Latinos are starting to move into the Midwest

Today was reported by Fox that Midwestern towns and cities are starting to see a rapid growth, mainly fueled by second generation latinos.
The Midwest is the last bit of the old American culture we still hold, mainly white and so on.
It wouldn't matter if they concentrated in specific areas of the country, I mean, it would matter but not as bad. Now it's spreading like a disease and infecting all areas of the country. Shit's depressing.

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Yep. Nepalese too. I wonder what’s “going on”

I like the way you die, boy.

There's out to a third generation in a small town here. They name their kids names like John, and call them Junior.

I'm a 3rd generation Hispanic and I'm moving to the Midwest. Deal with it

No keep them the fuck out. Chicago already dropped their niggers off downstate and if I start seeing even more shit skins I'm going to fucking snap

Really its your country dying, you just have to drag is down with your spic asses.

>I like the way you get hopped up on Jewish propaganda that makes you believe you will have a chance in the grand wars to come

weve been here since ww2. who do you think does the farm work?

>spic asses.
What's the point of being white if you sound like a nigger?

St Louis is still gonna be majority black for a while. It’d be interesting to see how the Hispanics deal with them

One has to speak in a way shitskins can understand

its a bit ironic since lost of mexican aliens come from the midwest of mexico.

Colorado was fucking destroyed by the surge in spics from California. You can actually line up graphs of our decline with the increasing spic population.

>sound like a nigger
Ah the only thing you can sound like with your mongrelized Indian rape baby version of Spanish

This is why you idiots spamming those images causes shit.
It gives us the map of where to go next.
I love it.
Race war never, you will be breed out before you even get a chance.

i honestly hate living during these times.

its starting to feel like theres nothing to lose, so we may as well do something drastic. Our future is nothingness, so why not take a good shot at restoring our nations.

i hate being surrounded by blacks and shitskins. i get glared at when i visit their stores, and then see them making a mess at every other store.

i fucking despise it. i wish they all would wake up on morning and feel so ashamed about what they do each and every day, that we can begin to uave a somewhat normal society again.

it really feels like since smart phones, and the web have become more and more influential in our lives, that it also coincided with the boom of the minority populations, and the stifling of white society in the US.

i just want to live in a country with some history, and white traditions.

this nigger riddled shithole thing is really just fucking depressing. these swine never integrated. they refuse to make the nation better. they only care for themselves.

and im beginning to care so little, i think of them as less than human.

idk if its growing pains or what in tye US, but this time period sucks so badly, and id give both my balls to have lived 75 years ago, and to be an elderly person on my way out. they uad it so wonderfully, and things are really starting to go downhill.

i hate living in the US. and im terrified the EU is going the same route. i have no identity or culture. its been appropriated and converted into nothingness.

im so unhappy.

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Shitskins in America, perhaps. I'm not from that Jew cumdumpster.
It's the equivalent of American English.

Yup, wouldn't mind mexicans except they bring their cartel culture with them. If we took in just a few it would be fine, especially if they were legal but bringing in thousands of illegals guarantees that the disgusting drug culture of the cartels will take root here.

oh well
most latinos are more based and traditional than white people these days
if anything that would help our cause

You degenerate junkies are the cartels' #1 client. They do commerce in dollars, not in MX pesos. If only you didn't have such a degenerate culture. What a nice world would that be.

50% of hand labor farm work is white Americans
If you include small farms, that's 84%

>The Midwest is the last bit of the old American culture we still hold
Not really, that's been gone for over a century and it won't be coming back. This map is pretty misleading considering Idaho and Wyoming and Maine are some of the whitest states in the union. Also the midwest is a flat shithole full of the best goys in America, what isn't Chicago Hellscape is raped by big Ag. Imagine living in a grid rat maze, I can see why it appeals to spics.

>it's not our fault we are a corrupt narco state! It's your fault!
>you make us cut off faces while people are alive can't you see? Poor beaners that we are!

The West Coast is awesome but unfortunately for them unskilled labor gigs are strained.

Yes. They tried to sell their shit here and it didn't go as planned because people were poor, conservative and weren't interested in drugs so they looked for a better market and they found you degenerate faggots. You are their gold mine.

12% of students in Watford City ND don't even speak english

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Midwest dairy farmers use lots of undocumented immigrant labor.

