Why don’t Europeans just team up...

Why don’t Europeans just team up, form a single Fascist super state which would collectively pool all indo-European manpower, economical power, resources and workers and raise their birth rates to an average of 3-4?

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git gud, faggot

gotta deal with them,
and now they'res tons of immigrants in the mix that need to be dealt with aswell.

Lmao, I don’t want to team up with stinky Slavs and Celts.

>a single Fascist super state

No stepping on benis :DDD

>t. shitskin

Oh sweet naive summer child dont you know that they hate each other?

"Europeans" aren't really a thing

But kikes like (You) are.

Hello Oswald Mosley

Wtf are you talking about retard?


>Yas Forums loves facism.
>Yas Forums hates the idea of a white facist state in Europe.

Why? Yas Forums is mostly Americans and a white superstate frightens them.

>what is the european union
all it takes now is for someone to take the helm of the stars and flip the switch

Because Europeans are all brainwashed and want to destroy their continent with more immigration.

Just look at Brexit. Several millions of people that voted to throw out the poles and romanians so they could replace them with shitskins instead.

>a white superstate frightens them
i thought that was the one thing we all were striving for.

>Curry VISAs
>Open borders with the common (Nigeria and Pakistan) wealth

Its worth it for the laughs.

Go into any thread where the EU is being discussed. Americans hate the idea of a white super state.

romania too strong for weak sweden

user, look at the flags of the "people" who don't like this
Are they jews? Or Americans posting with VNPs? Or genuine idiot-nationalists who are too simple minded to think beyond their own small village? Who can say.

But as an American, I would support that on the condition that it is pro-White.
An anti-White superstate must be destroyed at all costs.

well im an american, and thats the one thing id truely love to see happen.

>Why don’t Europeans just team up, form a single Fascist super state which would collectively pool all indo-European manpower, economical power, resources and workers and raise their birth rates to an average of 3-4?
we already have the 4th reich

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The people saying how much they hate every other type of European are more than likely Muslims.

Oy vey its time to D&C!

Fuck off there's no European and any union is only by shared adversaries.

yay i love Death&Cocks

When the fuck will white people realize that we have wasted several MILLENIA fighting each other just for lulz? Stinky shitskins have been trying at EVROPA for thousands of years and we managed to barely get out shit together in time to kick them the fuck out last time AND THEN THE GODDAM FRENCH AND ANGLOS HAD TO GO AND HAVE A GODDAM POWER GRAB IN SHITAKIN LAND AND FUCK UP THIS CENTURY man we could have had it all.


WHEN EUROPE FALLS ALL NATIVE EUROPEANS WILL BE WELCOME IN THE NEW NORTH AMERICAN ETHNOSTATE. But you will no longer be French or faggot English people you will be white Aryans and as the only white country in the world we will be unstoppable with nuclear weapons. Shitskins get rekt.


The EU doesn't even have an army. Once shit really hits the fan the migrants will easily overrun the national border guards and the other EU countries will simply watch and do nothing, just like they did in 2015.

The world is laughing at us and nobody cares.

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Id love that, sort of
It would just turn us into usa 2.0, mixing all the ethnicities in europe

I say fuck that, it needs to be a union and not a single entity.
There is no fucking way I will ever support that much mixing, especially with certain european mutts that will fuck up the few pure stocks left.

I'm not even that much of a purist, I believe some can be compatible for intermediate amounts of regulated mixing but one entity is gonna be a disaster.

This is true.
You know, I do not know many European nationalists personally. However, all content creators are pro White unity.
I do know many American nationalists personally and all of them, literally 100% are pro-White unity. I would suspect that if you asked any White nationalist in person whether he wants a united White front against jews and shitskins, they would say yes.

I want to reiterate that not a single content creator on our side does the Yas Forums thing where we argue whether Irish or Slavs or Iberians are White. This phenomenon seems to only take place in anonymous image boards.
This fact alone should raise red flags. I believe that it is largely an artificial, jewish ploy.

I'm actually just a scandi ( with a VPN it seems) who don't feel like being run by someone in brussel is in my best interest. Cause we are both culturally and geographically different from the continental Europe, just like the britbongs


People are bound to mix and they are doing it anyways. Nobody is 100% pure of anything.

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In this context, I agree with you. I am a strong supporter of European diversity of peoples.
However, saying that "European" isn't a thing is silly. In a political context, we are absolutely a thing.
Jews do not differentiate between Germans and Norwegians and Irish and Americans. To them, we are all White and all cursed with the Original Sin of "racism" "Privilege" and "anti-Semitism"
We are all being targeted in much the same way.
Likewise, a somali does not care whether you are a Swede or an Englishman or a Greek. He sees an infidel or a moneybag to exploit.

