the Chinese are better at getting shit done fast and efficiently.

CSSE John Hopkins

>Do you believe what government say?
Junge wenn du kein englisch kannst, sprich deutsch

>30% to 20%

You listening to yourself?

Please explain this:

Don't tell me, ventilators are laced with viruses. So why does this happen, if there are NO viruses present? The ICU is sterile. Period.

Believing viruses are the cause for diseases, is just as stupid as believing garlic will protect you from bad spirits or believing in Santa Clause.

>Believing viruses are the cause for diseases, is just as stupid as believing garlic will protect you
hahahaha holy shit what kind of Aluhut Reichsbürger scum are you for fuck's sake!?

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whaaat ?

It will only be lower here if they cover the deaths up even better than China.

This Harvard virologist says that Millions will die worldwide and it's as bad as the worst 2 flu waves in the 20th century.
This guy is quite reasonable and has no reason to lie. Governments have a reason to lie to keep the population under control and to curb panic.


Hate to break it you, but half of your stock is literal poison.

The chinky flu is successfully being treated by intravenous vitamin C in China, a treatment that can be replicated in home conditions by megadosing liposomal vitamin C. To make the treatment more effective, you must cut out all the carbs from your diet and go into ketosis, as glucose directly competes with vitamin C for transportation into cell.

The best prep stash you can make is the one containing shitloads of fat and protein, almost no carbs and a fucking mountain of vitamin C, preferably in liposomal form, as this form enters the cells bypassing digestion and can be used to achieve intake levels comparable to IV treatments.

Please speak non-medicie-gook speak.
Which concrete sorts of food / drinks would you recommened.

The virus passes the brain/blood barrier and has been found in the cerebospinal fluid of the infected. I believe that the virus takes over the nervous system and posses people to aid in its spread. This is reflected the behavior of politicians in infected countries such as China, Italy, Canada, USA, and Iran. I repeat, these people become Covid zombies. This is the zombie plague.

Attached: WuhanZombie.webm (1920x1080, 1017.26K)

>Do you believe what government say?
>How do you plan to stay safe?
avoid normies
>Are you prepped enough?
>Are your Aldi's & co. well stocked?
not really
>Will you take the (((vaccine))) when state say you have to?
ask again in 6 months or so

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Sounds like typical Germanic myths

Hallo Saarfaggot. Hier sieht's noch nicht so schlimm aus, aber wir haben laut Krankenhausmitarbeitern im ganzen Regionalverband keine Tests. Verdammte Idioten

The main things to remember are:
1. Eating shitloads of vitamin C in any form is good.
2. Eating shitloads of carbohydrates and especially sugar reduces the effectiveness of vitamin C and is therefore bad.
3. Therefore, foods like pastas, rice, bread and even fruit (anything high carb, really) are bad. You must aim at roughly less than 20g of carbohydrates consumed per day.
4. Foods that you should be eating are anything containing lots of fat and some protein. This means meat, fish, eggs, cheese, certain types of nuts (walnuts, Brazil nuts, macadamia nuts, pecans), low carbohydrate vegetables (broccoli, bell peppers, zucchini, spinach, cauliflower, avocados, Brussels sprouts), mushrooms and oils (olive oil, coconut oil).
5. For drinks, just drink water. No sugary trash.

When it comes to prepping canned foods specifically: stock up on all sorts of canned meat and fish, eggs (German eggs don't go back for weeks outside the fridge) and canned mushrooms. Alas, I don't think you can stock up on canned low carb vegetables, so you have to buy some frozen veggies and keep them in your freezer as long as you have power. Vegetables are not calorie dense, but they will keep you supplied with much needed micronutrients. Most of your calories should come from canned/frozen meats and fish.

>Food for 3+ month

Will you stop lying throught your teeth?

Take note.
For the liberation of all sentient beings

because anyone who has informed himself about a specific topic knows more about it than someone who hasn't.
covid-19 was not part of his education as a medical doctor, it's 2 months old and he probably didn't spend any time on the mass of studies published since then whilst many here spent these two months reading up on it.