I live in south Texas and the vast majority of Hispanics have English/Irish/American first names

Latinos have been in the Midwest since the ‘80s. Mostly in major cities like Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland, and Milwaukee

>boomer farmers sell out the future for momentary gains

A story as old as the 1965 immigration act

There's one of them on Yas Forums. Lhotsampa are basically commie nepal niggers who illegally migrated to Bhutan, then got kicked out when they tried to overthrow the kingdom like what happened in Sikkim. Obama signed a deal that brought them all over here. Trump ended it, but they haven't been removed and cuckservative governors are happy to let them into their homogenous white states to prove how progressive they are until the commies get citizenship and predictably vote in commies.




Mexicans do drugs too, its part of your culture. Eat shit and die.

Seems like the relationship between Whites and Beaners in Texas is a lot better in comparison to the rest of the country.

Welcome to Former America (1776-1965). Where brainlet whites call themselves conservative while praising their daughter for not getting an abortion after getting knocked up by a black criminal while our neighborhoods are flooded with criminal oogaboogas merely because "maybe they will vote Republican if we talk about Jesus" has been the losing go-to strategy since 1980 for overpaid underperforming "political consultants".

Intermarriage patterns mean that many old spanish/mexican settlers and anglo/german/czech settlers have crossed bloodlines. The difference between someone of "old mexican" descent is immediately noticeable when you see how pale their skin is compared to the short brown goblinos hopping the border.

This, you can openly hate on fags and how we pay too much in taxes to them. You do that to cucked whites and they’ll be reeeeing for your head

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From So. IL. Don't see many here.

Its the relationship between the two groups that's turned really bad. Mexicans have no respect for our history, culture and laws. They violate our sovereignty and flood our country with drugs and poor people. Get the picture?

You are correct. I am in a group chat with 22 people and maybe four of them are white at most and this includes Spaniards that probably consider themselves Hispanic. Not one person in this group chat is a Democrat and I have heard every single person make a nigger joke. I went to the families house of one of the most Mexican in the group and had a great time even though I was the only white person. They were feeding us all drinks of some expensive shit (even though they are pretty poor) and they call me “mayate” which means nigger. It’s a joke cause I am tall, blonde, blue eyes. Texas is unironically already a civic nationalist state. All we need is more Mexican legal immigrants (which are typically the upper class castizo/Spaniards) and whites from the rest of America as well as Europe to bleach out the Indian and Texas will be a flourishing place for the next few decades. Alternatively the whites and Mexicans could team up to kick out all the nogs

My friend looks mestizo skin color wise but he is 6’0 and has a face that looks almost completely European. He even has an upturned nose which most white people dont have

Meant to say next few centuries

Lol trash

Lots here in Champaign County though most of them work the usual labor jobs and run Mexican restaurants.

>Calling farmers trash
Color me surprised

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the closest apostles of jesus were jewish; therefore whatever you are talking about is something good

The only people to blame for Hispanics moving to the Midwest is whites. Hispanics work harder and will do dirtier more laborious jobs without complaining then any other race. So when a Hispanic wants to work for a farmer they will easily be hired.

the closest apostles of jesus were jews, user; therefore whatever you are talking about is something good

The real person to blame for this is the US government. Back before the US government had strict border controls on the southern border Wetbacks would just come over, do the farm/ranch work, and then go back to Mexico with their family. Now they are unable to do this because it is too risky if they get caught by border patrol so they decide to stay in America instead

No joke, liberal democratic progressives need to die.

If you think whites will even exist outside of pockets of very elderly people by the year 2100 you're naive.

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If you are white, make these spics and niggers feel unwelcome. Be rude to them. Do not talk to them. Do not hire them. We must hyper racialized and tribal again. Maybe, someday we can be friends again. But not today. We are under demographic assault. This is war

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What a stupid propaganda statement. There are more White people on the planet then there has ever been in human history. we are talking HUNDREDS of millions more then prior to the genocides of WWI and WWII. Fuck off stupid.

Midwest has been fucking dead for a long time new blood would be so bad

>Race war never, you will be breed out before you even get a chance.

Highly unlikely. There are more whites alive today than ever before. All it takes is for a fraction of us to unite and we could genocide you savages easily. History proves this. White k/d ratio is godly vs non-white subhumans.