You know, it's possible to recognize that ones race as a whole is under threat while also seeking to preserve the cultural and ethnic distinctiveness within our own people.

I don't want to live in a single state with Alb*nians, Krauts, Turks, Bongs. I support a Polish Ethnostate.
Based Austrian. I still hate Krauts
Mutt stay on your Continent and continue to mix with le Jews.

>Polish Ethnostate
lol jews will never get an ethnostate

>nobody 100% pure so just mix doesnt matter lmao
Fuck off discord tranny anime poster

I will share a quote from Dr. William Pierce on this subject
>". One person who believes very strongly in something may devote his entire life to serving his belief, but if he knows that tens of thousands of his kinsmen around the world also are serving the same belief, then he has a great advantage: the advantage of confidence, of optimism, of enthusiasm. Most of all, he will act more boldly, with more daring, in the knowledge that he is not alone. And really, there’s nothing more important for us, outnumbered and outgunned as we are, than courage, than boldness, than audacity."
>"And if our allies are spread throughout many nations, so much the better. That makes the rightness of our cause universal. It is not just I who believes that we ought to be free, that we ought to be the masters of our own fate: the Germans agree with me; the Russians agree; the Irish agree; the Poles agree; the Magyars agree; the Swedes agree; the Romanians agree. In every country in Europe voices are being raised now for the same cause. This certainly strengthens our mutual conviction that we are right and that we must prevail."

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I'm Polish and I hate this Idea. I support a Polish Monarchist Ethnostate. No Germans, No Ruskies and No Jews.

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Poles are fucked tho I must say. The women are whores and gold diggers and the men are either complete boomer tier or just absolute bozos that fix toilets or lawn mowers. Poland is half German and half Russian mix breed.

100% Pure Pole disagrees Thai Chink. Go back to Rice the Rice Farms.

poland is 100% jews

lmao Poles are the most slav out of all Slavs you inbreed Chink.

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How does it feel being such a tiny little irrelevant country in Europe where you hate your neighbours that are similar to you genetically and while you can easily be invaded and defeated by a third world shit hole like China, India or Indonesia.

Unite or die European.

Russia and Germany fit that category more.

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is that why russians are so disgusting?

>genetically similar
>Unite or die European
Then Rama unite with your Malaysian, Vietnamese and Indonesian Brothers first.

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because the only thing we share is a similar skin tone. Our history was mostly fighting against eachother

Let's be real now for a second. Which one of your neighbours bothers you so much that "uniting" with them causes a problem?
>inb4 muh southrons
m8 no one's leaving here to come there

Nope, we want a liberal super state.

Only if it's a Greco-Roman Empire.
Which implies gassing the Judeans and T*rks

I dont wanna see your face when you realize netherlanders are more celtic than german begliae boy

We literally have this, it's called the European Union.

things are so bad Europeans cannot even conceive of the Imperium as the traditional form of state anymore
you are stuck with on one hand saps pushing all sort of deteriorating fragmentation movements, literally doing the D&C themselves and destroying any possibility of united opposition to the leviathan of globalism, which in a world that is now incredibly fragile and interconnected from an economic point of view, is like asking to be raped by the markets, then on the other hand people who cannot conceive anything other than the jacobine nation, wanting to transform Europe into an uniform trading block of generic english speaking american media consuming "whites"

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>the EU doesn't even have an army.
What? Germany just sent a sea-worthy helicopter to Greece, with 20 police officers.

romania is the roman empire

Because to have a birth rate average of 3-4 you need to defeat the toughest enemy of them all - the women.

Krauts. Krauts and their plots and subverting tactics.

Ok I kind of get it. I wouldn't want Turks to come here and control my politics either.

>Why don’t Europeans just team up, form a single Fascist super state
because most europeans wants what is happening

The guy is dead, dude.

can we have a male ethnostate?


Sure, if your wife likes it, but stop the colonisation.

No shit, retard.

New India sure looks good.

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Because we are run by people who hate everything about native Europeans

Bud I know you're Romanian but still

*does look good

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Be silent, you betrayer of Europe.

>tfw no male wife

>Of course Anglos think I want to live in one state with them.

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I would not mind to unite with Vietnamese, Laos and Cambodia. We are similar and we have same religion. But the Asian are not similar like Europeans. We are always going to be more different. It amazes me how China has managed to stay united for more than 70 years.

>4th reich

Why do I always see Polish women on Instagram that take gym selfies with .88 in their name praising Hitler subtly?

Shut up Degenerate.

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That is the plan

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The superstate i live in is already big enough and fascism is retarded.