When should i fuck off back to the midwest of the USA

They are not bleached, it's the food that the chickens eat that colors the yolk. It's shit in western europe as well.

it could be literally a couple bags of dry beans

agree. germany is not capable of same meassures to decrease citizen mobility. it will most likely spread faster here than in china.

also millions will die in germany alone

Good job keeping thread in English
It’s good to see you recognize Anglo superiority
2/2 world wars

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I am going to Mallorca in 4 month. Will your gouvernment get its shit together so i can take my vacation free of coofers?

NRW just bought 1mio masks.
Our minister of health says that they can not do much but to try and slow the spread of infections.
Some schools have been closed and i heard a lot of "dont panic" from the media and gouvernment.

>Do you believe what government say?
>How do you plan to stay safe?
We're pretty safe. Home office in bum fuck nowhere.
>Are you prepped enough?
It's ok, slowly stocked up and given we can actually cook my wife and me should last at least two weeks.
>Are your Aldi's & co. well stocked?
Yup, they even put more stuff there than usual
>Will you take the (((vaccine))) when state say you have to?
I'll take it if it's optional. If they demand it that's a red flag.

That is true. I live in the middle of the Ruhr-area in the City where there are already 2 confirmed cases and the malls and the city is full, trains and trainstations are full. People believe it‘s just the flu and I‘m not even kidding. Everybody I am talking to - and sadly I don‘t have any, not even slightly, redpilled friends - all of them they don‘t believe the panic it‘s just the flu, nothing will happen. They even say I should no believe the panic the state and media is creating, when in fact the state and the media are trying to sell it as „it‘s just the flu, bro“.

How fucking bluepilled can a whole folk be?

I am not in panic mode but desu I am aware of the danger and everything. I hope Europe will be wiped out because people really don‘t deserve to this dumb.

Also rollin‘ for total corona death of all Niggas, Pajeets, and Spics!!

>How fucking bluepilled can a whole folk be?
It's the normalcy bias. Deep in their gut, they subconsciously sense shit is going to hit the fan, but they consciously refuse to acknowledge it, because it will destroy the normal everyday routine they're accustomed to.

Stay irrelevant

Zum kotzen sowas. Ich halt mich eigtl seit Jahren bedenkt weil es nichts bringt. Geblaupillte rotzupillen ist ein Unterfangen wo sich der Aufwand nicht lohnt.

Man muss selber von innen den Drang haben ansonsten ist es Zeitverschwendung.

Are we dead?

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Bin seit 2 Wochen Krank. Erst Halsschmerzen dann Kopfweh Rotznase. Seit Sonntag trockener Dauerhusten und Kratzen im Hals. Was soll ich machen?

Relax and stop LARPing. Just make sure your grandparents and parents have their testaments ready because you might soon get their shit once boomerflu wipes them all out.

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Vit C, mäßig sport, viel wasser

Am besten mit der Bahn fahren und viel anfassen. Danach ein paar große deutsche Bahnhöfe und Flughäfen besuchen und das gleiche tun.

Wenn du schonmal dabei bist dann mach ein paar Stops in Flüchtlingsheimen, rotz nen dicken yellow in irgendwelche versorgungsbecken oder so.


>I'll take it if it's optional. If they demand it that's a red flag.

i like you ;)

>we can actually cook my wife
This is not okay, user. Please don't resort to cannibalism.

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nah bro, lots of vira does that but if you're not getting sick its literally not going viral.

Be awwre of your health is all I can advice you to be. The longer you don't deal with an infection i.e. if youre just pushing yourself harder and don't take your time getting well the deeper infected you will be and the harder you will be hit.

Its special in a lot of ways but not something you wont be able to fight down and be prepared for another wave with unless you dont want to be well and keep yourself healthy.

Best thing is to be aware of a possible infection. That way you can end up with a simple case of the sniffles.

How is it significantly worse than the flu?

Besides the quarantine recommendations which are mostly due to the lack of effective treatment at the moment, this virus has very little potential to cause serious damage. It'll kill a bunch of old people and aids patients, like the flu does every year and that's about it in that regard.