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>i just want to live in a country with some history, and white traditions.
>i hate living in the US. and im terrified the EU is going the same route. i have no identity or culture. its been appropriated and converted into nothingness.
This is the crux of it and it defines America.
>idk if its growing pains or what
No it is malicious intent by those in power. They want you this way. You are depressed, alone and without power. Without any group from which you can derive power. You're easy to rule. Welcome to multicultural free market land.

My cause is not being replaced by mexicans.

And it's only going to get worse. If you're white in this country, you best start looking for a new place to live overseas.

There is nowhere to run to.

>i hate being surrounded by blacks and shitskins.

This. Honestly, at this point I feel pure joy the few times I can go somewhere and just be surrounded by only white people. White people are nicer and better looking. It hurts bros......i just want to be around white people and live in a high trust society. Is that too much to ask for?

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I don't think you wanna corner white people. The last time the Jews did that WW2 happened.

Look how they dealt with blacks in California

Anywhere is better than here at this point.

Eh not really. I still know of several who come over for seasonal work legally and go back to Mexico in the winter. They make bank too with transfer rates. The Mexicans here for the most part stay because they hate Mexico.

>pedro thinks black people invented the word "ass"
jesus christ, please stay in mexico forever

Treat spics and niggers with the most disrespect. Don't befriend them, make them feel unwelcome, and ultimately lynch them til they move out. Make them know they've entered white man's territory. They have been disrespectful towards us then do the same to them.

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They didn't deal with them at all. This is a myth. Maybe the drug gangs got btfo but all the blacks are still here.

All I know is the world has to go to hell before anything can change. You know how easy it would be to go through each and every minority infested area in this country and wipe them all out with a few guns? The only thing stopping us is the law, but if there is no law, there's nothing protecting you fuckers from our wrath.

You're all gonna get yours eventually.
White boy out.

White South Africans in my state.

Why would you call yourself a boy?

I know people that move from Europe to here because it’s so bad. And by here I mean fucking Texas, not even that white of a state

God i hope they move up to northern minnesota, and then a solar flare takes out the power during january so i can watch them freeze to death. Then ill hope on the arctic-cat and take a sledge hammer to every spic-cicle I see

And then they go back once they've realized they made a huge mistake.

Well those are some ballsy fuckers. I saw it happen first hand at my ranch in south Texas....

Living in Europe was great compared to anywhere I've been in the US.

Thought it was strange why I see a small rural county with the largest population being black. Then I realized they have a big state prison there. Scared me for a second, whew.

the map looks like a plague, slowly creeping from the border north

shut the fuck up civnat your edgelord minecraft chat isnt real life

Perhaps it depends on the country, I know a Spanish guy who prefers the lifestyle of Spain but says it is way worse job wise and regarding demographics.
I know a Swedish girl who will never go back to live in sweden again because of the high taxes and refugees

WHO CARES about the shitty and boring Midwest? I've lived on both coasts and even down South for little while and the Midwest is the absolute state of degenerates. It's literally the most closed minded POS part of the US.

Ag corporations are intentionally inticing them here. It's awful. You have a gaggle of 30 year old hispanic dudes coming to take a summer farming job away from a 14 year old kid.

The only reason anyone moves from europe to texas is tech jobs

I don’t play Minecraft. We are all in our 20s. All friends in real life. I know an older British guy that works at a Mexican restaurant actually. I think he’s from Yorkshire

Where did you live

Neither of them do tech. I do know an Indian that moved to America for tech though. His dad is an Indian politician

fucking lol

This is their (((plan))). Instead of going after the cattle, you go after corporations. Corporations will just find new cattle if you replace their old cattle. Best to btfo the corporations and (((their))) masters.

That is what you get for voting Obama TWICE

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We are already replaced.

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>without complaining then any other race.
perfect for paying low wages instead of helping Americans.

Get the fuck off my board you leech.

Anyone who has looked at the numbers understands legal immigration [white genocide] has been the primary tool used to replace us. Over a million a year pouring in decade after decade since the 1980s. They have already replaced us. Our children are under 50% of the students under 18 now. We have quite literally already been genocided and it is now a slow decline, managed by opportunist psychopaths such as obama or trump. It is over. We lost. More legal immigration is just nails in the coffin.