>X of your Nationality does something
Cucks always existed. I believe Krautophiles should get the Rope. Also Jewish Platform lmao.

chad romania vs virgin chad
also traps arent degenerate

You’re probably some boomer idiot that thinks the holocaust happened. Lurk more Patrik

>Traps aren't Degenerate
Being Gay is degenerate Retard.

traps arent gay tho

Euros hate each other more than they hate non-Euros.

>Supports a Polish Nation State
All Unions of this type are Retarded and Poland won't gain anything on them.
also not Patrik but Patryk. You don't know anything about Poland so shut up.

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That'd be intredasting to watch. Are poodaloos invited to the Aryangang? We'll just fish, gather berries, hunt and ski here don't mind us =)

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>Why doesn't this continent-spanning group of people spontaneously do something entirely unrealistic in the current zeitgeist?

t. Thailand

Plenty of Poles that do, otherwise they wouldn't be obsessed with moving here

To be frank Great Plainers are similar.

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why would they want to leave europe's 2nd best country?

How is a guy with longer hair not Gay Retard.
Traps are gay, Trans are gay, Drag Queens are Gay and Tomboys are retarded.

its not gay if they look like hot girls

Swedes, Norsk, Danefags, suicide Balts make me feel bad for them, Polish Jew regime, Germies of mountain riverfaggot and commie sort, French faggots, BeNeLux degenerates, Poortucommies, Italysharts, Fetamen are too good to be arseblasted by Brussels and yet so faggy, Spaniacommies, Celtic LARPers have killee their own languages (except Wales but they don't do anything) , British arsemunchers have greater aspirations, Scottish Pakilickers, Monacoan richfags, Swiss are actually tolerable if they weren't 25% Serbian and Kosovar nationalists, Balkanlars themselves are just sad, Czechyfags are in a conundrum, Hungary, Slovakia, Romania have too many Gyppos, Ukrainians should not be dealt with, Belarus wants to become impregnated by Rvssia, Russia is fucking gay, Eesti is fine tho and other Uralics.

Yeah that's a great way of finding a wife that can birth 5 kids.

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i dont want to have kids anyways

Also I'm not Indo-European so nah I don't care. Germanic union is more realistic to happen.


Because when we try, The US, UK and Russia decides to fuck us over for the rest of the century at the behest of their small-hat masters.

You mean what happened in the 30s?

And ever since, really.
There's a reason no serious right-wing organizations can ever rise in Europe since WWII. US foreign policy goal no. 1 appears to be to fuck with Europe and, at all costs, prevent Eurasian ties.

wont be long till asia will be jewed too especially with their obsession with american culture

Silence, Ju-on.

Funny how Israel is Jewed too. It’s filled with faggots like this guy. The Jews literally Jew themselves.

This is why America remains the top priority. Toppling ZOG here means toppling ZOG everywhere.

i wont ch3ck your du6s if you call me a joo
israel is the worlds most jewed country i fucking hate it

They did, then Britain exited it.

Scarcity of social space.
It's like asking:
>Why doesn't everyone just share one big house so they can pool their manpower, economical power, resources, etc?
Unifying people in space is not the same thing as unifying people in spirit.
People who are unified in spirit will cooperate to achieve common goals even when spacially divided, eg Yas Forums, people who own their own homes, etc.
Unifying people spacially is just putting all the animals in the same cage, which leads to competition for control of the limited space, which in turn undermines unity of spirit.
The solution is more states, not less.
The costs associated with currency exchange, maintaining common standards, etc are far less than the costs due to internal competition among the people, as the former scale with the number of states, while the latter scale with the number of individuals.

frens. just wait for the reich go fullham.
habbening if eco collapses.
Predict Imperial Reichskanzler within 4 years.

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heil traps

Based. I've been trying to turn Euros onto this idea, but they always get stuck on faggy questions like "Well what is a country anyways?" and "I don't feel any kinship to THOSE people, or people in my own country, or in my town, or my neighbors, or my family, or" and don't even want to listen when I say "THAT'S THE PROBLEM!"

>Turn Euros onto idea of unity
>Europe unites
>Day 3, US bombing campaign begins supported by the eternal anglo, slavshits like last time and a tsunami of africans from the south
Yeah. Sounds like a plan, amerilard.

I only feel Kinship to the Poles. I don't want to be a part of a Nation with people that can hang my people on siege equipment. Euro Union under a different coat of paint is still a Jewish Idea,

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One thing you are forgetting is that America is not the superpower it was in the 40s or even the 90s. The illegal regime in Washington has systematically destroyed every single reason to feel patriotic. Americans do not ask "what can I do for my nation?" but "why should we do anything at all?"
The only people with even a hint of patriotism to the government are boomers.