Quarantine regulations will be reduced/lifted when crucial industries would be at risk by strict enforcement.

So what are you so worried about?

Oh look its you in the future.
They got some sick ass blankets ready for you.

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>wat do?
pic realated

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she certainly got some juicy, tasty bits if you know what I mean

>How is it significantly worse than the flu?
It causes much more severe symptoms than the flu. But that being said, stockpiling shit is pretty dumb. Things might get rough and lead to a succession but, unfortunately, not to what I know from my post-apocalyptic videogames.

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hello fellow saaranon
we are nowhere save

I don't. Please explain

What the fuck I am about to start writing my thesis in a few weeks. Already have a meeting with a prof lined up what would a shut down mean for me? I just want to be done already.

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>It causes much more severe symptoms than the flu.

In people with shit immune system and without effective treatment or vaccine maybe - most infected seem to be basically free of symptoms. That isn't the case with the flu - you know when you have it.

i can relate

>That isn't the case with the flu
That's literally the case. Look it up.

it won't keep you from writing, will it?

What we're seeing in Italy so far is a 25-30% mortality rate - 107 dead, 276 recovered.
Yes the data is probably skewed because we have a lot of old people and the old with preexisting conditions probably take less time to die than normal people take to recover, but this is starting to look statistically significant to me and it's a far cry away from the supposed 3.4% the WHO is touting (wtf i thought it was 2!), or even the 6-7% that comes out from China's data (calculated again with recoveries and deaths, not infected and deaths).

I think in a few weeks we may find out, to the immense surprise of absolutely fucking no one, that China has been heavily doctoring the data like they do every single time with every disease that breaks out over there.

>tfw fly back home Friday
>42 cases in my state
How fucked am I?

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>What we're seeing in Italy so far is a 25-30% mortality rate - 107 dead, 276 recovered.
But isn't the average age in Italy like 72 or something?

No, I have Klausuren to write

In the moment its managable, but it could go bad very quick.
Apparently we only have 60 Icu stations that can be quarantined. With the 15% hospitalization rate of the virus we will only have resources for 400 infected on average.
That means, when we surpass that number, then it wont be a 2% death rate but a 15% death rate and it will hit kids and younger people too.
So it has potential to get really bad and the goverment has missed its chance.

its 6% pls calcuate it once for yoruself before plastering idiotic who numbers here all the time combinde with th question if they are true.
51039 cured 3214 dead

First case confirmed in Slovenia. A nigger from Morocco who traveled through Italy brought it here.

Well no but if things are shut down who will approve my Antrag auf Zulassung zur Thesis? And who would even read and evaluate it? I mean I do have 8 weeks to write it and in theory everything could be back to normal until then (lel) but what if shit get's shut down before I even officially get to start?

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wird dir eh nicht mehr geliefert, du bist 2 wochen zu spät junge

stop, don't touch me there!

für Deutschland rki.de, ansonsten bno news


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It's 45.

>60 icu beds
I hope your region is super small because even here in Piemonte with just 4.5 million people we have over 200 set aside and they're freeing up more as quickly as possible.
Despite the fact that only 10 are currently in use for this virus, as well. By the way the fact that even OUR massively incompetent government is taking this so seriously is cause for concern afaic.

I was specifically talking about ITALY you stupid fucking retard, can you read?

Danke :)
Mehr trinken könnte ich, pipi sieht nicht gut aus.

i came back to this thread to laugh at you

>straya so low


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Die haben ne Demo gemacht obwohl überall corona ausbricht? Die sind echt nicht ganz sauber.

Did not expect the percentage to be that high (apparently 2/3 go without symptoms) - you learn something new every day

I agree that the management has been horrific and has added much to the public reacting as it does - if corona was a much more deadly virus we would have been absolutely fucked. I hope this can serve as a warning shot for future pandemic events - hospitals are only now starting to open seperate entry points for potentially infected patients, putting up tents.. I had always believed this kind of stuff was basic level precautions. Apparently they needed a bunch of infected medical staff to realize it may be a good idea..