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>perfect for paying low wages instead of helping Americans.
Helping americans isnt even on the table at this point. We are already replaced.

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Anglos who spread the (((BLACK LEGEND))) BTFO!!!

Long Live Hispania and all Hispanic peoples on Earth!

Columbus day is actually the day we celebrate the Hispanic royalty as they ventured to find allies against the muslims!


The media is driving the changes for their banker ownership.

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Yes, once they destroy one formerly decent place they move on to the next, sort of like cancer

Neither the GOP nor DNC support the american worker.

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Corporatism was a mistake. America is dead with corporations.

This is all we will ever know.

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Just like a spic to blame everyone else

They have done to us what they did to greece, but we never stood up and fought. We are already replaced. We have 5-10x more hispanic immigrants in usa than greece has "refugees". The same type of NGOs flooding europe with immigrants are working in USA, but in USA they are unopposed.

Millions a year are born in USA or arrive here. USA stats hide it. They are hiding the fact we are already replaced.

USA (((leaders))) have replaced us with hispanics. It has been done. it is over and we lost.

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>therefore whatever you are talking about is something good

Did you just have a stroke? What kind of nigger logic have you applied to this post?

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yeah and i'm trying to get back to europe where the white race at least respawns, though it isn't easy


Oh please
If it wasn’t for drugs there would just be more of you involved in kidnappings and human trafficking

The end of America and Europe is coming at an alarming now pace. DO WHAT MUST BE DONE or it's game over anons.

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bitch ass taconigger, by far more mexicans snorting coke here than whites. you dont really see whites doing it outside of california, but everywhere i have been mexicans are snorting the shit.

YOU are the cartel's #1 client.

>therefore whatever you are talking about is something good

Two posts, same malnourished nigger logic. Do not pass go.

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womp womp

>If it wasn’t for drugs there would just be more of you involved in kidnappings and human trafficking
Truth. Look at somalia and other places similar to mexico. Without us next door, mexico would be 100x worse than it is - and it's a near total shithole. Places in USA they come to turn into shitholes within 20 years.

Hispanics are a pox on white countries. Useless locusts. The few good ones prove the rule.

keked hard
>There are more whites alive today than ever before
Even if that's true, cherrypicked total numbers doesn't matter, before whites were the majority in the world now they are the bottom only abos are lesser in numbers.

Don't let the white californians off the hook. Just look at voting across the I-70 corridor, they bankrolled the whole operations

Upturned noses are fucking gross

Nice LARP faggot.

Theres that many fucking natives?

Always thought I’d just move to Canada when were overrun with shitskins, but Trudeau totally fucked them too.

Nah. its real. What is the point of coming to the west to exploit white people if you go to an area with no white people?

Access to white people is the only human right these rejects seem to care about. Hence basically the whole brown world still practices slavery.

As soon as whitey is subjected, open slavery will return to earth. Enslaving all goy is a core religious belief of (((the leadership))). And it has to be open slavery. they are not happy with usury chattle slaves. They want to buy and sell us on the open market. Only a slave market system will appease (((the religious beliefs of the leaders))).

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They are highly concentrated so they will take whole counties wherever they are. The map is by county.

vast majority of beaners that stay in america will be bleached within a couple generations (especially beans in the midwest)

Disgusting. They need to be deported. 30-50 million of them.

They are already more numerous than us - that means we are going to get blacked. Not the other way around. Look at their birthrates compared to ours.

WE will be blacked! And we will pay for it!

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Look for our economy before it opened to ((global)) markets and took the us drug business from the colombians. If we were further from you we would be just fucking fine.

>womp womp

These are nigger tier responses, but the verbiage indicates we are dealing with a subhuman species known as the kike.


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>Look for our economy before it opened to ((global)) markets and took the us drug business from the colombians. If we were further from you we would be just fucking fine.
Drug dealers crying that it's the victims fault has never been a good defense.

Your map is off, native Americans are nonexistent in norcal, and most counties are 70% white.

> implying it's all juans fault and not corporatism that imports them for lower wages
America is dead so long as corporatism is ruling, user.

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There are literally millions of immigrants in Europe that don't speak the language of the country that have come to live to.
shit's fubar

>before whites were the majority

What a stupid goblino. Whites were never a majority of the worlds population. We would control entire continents of shitskins without even being there.