But patriotism is not dead. It is very much alive and the patriots are all staunchly anti-government.
This means that America is a glass sword. The moment anything goes wrong, the entire house of cards will tumble down.
A large war against Europe would lead to internal sabotage and terrorism unlike anything ever seen before.

Q: What is the Kalergeri Plan?

>Outspends the rest of the world combined on military gear
>Produces the most advanced military gear
>Sole superpower on the planet
Yeah. You're much much better off now than you were in the 40s and 50s. Hell, you don't even have the hippies to deal with.
You're already in a large war with Europe. You have been for a century. You just don't need to fight it with weapons because of your financial and cultural hegemony.
You are the enemy of civilization itself and when we finally go under, the savage hordes will come for you.

americuh be fat n shiet

Silence, Ju-on

lol retarded nigger

fucking nords i tell you man

>form a single Fascist super state which would collectively pool all indo-European manpower, economical power, resources and workers and raise their birth rates to an average of 3-4

Hahah you made me laugh buddy. BWAHAHAHAHAH

... you are the problem user

>You are the enemy of civilization itself
Calm down, dude. I'm a peasant. I have nothing to do with any of the policies you're complaining about.

>But the US spends lots of money on the military
And all that money cannot even defeat small dune coon countries. Like the USSR before it, America can occupy the cities and not much else.

>But America has high tech gear.
True. This is why I said "glass sword" rather than paper tiger. A glass sword is very sharp.
However, in the process of cutting something substantial, it will shatter. You say that America doesn't have hippies. It's much worse. All the hippies are now government drones and they are the *good ones* from the System's perspective.
The rest of the population is totally uninterested in fighting far off wars. The US military is completely demoralized and directionless. Worse still, the moment that the government takes a major action, all the lone wolves who are waiting for an opportunity to strike will do so. Only God knows what they will target.

Finally, there is the orc problem. They want gibs and they want it now. A far off war is not in their interests. They just want the gibs.

Let me ask you, what exactly about the USA looks durable at this point? Do you really think that ZOG is secure? The only thing holding everything together is apathy and American conservatism

>the only thing holding everything together
is melted "cheese"

It always make me laugh when I see a retarded post from non-europeans saying that we should create a united state. What do you know about european history ?

My mom is polish and my dad is Albanian lmao

>apathy and American conservatism
I have long since learned not to underestimate the power of American apathy. The most armed populace in the world yet the population least likely to use their weapons for anything other than polishing and talking about muh "one day" that will never come.

niggers are the only ones actually using their guns

>The most armed populace in the world yet the population least likely to use their weapons for anything other than polishing and talking about muh "one day" that will never come.
This. Mutts are all just talk, but will never do shit. Even when shitskins rape and murder their daughters, they make excuses.

Because then the global jew oligarchy wouldn’t be able to exploit the most lucrative resource in the world, a straight white man.

>straight white man
didnt they make those illegal?

Insurgency is like fire. Fire requires three things; Fuel, heat, and oxygen.
Insurgency requires weapons, public anger, and opportunity.

Fuel we have in abundance.
Heat we have as well, though it is often misdirected. You can help by pointing Americans in the right direction and not equating us with our illegal regime.
The last key is oxygen. This is a problem since opportunity is more of a mental state than an accurate description. A people who feel that there is no hope of successful revolt will not risk revolting. Too, most Americans still view the illegal regime as the legitimate authority.

Hello kikel. We are all stardust after all right schlomo? We shouldn’t be putting organic matter into restrictive boxes like species or subspecies. We all come from africa right? Fuck off nigger.

You can literally draw a circle around the european genetic cluster on a map. It’s pretty straight forward and people easily subconsciously tell what race you are in milliseconds. It’s just more deconstruction jewish critical theory bullshit.

sounds familiar...

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>Teaming up with a bunch of non Countries that will leech the shit out of you and immigrate to your Country en masse

No thanks.

germany is rightful polish clay and earth is rightful romanian clay

And you're rightful Crusader clay. Silence, Ju-on. You're the reason we're in this mess as it is.

No its your fault.

Go steal some copper, gyppo.

go import some immigrants snownigger

How does that make any sense for me blaming you for your own shortcoming?

Fuck off, we're full, oven-bait.

Is that where most of you have you comes from?

My dear Polski kike.

Is that where most of you have come from?*

most jews came from russia

Is it true that ashkenazim look down on other Jews?

every type of jew looks down on all other types of jews

I assume intermarriage between Jewish groups is low then? Are you an ashkenazi?

>I assume intermarriage between Jewish groups is low then
>Are you an ashkenazi?
im a white romanian not a jew

Why are you in Israel? Married a qt jewfu?

i was born here

We know u are that turkroach user trying to d&c

Nice globalization propaganda mongolian rapebaby

>Nobody is 100% pure of anything

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