This is a hyper tier demoralization thread.

If youre so worried about it pop out 5 or 6 kids, the richer the brownies become the fewer children theyll have.

Incredibly accurate

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>WE will be blacked
other way around. they will be bleached. white people that move to bean countries would get blacked. born/raised in FL - i’ve seen it happen with my own eyes. not saying it’s a good thing, just how life is. i don’t see anybody in power that’s willing to mass deport beans. in my opinion, mexicans are mostly okay. i think people can’t tell the difference between beans, and central american trash.

We need to remove all the Latinos.

Perfect, the Reconquista is alive and well, soon we'll reconquer our lost lands

The English speaking children of immigrants, oh no, whatever shall I do?
Be nice to my neighbors? talk about sports and skateboarding and video games and comedy and TV shows we all watch?
Oh no.

How do you stop this?

Of course it is the corporations\corrupt governments faults. The image is about the effect it has on working people.

Many are like "waht do you care if there is illegals here user?"

WELL - that is the reason.

Look waht immigration is doing to us: And while the claim "the immigrants are fine! its the laws\corporations!" is true in a causal relationship - the problems with the immigrants is a large part of why they cannot come here.

From the economic fallout to the social dissolution to the housing costs, access to medical care, and so on - these invaders are a huge attack on working people economically, and many working people simply do not comprehend all the ways it harms them.

So go ahead and be contrarian or assume that you can dismiss the issues by changing focus. The immigrants and what they do to us IS the issue. The politicians and corporations are the cause.

We need to keep both in mind and address the entire stack of problems it is causing. Animosity for the invaders is natural and must be exploited to get people who have only race based arguments to understand the economic, social, historical, and pragmatic arguments AGAINST IMMIGRATION [and it's enablers].

Thx for the comment. Checkout this poster to see a summary of how I feel.

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You aren’t wrong with some businesses but we pay h2a migrants 15 and hour and we are legally obligated to hire Americans first if they come asking for work. They never do lol.

It is numerically impossible for them to be bleached. The hispanic population will soon be a plurality. That means the majority. They outbreed us like 3:1 or 4:1.

We will have mixed kids that go on to grow ever browner as the brown world floods into USA at 1-2 million new arrivals a year.

Your argument is completely impossible. We are already being blacked.

Also, dude. it isnt possible to bleach these people. The european bloodlines have nothing to do with the invader blood lines, and even if some mexicans are 20% european, as more dark indio hispanics arrive than euro-hispanics, the dark ones continually growing in numbers will black us.

Plus all the other invaders arriving. You don't get it. There is 1-2 million new brown people a year arriving in usa. 400K brown anchor babies a year. Etc.

We are being blacked. You cannot make a statistical argument for anything else. Why try?

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>legally obligated to hire Americans first if they come asking for work. They never do lol.
Yeah because they do not know there is work to do.

That recent story of the chicken plant that had it's entire illegal workforce sent home comes to mind. They advertised 15$/hr and had hundreds of american applicants in 2 days.

Stop killing White babies!!!

The short brown ones from Central America are 20% European, Mexicans are 50-80%. Jesus dude you are fucking retarded

I am completely correct. The numbers you mention change nothing. We get mostly short brown ones in USA.

You just reaffirmed what I was saying. Nice shallow retort that proved me right!

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I don’t know about you guys on the border. Surely they’d have to be far more brave to do it illegally but their is a lot of seasonal, legal, Mexicans that come up. They get great pay and rights as stated in the programs they go through. For example they don’t have to work more then 40 hours a week legally but they work easily twice that constantly. They go back to Mexico richer then anyone there that isn’t in a cartel.

They are invaders. We dont need them. Automation and american workers are far more than enough.

>we are legally obligated to hire Americans first if they come asking for work. They never do lol.
Where do you think the "Entry level position: 3-5 years experience required" meme comes from? It's the easiest way to skirt regulations and hire foreign workers.

Maybe where you live

when they move to USA their birthrates eventually adjust. again, seen it with my own eyes.

You'd be surprised at how many of them are actually jewish

That's what you get with your stupid classification on census. I'm Hispanic according to that, even though I'm more pale than one of my friends, he's still classified as white but I'm not. When will you stop this nonsense?

We have to legally advertise the job as well mate. 2 or 3 come by if I’m being realistic but they come asking for shop work and usually are the type that need welfare job signatures to show they are trying. I can’t vouch for chicken farmers but no average white lad will move pipe for 15 an hour. They value themselves far more then that and want better work. Mexicans take the 15 and hour and work there asses off. It’s comparable to how European immigrants worked in the 20s, These guys work and die so their kids can have excellent education and lives. Not to mention their conservatism. The “they take our jobs” is a fucking meme.

You have to go back. I am working tirelessly to try and make sure you do. You are not needed or wanted here any more than I would be in your country.

Once my country treats you the way it would treat me if I comitted the same crimes in your country, I will be happy.

And yes - we can deport dreamers. Retroactive laws are a thing for a reason. And yes we can deport "legal" immigrants. Retroactively, anything is possible once Americans once again control our own borders.

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You classify fucking slavs as white lmao. For how long is this gonna endure?

>The “they take our jobs” is a fucking meme.
If it is a meme, why do the central bankers plan around it and use immigration to lower wages?

READ THE FUCKING CHART: I made it just for people like you. Go fucking read it, if you are even smart enough to comprehend it.

Of course supply and demand is real. Greater supply of workers, lower demand for labor, lower incomes. It is simple as day and night.

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I’m talking about wetbacks not legal immigrants

Lol I’m not even Mexican

>You classify fucking slavs as white lmao. For how long is this gonna endure?
Slavs are white. They are no the reconquista-rapegang rapebabies of the invaders. You sound like a jew.

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>The “they take our jobs” is a fucking meme.
If it is a meme, why is it a central obsession of bankers?

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Some of the goddamn greatest people I’ve met were and are Mexicans. We need strong borders but the fact of it is I’d rather share a community with Mexicans any day then with blacks. You aren’t wrong about automation but it’s just not here yet and not everything can be automated.

Not an argument. Look at the fucking chart:

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Where should I go back to? My family has been here since the 1600s

Shut the fuck up, spic.

Its amerimutt geopolitical end game to have multicultural NWO with New York as world capital.

I’m not remotely advocating illegal immigration and it’s associated slave labor. I’m talking legal visa Hispanics working jobs Americans won’t do for pay that is far above minimum wage.

Slavs are mongol rapebabies. I'm not a reconquista rape baby, I'm pale as snow with light brown hair and grey eyes, somehow still hispanic (how's that even a race ffs) even though my me, my parents, grandparents, great grandparents, x2 were born and lived in the States.

Go Natives

>Some of the goddamn greatest people I’ve met were and are Mexicans.
Me too. They have to go back. Our country must treat them the way Mexico treats us if we arrive with no job, no money, kids, etc. That has nothing to do with the issues.

Look at the fucking chart: I happen to think there are absolutely fabulous people from all of the 198 countries. I also think they need to stay in their own countries and work on their own societies.

USA\the west should not be undercutting it's native children by bringing in endless immigrants.

Look at the chart:

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>I like the way you get hopped up on Jewish propaganda that makes you believe you will have a chance in the grand wars to come

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Then you are an american. Look at the chart: Immigration is destroying your future.. OR do you think the affirmative action and gibs will continue after hispanics are plurality?

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>I know people that move from Europe to here because tech/engineering jobs

You are conflating Hispanics with immigrants even though lots of Hispanics have been here for generations. What a retard you are. Also there are a fuck load of American whites that live in Mexico...

Shit response mate I’m all white Mexicans don’t own the farms Kek.

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None of the people I know do that...

lel its always with the mutts with the slav not white. Manuel you go in slavic country every dude is 6"2ft oor taller plenty of blue eyes, green eyes and dudes that look like you can cast as extras in a viking show AND SOMEHOW you think American spics like you are more "white european" LOL.

Mexicans are literally the best neighbors you could ever ask for.
They keep there shit clean
They stay out of your business
They keep an eye on the neighborhood
They are genuinely courteous and respectful, even if they don't like you
They are family oriented
They have big ass bbqs and will invite you over
I have lived in exclusively latino neighborhoods for almost 20 years now and the only down side is that they can be a bit noisy because they will have a party just about every weekend but they usually keep it to the day time. You should be fucking stoked, mid west.

Retard. Even shitalian criminals were more gentlemanly than you savages. You will all die. You subhumans make me sick.

I live in the midwest. I youre not in the cities, the 1st generation immigrants work and dont bitch about the government. Latinos especially never bother anyone, they keep to themselves and are westernized. good family values.

define based, because they act just like any other third world mongrel. they're loud, they destroy public property, they don't speak English, they drive like idiots, they put stress on our school districts because they're extremely dumb and disruptive in class. just because their women and elderly go to church doesn't mean they're traditional. tradition depends on the culture and they certainly don't care for any American traditions. they will destroy this country.

No wonder white America is in decay by thinking that one of the most trash nations in the world are cool and an example to white Americans. The "slavic" countries with the height you speak of are in the Balkans. They aren't even slavic, they are just classified as such because of similar language. So what, I'm 6'2 as well, I don't even want to be affiliated with Europeans. I just want this stupid census to be fixed. "Hispanic" as a race doesn't make fuking sense

>lets be exactly what we already are!
Nice one bucko.

>American whites that live in Mexico...
Not 10s of millions of them - and zero of them are on generation after generation of welfare.

It isnt the same. If USA treated immigration the way mexico did, virtually no mexicans would be qualified to move here.

And yes, immigrant children (1st gen) are still immigrants. They are not part of our country the way americans are. Yes it depends on a lot of factors, mainly how long your family has been here and how they got here.

We did not need any of these 1-2 million immigrants a year. They are only arriving to beat up our wages and change our voting patterns. They are parasites.

To go from USA to Mexico as an immigrant is entirely different. Are you aware of the differences? There is almost no simialrities. Pic related is what immigration does to our ability to afford shelter.

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hurr durrr is that what your single mom told you when she watched CNN news about evil suburbia? Howard t. Mutt.

>immigrants work and dont bitch about the government.

They are not REAL americans. And you point out just one of the important ways they FAIL as citizens.

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This lacks so much self-awareness.

>This lacks so much self-awareness.
No. It doesnt. That is how all brown invaders view americans. Real americans (real america is almsot entirely white. that is just the way it goes in majority white countries).

Coming to a majority white country and crying because you are a minority could not be more ridiculous.

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Yep, you're retarded. You reap what you sow.

We are well aware what the brown views on white people are. We are also well aware that the immigrants are solely brought in to replace us ethnically while lowering our standards of living to brow-hoard levels.

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Imagine if the immigrants reap what they have sown (and their leaders).
Just imagine it, because it is inevitable if you proud racist fucks wont stop bashing whitey openly in whitey's own country.

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>i fucking despise it. i wish they all would wake up on morning and feel so ashamed about what they do each and every day, that we can begin to uave a somewhat normal society again.
I wish they wouldn't wake up.

>it really feels like since smart phones, and the web have become more and more influential in our lives, that it also coincided with the boom of the minority populations,
It goes back further then that. You get what you pay for, and we've been paying them to shit out kids and sit on their assess since the late 1960s.

>i just want to live in a country with some history, and white traditions.
aka an average IQ higher than 90.

>and im beginning to care so little, i think of them as less than human.
On average they ARE less than you are, lesser humans. That's why you've grown to hate them. Sure there are the exceptions. But the exceptions start to hate their own people after dealing with enough bullshit.

It would be one thing if they cared, if they tried. Nobody is going to shit on a retard who tries to listen, tries to behave, tries to do something meaningful and good. But on average they don't. As you point out, they care about nothing but their next gib.

>and id give both my balls to have lived 75 years ago, and to be an elderly person on my way out. they uad it so wonderfully, and things are really starting to go downhill.
Not everything was good. They had their challenges. But they rose up to them. White Americans need to wake the fuck up and rise to the challenge. I mean how hard is it to...
* Terminate welfare.
* End all immigration.
* Terminate all worker visa programs.
* Hold minorities to the law with harsh sentencing.

>i have no identity or culture. its been appropriated and converted into nothingness.
>im so unhappy.
Do something about it. Immerse yourself in American and European history and art. Learn about the mother fuckers (ahem, (((fuckers))) ) who are trying to undermine the west. Red pill everyone you know.

You're schizophrenic, I bet you don't even leave your house.

I’m probably a little older but I understand your pain. The comfy US I grew up in is gone, it feels less like a country and more of an economic zone of debt slaves, with Hispanics given the red carpet because they can crank out so many new debt slaves who can’t see beyond the matrix. Tbf, this darkness has been brewing for a long time, and it’s hard to have hope for the future, but try to do your best.

>You're schizophrenic, I bet you don't even leave your house.
Not an argument fuckhead.

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My half-brother's first cousin, once removed, just came by from North Dakota and paid a visit. He's German-American on his father's side. Travelling to Colombia with his girlfriend and then coming back through Central America. Might ask him to refer me to work since he works for a petroleum company.

you're all the same, even if you're not openly hostile to us you're still waiting for us to die out. you're no help, in fact you're a greater danger to us than openly hostile migrants, because you trick bluepilled whites into believing propaganda about how "they're just here to work" and "they're just like us, only brown!". look into the history of this country and decide for yourself if you really belong here. because the people who built this place would not care for you.

The world is changing, you can stay holed up in your cave, or you can embrace the change and learn to compete with other races on equal grounds.

Yeah, you are a spic. Hopefully you and your subhuman family will be dead soon

>the people who built this place would not care for you.
We have seen what mass immigration from south america, from africa, from anywhere does to us. It is all negative. It is all the same.

It is also worth noting mass immigration from any country to any other country, no matter the racial dynamics, will have the same effects:
- Reduce wages for the classes of people the immigrants compete with
- Increase housing competition
- Increase cost of all services relying on existing infrastructure and availablity of professionals\practitioners
- Increase congestion, wear and tear and all impacts on infrastructure
- Reduce existing civic systems citizens have formed to watchdog government
- Introduce foreign government influences, spies, foreign ideologies, foreign standards of living, etc.

Then there is the other effects it has when it is indigent 3rd world\2nd world brown people moving to white countries:
- Drastic lowering of cost for low-end labor.
- Complete loss of standard of living in areas where these people settle
- New and exotic diseases
- New forms and severity of violence\gangs

The lists go on. And white people moving to brown people has some unique problems for those brown citizens:
- Completely skews local economy due to outside capital's market value difference
- Creates ethnic class based rivalries for women, work, housing, other resources
- Literally gentrifies areas out of the reach of all but the wealthiest locals

Etc. The list again goes on and on.

Only carefully controlled immigration is anything short of a total disaster for local people. The future of a globalized world is one of renters and poverty with a very hard to penetrate middle and upper class.

It is bleak, and these deluded invaders are so self interested they never stop and admit the situation. Some do, and they are so nasty about it!

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>free food
>free rent
>free healthcare
>free college
>preferential hiring
>"equal grounds"

the world isn't any different than it used to be, other races have always existed. the only thing that's changing is that whites are being killed by people who are envious of what we have accomplished.

>The future of a globalized world is one of renters and poverty with a very hard to penetrate middle and upper class.
Gee, (((who))) could want this?

Thanks for the tip, kike.
You subversive fuck.

I hope your grandkids enjoy living in Brazil 2.0. Thanks for fucking up the greatest country in the history of human civilization. (Jews too)

>The world is changing
Yes. The white guilt is running out and people who have thus far had no voice in academia or media will soon have those voices as the white guilt reaches all time lows!

> you can stay holed up in your cave
You mean like the immigration policies of literally the entire world except europe\the west to so called "refugees"? Only white countries are being forced open. We are only 7-10% of the world population, yet our countries are targeted specifically for mass immigration. It is not going to continue when the white guilt runs out.

> embrace the change and learn to compete with other races on equal grounds.
Equal grounds would require the following:
- The end of all affirmative action
- The end of preferential business grants\loans\contracts\etc for minority\immigrant businesses
- The end of dysgenic welfare practices
- The end of all race based programs of any kind for loans, education positions, and so on.
- The end of the demonization of 'white nationalism' or 'white supremacy'. If la razza and ADL and CAIR exist, so can white advocacy groups.

Are you up for it?

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Eh, the rednecks were pretty welcoming to me. There's a lot of complete retards that can't hold any kind of job, but most Nebraskans treated me well.

White supremacy is a crime and a mental illness.

kek, I assure you they have been entrenched here for decades